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Iranian Protests

Since our American troll doesn't like to show the joy of Iranian people, I have to post it.

Unlike the image which western propaganda elements wants to depict, People don't consider counter-riot forces as murderers, here are the videos people celebrating along counter-riot forces:

And more celebration, in the face of American trolls:

Meanwhile, today people in market beat the crap out of rioters before they could even start, for several weeks these bribed rioters were threatening the store owners to close and create a fake unity or face looting:

Since our American troll doesn't like to show the joy of Iranian people, I have to post it.

Unlike the image which western propaganda elements wants to depict, People don't consider counter-riot forces as murderers, here are the videos people celebrating along counter-riot forces:

And more celebration, in the face of American trolls:

Meanwhile, today people in market beat the crap out of rioters before they could even start, for several weeks these bribed rioters were threatening the store owners to close and create a fake unity or face looting:

I am as American as you are a nationalist. Your own posts proves my point with exception of Isfahan video which is suspect.

Iranians always wear the jersey of Ecuador and wave flags.
The regime has an expertise in manufacturing fake consent and support with their bussed in crowds over the years.
Another word salad from Clown Show. Did not I recite the words from you extra supreme leader?

Afrad melli be darde ma nemikhorand ( Nationalist are worthless to us) afrade moslem bedarde ma mikhorand ( Moslems are fit our cause). Islam ba meliyat mokhalef hast (Islam is against nations and nationalism) . Maneeye meliyat in hast ke ma melat ra mikhahim va mardom ra mikhaheem ( Nationalism means country first , people first) Nationalist do not want Islam.
Say his name and the names of all the kids you killed.

Missing the point. The jester whose "Tweet" you quoted goes on to suggest that since Islamic forces do not believe in nationalism, their highlighting of separatist threats is somehow misplaced. A ludicrous type of conclusion. Since every government, no matter its ideological leanings, will naturally fight separatism and there's no hypocrisy involved in this act whatsoever. Whether that government is Islamic, socialist, nationalistic etc is irrelevant. A very basic fact the author of the shared "Tweet" doesn't seem to understand.
Last edited:


Nov 26, 2022 - Press ISW

Nicholas Carl, Kitaneh Fitzpatrick, Dana Alexander Gray, and Frederick W. Kagan
November 26, 5:00 pm ET
The Iran Crisis Updates are produced by the Critical Threats Project (CTP) at the American Enterprise Institute with support from the Institute for the Study of War (ISW). To receive Iran Crisis Updates via email, please subscribe here.
Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei publicly rejected the possibility of compromise or reform to placate the ongoing protests on November 26.
Khamenei reiterated his hard line on the protests and his accusation that foreign actors incited the unrest. He ended his speech with a Quranic verse that social media users interpreted as further affirmation that he will not make concessions.[1] Khamenei made these remarks in a meeting with Basij members and lauded their role in protest suppression.
Khamenei may have meant to use his speech to signal to other senior regime officials his disapproval of cooperating with reformists to quell the protests. Some regime power centers have signaled their willingness to cooperate with reformists and possibly implement limited reform in recent weeks. President Ebrahim Raisi and Supreme National Security Council Secretary Ali Shamkhani discussed implementing unspecified “liberalizing measures” with reformist leaders, including members of the Khomeini and Rafsanjani families, in exchange for help quelling protests in late October and possibly early November, according to the Wall Street Journal.[2] Other senior regime officials, including Mojtaba Khamenei, Judiciary Chief Gholam Hossein Mohseni Ejei, and Interior Minister Ahmad Vahidi have met with reformist politicians in recent days as well.[3] If true, it is noteworthy that Parliament Speaker Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf has seemingly not yet agreed to meet with reformists given that many of his counterparts across the Islamic Republic have. A prominent journal published by the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) furthermore responded positively on November 21 to former reformist President Mohammad Khatami’s calls for dialogue to address protester grievances.[4]
Khamenei has conversely rejected reformist outreach. Mohammad Ali Abtahi—who is a close political associate of Khatami—stated on November 26 that Khatami wrote a letter to Khamenei about the protests.[5] Abtahi added that “there is no sign that [Khamenei] has considered” the letter. Khamenei’s apparent rejection of Khatami may indicate a divide between the supreme leader and some of his subordinates over how to engage the reformists. One should not overstate any such potential disagreement, however. It is highly unlikely that any senior regime officials considering cooperation with reformists would disobey or ignore Khamenei’s orders.
Many regime officials support Khamenei’s uncompromising stance toward the protests, on the other hand. IRGC Deputy Commander Brigadier General Ali Fadavi expressed implicit support for the regime using more brutality in the protest crackdown on November 21.[6] Some hardline media outlets have similarly called for security forces to use less restraint against protesters.[7] This rhetoric indicates that at least some regime circles prefer more repression rather than limited reform.
President Ebrahim Raisi visited members of the Basij special forces on November 25, confirming their involvement in the protest crackdown.[8] Raisi met with members of the Basij Fatehin battalions and lauded their role in protest suppression.[9] The Fatehin battalions are Basij special forces that have suppressed previous protest waves and deployed to Syria to fight for despot Bashar al Assad.[10] These forces operate sniper elements.[11] The Basij has established Fatehin units in every province, according to IRGC-affiliated media.[12]
Protests centered primarily around universities on November 25, highlighting once again the different demographics that comprise the protest movement. This movement includes university and high school students, minority communities in the border regions, urban elite, and many more. Each of these demographics has led the protests at a different point in this movement, granting it an impressive degree of resilience.
Protest coordinators and organizations have called for protests throughout Iran from December 5 to 7.[13]
Key Takeaways

  • Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei publicly rejected the possibility of compromise or reform to placate the ongoing protests. Khamenei may have meant to use his speech to signal to other senior regime officials his disapproval of cooperating with reformists to quell the protests.
  • President Ebrahim Raisi visited members of the Basij special forces on November 25, confirming their involvement in the protest crackdown.
  • Protest coordinators and organizations have called for protests throughout Iran from December 5 to 7.
  • Protests centered primarily around universities, highlighting once again the different demographics that comprise the protest movement
  • At least 15 protests took place in four cities across four provinces.
  • Dozens of local leaders from Baneh, Kurdistan Province issued a video statement condemning the regime crackdown and expressing support for the protesters.
  • Iranian-backed militants fired two rockets at US patrol base in Hasaka Province, Syria.
Anti-Regime Protests
At least 15 protests took place in four cities across four provinces.
CTP assesses with high to moderate confidence that protests occurred in the following locations on November 26:
Note: CTP defines small protests as fewer than 100 individuals, medium protests as between 100 and 1,000, and protests as over one thousand.
Karaj, Alborz Province[14]

  • Crowd Size: Small
Karaj, Alborz Province[15]
  • Crowd Size: Undetermined
  • Demographic: Kharazami University of Karaj students
  • Regime Repression: Security personnel filmed protesters
Esfahan City, Esfahan Province[16]
  • Crowd Size: Small
Esfahan City, Esfahan Province[17]
  • Crowd Size: Medium
  • Demographic: Esfahan University of Technology students
Esfahan City, Esfahan Province[18]
  • Crowd Size: Medium
  • Protest Type: Strike and protest
  • Demographic: Steel workers
Alvand, Ghazvin Province[19]
  • Crowd Size: Undetermined
  • Protest Type: Strike and protest
  • Demographic: Industrial workers
Tehran City, Tehran Province[20]
  • Crowd Size: Small
  • Protest Type: Strike and protest
  • Protester Activity: Fire lit in street
  • Demographic: Automobile workers
Tehran City, Tehran Province[21]
  • Crowd Size: Small
  • Demographic: Amir Kabir University of Technology students
Tehran City, Tehran Province[22]
  • Crowd Size: Small
  • Demographic: University of Science and Culture students
Tehran City, Tehran Province[23]
  • Crowd Size: Small
  • Demographic: Allameh Tabataba'i University students
Tehran City, Tehran Province[24]
  • Crowd Size: Small
  • Demographic: University of Tehran students
Tehran City, Tehran Province[25]
  • Crowd Size: Small
  • Demographic: Kharazami University of Tehran students
Tehran City, Tehran Province[26]
  • Crowd Size: Small
  • Protest Activity: Fires lit in street
Tehran City, Tehran Province[27]
  • Crowd Size: Small
CTP assesses with low confidence that protests occurred in the following locations on November 26:
Tehran City, Tehran Province[28]
  • Crowd Size: Small
  • Protest Activity: Sit in
  • Demographic: Sharif University of Technology students

Dozens of local leaders from Baneh, Kurdistan Province issued a video statement condemning the regime crackdown and expressing support for the protesters on November 26.[29] These individuals showed their faces allowing their easy identification and risking regime punishment for their actions. This statement is similar to previous video statement from several dozen Sunni clerics and religious leaders in Kurdistan Province expressing support for the protesters on November 21.[30]
Axis of Resistance and Regional Developments
Iranian-backed militants fired two rockets at US patrol base in Hasaka Province, Syria on November 25.[31]
The attack caused no casualties or damage.[32] CTP previously reported that likely Iranian-backed militants conducted a rocket attack on US forces in northeastern Syria on November 17.[33] The IRGC likely directed these attacks to expel US forces from the region and also to respond to Washington’s perceived role in stoking protests.

[1] [2] https://www.wsj.com/articles/iran-protests-government-mahsa-amini-116691...
[3] https://www.iranintl.com/202211241814
[4] https://amwaj.media/media-monitor/irgc-media-hint-at-dialogue-facilitate...
[5] https://eslahatnews dot com/%D8%A7%D8%A8%D8%B7%D8%AD%DB%8C-%D8%A7%D8%B2-%D9%86%D8%A7%D9%85%D9%87-%D8%B3%DB%8C%D8%AF%D9%85%D8%AD%D9%85%D8%AF-%D8%AE%D8%A7%D8%AA%D9%85%DB%8C-%D8%A8%D9%87-%D8%B1%D9%87%D8%A8%D8%B1%DB%8C-%D8%AE%D8%A8%D8%B1-%D8%AF%D8%A7%D8%AF
[6] https://www.criticalthreats.org/analysis/iran-crisis-update-november-22
[7] https://amwaj.media/media-monitor/iranian-conservatives-demand-harsher-c...
[8] www.tasnimnews dot com/fa/news/1401/09/05/2811995
[9] www.president dot ir/fa/140988
[10] https://www.criticalthreats.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Whatever-it-t...
[11] https://www.longwarjournal.org/archives/2016/10/irgc-to-expand-basij-spe...
[12] www.tasnimnews dot com/fa/news/1399/01/31/2240536
[13] https://twitter.com/OutFarsi/status/1596515145114607616?s=20&t=twJQwoPLA...
[14] https://twitter.com/1500tasvir/status/1596568134403690498?s=20&t=twJQwoP... ; https://twitter.com/IranIntlbrk/status/1596579365235486722?s=20&t=FzbzUR... ; https://twitter.com/RadioFarda_/status/1596575990410784769?s=20&t=FzbzUR...
[15] https://twitter.com/iranworkers/status/1596536215918067714?s=20&t=vezDyf... ; https://twitter.com/iranworkers/status/1596535690396946436?s=20&t=7-SQQ1... ; https://twitter.com/vaasnaaa/status/1596576191531700227?s=20&t=7-SQQ1a3i... ; https://twitter.com/Sahand_Ava/status/1596542232013987840?s=20&t=7-SQQ1a... ; https://twitter.com/IranIntl/status/1596531234737364993?s=20&t=pLceLPFpP...
[16] https://twitter.com/VIsfehan/status/1596549802598322176?s=20&t=twJQwoPLA...
[17] https://twitter.com/VOAfarsi/status/1596595898875641857?s=20&t=qHRrIekkB... ; https://twitter.com/iranworkers/status/1596454978499010562?s=20&t=qHRrIe...
[18] https://twitter.com/RadioFarda_/status/1596464333696819200?s=20&t=XoJ5uR... ; https://twitter.com/iranworkers/status/1596575891550871552?s=20&t=XoJ5uR... ; https://twitter.com/Lajbaz57/status/1596594539073970176?s=20&t=XoJ5uRym-... ; https://twitter.com/SamRasoulpour/status/1596460936793305089?s=20&t=XoJ5... ; https://twitter.com/iranworkers/status/1596437215315480576?s=20&t=XoJ5uR...
[19] https://twitter.com/IranIntlbrk/status/1596434826197966849?s=20&t=oP4XtA... ; https://twitter.com/iranworkers/status/1596435023905067015?s=20&t=THwBzu... ; https://twitter.com/IranIntl/status/1596430803407339522?s=20&t=THwBzum2L... ; https://twitter.com/IranIntl/status/1596448393932390401?s=20&t=THwBzum2L...
[20] https://twitter.com/RadioFarda_/status/1596434789854240768?s=20&t=-lNwjh...
[21] https://twitter.com/RadioFarda_/status/1596432928405606400?s=20&t=PA8h05... ; https://twitter.com/nikimahjoub/status/1596491486191030276?s=20&t=PA8h05... ; https://twitter.com/iranworkers/status/1596411580362952705?s=20&t=noWe62...
[22] https://twitter.com/1500tasvir/status/1596443658903076865?s=20&t=CET0NNX... ; https://twitter.com/iranworkers/status/1596454346811662336?s=20&t=twJQwo... ; https://twitter.com/IranIntlbrk/status/1596456399135207425?s=20&t=CET0NN... ; https://twitter.com/SamRasoulpour/status/1596464649641332741?s=20&t=CET0...
[23] https://twitter.com/iranworkers/status/1596537100932874240?s=20&t=twJQwo... ; https://twitter.com/hra_news/status/1596524497623924736?s=20&t=A5PivXCbL...
[24] https://twitter.com/iranworkers/status/1596538208250126336?s=20&t=C5zhan... ; https://twitter.com/indypersian/status/1596527693213978627?s=20&t=C5zhan... ; https://twitter.com/SedayeShahrivar/status/1596541262571659264?s=20&t=C5...
[25] https://twitter.com/iranworkers/status/1596534433233920001?s=20&t=twJQwo... ; https://twitter.com/VOAfarsi/status/1596602191107616768?s=20&t=pLceLPFpP... ; https://twitter.com/hra_news/status/1596509170076995584?s=20&t=pLceLPFpP...
[26] https://twitter.com/RadioFarda_/status/1596584413072089088?s=20&t=twJQwo... ; https://twitter.com/1500tasvir/status/1596581290333331456?s=20&t=twJQwoP... ; https://twitter.com/1500tasvir/status/1596581121608716289?s=20&t=H9H0IOt...
[27] https://twitter.com/iranworkers/status/1596582204783697921?s=20&t=U4yatR... ; https://twitter.com/iranworkers/status/1596582505288695810?s=20&t=qHRrIe... ; https://twitter.com/IranIntl/status/1596589724197654528?s=20&t=U4yatR4dx...
[28] https://twitter.com/pouriazeraati/status/1596473265475981312?s=20&t=dfIu... ; https://twitter.com/iranworkers/status/1596430591511375872?s=20&t=4mcITk...
[29] [30] https://www.criticalthreats.org/analysis/iran-crisis-update-november-21
[31] https://www.syriahr dot com/en/277597/
[32] [33] https://www.criticalthreats.org/analysis/iran-crisis-update-november-17


Iran Project
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Protest Map - 26 NOV.png
10 game suspension ?

What is the penalty for firing tear gas at woman , that just wanted to see their national team play ?

Section 13 goes into how FIFA will handle discrimination going forward.

“Any person who offends the dignity or integrity of a country, a person or group of people through contemptuous, discriminatory or derogatory words or actions (by any means whatsoever) on account of race, skin color, ethnic, national or social origin, gender, disability, language, religion, political opinion, wealth, birth or any other status or any other reason, shall be sanctioned with a suspension lasting at least ten matches or a specific period, or any other appropriate disciplinary measure,” according to section 13 of FIFA rules.

Oh,and dont forget to FREE PALESTINE :azn:


Secret agents stalk ‘brave’ Iranian players from the sidelines at World Cup


Iran players are under intense pressure as they go into their second World Cup group game against the USA amid a backdrop of unrest in their homeland

Iran’s footballers are under surveillance from secret agents who have been sent out to the World Cup to watch their movements from the sidelines, according to a prominent human rights activist.

Maziar Bahari said players face repercussions for shows of dissent amid a harsh crackdown on the anti-government protests in their homeland.

The campaigner and editor expressed his admiration for the ‘brave’ players in their silence during the national anthem before the side’s opening game against England, which they lost 6-2.

He said the domestic players — being carefully monitored from the stands and sidelines in Qatar — face sanctions which could include the end of their club careers and possible arrest on home soil.

Iran Threatened Families of National Soccer Team with ‘Violence and Torture’: Report


The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps threatened the families of players on Iran’s World Cup soccer team with imprisonment and torture if the players do not “behave” before their match against the United States on Tuesday, according to a new report.

A source told CNN that players were called to a meeting with members of the IRGC after the team failed to sing the country’s national anthem during their opening match against England last week. The IRGC reportedly warned afterward that players who did not sing the national anthem or who participated in any political protest against the Iranian government would leave their families subject to “violence and torture” as retribution.

On Friday, ahead of their game against Wales, the team sang the nation’s anthem.

“There are a large number of Iranian security officers in Qatar collecting information and monitoring the players,” the source told CNN, adding that players are not allowed to meet with foreigners during the World Cup.

The Portuguese coach of Iran’s team, Carlos Quieroz, who reportedly met separately with IRGC officers, has said players can protest at the World Cup within FIFA regulations.

Widespread protests in Iran began on September 17 at the funeral of Mahsa Amini, who was arrested in Tehran by Iran’s “morality police” for allegedly wearing her hijab too loosely on September 13. She died three days later.

While Iranian officials have said that Amini died of a heart attack, her family says she was “severely beaten” while in custody. A lawyer for the family said “respectable doctors” believe she was beaten while in custody. Her death has sparked weeks of protests across Iran, in which some women have burned their hijabs and publicly chopped off their hair.

An Iranian general acknowledged for the first time Monday that more than 300 people have been killed in the protests.

The captain of Iran’s national men’s soccer team spoke in support of the anti-government protests last week.

The captain of Iran’s national men’s soccer team spoke in support of the anti-government protests last week.

“I would like to express my condolences to all bereaved families in Iran,” Ehsan Hajsafi said at a news conference. “They should know that we are with them. And we support them. And we sympathize with them regarding the conditions.”

“We have to accept the conditions in our country are not right and our people are not happy,” he added. “We are here but it does not mean we should not be their voice or we should not respect them.”

Meanwhile, Iran state media have called for the United States to be removed from the World Cup after the United States Soccer Federation supported the anti-government protesters by posting an edited version of Iran’s flag on its social-media platforms. For 24 hours, the federation posted the Iranian flag without the emblem of the Islamic Republic to show “support for the women in Iran fighting for basic human rights.”


Secret agents stalk ‘brave’ Iranian players from the sidelines at World Cup


Iran players are under intense pressure as they go into their second World Cup group game against the USA amid a backdrop of unrest in their homeland

Iran’s footballers are under surveillance from secret agents who have been sent out to the World Cup to watch their movements from the sidelines, according to a prominent human rights activist.

Maziar Bahari said players face repercussions for shows of dissent amid a harsh crackdown on the anti-government protests in their homeland.

The campaigner and editor expressed his admiration for the ‘brave’ players in their silence during the national anthem before the side’s opening game against England, which they lost 6-2.

He said the domestic players — being carefully monitored from the stands and sidelines in Qatar — face sanctions which could include the end of their club careers and possible arrest on home soil.

Iran Threatened Families of National Soccer Team with ‘Violence and Torture’: Report


The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps threatened the families of players on Iran’s World Cup soccer team with imprisonment and torture if the players do not “behave” before their match against the United States on Tuesday, according to a new report.

A source told CNN that players were called to a meeting with members of the IRGC after the team failed to sing the country’s national anthem during their opening match against England last week. The IRGC reportedly warned afterward that players who did not sing the national anthem or who participated in any political protest against the Iranian government would leave their families subject to “violence and torture” as retribution.

On Friday, ahead of their game against Wales, the team sang the nation’s anthem.

“There are a large number of Iranian security officers in Qatar collecting information and monitoring the players,” the source told CNN, adding that players are not allowed to meet with foreigners during the World Cup.

The Portuguese coach of Iran’s team, Carlos Quieroz, who reportedly met separately with IRGC officers, has said players can protest at the World Cup within FIFA regulations.

Widespread protests in Iran began on September 17 at the funeral of Mahsa Amini, who was arrested in Tehran by Iran’s “morality police” for allegedly wearing her hijab too loosely on September 13. She died three days later.

While Iranian officials have said that Amini died of a heart attack, her family says she was “severely beaten” while in custody. A lawyer for the family said “respectable doctors” believe she was beaten while in custody. Her death has sparked weeks of protests across Iran, in which some women have burned their hijabs and publicly chopped off their hair.

An Iranian general acknowledged for the first time Monday that more than 300 people have been killed in the protests.

The captain of Iran’s national men’s soccer team spoke in support of the anti-government protests last week.

The captain of Iran’s national men’s soccer team spoke in support of the anti-government protests last week.

“I would like to express my condolences to all bereaved families in Iran,” Ehsan Hajsafi said at a news conference. “They should know that we are with them. And we support them. And we sympathize with them regarding the conditions.”

“We have to accept the conditions in our country are not right and our people are not happy,” he added. “We are here but it does not mean we should not be their voice or we should not respect them.”

Meanwhile, Iran state media have called for the United States to be removed from the World Cup after the United States Soccer Federation supported the anti-government protesters by posting an edited version of Iran’s flag on its social-media platforms. For 24 hours, the federation posted the Iranian flag without the emblem of the Islamic Republic to show “support for the women in Iran fighting for basic human rights.”

Empire of lie .... first wanted to ban Iran from world cup now this crocodile tear for the same team ... this amount of lie and hypocrisy is never seen in history of mankind but the bigger problems is them believing their own nonsense.
Probably motivations such as violence and torture” as retribution to their families made them to be this happy:

On late Mahsa Amini, there is a video of her father next to her bed in hospital confirming no trauma or any sign of beating examining by doctor ... but lies never end like the Nayirah testimony, like Iraqi WMD, like Soliemani imminent threat ...

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