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Iranian Submarines' Ambush for US Aircraft Carriers in Persian Gulf


Mar 15, 2011
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Fars News Agency :: Iranian Submarines' Ambush for US Aircraft Carriers in Persian Gulf

Iranian Submarines' Ambush for US Aircraft Carriers in Persian Gulf

TEHRAN (FNA)- A senior Iranian military commander underlined that the Iranian Navy's subsurface vessels enjoy a high capability to confront enemies' threats, and stated that Iran's submarines are able to ambush and hit enemy vessels specially US Aircraft carriers from the seabed throughout the Persian Gulf.

Speaking to FNA on Wednesday, Lieutenant Commander of the Iranian Army's Self-Sufficiency Jihad Rear Admiral Farhad Amiri said that Iran has the best electronic diesel submarines of the world, adding that enemies, the US in particular, are most focused on Iran's astonishing subsurface capabilities.

Amiri underlined that significance of submarines are not just indebted to their arms and equipment, "rather the tactical issues are very important", given the geographical specifications of the waters surrounding the county.

"For example," he stated, "if an ordinary submarines can sit in the Persian Gulf's bed it would be the worst threat to the enemy."

"That is one of the US concerns since Iranian submarines are noiseless and can easily evade detection as they are equipped with the sonar-evading technology" and can fire missiles and torpedoes simultaneously," he added.

"When the submarine sits on the seabed it can easily target and hit an aircraft carrier traversing in the nearby regions," Amiri reiterated.

Earlier this month, Iranian Army Commander Major General Ataollah Salehi called on the US to avoid sending back its military ships and aircraft carriers to the Persian Gulf after Iran's naval drills forced Washington to bring one of its carriers out of the strategic region.

Speaking on the sidelines of the naval parades in the Sea of Oman at the end of Velayat 90 massive naval drills, Salehi said that the US brought the aircraft carrier out of the Persian Gulf and the vessel passed through the Strait of Hormoz and stationed in the Sea of Oman before the start of Iran's naval drills.

As regards Iran's reaction to the vessel's redeployment, Salehi stated, "We advise, warn and recommend them (US Navy) not to return this carrier to its previous location in the Persian Gulf."

"We are not in the habit of repeating the warning and we warn only once," Salehi reiterated, without mentioning the name of the US aircraft carrier.

The aircraft carrier Salehi was referring to was the USS John C. Stennis, one of the US navy's biggest vessels.

Later, US Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman General Martin Dempsey acknowledged that Iran is able to close the Strait of Hormoz.

"They've invested in capabilities that could, in fact, for a period of time block the Strait of Hormoz," Dempsey said in an interview aired on the CBS "Face the Nation" program.

Late in November, the Iranian Navy expanded the fleet of its submarines after it received three more Ghadir-class submarines.

Speaking to reporters in a press conference at the time, Iranian Army's Navy Commander Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari said that all parts of the submarines have been designed and manufactured by Iranian experts.

Iranian commanders had earlier said that Ghadir-class submarines boosted the Navy's capability in defending the country's territorial waters.

The submarine has been designed and manufactured according to the geographical and climate conditions and specifications of Iranian waters, according to military experts.

The Iranian military officials said that the submarine can easily evade detection as it is equipped with sonar-evading technology and can fire missiles and torpedoes simultaneously.
The mini subs of Iran are perfect for the shallow waters of the persian gulf.

Are they undetectable by the sonar or trained dolphins? I don't think so. Apart from that, one or two torpedo hits cannot sink the massive carriers, subs need carrier killer missiles for sinking a carrier of that size. Those carrier killer missiles simply won't fit into Iran's midget subs.
Or undedtectable to satelites, MAD,thermal, laser, biodetection, even if a small sub can stay undetected for a while eventualy its going to have to move and a Ghadir class with two torpedos v's a US battle group isnt going to end well for the sub.
Or undedtectable to satelites, MAD,thermal, laser, biodetection, even if a small sub can stay undetected for a while eventualy its going to have to move and a Ghadir class with two torpedos v's a US battle group isnt going to end well for the sub.
well we have 17 of them and 4 more are about to be rolled out. We're making 1 every three months and things can be sped up if need be.

have fun fighting 3 Kilos, 20-30 ghadirs, Nahangs etc... and these are just subs
meanwhile thousands of speed boats and thousands of anti ship missiles are coming at you as well
well we have 17 of them and 4 more are about to be rolled out. We're making 1 every three months and things can be sped up if need be.

have fun fighting 3 Kilos, 20-30 ghadirs, Nahangs etc... and these are just subs
American submariners will certainly have fun.

meanwhile thousands of speed boats and thousands of anti ship missiles are coming at you as well
American bombers will have fun with these as well.
American submariners will certainly have fun.

American bombers will have fun with these as well.
The US is broke – broker than any nation has ever been
The US is broke
Nations don't tend to go broke in the conventional sense. Economics at a national level is merely a tug of war between competing interests and while American debt is nothing to laugh at, it is hardly going to prevent it from waging war. The US role in the global economy is always overlooked, they are, more often than not, the end user of many industries in the world and home to the largest corporations in the world...if they ever go "broke", the rest of the world will come crashing down far worse and far earlier.
A carrier group is no laughing matter, even the Europeans and Russians, with relatively high tech Navies, would stand no chance against the might of the USN. In order to adversely affect a carrier group, it is of up most importance to get close enough...I'm not sure how any craft is making it through layers of surface combatants, submarines, aircraft; in the remote chance this is possible, as soon as an Iranian vessel were to try and attack, it would reveal itself and be blown to bits.
There is a reason the US is the premier super power of the world, most of us blow off it's military superiority, but the last century has taught us:there is no greater force in conventional warfare than the US military.
Nations don't tend to go broke in the conventional sense. Economics at a national level is merely a tug of war between competing interests and while American debt is nothing to laugh at, it is hardly going to prevent it from waging war. The US role in the global economy is always overlooked, they are, more often than not, the end user of many industries in the world and home to the largest corporations in the world...if they ever go "broke", the rest of the world will come crashing down far worse and far earlier.
A carrier group is no laughing matter, even the Europeans and Russians, with relatively high tech Navies, would stand no chance against the might of the USN. In order to adversely affect a carrier group, it is of up most importance to get close enough...I'm not sure how any craft is making it through layers of surface combatants, submarines, aircraft; in the remote chance this is possible, as soon as an Iranian vessel were to try and attack, it would reveal itself and be blown to bits.
There is a reason the US is the premier super power of the world, most of us blow off it's military superiority, but the last century has taught us:there is no greater force in conventional warfare than the US military.
Too much insights on how nation-states' economies works. Too much thinking involved. Far simpler and more comforting to believe the US is 'broke'.
grandpa, don't be so thick. You guys are broke. You can't fight wars for the lolz anymore. Time to pack your bags and piss off. Nobody is going to miss you guys.
Do you know what make a sub more detectable? Movement. Do you know what make the most noise when a sub NEEDS to surface or dive? Pumps and water displacement. So how long can one of these Iranian subs stay submerged in order to remain silent to US subs or ASW sorties? How do you know there are no US subs already stationed off Iranian coasts and is recording Iranian subs and surface vessels going to and fro?
The point is, just like other "surprise" attacks against the US (i.e, Pearl Harbor or the World Trade Center), the sneaky enemy may kill a few thousand Americans and sink one carrier. Then all h3ll will break loose. It won't matter how many Iranian subs there are because every coastal installation on the Iranian side of the Gulf will be obliterated, every Iranian plane and airfield destroyed and every Iranian sub will become a coffin for its crew, before the IRG EVER gets another shot at a USN second carrier. So, take your best first shot, because that is all you will get.
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