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Iranian president offers friendship to the USA

America should apologize to Iran for looting its national wealth and staging a CIA backed coup against future of the nation.
America should apologize to Iran for looting its national wealth and staging a CIA backed coup against future of the nation.

The finger pointing game can go on forever by all sides. The U.S. has made mistakes in the past in the name of strategic interests. And Iran is not without blood on it's hands in the past and currently. Look at all the misery Iran has caused Lebanon from helping to found, train, equip, and lead Hezbollah, or arm and train the Shia militias in Iraq, Or even repress it's own people.
A "typical American" thinks that the poor of the world need not swamp American borders or the first world to suck or leech benefits and welfare but instead should stay in their countries and fight the oppressors like an American Revolution. The "typical American" views refugees as bloodsuckers and weaklings who should have stayed in their home country to fight the tyrants. But when the Iranians did it, Americans somehow hate it because it doesn't fit their preconceived notions of what is freedom or justice. Iranians took their destiny into their hands and Americans hate it because it isn't what they would have chosen. Make no mistake, the Shah was a tyrant, a King, exactly what Americans should hate.

Perhaps the "typical American" should examine his beliefs for hypocracy.

The above is unusually well-articulated ... deserves being singled out for appreciation.

Iran is the one Islamic Republic whose student movement and reformers are powerful enough and strong enough to change the country within our lifetime without external interference. Yet for some reason Americans want to ruin it. My respect for the Iranian student goes far beyond that for the North Korean, who worships Kim Jong Il and desires nothing more than destruction of their own countrymen to the south. The North Korean citizen chooses to be brainwashed -- they are not victims and they love their god like all religious people. Only their god happens to be a fat man with wide rimmed glasses.

The underlined part is a perversion of reality, I must say however. There is no need to artificially pound one set of "victims" to elevate the injustice done to another set of "victims" ...

But I agree with what you are implying - that lumping North Korea, Iran, and Iraq all under the same propaganda banner was just a jaw-dropping embarrassment.

Watch out, one day (if not already) the Yanks will distance from the invention of this "axis" and say it was all courtesy of a "Canadian" ...
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