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Iranian Space program

Just to put some fire under the Iranian Space agency officials ..
We lost 8 years of development because of Rouhani as* hole selling our space program and nuclear program to the west for no gains (oh yes I forgot.. may be we got those 3 ATR planes that they honored us by taking our money ..the 3 ATR are sitting on tarmac because they can not be serviced now)

Indian SLV..LV_III Liftes 5800 Kilogram payload. Ten years ago Iran was not far from India in space race but now we are far from India. They just tested their reusable shuttle. And we are waiting to lift 100 kilo.:fie:
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Its first stage is a cryo engine. Rouhani has no say on engine development as that is carried out by the IRGC. Bahman (Iran’s first cryo engine) is still in development. It’s iran slow development of necessary tech that is the problem.

India was always going to pull ahead of Iran they have access to hundreds of companies and tech from various western countries. Iran cannot even get Russia or China to provide some assistance.
By contrast, the Raisi administration compared to its predecessors broke every record in terms of launch frequencies.

Iran lost valuable time under the liberal and western-appeasing Rohani administration no doubt. On a side note, I spotted several flags of western regimes on that Indian SLV. Iran's all on her own by contrast.

Too early to tell but the launch frequency is far from sufficient. I understand there are issues but the ISA should STFU until they get things on track. Note, I didn’t say ‘back on track’. There never has been a real track in the first place.

We can talk when Iran has one launch a month. And that’s merely a starting point.

Iran should really stress privatization of the space industry WHILE providing strategic direction and implementation.

The ISA and Sepah are not enough.
Iran lost valuable time under the liberal and western-appeasing Rohani administration no doubt. On a side note, I spotted several flags of western regimes on that Indian SLV. Iran has been all on her own by contrast.
Although, iRGC likely do not care what limitation Rouhani was planning to put on them, but undoubtedly the civilian sector was held back alot.
Iran should really stress privatization of the space industry WHILE providing strategic direction and implementation.

What does this even mean? Most of ISA projects are from private sector or universities. Many companies/universities aid the ISA in reaching their goals.

If you are talking about developing space companies like SpaceX, that is not possible in Iran. First, in Iran a private company cannot design and build rocket engines like around the world. That is a restricted technology for obvious reasons as even the precursor fuels could be diverted towards explosives. So they would rely on IRGC aligned companies for development of engines. Which brings us back to our current problem. Any “private company” would merely be under Iran’s current defense umbrella of companies.

Second, private sector in Iran doesn’t have access to necessary debt capital markets to raise enough funding to be able reach scale. The amount needed to jumpstart a space company is significant even taking into account Iran’s benefit of lower cost vs western markets.

Look at Virgin Galatic and it’s failure or what happened to several other space based companies that are failing in Western countries to reach orbit reliably and cost effectively.
If you look at page 15 of this thread..Iran has 4 companies working on cryogenic engines..

Just like India cryogenic is the way to go for any heavy lift..cost is lower and efficiency is higher and handling and storage simpler.

So lots of room for private participation or at least private investments I space for Iran
On a side note, I spotted several flags of western regimes on that Indian SLV. Iran has been all on her own by contrast.
Of course, India has a more rational/sensible foreign policy. So it has good relations with most/almost every power/countries
Who knew waging war with the worlds only superpower has an effect on your economy and industry.👀
Well, to each his own. The Islamic Republic authorities have made their choice and policies known and acted on it. Advantages and disadvantages for everything. In short, every action has consequences. So its up to us to weight the benefits and pitfalls, and see if overall we are better off with that action/policy or not. So everything depends on the net benefit we get at the end.
Choosing greater dependence on imperialist oppressors does not denote superior rationality.
Lol You mean India is a western Puppet because they have friendly relations with western powers and thus inferior rationality? Lol
Dude, if having good and friendly/normal relations with every power and thus benefitting from win-win cooperation with all sides is not rationality then I font know what us rationality anymore. 😆 bit I definitely know Irans foreign policy hadn't been as rational as that of India, China, or even Indonesia or Malaysia etc . 😁
Lol You mean India is a western Puppet because they have friendly relations with western powers and thus inferior rationality? Lol

Try sticking to what's written without going on a tangent.

Dude, if having good and friendly/normal relations with every power and thus benefitting from win-win cooperation with all sides is not rationality then I font know what us rationality anymore. 😆 bit I definitely know Irans foreign policy hadn't been as rational as that of India, China, or even Indonesia or Malaysia etc . 😁

What you're passing off as mutual gain is an instance of unilateral dependence. Iran experienced first hand what such dependence will lead to under altered circumstances e.g. Sacred Defence.

Iran's foreign policy has been perfectly rational.
Lol You mean India is a western Puppet because they have friendly relations with western powers and thus inferior rationality? Lol
Dude, if having good and friendly/normal relations with every power and thus benefitting from win-win cooperation with all sides is not rationality then I font know what us rationality anymore. 😆 bit I definitely know Irans foreign policy hadn't been as rational as that of India, China, or even Indonesia or Malaysia etc . 😁
What you're passing off as mutual gain is an instance of unilateral dependence. Iran experienced first hand what such dependence will lead to under altered circumstances e.g. Sacred Defence.

Iran's foreign policy has been perfectly rational.
US invaded Vietnam, raped, chemical weapons, and commited a number of other crimes, but the late 1990s they reconsiled differences that were far harder to overcome than Iran and the US historical relations. Currently being the 8th largest partner for trade with the United States.

US invaded Vietnam, raped, chemical weapons, and commited a number of other crimes, but the late 1990s they reconsiled differences that were far harder to overcome than Iran and the US historical relations. Currently being the 8th largest partner for trade with the United States.

The US intends to subject Iran to the same treatment first, prior to thinking of reconciliation. That, and balkanizing Iran along "ethno"-liguistic lines.
US invaded Vietnam, raped, chemical weapons, and commited a number of other crimes, but the late 1990s they reconsiled differences that were far harder to overcome than Iran and the US historical relations. Currently being the 8th largest partner for trade with the United States.

Vietnam and the Vietcong won in the end.

Lastly Vietnam is not located on strategic waterways or sitting on energy supergiant level of reserves in natural resources
Indian Air Force has keen interest in this RLV platform, as it can be a suitable platform to launch payloads to space, do the said experiment and then retrieve the payload. And in extreme cases, capture enemy satellite in orbit and bring it down.


If ISRO can pull it off successfully, then ISRO can capture a significant chunk of international satellite launch market.

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