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Iran's Fars News Knocked Off Web By US Treasury Order


Mar 12, 2017
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
United States
Iran's well-known state media outlet Fars News Agency says US sanctions have knocked it off the internet. As of Friday and into early Saturday the en.farsnews.com domain remained inaccessible while the outlet says it quickly alternately established English content on https://en.farsnews.ir/, which remains live.

Iran says the US Treasury Department shut down international access to its English news site due to new regulations related to US sanctions.

Fars News Agency@EnglishFars


http://FarsNews.Com Domain Blocked Under US Sanctionshttp://fna.ir/devm6p

It's not the first time state-linked Iranian media outlets have had access to Western audiences blocked, with PressTV complaining in recent months about being blocked on YouTube and other popular social media sites; however it's less common for their domains to be blocked.

Fars outlet issued a Farsi language tweet Friday which reads according to a translation:

"From an hour ago, audience access to the Fars News Agency site has encountered a problem due to being placed on America's sanctions list, and the technical part of [this] News Agency is working to create access for the audience on the farsnews.ir domain."

It further said administrators of its state-controlled site were notified Friday that it was being shut down after the US Treasury Department ordered the drastic action it due to sanctions violations.

Fars has since erected a separate domain for its now blocked English language site.


As Iran's PressTV describes further:

The news agency said that it had received an email from the server company, which explicitly said that the blockage is due to an order by the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) and its inclusion in the list of Specially Designated Nationals (SDN).

The agency attached to its post a screenshot of its website with the message "www.farsnews.com’s server IP address could not be found.”

In the wake of the Jan.8 Iranian ballistic missile attack on Ayn al-Asad airbase in Iraq, Iranian media outlets were slammed by western analysts for "spreading disinformation" — which initially included claims of multiple American troop deaths and a totally obliterated base.

But in reality both sides could be blamed for sowing war propaganda and disinformation, given the US side initially said "no casualties" — later revised to 11 traumatic brain injuries, and days ago dramatically updated to 34 total head injuries.
too much western interference over the internet/social media, the non western countries need to come up with a solution, first time realizing why chinese did with their internet access.

the western social media need to become independent of the political interference otherwise this will led to major block of their sites in emerging non western markets with alternate options.

the youtube, twitter, facebook has been behaving no better than chinese regulated media

So much for the American freedom of speech BS. Lol

BTW... I consider Fras News as Fart News...

It's just the hypocrisy that's amusing.

All news is fake news and propaganda... Just like Fox News, BBC News, CNN, RT, Dawn News...

All serve an agenda of their own bias.
So much freedom of the press and freedom of expression
I've never thought I'd see this....this is what Zionism's influence and damage on Western ideas and freedoms look like. In the U.S. people often debate that even hate groups have a right to the same freedoms we all enjoy. Unbelievable, they have destroyed the American pillars of freedom and justice that they were so proud of in one presidency.....I feel sorry for Americans...I do, they're no longer in control of their media, government and big corporations. Wow!
Iran continues to March into pariah status as the US bullies the world into forcing Iran to capitulate.

Iran will be under sanctions for years to come.
East should work for alternatives in all sectors: internet, banking, currency etc. Zionist parasites control western institutions and will abuse these institutions whenever and however they like.
This is being done even as we speak,however it does take time to do this sort of thing as effectively you have to duplicate not only the infrastructure but also the political and economic agreements that were built up,in some cases over decades,that allow this infrastructure and institutions to be effective.Ultimately tho I think that more and more nations are coming to the conclusion that americas domination of global trade and finance,and their abuse of that power by attempting to use it as a weapon against nations who oppose their hegomony,is not only not in their own political and economic interests but also poses a threat to the whole concept of national sovereignty,not to mention the free trade which is the basis of the global economy.
Time will tell I guess.
So much freedom of the press and freedom of expression
Lofty ideals like that mean less than nothing to neo fascists like chump and co,you only have to look at pompeos recent outburst during an interview where he ended up cursing out and threatening the npr[National Public Radio] journalist involved.In response to this rather embarrassing outburst,trump instead of quietly asking for pompeos resignation,instead retweeted a rant from a right wing radio host asking why does the npr still even exist,trump responded with "good question".This is probably about as subtle a threat as trump is capable of.
Excellent!! The Iranians should be sanctioned to oblivion until they give up their nuclear weapons program.
Excellent!! The Iranians should be sanctioned to oblivion until they give up their nuclear weapons program.
I make a suggestion to all US or US borne individuals in this forum to consider googing the term "ZOG". By doing so you will understand why United State is considered an occupied country unable to function properly. I personally have no animosity against good decent American citizens who are also caught in this quagmire.
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