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Iran's Latest Inflation Figure Tops 50 Percent - Food Prices Jump 85 Percent

i hate iranian regime but this thing will effect common iranian folks :( not the corrupt irgc generals and their families.
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The end of pakistan will come before Iran even sneezes.
Hazaaron khwaishain aisi k har khwahish pe dam nikley .... bohot nikley merey aarma lekin phir bhi kam nikley ....
nikal khuld se Aadam ka suntey ayee ha lekin ,
Bohot bey aabru ho ker terey kochey sey hum nikley :)
Hazaaron khwaishain aisi k har khwahish pe dam nikley .... bohot nikley merey aarma lekin phir bhi kam nikley ....
nikal khuld se Aadam ka suntey ayee ha lekin ,
Bohot bey aabru ho ker terey kochey sey hum nikley :)
View attachment 556816

Dont glorify eastern pagan bhangis on this forum with replies.. stick with topic.

best of luck to Iranian people,

Death to terrorists Mullah regime.
iran import 80 percent rice though uae and other gcc countries and only 20 percent goes directly. in other word some gcc countries takes away the lion share of pakistani exporters. due these sanction others making money. pak rice goes to uae and qatar from there it goes to iran.

It's mostly Indian rice.
I am sure their so called blood brother is going to help them by sending billions of dollar of food without charging them and by buying billions of dollar Iranian crude oil in cash...Oo sorry cash is the one thing their so called Blood Brother don't have...
Iran is an exporter itself.

The problem is that current traitor Reformist government is filled with pro-west morons who want to implement the free trade sh!t and liberalism, so they have turned Iran into big import market, you just have to look at the list of their import list from U.S itself to know what I say (they can't live without U.S made furniture and aftabe!!!), and to provide the dollar for this enormous import rate, they have started exporting what they have, food of Iranian! unbelievable, but sheer reality, so of course farmers prefer to sell their products to exporters who can pay more.
Might be, but would be a fair trade if you traded fruits/spices for milk, rice, vegs and other cereals.

I am sure their so called blood brother is going to help them by sending billions of dollar of food without charging them and by buying billions of dollar Iranian crude oil in cash...Oo sorry cash is the one thing their so called Blood Brother don't have...
What are you smoking?
There was no reformist candidate , president was a person who was member of all conservative organizations you can think of .
But he participated as moderate and the reformists decided to choose between bad and worse (as for reasons better not to mentioned) they had no candidate of their own.
You are lying again, this Moderate term wasn't against conservative and Reformists, it was just against Conservatives and was being used by Zionists/Reformists just against conservatives. so please lie less.
This term was used to portray the conservatives as extremist, and advertise the Reformists' pro-west policies as the right ones, That hypocrite Rouhani just borrowed it from his Zionist masters.

Reformists did have a separate candidate (with absolute same agenda as Rouhani), but since Rouhani's hypocrisy worked better in polls, Reformists pulled their candidate out in favor of Rouhani, in second term, Reformists' sole candidate was Rouhani, Jahangiri was just a support candidate to talk in favor of Rouhani and pull out before the election (as he did exactly).

And the prices at the time of khatami was 1/3rd of the time of Ahmadinejad and let me tell you a secret the prices at the time of Rafsanjani were a lot less than the time of khatami so I wonder what you meant by your price comment.
Whom you want to fool, me or yourself?
during Ahmadinejad we faced severe oil and banking sanctions, yet Ahmadinejad managed to reverse the dollar's rising rate, by the time he gave the office to Rouhani, dollar's rate was reduced from 4000 to 3300, and even down to 3100 two months later, what excuses Rouhani had for a 20,000 rate, except his own treason(mismanagement)? cause certainly there were no new sanctions.
You are lying again, this Moderate term wasn't against conservative and Reformists, it was just against Conservatives and was being used by Zionists/Reformists just against conservatives. so please lie less.
This term was used to portray the conservatives as extremist, and advertise the Reformists' pro-west policies as the right ones, That hypocrite Rouhani just borrowed it from his Zionist masters.

Reformists did have a separate candidate (with absolute same agenda as Rouhani), but since Rouhani's hypocrisy worked better in polls, Reformists pulled their candidate out in favor of Rouhani, in second term, Reformists' sole candidate was Rouhani, Jahangiri was just a support candidate to talk in favor of Rouhani and pull out before the election (as he did exactly).

Whom you want to fool, me or yourself?
during Ahmadinejad we faced severe oil and banking sanctions, yet Ahmadinejad managed to reverse the dollar's rising rate, by the time he gave the office to Rouhani, dollar's rate was reduced from 4000 to 3300, and even down to 3100 two months later, what excuses Rouhani had for a 20,000 rate, except his own treason(mismanagement)? cause certainly there were no new sanctions.
Well origami also reduced the price from 16000 toman to 11000 for some time . exactly what Ahmadinejad did. But there is one different in time of Ahmadinejad we had oil waiver but right now we don't have them anymore.
Also about moderate and conservative and reformist . those are the term iran media used if all of them are Zionist media or the candidates are Zionist agents then I don't now to cry or laugh.
Well origami also reduced the price from 16000 toman to 11000 for some time . exactly what Ahmadinejad did. But there is one different in time of Ahmadinejad we had oil waiver but right now we don't have them anymore.
Also about moderate and conservative and reformist . those are the term iran media used if all of them are Zionist media or the candidates are Zionist agents then I don't now to cry or laugh.
Origami or whatever Ahmadinejad's rate was 3300, Rouhani's rate is 14000.

Poor trump just ended sanctions waivers yesterday and you want to link years of Rouhani's mismanagement to him?!

Yes, brain washed Pro-west morons are worse than Zionist agents, I can't think of any spy who could destroy $30 billion of Iran's nuclear infrastructure, fire scientists, suspend space programs, ruin Iran's currency rate etc, all together!
Netanyahu didn't mistake, when he wholeheartedly supported the reformists and their green sh!t movement in 2009.
I can not understand why Iran topics suddenly becomes battleground for Pak/India issues. but anyway lets go back to Iran economy.

As Mohsen mentioned in his first reply the no one issue with Iranian economy (as described by a competent Iranian economist ) is that the current western educated technocrats of Rohani government tried to implement FREE MARKET model of economy on the heavily sanctioned Iranian economy (not sure if incompetence or intentional malicious act).

These idiots closed their eyes and completely ignored the fact that when a country like Iran that can not freely export its products or no one signs trade agreements with them or has a foreign policy direction not of the liking of big powers..YOU CAN NOT HAVE FREE MARKET ECONOMY ..so they went and did it anyway and turned the country into a one way free market economy for every one to dump their products into Iran but not take anything in return (except oil!!)..This stupid policy turned Iran ito heaven for likes of LG and other western brands while bankrupting weak producers of Iran (e.g. both domestic appliance makes of iran went belly up..)..
They killed he Iranian producers and made iran to be a crude oil seller to pay for all the imports..now that is what I call an incompetent government in a self destruct mission.

Good Lord save us from these morons who blindly implemented their PHD theses on "Free market economy" on a country like Iran.
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