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Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

It's not obligatory. They could fly from a remote base, and land on the reserve base, which is much closer to the target.

agreed. well if what you say is true even then it dose not change the fact that it range is much more than what they said it was before.
guy's any idea how much is s-191 RCS??
i assume the number will be same as the b-2 means 0.0001 sqm.
this number means a saudi euro typhoon can detect a s-191 in 18.5 km. and this is awesome if the given RCS number is correct.
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Its quite interesting to look at the considerable amount of redesign work thats occurred between the original shahed 123,its wheeled landing gear variant and its latest ucav version.The most obvious part is that the profile of the fuselage now very much resembles the s-129.Interestingly there appear to have been 2 different wing designs employed on the different landing gear equipped versions of the original s-123.The s-123 equipped with the skid landing gear appears to have an anhedral[slight downward droop] wing while the conventional wheeled landing gear version uses a straight wing but with the tips curving downward.
Whats also interesting is that iran apparently decided to redesign the s-123 into a ucav rather than use the purpose designed mohajer 6 ucav,I wonder why?.




This looks to be the intermediate stage of the redesign with the new s-129 type fuselage,but without the modifications to the lower part of the airframe to carry the sadid glidebombs.

We can see what could possibly be part of a parachute strap near the nose of the ucav,could this be the landing system for it?
It now seems increasingly likely that the iranian uav force is starting to transition to becoming a genuine ucav force,or at the very least now having a genuine dedicated ucav wing as opposed to its former task of simply having uavs with the limited ability to attack some targets in addition to its primary surveillance and intelligence gathering mission.
Its great to see:yahoo:
as i can remember it's MoD project. maybe it's only for army.
Its a pity that the airforce didnt acquire them rather than wasting scarce resources developing its own drone.
What was even the point of developing the mohajer 6 and its own dedicated glide bomb when there was already the combat proven shahed 129 and the sadid glide bomb?.Irans military and its branches have to have a far more coherent and integrated approach to weapons development,otherwise you`re just squandering scarce resources reinventing the wheel to no benefit for anyone.
Its a pity that the airforce didnt acquire them rather than wasting scarce resources developing its own drone.
What was even the point of developing the mohajer 6 and its own dedicated glide bomb when there was already the combat proven shahed 129 and the sadid glide bomb?.Irans military and its branches have to have a far more coherent and integrated approach to weapons development,otherwise you`re just squandering scarce resources reinventing the wheel to no benefit for anyone.

Mohajer series drones was developed by Quds Aviation which is one of the oldest UAV companies of Iran so it wasn't developed by the Air Force but Iran's Kaman-12 and Akhgar was and yes except for the Akhgar I would say it's a waist and unless the Air Force can produce them at fraction of the cost Iran's Air Force should restrict it's self to +300kph UAV's and anything under that speed should at least have either have VTAL capability or some other special capability like an Air Deployed UAV's that can be deployed off fighter jet's or cargo transporters....
Shahed series are made by Shahed Aviation.

So the Iranian governments decision to purchase Mohajer-6 has more to do with government back channels and attempts to keep Qods Aviation alive. In the past Qods Aviation never had any true competitors so their R&D in building better UAV platforms was quite limited where as today it's a different story and they pretty much have to beg for those contracts and one can only hope that this doesn't become a pattern and the Funding Qods Aviation got for Mohajr-6 will forces them to adapt and be more innovative.
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Its a pity that the airforce didnt acquire them rather than wasting scarce resources developing its own drone.
What was even the point of developing the mohajer 6 and its own dedicated glide bomb when there was already the combat proven shahed 129 and the sadid glide bomb?.Irans military and its branches have to have a far more coherent and integrated approach to weapons development,otherwise you`re just squandering scarce resources reinventing the wheel to no benefit for anyone.

Mohajer series drones date back to a iran-Iraq war. It is still used.
Mohajer series drones was developed by Quds Aviation which is one of the oldest UAV companies of Iran so it wasn't developed by the Air Force but Iran's Kaman-12 and Akhgar was and yes except for the Akhgar I would say it's a waist and unless the Air Force can produce them at fraction of the cost Iran's Air Force should restrict it's self to +300kph UAV's and anything under that speed should at least have either have VTAL capability or some other special capability like an Air Deployed UAV's that can be deployed off fighter jet's or cargo transporters....
Shahed series are made by Shahed Aviation.

So the Iranian governments decision to purchase Mohajer-6 has more to do with government back channels and attempts to keep Qods Aviation alive. In the past Qods Aviation never had any true competitors so their R&D in building better UAV platforms was quite limited where as today it's a different story and they pretty much have to beg for those contracts and one can only hope that this doesn't become a pattern and the Funding Qods Aviation got for Mohajr-6 will forces them to adapt and be more innovative.
Ah,right.Sounds like good old corruption to me:"Heres a contract to produce something we dont need so you wont go bust".
Wouldnt it have made more sense economically to have had them sub contract out and be producing components and sub assemblies for the other services drone programs instead,or even produce someone elses design under license?.The only other option normally would`ve been to have them build the mohajer 6 just for export,but sadly that isnt an option either.
The smart move would`ve been to have had qods aviation and the airforce work together,since the airforce now has an interest in creating its own drone force.But sadly its seems that the airforce wants to design and build them itself with sadly predictable results at least based on what we have seen from them so far.

Mohajer series drones date back to a iran-Iraq war. It is still used.
That may well be true of the earlier models of the mohajer series,but I`ve seen little sign if any that the mohajer 6 male class drone is actually in service with any branch of the military.
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new gen of Saeghe _ 1 UCAV can carry 4 smart bombs now.




new gen of Saeghe _ 1 UCAV that was carrying 4 smart bombs.


new UCAV project called Maeede.




It can not be said that this model is the final one.
new gen of Saeghe _ 1 UCAV can carry 4 smart bombs now.




new gen of Saeghe _ 1 UCAV that was carrying 4 smart bombs.

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new UCAV project called Maeede.




It can not be said that this model is the final one.
very crude concept. why would you need a VTOL drone to fire mortar??o_Oo_O
however i'm a big fan of VTOL drones.
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