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Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

Probably, these drones serve as either reusable cruise missiles or decoys for enemy air defenses.

1 Patriot missile costs 1mln dollar and they usually launch two missiles per target, so these decoy-drones will force enemy air defenses to exhaust their missile inventory very quickly.

By the way, interesting engine on that red drone---what engine it might be?

Wouldn't it be logical for Patriot operators to pick and choose which target they decide to fire upon and leave the slower moving targets coming at them for lower-tier AA defense systems?
Wouldn't it be logical for Patriot operators to pick and choose which target they decide to fire upon and leave the slower moving targets coming at them for lower-tier AA defense systems?
it come with the speed of cruise missile , wont you use patriot against cruse missiles ?
Man,those old palavi era MQM107 airframes are probably the oldest drones in irans drone arsenal,tho I would imagine that these drones would`ve had to be heavily reengineered to still be operational all these decades later.
Can anyone give a brief translation/synopsis for all us non farsi speakers of what the military guys are actually saying in the video with regards to these drones?
They seemed to have modified a few of the MQM107's with modern turbojet engines, sensors and optics while simultaneously building a bunch more by reverse engineering the model. These drones must be relatively cheap to build. They should mass produce these drones and use them in Syria. Let's see them in action, otherwise what's the point ?

From what I understood they can fly at an altitude of 45000 ft, have a range of 500 km and can fly for 180 minutes ? if I heard correctly ? They also stated that the drones can hit ground targets with precision, engage flying targets, has electronic warfare capabilities and by the looks of it they've even modified it to release flares when under attack.

Man,those old palavi era MQM107 airframes are probably the oldest drones in irans drone arsenal,tho I would imagine that these drones would`ve had to be heavily reengineered to still be operational all these decades later.
Can anyone give a brief translation/synopsis for all us non farsi speakers of what the military guys are actually saying in the video with regards to these drones?
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I don't think those air frames are the original ones. They were intended as target drones and likely all used up to fulfil that role years ago. Iran already manufactures a drone in this class, called Karrar.
They seemed to have modified a few of the MQM107's with modern turbojet engines, sensors and optics while simultaneously building a bunch more by reverse engineering the model. These drones must be relatively cheap to build. They should mass produce these drones and use them in Syria. Let's see them in action, otherwise what's the point ?

From what I understood they can fly at an altitude of 45000 ft, have a range of 500 km and can fly for 180 minutes ? if I heard correctly ? They also stated that the drones can hit ground targets with precision, engage flying targets, has electronic warfare capabilities and by the looks of it they've even modified it to release flares when under attack.
the range is 1500 km not 500 km
The cheaper they can build these drone the better. The reason they use an established design is because they will save cost and manufacturing time. These drones are the weapons of the future. You saw what a few Iranian drones did to the Saudi oil field, now imagine 100's/1000's of such UAVs simultaneously...
Thank you for posting this vid:enjoy:
Wow,I think that might actually be the very first time that I`ve ever seen footage of those two air force built kaman 12 drones flying......amazing,sadly no weapons tho....Its a bit silly to call it a ucav if it doesnt have any weapons.

It was originally based on this thing,the Mohajem 92

Ultimately tho the airforce it seems finally grew a brain and purchased a whole lot of proven platforms like the ababil 3 and the karrar rather than trying to build an airforce only drone,tho very embarrassingly they were the last branch of the military to actually take a serious interest in drones and actually acquire some :tsk:.You`d have thought that under the circumstances that they would`ve seen the value in them and been an early adopter of them,especially since iran wasnt going to be acquiring any more combat aircraft anytime soon.......maybe they were worried that the drones would take over from them,hmm?:sarcastic:


The one single good thing from the airforces drone program was the akhgar mini cruise missile,that was potentially a good little weapon.
Thank you for posting this vid:enjoy:
Wow,I think that might actually be the very first time that I`ve ever seen footage of those two air force built kaman 12 drones flying......amazing,sadly no weapons tho....Its a bit silly to call it a ucav if it doesnt have any weapons.

It was originally based on this thing,the Mohajem 92

Ultimately tho the airforce it seems finally grew a brain and purchased a whole lot of proven platforms like the ababil 3 and the karrar rather than trying to build an airforce only drone,tho very embarrassingly they were the last branch of the military to actually take a serious interest in drones and actually acquire some :tsk:.You`d have thought that under the circumstances that they would`ve seen the value in them and been an early adopter of them,especially since iran wasnt going to be acquiring any more combat aircraft anytime soon.......maybe they were worried that the drones would take over from them,hmm?:sarcastic:


The one single good thing from the airforces drone program was the akhgar mini cruise missile,that was potentially a good little weapon.
The Akhgar small-diameter cruise missile is supposed to be armament for the Kaman-12 UCAV. I really hope they release footage of it in action.

The new sat probably has some system for UAV statelite guidance or live link mechanis...

Specially for shahed 129 amd some sorts of cruise missile...
actually last year google said it will hide Israeli sensitive facilities in google earth and will show farms instead of them. if our cruise missiles have terrain matching capability that might help to find some farms to destroy in case of war.
actually last year google said it will hide Israeli sensitive facilities in google earth and will show farms instead of them. if our cruise missiles have terrain matching capability that might help to find some farms to destroy in case of war.

In the next war Izrael will get plouged.... so maybe it is appropriate that google is showing Izrahell as farm lands...
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