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Iranian Space program

Satellite Imagery Suggests Second Iranian Space Launch Has Failed


Either way, if they keep trying, they will eventually succeed.

Only 9 nations can put satellites in space. Iran has already done this in the past. The fact that they've now failed shows that they're trying to push their limits & boundaries, which is a good thing in the long run.

I like how they launch something and people wonder wtf is this thing in middle of nowhere... They should announce it, celebrate it as there is no shame in failure.
I think some recent problems are probably related to some infiltrated agents in the ranks who are asked to do whatever they can on these days as it is the 40th of the most successful Muslim nation to compromise the whole achievements in the eyes of light minded people... Is it really that hard to manipulate both Payam and Dusti and any other launches by traitors?
That's a big shame, last Safir launch worked.

They should forget Safir now and just work on fixing Simorgh.
If only they`d tested the simorghs pbv on the safir first and then flown it on the simorgh.:no:
Its ironic tho,the more complex simorgh worked well apart from the untested pbv,whle the safir which was based on proven military missiles failed:what:.
Other options would be to redesign the simorgh to use 4 of the korramshahrs more efficient 4d10 engines instead of the 4 rodongs,or to acquire the rd250/paektusan from the dprk and build a new 3m diameter tskylon 3 type booster which could put up 3-4 tons in low earth orbit.
An intermediate option would be to redesign the simorgh first stage into a tskylon 2 equivalent by using a single 2 chamber rd250/paektusan,instead of the current 4 chamber rodong based engine block,which could then likely put up around 2 tons into low earth orbit.
Iran's Heavy-Lift Space Launcher Safir-4


▲ Artistic representation of the North Korean Unha launchers family, 2017. Outdated as of 2019.

Iran's space launchers family

Iran is currently working on the most extensive family of space launchers in the Middle East, making it the fourth space faring superpower. Undisputed.

But only little has been disclosed. Indeed it takes an average of 2 to 3 decades before any of these projects can yield any concrete result.

Today we are nearing the end of the research developmental cycle, as the I.R.I. is marking its 40th anniversary.

Just like the other space superpowers, soon we will see that Iran teamed with North Korea, with its long term strategy will be able to field any satellite systems into any orbits, and conducted outer space exploration, including a manned long term presence...in the form of an orbital space laboratory (of the size of Salyut-class/Tiangong-2-class).

So stay tuned for more updates!

February 07, 2019 09:43

In an interview with CBS on Sunday, Trump said Kim "has a chance to have North Korea be a tremendous economic behemoth. It has a chance to be one of the great economic countries in the world."

Sneak peek from the North Korean side:

Updated artistic illustration:
  • 1. A mobile launcher for the possible Kwangmyongsong-5 satellite, I designated as Unha-5 SLV for clarity. Itself an adaptation of the Hwasong-15 ICBM, and also the second stage of the Unha-9 SLV.
  • 2. A manned single-seater suborbital E1 capsule, atop its launcher derived from the Unha-5 SLV.
  • 3. The Unha-9 SLV.
  • 4. The manned Unha-9 SLV with an orbital version of the single seater E1 capsule.
  • 5. And improved Unha-9, I designated as Unha-9B, with a larger and more powerful second stage, maybe cryogenic stage.
  • 6. And improved Unha-9 with four liquid propellant strap-on boosters, doubling the total liftoff thrust. I designated the Unha-18 for clarity. Associated with the orbital 3-seaters F1 capsule.
  • 7. The Qaem solid propellant SLV. Korean name still unknown.
  • 8. The heavy-lift Unha-20.
  • 9. The ultra-heavy-lift solid propellant SLV. I designated as Unha-27 for clarity.


▲ Artistic representation of the North Korean Unha launchers family, 2019.




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Other options would be to redesign the simorgh to use 4 of the korramshahrs more efficient 4d10 engines instead of the 4 rodongs
I like this idea a lot, the easiest/quickest way and would utilise the new engines of the khorramshahr
"Dusti" Satellite being placed into space successfully on board of a SAFIR SLV rocket yesterday.
Next satellite , a 100 kg satellite , dobbed "Tolou" would be placed into 500 km circular orbit in three to four months and will be operational for 3 years. Tolou will be launched on board of Simorgh SLV.


سردار قاسم تقی زاده گفت: به همت دانشمندان ایرانی و توفیق الهی، شب گذشته موشک ماهواره بر سفیر، ماهواره دوستی را به مناسبت ایام دهه فجر به فضا پرتاب کرد و در مدار قرار داد.همچنین ماهواره مخابراتی طلوع ظرف سه تا چهارماه آینده در مدار قرار خواهد گرفت.


Tolou Sat:


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"Dusti" Satellite being placed into space successfully on board of a SAFIR SLV rocket yesterday.

Next satellite , a 100 kg satellite , dobbed "Tolou" would be placed into 500 km circular orbit in three to four months and will be operational for 3 years. Tolou will be launched on board of Simorgh SLV.

سردار قاسم تقی زاده گفت: به همت دانشمندان ایرانی و توفیق الهی، شب گذشته موشک ماهواره بر سفیر، ماهواره دوستی را به مناسبت ایام دهه فجر به فضا پرتاب کرد و در مدار قرار داد.همچنین ماهواره مخابراتی طلوع ظرف سه تا چهارماه آینده در مدار قرار خواهد گرفت.


Tolou Sat:



for real ? how comes we did not saw the lunch?

"Dusti" Satellite being placed into space successfully on board of a SAFIR SLV rocket yesterday.
Next satellite , a 100 kg satellite , dobbed "Tolou" would be placed into 500 km circular orbit in three to four months and will be operational for 3 years. Tolou will be launched on board of Simorgh SLV.


سردار قاسم تقی زاده گفت: به همت دانشمندان ایرانی و توفیق الهی، شب گذشته موشک ماهواره بر سفیر، ماهواره دوستی را به مناسبت ایام دهه فجر به فضا پرتاب کرد و در مدار قرار داد.همچنین ماهواره مخابراتی طلوع ظرف سه تا چهارماه آینده در مدار قرار خواهد گرفت.


Tolou Sat:



Unlikely the launch was successful. Iran would have at the minimum made a press release especially after the failure of the previous launch.
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