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Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

You make nonesense again. All the blasts that hit the Panstir are small explosions, and these mini Turkish bombs, the UAVs carry. They are not MK84s. If they were so you are sure you understand.
SAA suffered losses of operation level of a single frontline sector, not the significant backbone breaking losses Turkey claims.

Yes Turkey is a nation that has the capability to kill Pantsirs, but not with non-LO 200km/h drones... they just filmed the from over 30km safe distance.

These two claims are invalid.

1st claim is debunked by tons of videos published online for the whole world to see. You can extrapolate from there and think how much damage was inflicted in total since the vast majority of damage isnt even recorded on camera. Plus, do you have any evidence to suggest to support your claim?

The 2nd claim. So you are saying the drones can safely reach above the Pantsirs but once it reaches there it can’t drop its bombs. Is that it? If the drone is capable of hovering over the Pantsir, what do you think is stopping it from releasing its bombs? Do you think it can’t aim form that altitude? Do you think the Pantsirs can evade the bombs? Do you think Pantsirs can bring out a shield? Or fly away? What is it?

And again, when Turkey makes these claims it puts forward crystal clear evidence to support it. Which is the videos. Do you have any evidence suggesting it was not the drones? Or is your evidence “it seems hard so it probably didnt happen”?
There is no point in pursuing an endless war,
Yeah, specially when opponent (SAA) is advancing quickly in this so called endless war!

our real enemy in the region is PYD and Israel.
An interesting definition of enemy you have, considering all of political and even military cooperations between Israel and Turkey!

Real murderers are the ones who drop barrel bombs on civilians.

Stop being stupid. Communicate with the Sunnis in Syria,and form an alliance with them.
Yes, the world in which cannibals, child beheaders and women enslavers are called civilians, can promise an alliance between Shiah and wahhabis too!

from terminology point of view, I bet alliance has even a more interesting meaning than the word enemy in your vocabulary.
1st claim is debunked by tons of videos published online for the whole world to see. You can extrapolate from there and think how much damage was inflicted in total since the vast majority of damage isnt even recorded on camera. Plus, do you have any evidence to suggest to support your claim?

Almost all losses were recorded and proudly shown. As said, its magnitude is at operation level of a single front line sector. That's a benefit of such drone operation, you record almost every action you do automatically.

As far as I remember losses of armored vehicles of all kinds were around 50, which is much, but only for a single frontline sector.

The 2nd claim. So you are saying the drones can safely reach above the Pantsirs but once it reaches there it can’t drop its bombs. Is that it? If the drone is capable of hovering over the Pantsir, what do you think is stopping it from releasing its bombs? Do you think it can’t aim form that altitude? Do you think the Pantsirs can evade the bombs? Do you think Pantsirs can bring out a shield? Or fly away? What is it?

That's a key point: they don't hover above targets. Turkish thermal sensors have capability levels that allow stand-off targeting and filming. 15km to up to 30km in horizontal distance (well outside Pansir range) are well possible.
That's the reason why Aselsan is developing all those new optical systems: stand-off targeting from high altitude.

Pantsir is per design made to intercept mach 2 HARM. Do you think even its gun system has any problems to target those 300-500km/h slow glide PGMs Turkey use?

You can saturate a Pantsir or attack it from multiple directions if it is not used as a battery of 4, to cover all sectors (the case for Syria due to low availability), but that would be at huge losses due to the slow speed of such MALE UAVs.

And again, when Turkey makes these claims it puts forward crystal clear evidence to support it. Which is the videos. Do you have any evidence suggesting it was not the drones? Or is your evidence “it seems hard so it probably didnt happen”?

Turkey initially tried to sell a UAE Pantsir as a Syrian one, so much on "thruth".
My evidence is technical: You can't effectively kill a Pantsir with MALE drones of such kinematic disadvantage as present.
Look: We all heard Israeli stories for decades on how their ECM system can defeat S-300 any anything else: ECM is not magic.
You may get lucky to jam a single one, on one frequency that is operating without its battery members (like in Syrian case). You might get a Pantsir which search radar is not working/rotating (like in the lastest video).
You might get a Pantsir which crew does not know how to use its thermal camera guidance system once under jamming.
But this is all outside the norm: Just use a few F-16 with 5 or more AGM-142 launched simultaneously and you have your Turkish kill of a Pantsir operating alone and with no support from IADS level systems.
That's a trophy, Turkey is certainly capable to get against a Syria which has concentrated its AD assets against Israel.
Yeah, specially when opponent (SAA) is advancing quickly in this so called endless war!

An interesting definition of enemy you have, considering all of political and even military cooperations between Israel and Turkey!

Yes, the world in which cannibals, child beheaders and women enslavers are called civilians, can promise an alliance between Shiah and wahhabis too!

from terminology point of view, I bet alliance has even a more interesting meaning than the word enemy in your vocabulary.
You are the stupid Muslim type that Israel loves most. You are labeling everybody as vahabbist,this is stupid. I wouldn't want to talk so hard because I don't normally see Iran as an enemy, and I love Iranians. but you don't want to understand.

And we killed 3000 Assad men in the price of their mistake.
Almost all losses were recorded and proudly shown. As said, its magnitude is at operation level of a single front line sector. That's a benefit of such drone operation, you record almost every action you do automatically.

As far as I remember losses of armored vehicles of all kinds were around 50, which is much, but only for a single frontline sector.

That's a key point: they don't hover above targets. Turkish thermal sensors have capability levels that allow stand-off targeting and filming. 15km to up to 30km in horizontal distance (well outside Pansir range) are well possible.
That's the reason why Aselsan is developing all those new optical systems: stand-off targeting from high altitude.

Pantsir is per design made to intercept mach 2 HARM. Do you think even its gun system has any problems to target those 300-500km/h slow glide PGMs Turkey use?

You can saturate a Pantsir or attack it from multiple directions if it is not used as a battery of 4, to cover all sectors (the case for Syria due to low availability), but that would be at huge losses due to the slow speed of such MALE UAVs.

Turkey initially tried to sell a UAE Pantsir as a Syrian one, so much on "thruth".
My evidence is technical: You can't effectively kill a Pantsir with MALE drones of such kinematic disadvantage as present.
Look: We all heard Israeli stories for decades on how their ECM system can defeat S-300 any anything else: ECM is not magic.
You may get lucky to jam a single one, on one frequency that is operating without its battery members (like in Syrian case). You might get a Pantsir which search radar is not working/rotating (like in the lastest video).
You might get a Pantsir which crew does not know how to use its thermal camera guidance system once under jamming.
But this is all outside the norm: Just use a few F-16 with 5 or more AGM-142 launched simultaneously and you have your Turkish kill of a Pantsir operating alone and with no support from IADS level systems.
That's a trophy, Turkey is certainly capable to get against a Syria which has concentrated its AD assets against Israel.
Let me summarize what you just said so that people dont get blogged down in all of your bullshit. And I am sorry but that is what it is, I gave you the benefit of the doubt. I thought maybe you really do have some genuine evidence but turns out I was right all along.


The attacks on SAA shown in the videos is all of it. No attacks happened that were not recorded.

The number of vehicle losses is 50 in total (absolutely no evidence to support this claim whatsoever).

In the videos the UAVs appear to be hovering above the Pantsirs but that is just an optical illusion. They are in fact tens of kilometers away.

Pantsirs can fire its 75 kg missiles to intercept the 22 kg bombs from the drones (hey maybe it can intercept AK-47 bullets too?). But they can’t target the drones themselves because they are too far away.

The Pantsir was UAE owned (I dont know why that matters, but ok). Again, no evidence to support the claim.

The only evidence suggested is that it is supposed to be impossible so it has to have been faked. Or in your own words: “My evidence is technical: You can't effectively kill a Pantsir with MALE drones of such kinematic disadvantage as present.”. Thats it.

Now case closed.
Your lack of knowledge leads to deep misunderstandings, but well I have time today:

The attacks on SAA shown in the videos is all of it. No attacks happened that were not recorded.

That's how it is approached. Where there more drone kills than shown? Maybe, maybe you have psychic abilities and know or you are a MIT agent with direct access to information.
Turkey showed their trophy kills and let me just say that we don't know how many Turkish drones were killed when Buks and Pantsirs finally arrived and forces Turkey to accept ceasefire. Only when it hurts you, you put your hands away from the fire...

The number of vehicle losses is 50 in total (absolutely no evidence to support this claim whatsoever).

How many were shown in the videos? Seeing is believing, talk is cheap.

In the videos the UAVs appear to be hovering above the Pantsirs but that is just an optical illusion. They are in fact tens of kilometers away.

What do you know about aspect and angles? That "Tor-M2" which was a empty Buk TEL which Turkish PR failed to identify was filmed from such a long distance that even advanced/expensive Turkish TI optics had difficulty to identify (which lead to mis-identification).
Anyway smart guy, guess why Aselsan keeps on developing more powerful optics if it is not for stand-off surveillance...

Those Bayraktyar TB2 have low-end optics and do the attacks and Ankas have high end optics and do the stand-off filming and laser illumination.

Pantsirs can fire its 75 kg missiles to intercept the 22 kg bombs from the drones (hey maybe it can intercept AK-47 bullets too?). But they can’t target the drones themselves because they are too far away.

A reason why discussion with your level of knowledge gain me nothing: Pantsir missile explodes at a point where the FC radar determines it is closest to the approaching object... no direct hit... kill is made by fragments...
Otherwise counter mortar systems or Iron dome are also impossible?

Those drones are too slow to release their PGM outside Pantsir envelope. I was nice here and assumed Turkey has used a secret, rocket powered PGM that keeps the drone in a safe distance from the Pantsir... even then, if that existed, the Pantsir would be able to shot down those stand-off PGMs themselves. Of course there is no evidence that Turkey has such a stand-off PGM for its drones...

The Pantsir was UAE owned (I dont know why that matters, but ok). Again, no evidence to support the claim.

Its visible that the MAN (only UAE) chassis Pantsir was shown in the first video. I really wonder why you deny it... The second video is edited but seems legit. Then again the third video looks strange, radar is not rotating and explosion could be just ripple launch of two missiles, as the video suddenly stops without showing the burning wreckage.
As said, Syria and Russia admitted two Pantsirs got killed.
Its just the misleading first video that is clearly a MAN chassis, that shows Turkey was initially desperate to show results.
Your lack of knowledge leads to deep misunderstandings, but well I have time today:

That's how it is approached. Where there more drone kills than shown? Maybe, maybe you have psychic abilities and know or you are a MIT agent with direct access to information.
Turkey showed their trophy kills and let me just say that we don't know how many Turkish drones were killed when Buks and Pantsirs finally arrived and forces Turkey to accept ceasefire. Only when it hurts you, you put your hands away from the fire...

How many were shown in the videos? Seeing is believing, talk is cheap.

What do you know about aspect and angles? That "Tor-M2" which was a empty Buk TEL which Turkish PR failed to identify was filmed from such a long distance that even advanced/expensive Turkish TI optics had difficulty to identify (which lead to mis-identification).
Anyway smart guy, guess why Aselsan keeps on developing more powerful optics if it is not for stand-off surveillance...

Those Bayraktyar TB2 have low-end optics and do the attacks and Ankas have high end optics and do the stand-off filming and laser illumination.

A reason why discussion with your level of knowledge gain me nothing: Pantsir missile explodes at a point where the FC radar determines it is closest to the approaching object... no direct hit... kill is made by fragments...
Otherwise counter mortar systems or Iron dome are also impossible?

Those drones are too slow to release their PGM outside Pantsir envelope. I was nice here and assumed Turkey has used a secret, rocket powered PGM that keeps the drone in a safe distance from the Pantsir... even then, if that existed, the Pantsir would be able to shot down those stand-off PGMs themselves. Of course there is no evidence that Turkey has such a stand-off PGM for its drones...

Its visible that the MAN (only UAE) chassis Pantsir was shown in the first video. I really wonder why you deny it... The second video is edited but seems legit. Then again the third video looks strange, radar is not rotating and explosion could be just ripple launch of two missiles, as the video suddenly stops without showing the burning wreckage.
As said, Syria and Russia admitted two Pantsirs got killed.
Its just the misleading first video that is clearly a MAN chassis, that shows Turkey was initially desperate to show results.
Your analyses are always great read Peed! This one however, was so eloquent that it’s borderline poetry!
It is rather obvious, the Turks created an out of proportion propaganda from the limited damage they actually inflicted in real life. This is no surprise. Erdogan needed to save safe after the humiliations they were facing prior to this propaganda. He needed to feed his masses this fake victory, and it obviously worked. It worked in most part because the Turkish masses themselves wanted to believe they retaliated forcefully. Trying to convince them their attack is greatly propagandised is in vain. In reality however, any neutral observer can see most of claims are baseless and the evidence shows only a tiny fraction relative to what the Turks were claiming. I find it rather desperate how they are acting as if this was some wonder performance and that they're this great UAV power. All they managed to do was hit mostly defenceless assets. In the end, after arrival of air defence to the area, they ended up agreeing to some Russian deal that was even worse for them than the deals before! Even the Houthis have shown more impressive attacks using UAVs, never mind Iran itself with its attack on Abqaiq.

Just let these people believe their false victory. They need it. The real game however, continues on.
It is rather obvious, the Turks created an out of proportion propaganda from the limited damage they actually inflicted in real life. This is no surprise. Erdogan needed to save safe after the humiliations they were facing prior to this propaganda. He needed to feed his masses this fake victory, and it obviously worked. It worked in most part because the Turkish masses themselves wanted to believe they retaliated forcefully. Trying to convince them their attack is greatly propagandised is in vain. In reality however, any neutral observer can see most of claims are baseless and the evidence shows only a tiny fraction relative to what the Turks were claiming. I find it rather desperate how they are acting as if this was some wonder performance and that they're this great UAV power. All they managed to do was hit mostly defenceless assets. In the end, after arrival of air defence to the area, they ended up agreeing to some Russian deal that was even worse for them than the deals before! Even the Houthis have shown more impressive attacks using UAVs, never mind Iran itself with its attack on Abqaiq.

Just let these people believe their false victory. They need it. The real game however, continues on.

They divided your 3000+ Shia relatives into pieces. 500 of them stay on the Internet only with video recordings. They detonated the systems you couldn't imagine approaching them with drones. They reduce the number of aircraft last 100 years, and yes, one day you reduce running off Turkey errors. Please, elsewhere, buddy, if you had 10/1 of these videos, you would be celebrating the national day as the whole country.
Please be a little bit mad
By the way, Where is your 5th generation aircraft (which we couldn't see in the air)?

They divided your 3000+ Shia relatives into pieces. 500 of them stay on the Internet only with video recordings.

Add a few more zeros to those numbers. Lets called it 30,000. Since you're into the business of propagating fantasies, at least go all out.

They detonated the systems you couldn't imagine approaching them with drones. They reduce the number of aircraft last 100 years, and yes, one day you reduce running off Turkey errors.

This broken English makes no sense. Re-write it again.

Please, elsewhere, buddy, if you had 10/1 of these videos, you would be celebrating the national day as the whole country.

You're just proving my point, nothing more. I.e that you lot are basically parading around some fake videos and fake victory. Once again, I am not surprised. You needed this fake victory after the humiliations you were facing.

Please be a little bit mad

The only emotion I am feeling is embarrassment, for you lot. The fact that you're naive enough to believe nonsensical claims like you killed 3000 combatants.

By the way, Where is your 5th generation aircraft (which we couldn't see in the air)?

It's in the same place your stealth fighter is. The difference is, Iran is not relying on the British for its design and hardware.
It is rather obvious, the Turks created an out of proportion propaganda from the limited damage they actually inflicted in real life. This is no surprise. Erdogan needed to save safe after the humiliations they were facing prior to this propaganda. He needed to feed his masses this fake victory, and it obviously worked. It worked in most part because the Turkish masses themselves wanted to believe they retaliated forcefully. Trying to convince them their attack is greatly propagandised is in vain. In reality however, any neutral observer can see most of claims are baseless and the evidence shows only a tiny fraction relative to what the Turks were claiming. I find it rather desperate how they are acting as if this was some wonder performance and that they're this great UAV power. All they managed to do was hit mostly defenceless assets. In the end, after arrival of air defence to the area, they ended up agreeing to some Russian deal that was even worse for them than the deals before! Even the Houthis have shown more impressive attacks using UAVs, never mind Iran itself with its attack on Abqaiq.

Just let these people believe their false victory. They need it. The real game however, continues on.
Why waste your time for our seeds whom got ruled by us for 2 millennium and then became mongolized by invaders ?


History lesson for deluded Armenians from Anatolia (who got got invaded by Central Asian Seljuks and started calling themselves Turkish to look better but are still ARMENIANS by genetics, I will prove later)


while at the same time YOUR GRECO ARMENOID country has been ruled by multiple Iranic groups for centuries.
















Iran ruled Anatolis for 2 millennium. 90% of Anatolis are somehow similar to Iranians.




Original post by @drmeson at https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/iran-advisory-center-in-syria-warns-turkey.656109/page-3


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An ambitious word for someone who wears a Russian engine and Chinese avionics inside the American F5.

J-85 is an American engine, nice try though. At least Iran can produce its own fighter jet engines. Let me know when you lot can do something like that. Importing British engines does not count.
Why waste your time for our seeds whom got ruled by us for 2 millennium and then became mongolized by invaders ?


History lesson for deluded Armenians from Anatolia (who got got invaded by Central Asian Seljuks and started calling themselves Turkish to look better but are still ARMENIANS by genetics, I will prove later)


while at the same time YOUR GRECO ARMENOID country has been ruled by multiple Iranic groups for centuries.
















Persians ruled anatolis for almost 2 Millennium. 90% of anatoli people are similar to Iranians however their language became Turkish since Tork invasion.




Original post by @drmeson at https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/iran-advisory-center-in-syria-warns-turkey.656109/page-3



Turkey and Iran on the streets you roam anywhere you can see which of us is more similar to the Armenians. You are nothing but classical middle eastern types who think they are like Europeans like Turks.

J-85 is an American engine, nice try though. At least Iran can produce its own fighter jet engines. Let me know when you lot can do something like that. Importing British engines does not count.

TEI has been producing f16 since 1994 and now combines it with its native avionics, soon with its new radars. GE F110 engine produced in Turkey for decades ruined man. You think that people will think of you by using the Russian engine in the aircraft you can fly with 3rd class Russian metallurgy.
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