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Iranian Protests

You compare an accident , to the deliberate intended murder of this young men ?

Maybe you would like to explain why your regime intends to murder this young man for singing a song ? ? ?

Does this sound to you as " waging war against God " ?

Because to me it sounds like waging war against the mullahs , or maybe it is the same thing to you ?

Saman Yasin , after hearing his sentence :


The moment hero learned he would die for standing up to Iran's regime:

You compare an accident , to the deliberate intended murder of this young men ?

Comparing the bravery of an ordinary, unpretentious young lady from the USA, courageous enough to denounce the mischief of the world's extra powerful last apartheid regime (something which incidentally put her at odds with the regime ruling over her own country as well), who informed audiences about the plight of a downtrodden nation subjected to systematic repression, and who ended up getting murdered for it, on the one hand, to the entitlement of a privileged, wealthy member of the Iranian show business who, similar to the extreme majority of her colleagues, jumped on a bandwagon set in motion by the imperialist powers to be, powers whose backing she happens to enjoy, while having nothing serious to fear for her antics, on the other hand.

Four eyewitnesses describe the murder of Rachel Corrie


The zionist regime's military has not exactly been found to be the most impartial source, and the conclusions of its investigation into the matter are anything but credible.

However we can also compare to other brave women, journalists working for major news media no less, reported to have been targeted and shot dead by the zionist armed forces:

'They were shooting directly at the journalists': New evidence suggests Shireen Abu Akleh was killed in targeted attack by Israeli forces


Shireen Abu Akleh lies face down in the street, after having been shot in the head.


A Palestinian artist paints a mural in Gaza City honoring Shireen Abu Akleh, and depicting Shatha Hanaysha crouching beside her after she was killed.
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Comparing the bravery of an ordinary, unpretentious young lady from the USA, courageous enough to denounce the mischief of the world's extra powerful last apartheid regime (something which incidentally put her at odds with the regime ruling over her own country as well), who informed audiences about the plight of a downtrodden nation subjected to systematic repression, and who ended up getting murdered for it, on the one hand, to the entitlement of a privileged, wealthy member of the Iranian show business who, similar to the extreme majority of her colleagues, jumped on a bandwagon set in motion by the imperialist powers to be, powers whose backing she happens to enjoy, while having nothing serious to fear for her antics, on the other hand.

bla bla bla

In other words , you try to hide what your regime is doing , by trying to divert attention to Israel.

Known mullah tactic . How does anything Israel does , Justifies what your regime his doing to it's people ?

Your regime is about to murder a young man for singing a song !

Does that sound normal you you ? , And all you can come up with is silly excuses .

Read about it here , and explain what is the reason they are going to execute this young man :

The moment hero learned he would die for standing up to Iran's regime: Kurdish rapper holds his head in his hand as judge orders his execution for supporting protests

Saman Yasin, 27, was sentenced to death on 29 October for 'war against God'

He had supported the protests against death of Mahsa Amini by posting online

Also wrote songs speaking of topics including unemployment and oppression

This is the devastating moment a hero Kurdish rapper holds his head in his hands as a judge orders his execution for supporting protests against Mahsa Amini's death in Iran.

Saman Yasin, 27, from Kermanshah, who lived in Tehran, was violently arrested at his home on 2 October.

On 29 October, he was sentenced to death at the 15th branch of Islamic Revolutionary Court by judge Abolqasem Salavati without family or any lawyers present.

An anonymous source told anti-regime media that Saman's family were threatened against talking about it.

It is unclear when the rapper is to be executed.

The 27-year-old was accused of 'war against God' as he had supported the protests against the death of Mahsa Amini by posting about them on social media.

Also, he wrote songs speaking of topics including unemployment and government oppression.


Saman Yasin, 27, from Kermanshah, who lived in Tehran, was violently arrested at his home on 2 October, the same day as two of his friends. On 29 October, he was sentenced to death by the 15th branch of Islamic Revolutionary Court and judge Abolqasem Salavati without family or any lawyers present, pictured


An anonymous source told anti-regime media that Saman's family were threatened against talking about his death sentence. It is unclear when the rapper is to be executed. Pictured: Saman


Since Saman, pictured, was sentenced to death, numerous campaigns to overturn the ruling have been launched online

Mahsa Amini - whose death at the hands of morality police in September sparked the current wave of protests - was also Kurdish.

Since Saman was sentenced to death, numerous campaigns to overturn the ruling have been launched online.

On Twitter, a hashtag was used to support him '#سامان_یاسین - Saman Yasin and others currently facing the death sentence after being arrested in the latest protests.

Before he was sentenced to death by Salavati, Saman had been held at Fashafouyeh prison and then transferred to Evin prison. He was allegedly subject to physical and psychological torture in custody.

Salavati, sanctioned by the EU and US treasury department, has been accused of frequently handing out lengthy jail terms, lashes or death to journalists, lawyers, political activists, and ethnic and religious minorities.

The rest here :

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In other words , you try to hide what your regime is doing , by trying to divert attention to Israel.

Known mullah tactic . How does anything Israel does , Justifies what your regime his doing to it's people ?

Your regime is about to murder a young man for singing a song !

Foes that sound normal you you ? , And all you can come up with is silly excuses .

Read about it here , and explain what is the reason they are going to execute this young man :

The moment hero learned he would die for standing up to Iran's regime: Kurdish rapper holds his head in his hand as judge orders his execution for supporting protests

Saman Yasin, 27, was sentenced to death on 29 October for 'war against God'

He had supported the protests against death of Mahsa Amini by posting online

Also wrote songs speaking of topics including unemployment and oppression

This is the devastating moment a hero Kurdish rapper holds his head in his hands as a judge orders his execution for supporting protests against Mahsa Amini's death in Iran.

Saman Yasin, 27, from Kermanshah, who lived in Tehran, was violently arrested at his home on 2 October.

On 29 October, he was sentenced to death at the 15th branch of Islamic Revolutionary Court by judge Abolqasem Salavati without family or any lawyers present.

An anonymous source told anti-regime media that Saman's family were threatened against talking about it.

It is unclear when the rapper is to be executed.

The 27-year-old was accused of 'war against God' as he had supported the protests against the death of Mahsa Amini by posting about them on social media.

Also, he wrote songs speaking of topics including unemployment and government oppression.


Saman Yasin, 27, from Kermanshah, who lived in Tehran, was violently arrested at his home on 2 October, the same day as two of his friends. On 29 October, he was sentenced to death by the 15th branch of Islamic Revolutionary Court and judge Abolqasem Salavati without family or any lawyers present, pictured


An anonymous source told anti-regime media that Saman's family were threatened against talking about his death sentence. It is unclear when the rapper is to be executed. Pictured: Saman


Since Saman, pictured, was sentenced to death, numerous campaigns to overturn the ruling have been launched online

Mahsa Amini - whose death at the hands of morality police in September sparked the current wave of protests - was also Kurdish.

Since Saman was sentenced to death, numerous campaigns to overturn the ruling have been launched online.

On Twitter, a hashtag was used to support him '#سامان_یاسین - Saman Yasin and others currently facing the death sentence after being arrested in the latest protests.

Before he was sentenced to death by Salavati, Saman had been held at Fashafouyeh prison and then transferred to Evin prison. He was allegedly subject to physical and psychological torture in custody.

Salavati, sanctioned by the EU and US treasury department, has been accused of frequently handing out lengthy jail terms, lashes or death to journalists, lawyers, political activists, and ethnic and religious minorities.

The rest here :

Why you apartheid genocidal lunatic commenting in this thread?
In other words , you try to hide what your regime is doing , by trying to divert attention to Israel.

You initially sought to counter my valid analogy by passing off zionist regime propaganda as fact, now you're attempting to shift the focus and change the subject.

This is the simple reality though: the Iranian actress you claimed is a "brave woman", has nothing much to fear for joining the NATO- and zionist-sponsored propaganda chorus against Iran. Nothing serious is going to happen to her nor to the rest of privileged, wealthy, western-backed liberal show business figures, despite the auxiliary helping hand they're systematically lending to imperialist plots.

Rachel Corrie however paid with her life for daring to confront the zionist regime and to denounce the apartheid-like conditions Palestinians are forced to live under, as well as the demolitions of Palestinian homes. This, not the antics of counter-revolutionary minded Iranian show business millionaires, is actual bravery.

Known mullah tactic . How does anything Israel does , Justifies what your regime his doing to it's people ?

Zionist routine: in the name of ethical and political principles, decry actions attributed to Iranian authorities which generally turn out to be fabrications - just as the bogus Iraq WMD story in 2003, or the fake 1990 Nayirah testimony about Kuwaiti babies being "removed from incubators" and so many other propaganda tales spread by NATO and the zionist regime. And at the same time, stay silent on violations of those same principles by the regimes in Tel Aviv and Washington.

Which goes to highlight the underlying motivations behind the discourse, which contrary to what it claims has nothing to do with human rights, democracy and the like, but represents a subterfuge to legitimize the attempted destabilization of yet another nation-state of West Asia.

Your regime is about to murder a young man for singing a song !

Foes that sound normal you you ? , And all you can come up with is silly excuses .

Read about it here , and explain what is the reason they are going to execute this young man :

User raptor22 answered these allegations already.

Nobody was sentenced for "singing a song" here. Moharebeh comprises crimes such as highway robbery, rape or terrorism.

Arabs? Arabs fought prophet of Islam more than Jews. That's a histotical fact. It is like saying that all the Christians are tokhme Palestinian since Jesus was from Mediterraneans. Look at your logic Zionist
B-BRAIN, You are a low IQ lizard hybrid. **** your history. You and your relatives are a cult who hate Iran .Why is that we never hear your beloved leader speak about the atrocities committed against theUyghurs ?
Just like you who is a card holder of the Hypocrite Party, the only way this regime can stay in power is by wholesale murder.

China has been accused of committing crimes against humanity and possibly genocide against the Uyghur population and other mostly-Muslim ethnic groups in the north-western region of Xinjiang.
China is an independent global power, whatever or whichever party rules this country, they have done a great job. They have transformed China from a civil war hit country into a unified territory.

Uyghur genocide​

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This shows how clueless and how much of an idiot you are. You and all of the mulla shills are running dogs for the Chines Communist Party. There is a big difference between the Chinese people and the CCP. You are either an idiot ( very highly) or willfully blind.

I know enough Chinese living abroad.

1. Organ harvesting: an ongoing atrocity

The industrial-scale killing of prisoners of conscience for their organs in China is a crime so awful that many initially found it too hard to believe. Since an initial 140-page report on allegations was released in 2006, this has largely changed due to the efforts of researchers, journalists, and activists, including many in the medical profession.

2- An estimated 2 to 3 million people died in the chaos. Not long after Mao’s death in 1976, the Cultural Revolution came to an end.

3- Some 45 million people are estimated to have died in the so-called Great Famine that devastated China during the years 1958 to 1962.

4-Land reform killed between 1.5 million and 2 million people in the countryside between the years 1947 and 1952. As Mao began his collectivization programs, in 1954 the Party took back the land that it had redistributed to the peasants.

5-Again based on Party archives, Dikötter estimated that 2 million people in Chinese cities were killed during counterrevolutionary campaigns of the early 1950s.

There are estimates that the CCP killed millions of unborn babies.

One Child Nation’: Inside China’s Horrifying Child-Killing Policy​

CCP only indigenous export COVID-19 Bio Weapon

"A congressional estimate in the U.S. placed the cost of Chinese intellectual property theft at 225–600 billion dollars yearly. According to a CNBC survey, 1 in 5 corporations say China has stolen intellectual property within the previous year, while 1 in 3 said it had happened some times during the previous century."

We have had our own referendum done almost 40 years ago. No western country has done so, why dont Americans or any other western country hold a similar referendum? Despite all those demonstrations held against NATO in western countries, none of them listens to majority of people. The yellow vests movement in France was brutally suppressed. People were getting shot in their eyes. Why no one asked for a referendum? Or the demonstrations in Spain, Greece, Germany, Poland etc against the liberal rulers and the puppets of American imperlialists?

Another example of your ignorance. Unlike the fake elections and the one party rule in the Un Aslamic non republic, the europeans can actually vote out incompetent people

Giorgia Meloni Wins Voting in Italy, in Breakthrough for Europe’s Hard Right​

Her nationalist party was the top vote-getter, leaving Ms. Meloni poised to be Italy’s first female prime minister

Sweden’s election marks a new far-right surge in Europe​

All of the false stories about fascist are the work of the Zionist deep shit who hate humanity as whole and want a global order, no borders and vaccines to death until there is nothing left but a small population of slaves to serve them .
You are clueless moron who does not understand the global world order.

Yeah, apparently referendum only gets applied on us and no one else.

No nationalist who loves his or her motherland would say such thing even if ge or she hates the rulers. And let me tell you piece of shit, no power in the world can do that. Iran is stronger than ever.
I love Iran and the Iranian people. Unfortunately, there are scum who claim that they are nationalist that need to be called out. These scum have enriched themselves at the detriment of the Iranian nation.
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"Iran is among those governments that execute their opponents. 120,000 people have been executed in Iran since 1981 for their opposition to the government, at-least one-third of whom have been women. According to the international laws, pregnant women must not be executed, whereas in Iran, at least 50 pregnant women have been executed in the 1980s."

"More than 30,000 political prisoners were executed in the 1988 massacre. Secret documents smuggled out of Iran reveal that, because of the large numbers of necks to be broken, prisoners were loaded onto forklift trucks in groups of six and hanged from cranes in half-hourly intervals."

"After the 2009 disputed elections which saw the arrests of thousands of street protesters, hundreds of people were taken to the little known Kahrizak Detention Center. It was there that reports of rape, sexual abuse, and torture of prisoners emerged earning it the nickname, Iran’s Guantánamo Bay, by protesters."

"Human rights organizations, and specifically Amnesty International, have issued constant warnings to the regime’s authorities, with statements condemning torture and prisoner abuse."

"Iranian authorities however, have not been shy to defend the use of torture under the name of Islam and God."

Arabs are ruled by coward rats. Bunch of tribal backward monarchies who owe their power to foreign powers. In that regard Iran is the sole independent power of own region.

Sole independent power?

"For Iran’s clerical regime, commercial ties to China have assumed near-existential importance over the past two decades. Iran’s oil sales to China rose from $2.5 billion in 2001 to more than $27 billion in 2014. Over that same period, Iran’s imports from China grew at a similar pace, and China increased to account for 50% of Iran’s total trade."

"That said, Tehran’s tight embrace of China comes with serious potential downsides. However essential Iran’s commercial and economic ties to China may be, they are also broadly unpopular. During the Obama-era sanctions, Iranians called Chinese barter trade a “junk for oil” scheme, believing that Chinese businesses were unfairly exploiting Iran’s plight."

"In addition, Chinese investments in Iran play to the advantage of Iran’s entrenched establishment and prop up the most dysfunctional features of its economy, including the dominance of the Revolutionary Guard Corps and the well-connected religious foundations, or bonyads. Private companies—from textile manufacturers to walnut farmers—have suffered from Chinese competition. As a consequence, many of Iran’s pragmatists, reformists, and opposition figures tend to see China as a partner of necessity rather than choice."

"As the Iranian regime has taken ever more repressive measures against its opponents, it has relied on Chinese tools to do so. During the “Green Revolution” of 2009, anti-regime protesters were heard chanting “Death to China,” believing that the regime’s anti-riot gear and surveillance technologies had been provided by Beijing. Today, the techniques and tools used by the regime to tighten its control over national cyberspace clearly bear the imprint of Chinese telecommunications companies, including Huawei and ZTE."

Should I keep going B-BRAIN?

China is a partner of everyone out there. Even Sauds purchased their drones, Iran is free to choose own partners based on national interests.

The regime is so loathsome that Iranian companies can not compete even when they have
solid products from engineering to food exports.

Iran, Qatar sign world's largest saffron trade agreement​

We can not even export our products. Iranians are forced to export to Qatar which sells at 10 times on the market.

Both parties wear rags on their heads. Can you explain why they can export but the un islamic non republic can not ?

I hear same exact words from Israeli users in this forum. I have responded to them the way they deserved. Iran is building up its bases around Israel and will continue to surround them from every direction. Every action of Israelis is answered by Iran well and in most fashion way. We don't need toake much noise about the damages inflicted on Zionists.
Shows us the bases. Put your money where your mouth is

Yet an other bullshit. Iran is selling drones to Russia, Shahed drones are screwing western supplied artilleries in Ukraine. Lolz
Do I need to say more

"The decision of the Russian military to leave the city of Kherson is another major military defeat on the Ukrainian front lines. It has important military, political and moral consequences. At the same time, it seems to be a measure necessary to save the combat capability of the entire Russian grouping in Ukraine."

Btw, people have every right to hold demonstrations without hurting others. The recent incidents were not representing the peaceful demonstrators.
Can they really protest and vent their grievances? They should not destroy public property.
The only things that we saw was the destruction of symbols of this bankrupt ideology. It will happen whether you kill 15000 protestors or not

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**** off
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In other words , you try to hide what your regime is doing , by trying to divert attention to Israel.

Known mullah tactic . How does anything Israel does , Justifies what your regime his doing to it's people ?

Your regime is about to murder a young man for singing a song !

Foes that sound normal you you ? , And all you can come up with is silly excuses .

Read about it here , and explain what is the reason they are going to execute this young man :

The moment hero learned he would die for standing up to Iran's regime: Kurdish rapper holds his head in his hand as judge orders his execution for supporting protests

Saman Yasin, 27, was sentenced to death on 29 October for 'war against God'

He had supported the protests against death of Mahsa Amini by posting online

Also wrote songs speaking of topics including unemployment and oppression

This is the devastating moment a hero Kurdish rapper holds his head in his hands as a judge orders his execution for supporting protests against Mahsa Amini's death in Iran.

Saman Yasin, 27, from Kermanshah, who lived in Tehran, was violently arrested at his home on 2 October.

On 29 October, he was sentenced to death at the 15th branch of Islamic Revolutionary Court by judge Abolqasem Salavati without family or any lawyers present.

An anonymous source told anti-regime media that Saman's family were threatened against talking about it.

It is unclear when the rapper is to be executed.

The 27-year-old was accused of 'war against God' as he had supported the protests against the death of Mahsa Amini by posting about them on social media.

Also, he wrote songs speaking of topics including unemployment and government oppression.


Saman Yasin, 27, from Kermanshah, who lived in Tehran, was violently arrested at his home on 2 October, the same day as two of his friends. On 29 October, he was sentenced to death by the 15th branch of Islamic Revolutionary Court and judge Abolqasem Salavati without family or any lawyers present, pictured


An anonymous source told anti-regime media that Saman's family were threatened against talking about his death sentence. It is unclear when the rapper is to be executed. Pictured: Saman


Since Saman, pictured, was sentenced to death, numerous campaigns to overturn the ruling have been launched online

Mahsa Amini - whose death at the hands of morality police in September sparked the current wave of protests - was also Kurdish.

Since Saman was sentenced to death, numerous campaigns to overturn the ruling have been launched online.

On Twitter, a hashtag was used to support him '#سامان_یاسین - Saman Yasin and others currently facing the death sentence after being arrested in the latest protests.

Before he was sentenced to death by Salavati, Saman had been held at Fashafouyeh prison and then transferred to Evin prison. He was allegedly subject to physical and psychological torture in custody.

Salavati, sanctioned by the EU and US treasury department, has been accused of frequently handing out lengthy jail terms, lashes or death to journalists, lawyers, political activists, and ethnic and religious minorities.

The rest here :

He was not arrested due to posting in support of late Mahsa Amini but:

According to the indictment issued, Mohammad Qabadlo, the son of Mohammad Ali, extensive action against police officers by hitting a white Paykan car , which led to the martyrdom of Vahid Karampour Hasanvand and the injury of 5 police officers.
Sidi, the son of Timur, was captured due to drawing a pistol and firing 3 bullets , meeting and colluding to commit a crime against the country's security,
Mohammad Broghni, son of Hossein, in Moharebeh by pulling a machete and attacking Pakdasht governorate with a mob and setting it on fire. attacking the governor agent while performing his duty and injuring him,
Abolfazl Mehri Hossein Haji Lo, son of Wali, to confront the Islamic government by setting fire to a vehicle in public use in order to disrupt the order and security of the country,
Mohsen Rezazadeh Karakolu, son of Hassan Beh Moharebeh through participation in setting fire in a public device in order to disturb public order and security, social and collusion to commit a crime against the internal security of the country, making explosive items such as Molotov cocktails for anti-security purposes and throwing stones at law enforcement agents.

But it is not like this:
2,175 Palestinian children and 134 Israeli children.png

User raptor22 answered these allegations already.

Nobody was sentenced for "singing a song" here. Moharebeh comprises crimes such as highway robbery, rape or terrorism.

View attachment 896142

He was not arrested due to posting in support of late Mahsa Amini but:

According to the indictment issued, Mohammad Qabadlo, the son of Mohammad Ali, extensive action against police officers by hitting a white Paykan car , which led to the martyrdom of Vahid Karampour Hasanvand and the injury of 5 police officers.
Sidi, the son of Timur, was captured due to drawing a pistol and firing 3 bullets , meeting and colluding to commit a crime against the country's security,
Mohammad Broghni, son of Hossein, in Moharebeh by pulling a machete and attacking Pakdasht governorate with a mob and setting it on fire. attacking the governor agent while performing his duty and injuring him,
Abolfazl Mehri Hossein Haji Lo, son of Wali, to confront the Islamic government by setting fire to a vehicle in public use in order to disrupt the order and security of the country,
Mohsen Rezazadeh Karakolu, son of Hassan Beh Moharebeh through participation in setting fire in a public device in order to disturb public order and security, social and collusion to commit a crime against the internal security of the country, making explosive items such as Molotov cocktails for anti-security purposes and throwing stones at law enforcement agents.

No need for long answers , aimed only to hide the truth.

State in one line , what serious crime did this young man ,saman yasin , commit that justifies his execution.

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No need for long answers , aimed only to hide the truth.

State in one line , what serious crime did this young man ,saman yasin , commit , that justifies his execution.

He taught people how to make bomb and kill .
i heard today u have killed another Palestinian. Are u guys really harvesting human organism that u need so much kill every day..?

or u guys short of ducks and deer...for target practice.
Its 2022, try to be a bit of more human.
No need for long answers , aimed only to hide the truth.

State in one line , what serious crime did this young man ,saman yasin , commit , that justifies his execution.

No long answer, it was a short explanation of detainees' crimes in the court, that shows unlike what you mentioned these people are not arrested for singing a song or supporting protests against the death of Mahsa Amini by posting about them on social media.
What peaceful protests needs to carry pistol and firing in the street? or running over a police? removing his helment to hit his head? setting fire on cars and building? attacking with machete?
I am neither a lawyer nor a judge to know about the law so I can not assess the court but as far as I know no verdict has been given on his case so no execution.
Base on his file he has been arrested for 11 times for various of crimes like threatening with dagger and machete , defamation insult and obscenity, threatening with pistol, deliberate assault .
He himself saying he wasn't normal while he was in the street probably he was on drug or was drunk, carrying pistol and firing it during the protests.

He taught people how to make bomb and kill .
Base on his file he has been arrested for 11 times for various of crimes like threatening with dagger and machete , defamation insult and obscenity, threatening with pistol, deliberate assault .
He himself saying he wasn't normal while he was in the street probably he was on drug or was drunk, carrying pistol and firing it during the protests.

So which is it ?

defamation insult and obscenity ? Seriously ? You get executed for that ?

What did he do ?

And Why is there no lawyer present in court ? Seems like a mock trial to me and extorted confessions are hardly convincing.

By the way he is not the only rapper to be arrested , seems like it is a dangerous profession now in Iran :

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so which is it ?

defamation insult and obscenity ? Seriously ? You get executed for that ?

What did he do ?

And Why is there no lawyer present in court. Seems like a mock trial to me and extorted confessions are hardly convincing.

I said he was arrested previously for 11 times for those crimes and as you see he is alive so no execution for defamation insult and obscenity despite all those crimes in the past.
Secondly he was arrested for carrying gun and firing it in the streets not singing or supporting protests in social media... how many videos you want me to post here that American police shot a homeless guy just for thinking they might have a gun?
Third, no verdict has been given and his court has not come to end so again no execution.
So check you reliable sources for lies they feed you, first arresting for singing second being innocent and third for imaginary execution verdict.
I said he was arrested previously for 11 times for those crimes and as you see he is alive so no execution for defamation insult and obscenity despite all those crimes in the past.

Someone here is not telling the truth.

Now i don't speak Farsi so i will let others decide who is lying :

Here is a conversation between judge Abolqasem Salavati and the Kurdish rapper Saman Yasin.

Salavati: Do you have any priors conviction?

Yasin: No Salavati: You have 11 priors. Yasin: My entire life, I've been arrested only once.1/


Someone here is not telling the truth.

Now i don't speak Farsi so i will let others decide who is lying :

Here is a conversation between judge Abolqasem Salavati and the Kurdish rapper Saman Yasin.

Salavati: Do you have any priors conviction?

Yasin: No Salavati: You have 11 priors. Yasin: My entire life, I've been arrested only once.1/


I don't know about his crimes' record and I just quoted the judge that could be right or wrong as I said I am neither a lawyer nor a judge to know about the law so I can not assess the court but so far your sources have been proven to be unreliable and phony. The point he is not in court due to his past ...
what happened to the claim of arresting due to singing and supporting protest on social medias? now we've come to analyze the court and his crime record? he was arrested for carrying gun and firing it in the streets, what happened to the execution?
The guys himself saying that he was not in normal state and was on drug or was drunk carrying a gun in the street firing it 3 times ...

Is it peaceful protest?

What happened to the lies that late Mahsa Amini was beaten by police and was killed due to police brutality?


Nov 13, 2022 - Press ISW

Download the PDF

Iran Crisis Update, November 13
Kitaneh Fitzpatrick, Zachary Coles, and Frederick W. Kagan
November 13, 5:00 pm ET
The Iran Crisis Updates are produced by the Critical Threats Project (CTP) at the American Enterprise Institute with support from the Institute for the Study of War (ISW). To receive Iran Crisis Updates via email, please subscribe here.
Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is likely escalating against prominent Sunni Cleric Moulana Abdol Hamid, who has become increasingly critical of the regime in recent weeks.
Iranian media reported that Khamenei dispatched a high-ranking delegation headed by Friday Prayer Leader Policy Council Chief Mohammad Javad Haj Ali Akbari to Sistan and Baluchistan Province on November 13.[1] Ali Akbari has previously advocated for harsh sentences for protesters and called people participating in anti-regime demonstrations “barbaric rioters.”[2] Ali Akbari had a meeting with Abdol Hamid and other local Sunni academics in which Abdol Hamid reportedly described the regime’s recent protest crackdowns throughout Sistan and Baluchistan as an example of discrimination against the Iranian Sunni community according to an outlet claiming direct or indirect access to Abdol Hamid. Abdol Hamid additionally criticized the regime for failing to publicly condemn security forces’ violent suppression of anti-regime demonstrations in Zahedan and Khash cities.[3] Abdol Hamid has voiced similar criticisms of the regime in recent weeks, and some of his commentary has likely incited further unrest throughout Sistan and Baluchistan Province.[4] Social media users have documented hundreds of Zahedan residents participating in anti-regime protests following Abdol Hamid’s Friday prayer sermons in recent weeks.[5] Ali Akbari’s meeting with Abdol Hamid is likely intended to discourage him from further public criticism of the regime. Abdol Hamid faces a decision point to cease stoking unrest or disobey what was likely a directive from the supreme leader to stop doing so. Abdol Hamid’s initial comments suggest that he may choose to do the latter.
Ali Akbari’s visit could also signal Khamenei’s disapproval of how local provincial leaders are responding to anti-regime protests throughout Sistan and Baluchistan Province. Ali Akbari’s visit in and of itself is somewhat anomalous: Khamenei has representatives in each of Iran’s 31 provinces, and therefore should not typically require further representation in Sistan and Baluchistan Province.[6] Ali Akbari insinuated that the Sistan and Baluchistan supreme leader representative and provincial governor had taken some measures to confront ongoing unrest, but that his team would implement a “special plan” detailed by the Supreme Leader.[7] Ali Akbari’s comments could suggest that the supreme leader blames provincial officials for failing to quell ongoing unrest in Sistan and Baluchistan or that Khamenei has lost confidence in them to do so.
Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Tehran on November 12. Raisi and Putin reportedly discussed bilateral cooperation on economic and political issues.[8] Iranian media did not appear to advertise the call. Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev additionally met with Iranian Supreme National Security Council Secretary Ali Shamkhani on November 8, possibly to discuss the potential sale of Iranian ballistic missiles to Russia, as CTP previously reported.[9]
Putin’s continued engagement with the Iranian regime over security cooperation could indicate that Iranian negotiators may be asking for more than Putin is readily willing to offer in return for Iranian missiles and drones.
Key Takeaways
  • Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is likely escalating against prominent Sunni Cleric Moulana Abdol Hamid, who has become increasingly critical of the regime in recent weeks.
  • Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi held a phone call with Russian President Vladimir Putin on November 12 and may have discussed Iranian ballistic missile sales to Russia.
  • At least 12 protests took place in seven cities across five provinces.
  • The mistreatment of imprisoned Iranian human rights activist Hossein Ronaghi may reinvigorate ongoing, anti-regime protests.
  • The Iranian judiciary issued preliminary sentences against protesters arrested in Tehran Province, including one death sentence.
  • Israeli combat aircraft conducted an airstrike against on a likely Iranian precision-guided munition cache at Shayrat Airbase, Homs Province, Syria.

Anti-Regime Protests
  • At least 12 protests took place in seven cities across five provinces on November 13. CTP assesses with moderate to high confidence that protests occurred in the locations below.
Karaj, Alborz Province (population: approximately 1,970,000)
  • A dozen high school or college students marched through a Karaj city street and chanted “death to the dictator,” “freedom, freedom, freedom,” and other anti-regime slogans.[10]
Esfahan City, Esfahan Province (population: approximately 1,961,000)
  • Dozens of senior citizens gathered on a street in Esfahan City to protest and chant “only by hitting the streets will we get our rights.”[11]
Tehran City, Tehran Province (population: approximately 8,700,000)
  • Dozens of protesters marched through Tehran streets and chanted “death to the dictator,” “death to the police,” “death to Khamenei,” and other anti-regime slogans. Audio from footage circulated on social media suggests the protesters may be primarily high school students.[12]
  • Dozens of Allameh University students protested on campus and chanted anti-regime slogans.[13]
  • An undetermined number of Tehran University students demonstrated on campus against regime security forces arresting protesting during previous protests on campus.[14]
  • Dozens of Soura University students protested on campus and chanted “we will stand until the end by the blood of our comrades.”[15]
  • Dozens of protesters gathered in front of Dey Hospital to demonstrate against regime security forces for brutalizing arrested protester Hossein Ronaghi. Security forces prevented protesters from entering the hospital and then fired tear gas in an attempt to disperse the protesters.[16]
*Sardasht, West Azerbaijan Province (population: approximately 68,165)
  • Dozens of protesters marched through a village on the outskirts of Sardasht for the third consecutive day to protest against regime security forces killing a local resident. Likely high school-age protesters chanted “we are the children of fire and blood, we will avenge the martyr. [17]
Ourmia, West Azerbaijan Province (population: approximately 736,224)
  • Dozens of Azad University at Ourmia students protested on campus and chanted “1,500 people killed in our November,” “don’t be afraid, we are all together,” and other anti-regime slogans.[18]

CTP assesses with low confidence that protests occurred in the locations below.
Saghez, Kurdistan Province (population: approximately 165,258)
  • Iranian social media accounts circulated footage depicting cars honking in solidarity with high school students reportedly protesting on a Saghez street off-camera.[19]
Boukan, West Azerbaijan Province (population: approximately 193,501)
  • Iranian social media accounts circulated footage reportedly of a fire in a Boukan street set by an undetermined number of protesters.[20]
Note: CTP is using asterisks to denote protests that included mourners commemorating killed protesters.

The mistreatment of imprisoned Iranian human rights activist Hossein Ronaghi may reinvigorate ongoing, anti-regime protests. Social media users expressed increased concern for Ronaghi’s safety on November 13.[21] Ronaghi’s brother stated that he had been transferred from Evin Prison to the Dey Hospital in Tehran, but that the regime may seek to kill him instead of providing him with medical treatment.[22] Some protesters in Tehran gathered in the vicinity of the Dey Hospital on the evening of November 13 to express support for Ronaghi.[23] Iranian authorities have imprisoned Ronaghi for participating in the Green Movement protests in 2009, condemning an internet restriction bill in February 2022, and for promoting the Mahsa Amini protests on an anti-regime outlet in September 2022.
The Iranian judiciary issued preliminary sentences against protesters arrested in Tehran Province, including one death sentence. This marks the first death sentence issued against a protester arrested during the 2022 Mahsa Amini protest wave. Five other protesters received five-to-ten-year prison sentences for participating in protests.[24]Judiciary Chief Gholam Hossein Mohseni Ejei called on judicial authorities to expedite the prosecution and sentencing of arrested protesters on November 7, as CTP has previously reported.[25]
The Wall Street Journal reported that the Iranian Foreign Affairs Ministry sent foreign embassies a report defending its human rights record and denying that its Law Enforcement Command killed Mahsa Amini on September 16. The report allegedly accused the US and other unspecified European countries of intervening in Iranian internal affairs by supporting protesters, thereby fomenting unrest.[26] The report coincides with news that the UN Human Rights Council will hold an emergency meeting on Iran’s violent protest suppression tactics on the week of November 21.[27] The regime often criticizes external actors for their role in stoking unrest, but rarely issues reports defending its human rights record to these actors.
IRGC Hamzeh Seyyed ol Shohada Headquarters Commander Mohammad Taghi Osanlou announced that his officers had arrested more than 100 members from “anti-revolutionary” groups and seized a significant number of weapons in recent weeks. Osanlou called on the Iraqi government to provide better security on the Iran-Iraq border.[28] Osanlou’s comments may indicate that he has faced increasing pressure to quell unrest in recent weeks.
Axis of Resistance and Regional Developments
Israeli combat aircraft conducted an airstrike on a likely Iranian precision-guided munition cache at Shayrat Airbase, Homs Province, Syria.[29]
The Syrian Arab News Agency reported the airstrikes killed two Syria Arab Army soldiers and wounded three more.[30] Social media users circulated footage and images of multiple explosions after the initial airstrike, suggesting the airstrike detonated a large number of explosive munitions.[31] The Israeli Air Force also targeted and killed multiple IRGC and Iranian proxy personnel transporting likely precision-guided munitions and oil through eastern Syria on November 8, as CTP has previously reported.[32] Iran frequently retaliates against US forces for Israeli actions in Syria.[33] Iran may intensify retaliatory measures against US forces in response to increasingly frequent Israeli airstrikes.

[1] https://irna dot ir/xjKZm8 ; https://www.yjc dot news/00Ykd2
[2] https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/iran-cleric-calls-tough-crackd...
[3] http://www.ensafnews dot com/380905/%D8%AF%DB%8C%D8%AF%D8%A7%D8%B1-%D8%B1%D8%A6%DB%8C%D8%B3-%D8%B4%D9%88%D8%B1%D8%A7%DB%8C-%D8%B3%DB%8C%D8%A7%D8%B3%D8%AA%DA%AF%D8%B0%D8%A7%D8%B1%DB%8C-%D8%A7%D8%A6%D9%85%D9%87-%D8%AC%D9%85%D8%B9%D9%87/
[4] https://www.criticalthreats.org/analysis/iran-crisis-update-november-4 ; https://www.criticalthreats.org/analysis/iran-crisis-update-october-28
[5]https://twitter.com/farzinkadkhodae/status/1591086896155099137?s=20&t=y2... ; https://twitter.com/ICHRI/status/1591079697093636096?s=20&t=9xqWMgPaTenY... ; https://twitter.com/Omid_M/status/1585964374522478592?s=20&t=9xqWMgPaTen... ; https://twitter.com/DrRohamAlvandi/status/1585161951046664197?s=20&t=9xq... ; https://twitter.com/ICHRI/status/1586099548614795265?s=20&t=9xqWMgPaTenY...
[6] https://iranwire.com/en/special-features/65511/
[7] https://www.tasnimnews dot com/fa/news/1401/08/22/2803554/%D8%AD%D8%B6%D9%88%D8%B1-%D9%87%DB%8C%D8%A6%D8%AA-%D8%A7%D8%B9%D8%B2%D8%A7%D9%85%DB%8C-%D8%A7%D8%B2-%D8%B3%D9%88%DB%8C-%D8%AF%D9%81%D8%AA%D8%B1-%D9%85%D9%82%D8%A7%D9%85-%D9%85%D8%B9%D8%B8%D9%85-%D8%B1%D9%87%D8%A8%D8%B1%DB%8C-%D8%A8%D9%87-%D8%B3%DB%8C%D8%B3%D8%AA%D8%A7%D9%86-%D9%88-%D8%A8%D9%84%D9%88%DA%86%D8%B3%D8%AA%D8%A7%D9%86-%D8%AC%D8%B2%D8%A6%DB%8C%D8%A7%D8%AA
[8] http://kremlin dot ru/events/president/news/69828 ; https://president dot ir/fa/140651
[9] https://www.reuters.com/world/putin-ally-patrushev-iran-tass-2022-11-09/
[10] https://twitter.com/iranworkers/status/1591811127985557505?s=20&t=jcnbF8...
[11] https://twitter.com/iranworkers/status/1591911065180323840?s=20&t=3drnUH...
[12] https://twitter.com/iranworkers/status/1591833275244371968?s=20&t=BGVPtE...; https://twitter.com/iranworkers/status/1591719234555760641?s=20&t=sG9Z4g...
[13] https://twitter.com/iranworkers/status/1591749071932624896?s=20&t=zKMpyI...
[14] https://twitter.com/iranworkers/status/1591750128968568832?s=20&t=6kBkmt...
[15] https://twitter.com/iranworkers/status/1591775262941011969?s=20&t=Ev-HxS...
[16]https://twitter.com/iranworkers/status/1591867388957528065?s=20&t=mpwq3m...; https://twitter.com/1500tasvir/status/1591869591319646208?s=20&t=GB40cdM...; https://twitter.com/iranworkers/status/1591880757995524096?s=20&t=b_IAtI...; https://twitter.com/iranworkers/status/1591884862860169216?s=20&t=0gdYH4...; https://twitter.com/iranworkers/status/1591899711102980181?s=20&t=43Vn4z...
[17] https://twitter.com/iranworkers/status/1591833149642018816?s=20&t=u6fsBy...; https://twitter.com/iranworkers/status/1591835744808669191?s=20&t=7yRhw4...
[18]https://twitter.com/iranworkers/status/1591796088662806530?s=20&t=GCDPMY...; https://twitter.com/iranworkers/status/1591875155302944768?s=20&t=ScCC50...; https://twitter.com/iranworkers/status/1591771867781767168?s=20&t=HkfFCu...
[20] https://twitter.com/iranworkers/status/1591853555895664642?s=20&t=Llwns8...
[21] https://twitter.com/LeahRemini/status/1591856195824144384?s=20&t=_Fr0c86... ; https://twitter.com/mamadporii/status/1591873844100358145?s=20&t=_Fr0c86... ; https://twitter.com/NazaninBoniadi/status/1591904782188699651?s=20&t=_Fr...
[23] https://twitter.com/1500tasvir_en/status/1591878783098929154?s=20&t=_Fr0... ; https://twitter.com/GEsfandiari/status/1591898282401632256?s=20&t=_Fr0c8... ; https://twitter.com/1500tasvir/status/1591904277303525378?s=20&t=_Fr0c86... ; https://twitter.com/1500tasvir/status/1591894198801907714?s=20&t=_Fr0c86...
[24] https://www.mizan dot news/4513114/
[25] https://www.tasnimnews dot com/fa/news/1401/08/16/2800415 ; https://www.criticalthreats.org/analysis/iran-crisis-update-november-7
[26] https://www.wsj.com/articles/iran-issues-scores-of-new-indictments-again...
[27] https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/un-human-rights-body-to-hold-urgent-s...
[28] https://www.irna dot ir/news/84941151/%D8%AF%D8%B3%D8%AA%DA%AF%DB%8C%D8%B1%DB%8C-%D8%A8%DB%8C%D8%B4-%D8%A7%D8%B2-%DB%B1%DB%B0%DB%B0-%D9%86%D9%81%D8%B1-%D8%A7%D8%B2-%D8%A7%D8%B9%D8%B6%D8%A7%DB%8C-%D8%B6%D8%AF%D8%A7%D9%86%D9%82%D9%84%D8%A7%D8%A8-%D8%AF%D9%85%D9%88%DA%A9%D8%B1%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D9%88-%DA%A9%D9%88%D9%85%D9%84%D9%87-%D8%AF%D8%B1
[29] https://www.cbsnews.com/news/israeli-airstrike-syrian-base-kills-soldier...
[30] http://sana dot sy/?p=1783830
[31] https://twitter.com/QalaatM/status/1591832059613687808?s=20&t=NlG1DW9nMs...
[32] https://www.criticalthreats.org/analysis/iran-crisis-update-november-9
[33] https://www.criticalthreats.org/analysis/iran-crisis-update-november-9; http://www.tasnimnews dot com/fa/news/1400/09/29/2629184/

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