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Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

The UAV has parachutes that was deployed so it came down vertically and the reason for all the damage you see is because it hit the ground much harder than it should of! so either the parachute sucks or it was deployed far too late to slow descent.

And I'm pretty sure they weren't aiming to land it at school with live ordinance onboard even on a Friday!!!!!!!! At altitude a UAV like this can easily glide from one end of Zahedan to the other end and land in an empty field!!!!! so if the pilot had control of the thing at a sufficient altitude the pilot would have just glide it out to an empty field or to Zahedan Airport!

My best guess is the UAV either had engine problems or hit something shortly after takeoff which caused it to stall or spin out of control before it had gained sufficient altitude & parachute was deployed far too late to have an effect.
It's also possible that the pilot took too sharp of a turn that caused the UAV to tip over and due to the low powered engines of these type of UAV's regaining control would be next to impossible but it would be the job of Qods Aviation to prevent such things from happening although wind can also become a factor and cause you to tip over during turns.

But that's all speculation without knowing exactly where that school is located I wouldn't be able to give a better speculation as to what may have happened!

And if the Schools in Zahedan are anything like most schools in Tehran then they look relatively similar to house or a small size apartment building with an external Parking lot big enough to hold ~12 cars comfortably! So what I can tell you is that they just got lucky that it landed in a School on a Friday because from the damage shown it's quite clear they didn't have much control over where it was going to crash!!!!
ِDidn't knew Mohajer 6 had parachute . but at least one thing is good and that's Sadid bomb, this accident show that the body and design of the bomb is strong enough to tolerate such crash and don't blow up.
The UAV has parachutes that was deployed so it came down vertically and the reason for all the damage you see is because it hit the ground much harder than it should of! so either the parachute sucks or it was deployed far too late to slow descent.

And I'm pretty sure they weren't aiming to land it at school with live ordinance onboard even on a Friday!!!!!!!! At altitude a UAV like this can easily glide from one end of Zahedan to the other end and land in an empty field!!!!! so if the pilot had control of the thing at a sufficient altitude the pilot would have just glide it out to an empty field or to Zahedan Airport!

My best guess is the UAV either had engine problems or hit something shortly after takeoff which caused it to stall or spin out of control before it had gained sufficient altitude & parachute was deployed far too late to have an effect.
It's also possible that the pilot took too sharp of a turn that caused the UAV to tip over and due to the low powered engines of these type of UAV's regaining control would be next to impossible but it would be the job of Qods Aviation to prevent such things from happening although wind can also become a factor and cause you to tip over during turns.

But that's all speculation without knowing exactly where that school is located I wouldn't be able to give a better speculation as to what may have happened!

And if the Schools in Zahedan are anything like most schools in Tehran then they look relatively similar to house or a small size apartment building with an external Parking lot big enough to hold ~12 cars comfortably! So what I can tell you is that they just got lucky that it landed in a School on a Friday because from the damage shown it's quite clear they didn't have much control over where it was going to crash!!!!
1. There is no parachute.

2.beside crash statistics of drones like this, glide has limitations too.

3. In the video, name of street and schools is mentioned.
1. There is no parachute.

2.beside crash statistics of drones like this, glide has limitations too.

3. In the video, name of street and schools is mentioned.

You don't have a clue so just stop talking!!!!!




What's you point about Glide limitations? No one said they didn't so Elaborate!

ِDidn't knew Mohajer 6 had parachute . but at least one thing is good and that's Sadid bomb, this accident show that the body and design of the bomb is strong enough to tolerate such crash and don't blow up.

It has parachutes!


1. There is no parachute.

2.beside crash statistics of drones like this, glide has limitations too.

3. In the video, name of street and schools is mentioned.

Clearly your a person that doesn't know much of anything but likes to act as if they do!!! LOL!

Mohajer is cheap and low cost UAV unlike Shahed 129.

I don't see the name of the street in your post and my Instagram isn't working! All it say's is that yek madreseh hasheyeh shar Zahedan!!!!!
You don't have a clue so just stop talking!!!!!

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What's you point about Glide limitations? No one said they didn't so Elaborate!

It has parachutes!

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Clearly your a person that doesn't know much of anything but likes to act as if they do!!! LOL!

I don't see the name of the street in your post and my Instagram isn't working! All it say's is that yek madreseh hasheyeh shar Zahedan!!!!!
Yes, its say school in suburb. And for clarification most of the school in suburbs areas or small cities have big yards with one floor buildings. I personally do not have any Idea about schools with small yards and several floors. I really sorry for Tehrani kids which do not have big yards.
Yes, its say school in suburb. And for clarification most of the school in suburbs areas or small cities have big yards with one floor buildings. I personally do not have any Idea about schools with small yards and several floors. I really sorry for Tehrani kids which do not have big yards.

Tehran is Iran's most populated city with 8 Million People clearly not all the schools can have big yards!!!!!!!!
For sports and PE some schools take the kids to courts or football fields near by but most don't even do that!
Most yards in schools in Tehran are only big enough for a basketball court nothing more so goalkoockeek only!!!!!!!!! So yea it sucks!

I've never seen an Iranian school inside or outside of Tehran that had it's own football field like schools in the U.S. do!

And I said a house or a small sized apartment! By Apartment I didn't mean a high rise! Usually 1, 2 or 3 levels no more and 12 cars is about the size of a basketball court!

Your telling me you had a football filed at your schools?
You don't have a clue so just stop talking!!!!!

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I already saw that, and still I said there is no parachute, cause unlike you may eyes are connected to my brain.
That tiny thing (if parachute) has any use but for vertical landing.

why do you think no body would use parachutes for big drones? perhaps you think they don't have a genius like you in their inventory!

May god help you!

And I said a house or a small sized apartment! By Apartment I didn't mean a high rise! Usually 1, 2 or 3 levels no more and 12 cars is about the size of a basketball court!

Your telling me you had a football filed at your schools?
not grass football field but big enough to have cement fields for footsall size as well as cement separate fields for Volleyball and Basketball and Tennis and we had another yard in front of school for morning lining. God damn my high school was so so big.
I already saw that, and still I said there is no parachute, cause unlike you may eyes are connected to my brain.
That tiny thing (if parachute) has any use but for vertical landing.

why do you think no body would use parachutes for big drones? perhaps you think they don't have a genius like you in their inventory!

May god help you!

Are you blind or illiterate?


PARACHUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What is wrong with you?????????????? No wonder your an Ahmadi supporter even when faced with the truth you still can't accept it!!!!!!!!!!

Good thing it's writing right on top of the damn thing!!!!!!!!!

And it's location is for vertical landing!!!!!!! NO Idiot would put a parachute there for breaks

And that red thing you see by the wing is the parachute!!!!!!!!!! It's a thin UAV parachute and it's sitting right on the tip of the wing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

not grass football field but big enough to have cement fields for footsall size as well as cement separate fields for Volleyball and Basketball and Tennis and we had another yard in front of school for morning lining. God damn my high school was so so big.

God damn you guys were lucky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If Iran want's to get better at Football then all the schools outside large cities should have grass football fields!!!!!!

We need our youth to get used to running on grass with cleats and a real soccer ball at a young age!!!! with matches between schools!
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God damn you guys were lucky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If Iran want's to get better at Football then all the schools outside large cities should have grass football fields!!!!!!

We need our youth to get used to running on grass with cleats and a real soccer ball at a young age!!!! with matches between schools!
my high school was in suburb area at that time but now 10 years later it become in the city !!!
But I think players who play on grass fields become machiny player like germans, Cement fields improve technichs.
The only thing I could find that resembles that schools is the Red dot so clearly they had no control over where it was going to crash because there are far better empty fields around the school plus the location of the school is well under 2km from Zahedan Airport!


Clearly they got lucky that it landed in the yard of an empty school on a Friday!!!!!!!! (I KNOW THAT MUCH For a FACT)

If I was to speculate and that's' all it is, a SPECULATION! I would say it was a tip over stall likely upon takeoff and if so I would put the fault on the Pilot & Mission commander because the UAV had a parachute!!!

The reason the UAV hit the ground so hard with a Parachute is because it didn't have sufficient altitude and based of the location of Zahedan Airport there is absolutely no reason for this type of UAV while armed with live ordnance to be flying under 2000 meters over a populated Iranian city during peace time specially with live ordinance onboard!!!!!!!!

With live ordinance onboard during peace time and based on the location of the Airport the mission commander should have planed a far better route

But without actually talking to the pilot and mission commander this is all speculation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For all I know the parachutes could have accidently been deployed!!!! It could have been hacked!!!!!!! Or Sabotaged!!!!!!! Or hit by a missile! Or an Airborne directed energy weapon!

Clearly they got lucky based on the crash location!

my high school was in suburb area at that time but now 10 years later it become in the city !!!
But I think players who play on grass fields become machiny player like germans, Cement fields improve technichs.

I disagree!!!!!!!!!! A lot of European national teams today are using foreign born players!!! And have you ever been to Germany? Endurance & Speed needs to be developed from a young age! Running on grass with cleats and playing with real footballs needs to become instinctive and that can only happened if developed from a young age!

Once you have those type of players then the rest is proper coaching that can teach proper technics!!!!!!!!!!!
Tehran is Iran's most populated city with 8 Million People clearly not all the schools can have big yards!!!!!!!!
For sports and PE some schools take the kids to courts or football fields near by but most don't even do that!
Most yards in schools in Tehran are only big enough for a basketball court nothing more so goalkoockeek only!!!!!!!!! So yea it sucks!

I've never seen an Iranian school inside or outside of Tehran that had it's own football field like schools in the U.S. do!

And I said a house or a small sized apartment! By Apartment I didn't mean a high rise! Usually 1, 2 or 3 levels no more and 12 cars is about the size of a basketball court!

Your telling me you had a football filed at your schools?
My primary school in Tehran had at least 3 football fields one was grass football field ... beside lab, restaurant, play ground , Amphitheater .. it was too much big you could have lost in it .. every class was at least 50 meters ... but my secondary school was 2~3 stores building with small yard had no space even for morning lining ... for sport and PE classes we were taken to stadium nearby which took 10 minutes ..not much left for the actual activity.
So you could find Iranian school inside of Tehran with own football field like Alborz.
My primary school in Tehran had at least 3 football fields one was grass football field ... beside lab, restaurant, play ground , Amphitheater .. it was too much big you could have lost in it .. every class was at least 50 meters ... but my secondary school was 2~3 stores building with small yard had no space even for morning lining ... for sport and PE classes we were taken to stadium nearby which took 10 minutes ..not much left for the actual activity.
So you could find Iranian school inside of Tehran with own football field like Alborz.

Not everyone gets to go to Alborz we are talking in general!!!!!

My primary school in Tehran had at least 3 football fields one was grass football field ... beside lab, restaurant, play ground , Amphitheater .. it was too much big you could have lost in it .. every class was at least 50 meters ... but my secondary school was 2~3 stores building with small yard had no space even for morning lining ... for sport and PE classes we were taken to stadium nearby which took 10 minutes ..not much left for the actual activity.
So you could find Iranian school inside of Tehran with own football field like Alborz.

For my elementary school I used to think are yard was really big that was only till I visited it again!!! LOL!

For middle school our yard was about two basketball field but half of it was trees and flower..... It used to be a house that they had recently converted to a school & they didn't much care about sports!!!!!!!!!! but years later the purchased the building next door and expanded

For high school we had a small yard but our school took the kids either to a Basketball court or a football field near by depending on your choice I'm not sure if we had an option for tennis or swimming I know my cousins school had an option for swimming because he was on the team!
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Are you blind or illiterate?


PARACHUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What is wrong with you?????????????? No wonder your an Ahmadi supporter even when faced with the truth you still can't accept it!!!!!!!!!!

Good thing it's writing right on top of the damn thing!!!!!!!!!

And it's location is for vertical landing!!!!!!! NO Idiot would put a parachute there for breaks

And that red thing you see by the wing is the parachute!!!!!!!!!! It's a thin UAV parachute and it's sitting right on the tip of the wing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thin UAV parachute sitting right on the tip of the wing!!!!!!!

do you know the size of a human parachute, let alone Mohajer 6 with 600kg weight???
Is there a reason Iran isn't modernizing its military through a combination of buying (jets from Russia, drones from China, etc.) and indigenous development? I know there are some sanctions in place but it seems they are heavily focused on the latter. Also, why not the S400 vs the S300?
thin UAV parachute sitting right on the tip of the wing!!!!!!!

do you know the size of a human parachute, let alone Mohajer 6 with 600kg weight???

FYI Humans don't have Landing gears that can bare the impact without injuring themselves!!!!!!!!!! The comparison is absurd! The UAV wouldn't even be able to land on a runway if it's landing gears were as weak as human legs!!!!!!!

It's a thin UAV Parachute (by comparison to human parachutes) and modern tech allows you to make these type of Parachutes much thinner than they used to be and it is NOT as small as you think it's just folded placed by the wing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Just as the Karrar that is by far much heavier than this UAV has a Parachute for vertical landing so does the Mohajer-6 and Karrar unlike the Mohajer-6 doesn't even have landing gears to help bear the impact!!!!
FYI previous Mohajer models had them too!

And the size and location of the straps are clearly for Vertical Landing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! with booms that big NO Idiot would place a Parachute with 4 massive straps placed exactly on the Aircrafts CG (Center of Gravity) to be used as landing breaks! It's absurd!!!!!!!!!!! There are far easier methods that would take up far less space and far less maintenance for simple landing breaks or emergency breaks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And it doesn't take a genius to figure that out!!!!!!!! My GOD!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU??????????????????

As I said no wonder your an Ahamdi supporter!!!!!!! Even with the truth right in your face you refuse to accept reality!!!!!!!!!!!
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