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Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

Private drone company:


It's a Qods Aviation Mohajer 6!

And it was Armed too!!!!!!!!

Syria should have a lot of this shit by now as Iran's prime allie

Right as if US UAV's never crash!!!!!!

Armed Iranian UAV (Mohajer?) that probably crashed in Iran/Pakistan border region while on patrol for terrorists.
Mohajer is cheap and low cost UAV unlike Shahed 129.

Although all UAV's crash I firmly believe that Qods Aviation shouldn't have gotten the contract until they came up with a better design and until then I think they should have just gotten Shahed Avation to build a cheaper model of the Sh-129 equipped with cheaper sensors and com's on the same Airframe maybe with an Iranian engine with the fixed landing gear like on the 1st prototype
I wonder if they could not find a street or open field to crash land the uav and had to do it inside a school ?!!
To me it won't look something a responsible person do.
Wonder what pilot taught when he did that.
Schools are closed on Friday, so that's the safest place.

Empty school vs crowded streests, he has made the best choice.
Schools are closed on Friday, so that's the safest place.

Empty school vs crowded streests, he has made the best choice.
Well I don't knew about there but here on Friday schools have extracurricular program.
Schools are closed on Friday, so that's the safest place.

Empty school vs crowded streests, he has made the best choice.
Well I don't knew about there but here on Friday schools have extracurricular program.

The UAV has parachutes that was deployed so it came down vertically and the reason for all the damage you see is because it hit the ground much harder than it should of! so either the parachute sucks or it was deployed far too late to slow descent.

And I'm pretty sure they weren't aiming to land it at school with live ordinance onboard even on a Friday!!!!!!!! At altitude a UAV like this can easily glide from one end of Zahedan to the other end and land in an empty field!!!!! so if the pilot had control of the thing at a sufficient altitude the pilot would have just glide it out to an empty field or to Zahedan Airport!

My best guess is the UAV either had engine problems or hit something shortly after takeoff which caused it to stall or spin out of control before it had gained sufficient altitude & parachute was deployed far too late to have an effect.
It's also possible that the pilot took too sharp of a turn that caused the UAV to tip over and due to the low powered engines of these type of UAV's regaining control would be next to impossible but it would be the job of Qods Aviation to prevent such things from happening although wind can also become a factor and cause you to tip over during turns.

But that's all speculation without knowing exactly where that school is located I wouldn't be able to give a better speculation as to what may have happened!

And if the Schools in Zahedan are anything like most schools in Tehran then they look relatively similar to house or a small size apartment building with an external Parking lot big enough to hold ~12 cars comfortably! So what I can tell you is that they just got lucky that it landed in a School on a Friday because from the damage shown it's quite clear they didn't have much control over where it was going to crash!!!!
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