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Iranian Politics Corner

Leader’s advisor rules out any possibility of talks with ‘criminal’ Trump

TEHRAN, Jun. 22 (MNA) – A military aide to the Leader of the Islamic Revolution said that there will be no talks with the United States.

Speaking to Aljazeera, Brigadier General Hossein Dehghan highlighted that Donald Trump is a ‘criminal’.

“Trump is not a president but a criminal and any move in Persian Gulf waters by the US will receive Iran’s all-out response,” said the former Iranian defense minister.

He also ruled out the possibility of talks over Iran’s missile program, adding that Iran will continue its regional policies.

Trump ignited tensions with Iran early after taking office by pulling the US out of the nuclear deal, formally known as the JCPOA. He re-imposed harsh unilateral sanctions against Iran with the hope of arriving at a new deal with Tehran. Iran has stressed that there will be no new round of talks with US unless its returns to the JCPOA and honor its commitments. Also, Iranian people now consider Trump as a 'terrorist' and criminal after he ordered the assassination of Iran’s top military official Lieutenant General Ghasem Soleimani in January 2020.

Iran backs Libya’s GNA

Elsewhere in his remarks, Dehghan rejected the rumors about Iran’s support for Khalifa Haftar as “ridiculous”.

“We support the Libyan Government of National Accord which has been recognized by the international community and we call for a political solution to the crisis.”

Iran ready for unconditional talks with Saudi Arabia

During the interview, Dehghan also pointed to Saudi aggression against Yemen. The Saudi government should admit its defeat in the Yemen war and adopt a new policy, he said.

The war on Yemen, he continued, is a futile adventure and the Saudi government should be held accountable for the consequences.

Tehran is ready for unconditional talks with Riyadh, he added.

Dehghan also said that Iran’s ties with the UAE were improving but Abu Dhabi has changed its stance towards Iran.

Shamkhani: Europe turned into US' puppet by presenting anti-Iran resolution

Tehran, June 23, IRNA - Secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) Ali Shamkhani asked why Europe undermined the joint work by stupid John Bolton and Donald Trump with regard to pulling out of Iran's nuclear deal and became their puppet by presenting anti-Iran resolution.

In his Twitter message, Shamkhani said Former US National Security Advisor John Bolton in his recent book described Trump as erratic and stupid and Trump also called him stupid.

In spite of serious opposition by Russia and China, E3's anti-Iran resolution was approved in International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Boad of Governors' meeting today.

In their statement, the European troika under the support of the US has urged Iran to stop preventing the IAEA inspectors from having access to two sites in Iran.

Meanwhile, in response to the adoption of the proposed resolution of the three European countries in the Board of Governors of the IAEA, Iran's ambassador to the Vienna-based international organizations Kazem Gharibabadi stated that the Islamic Republic of Iran completely rejects the resolution of the Board of Governors, adding that It will take appropriate and necessary reaction to it.

Iran’s Zarif Mocks Pompeo over Remarks on UN Arms Ban
TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif ridiculed US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo for saying that Tehran will be able to buy new fighter aircraft from Russia and China if a UN arms embargo on Iran expires in October.

“@SecPompeo is so desperate to mislead the world that he claims come October, Iran will purchase fighter aircraft. And then send them off to the limits of their ONE-WAY ranges. Perhaps he could also say how they would fly back to Iran having exhausted their fuel,” Zarif tweeted on Wednesday.

It came after Pompeo on Tuesday tweeted, “Arms Embargo on Iran expires in October, Iran will be able to buy new fighter aircraft like Russia’s SU-30 and China’s J-10. With these highly lethal aircraft, Europe and Asia could be in Iran’s crosshairs. The US will never let this happen”.

Washington has announced that it is preparing a legal argument to remain a participant in the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) –already renounced by US President Donald Trump- as part of an intricate strategy to pressure the UN Security Council to extend the arms embargo on Tehran.

Europe played into the hands of Trump, Bolton by IAEA move: Iran
Wednesday, 24 June 2020 6:04 AM [ Last Update: Wednesday, 24 June 2020 6:28 AM ]


The file photo shows Rafael Grossi, director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, opening a virtual meeting of the Board of Governors of the IAEA in Vienna. (Photo by AFP)
Iran’s top security official says Europe turned itself into a plaything for US President Donald Trump and his former hawkish national security advisor John Bolton by presenting an anti-Iranian resolution that was recently adopted by the UN nuclear watchdog’s Board of Governors.

In a tweet on Tuesday, Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council Ali Shamkhani slammed the UK, France and Germany — the European parties to the 2015 Iran deal — for drawing up the resolution, which was passed on Friday by the Board of Governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

The resolution called on Iran to allow access to two sites that Israel-sourced reports claim are related to Tehran’s nuclear program. Tehran condemned the resolution, which was likewise strongly rebuffed by China and Russia, two other parties to the nuclear accord.

Shamkhani said by drafting the resolution, the European countries actually played into Trump and Bolton’s hands.

The duo, who have reciprocally called each other “idiots,” had already proven their anti-Iranian zeal by bringing about the United States’ departure from a historic nuclear accord.

“In his book, #Bolton called #Trump a “stupid & idiot,” and Trump called him an ‘Inadequate stupid,’” Shamkhani wrote.

“Why did Europe ignore the common outcome of two incompetent idiots in leaving #JCPOA and played into their ground by presenting an anti-Iranian resolution?” he asked, referring to the nuclear agreement by the acronym of its official name, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.

The JCPOA was inked between Iran and the P5+1 group of states — the US, the UK, France, Russia, China, and Germany — in 2015. Washington, however, quit it in 2018, although the UN Security Council has endorsed the deal as a resolution.

Iran MPs to vote on cooperation with IAEA

Separately, a top committee of Majlis (Iran’s parliament) said it was to submit a motion to the legislature in reaction to the adoption of the resolution. The motion mandates that the government stop implementing the IAEA’s Additional Protocol.

Iran has voluntary adopted the protocol that has been allowing the agency’s inspectors to carry out more intrusive inspections of the country’s nuclear sites.

In a statement, Majlis’ Committee on National Security and Foreign Policy announced its plan to submit the motion to the parliament, saying the resolution lacked legal and technical justification and calling it politically-motivated and unprofessional.

The Board of Governors committed an “egregious mistake” by adopting the resolution under “political pressure” from the United States and its allies, it noted.

The move came while among the IAEA’s member states, Iran has had the highest level of cooperation with the agency over the past years by receiving the highest number of inspections and the most transparent of them, the committee said.

The statement noted that the IAEA’s own regulations forbid the agency from requesting inspections based on alleged data provided by intelligence services, especially that of the Israeli regime, which has sourced the “hollow claims.”

Even if the Islamic Republic enabled inspections of the sites named by the Israeli sources, it would be “setting a wrong precedent that would be against the interests of all countries.”

By drawing up the anti-Iranian resolution, the European trio showed that they are not so dissimilar from the US when it comes to “bearing malice” towards Iran, the committee regretted.

The committee finally reaffirmed that nuclear weapons have no place in Tehran’s “defense doctrine” as per a religious decree issued by Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, “but the Iranian nation will not allow the international institutions to use empty pretexts and violate the sovereignty of the Islamic Republic of Iran under pressure from the US and its allies.”

UN chief urges all-out push to prevent Iran deal ‘destruction’
Thursday, 25 June 2020 10:42 PM


United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres (Photo by AFP)
Amid the US’s unashamed drive targeting the 2015 nuclear agreement between Iran and world countries, the United Nations secretary-general urges exhaustion of all possible means to prevent “destruction” of the historic accord.

“Our position in relation to the JCPOA has always been the same. We consider [that] the JCPOA was a very important step forward in relation to the question of nuclear proliferation,” Antonio Guterres told an online press conference on Thursday in response to a question posed by IRNA.

“And we still believe that everything must be done in order to make sure that the JCPOA is not destroyed,” he added.

Officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the landmark deal was reached between Iran and the P5+1 group -- the United States, Britain, France, Russia and China plus Germany -- in 2015. However, in May 2018, US President Donald Trump unilaterally pulled his country out of the JCPOA and later re-imposed the sanctions that had been lifted against Tehran on the back of the deal.

Although it is no longer a party to the deal, Washington has recently launched a campaign to renew an embargo on the sales of conventional weapons to the Islamic Republic that will expire under the accord in October.

To try and rationalize its efforts, the US says it is still “named” as a JCPOA partner in UN Security Council Resolution 2231 that endorses the nuclear deal.

Tehran says Washington, due to its unilateral withdrawal, has forfeited all rights to have a say in the agreement.

Guterres was speaking a day after the US briefed the Security Council on a resolution it has drafted to extend the embargo, in response to IRNA’s question whether Washington was trying to either weaken or annihilate the JCPOA using a recent report on Resolution 2231 by the UN chief.

Guterres had told the Security Council in that report, which was seen by Reuters on June 11, that cruise missiles used in several attacks on oil facilities and an international airport in Saudi Arabia in November 2019 and February 2020 had been of "Iranian origin." He had also said the “items may have been transferred in a manner inconsistent” with Resolution 2231.

Iran’s Foreign Ministry has reacted to the report, saying it has been devised under political pressure from the US and the Saudi regimes.

The ministry also regretted that the report had been prepared, while the world body, based on an unusual interpretation of Resolution 2231, has so far refrained from reporting on numerous violations of the resolution by the US and European states, including Washington’s unlawful withdrawal from the nuclear agreement, which is a grave violation of the resolution.

UNSC calls for implementation of JCPOA: Iran's amb.

TEHRAN, Jun. 26 (MNA) –Iran's ambassador to the UN said that the UNSC members states unanimously called for full implementation of the JCPOA.

Majid Takht-e Ravanchi in a message published in his twitter account wrote, "Yesterday, US briefed #UNSC on the extension of arms embargo on Iran and called for Council's unity."

He went on to write, " @StateDept note on the briefing mentioned NOTHING about the reaction of UNSC members. Perhaps reason was their UNANIMOUS call for full implementation of #JCPOA & UNSCR 2231."

Iran Warns E3 Not to Follow US’ Maximum Pressure Policy

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Foreign Ministry underlined Tehran’s determination to take decisive action against “irresponsible” stances on the 2015 nuclear deal, calling on Britain, France and Germany to honor their JCPOA commitments instead of following the US policy of maximum pressure on Iran.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Wednesday issued a statement on the fifth anniversary of achievement of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

Following is the full text of the statement, released by the ministry:

The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) as an important achievement of multilateral diplomacy, which has been strongly supported by the international community, it is in serious danger on its fifth anniversary. Unless the international community shall ensure the balanced implementation of all parties in good faith, it could be another victim of the US unilateral and unlawful approach. The US and its allies should bear the responsibility for the consequences of such policies.

The international, legal, technical, strategic and political capital of this agreement has been deeply eroded on its fifth anniversary, due to the destructive and illegal actions of the United States. The remaining Participants of the JCPOA are aware of this and by consensus are of the view that the root cause for the current situation is the continuing violations of UNSCR 2231 and the JCPOA, and ultimately the unilateral withdrawal of the United States from an agreement reached after years of hard multilateral negotiations. The US Significant Non-performance to its obligations under UNSCR 2231, and the lack of will on the part of remaining Participants to restore the lost balance to the JCPOA, have complicated the current situation around JCPOA and effectively impede the Islamic Republic of Iran to adhere to its undertakings. As a result of this malign policy of the US, Iran Cannot benefit from the effects of JCPOA sanctions lifting.

Unfortunately, the situation has developed in such a way that we must once again remind the remaining Participants of the JCPOA, as well as the Member States of the United Nations, of the rights and obligations contained in this agreement, which was endorsed by Security Council Resolution 2231; from the emphasis of Resolution 2231 on “promoting and facilitating the development of normal economic and trade contacts and cooperation with Iran” and “its full implementation on the timetable established in the JCPOA” and UNSCR 2231, to the importance of the JCPOA sanctions lifting as one of the main pillars of the agreement.

The JCPOA was a negotiated diplomatic solution to the peaceful settlement of an artificial crisis over the Islamic Republic of Iran's peaceful nuclear program, which is comprehensive and final in nature. Iran entered the negotiations seriously and with a view to the future, and implemented the outcome of the negotiations in good faith. Transparency and confidence-building voluntary measures, beyond the obligations under the Safeguards Agreement, was part of the Islamic Republic of Iran's efforts to reassure the international community of the exclusively peaceful nature of its nuclear program, in return for the lifting of harsh sanctions imposed under the pretext of the nuclear program. Unfortunately, not only the Islamic Republic of Iran did not enjoy the economic benefits of the JCPOA sanction lifting, but once again the opponents of the JCPOA actively try to re-open the closed file in order to fully destroy the achievements of the JCPOA.

The Islamic Republic of Iran has so far had a constructive and extensive cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency, the statistics on the number and volume of inspections and verifications carried out in the Islamic Republic of Iran attest this fact. Any attempt to misuse the IAEA to put pressure on the Islamic Republic of Iran is inconsistent with the provisions of the JCPOA, and in addition to tarnishing the IAEA's credibility as the only credible international technical body to monitor States' nuclear activities; it can have negative impacts on existing safeguards cooperation. Furthermore, any companionship of some remaining participants of the JCPOA with US conspiracies against the agreement, particularly to destruct and undermine of the very text of the UNSCR 2231, inter alia, lifting of arms restrictions in the fifth year of adoption of the JCPOA in October 2020, is matter of grave concern, and as has been repeatedly emphasized, the renegotiation of the provisions of JCPOA and amending of the sanctions lifting regime will not be tolerated under any circumstances, and the response of the Islamic Republic of Iran will be firm and decisive. The comprehensiveness and finality of this agreement, which has been achieved with difficulty and after two years of intensive negotiations at the highest levels, with all the details and with a precise time frame, should not be compromised in any way. There is no alternative to this agreement, therefore, if there is a political will of the international community, especially the remaining participants of the JCPOA, to preserve this agreement, it shall be concentrated on ensuring the balanced implementation of the agreement in good faith.

The Islamic Republic of Iran appreciates the People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation for their constructive actions and positions which have been exercised in good faith at the Security Council, the Board of Governors and the Joint Commission for the preservation and implementation of the JCPOA. Efforts should be made to provide the necessary ground for the full implementation of JCPOA.

Finally, while reiterating its readiness to preserve and fully implement the provisions of the JCPOA by all participants to this agreement, in particular, the need for Iran to fully benefit from the economic effects of the lifting of sanctions regime, as envisaged in the JCPOA, the Islamic Republic of Iran is determined to take decisive action against any exaggeration and irresponsible behavior, and strongly urges the E3 to adhere to their commitments, and to preserve and fully implement the UN Security Council instead of moving in the direction of the US maximum pressure policy.

Iran Warns E3 Not to Follow US’ Maximum Pressure Policy

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Foreign Ministry underlined Tehran’s determination to take decisive action against “irresponsible” stances on the 2015 nuclear deal, calling on Britain, France and Germany to honor their JCPOA commitments instead of following the US policy of maximum pressure on Iran.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Wednesday issued a statement on the fifth anniversary of achievement of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

Following is the full text of the statement, released by the ministry:

The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) as an important achievement of multilateral diplomacy, which has been strongly supported by the international community, it is in serious danger on its fifth anniversary. Unless the international community shall ensure the balanced implementation of all parties in good faith, it could be another victim of the US unilateral and unlawful approach. The US and its allies should bear the responsibility for the consequences of such policies.

The international, legal, technical, strategic and political capital of this agreement has been deeply eroded on its fifth anniversary, due to the destructive and illegal actions of the United States. The remaining Participants of the JCPOA are aware of this and by consensus are of the view that the root cause for the current situation is the continuing violations of UNSCR 2231 and the JCPOA, and ultimately the unilateral withdrawal of the United States from an agreement reached after years of hard multilateral negotiations. The US Significant Non-performance to its obligations under UNSCR 2231, and the lack of will on the part of remaining Participants to restore the lost balance to the JCPOA, have complicated the current situation around JCPOA and effectively impede the Islamic Republic of Iran to adhere to its undertakings. As a result of this malign policy of the US, Iran Cannot benefit from the effects of JCPOA sanctions lifting.

Unfortunately, the situation has developed in such a way that we must once again remind the remaining Participants of the JCPOA, as well as the Member States of the United Nations, of the rights and obligations contained in this agreement, which was endorsed by Security Council Resolution 2231; from the emphasis of Resolution 2231 on “promoting and facilitating the development of normal economic and trade contacts and cooperation with Iran” and “its full implementation on the timetable established in the JCPOA” and UNSCR 2231, to the importance of the JCPOA sanctions lifting as one of the main pillars of the agreement.

The JCPOA was a negotiated diplomatic solution to the peaceful settlement of an artificial crisis over the Islamic Republic of Iran's peaceful nuclear program, which is comprehensive and final in nature. Iran entered the negotiations seriously and with a view to the future, and implemented the outcome of the negotiations in good faith. Transparency and confidence-building voluntary measures, beyond the obligations under the Safeguards Agreement, was part of the Islamic Republic of Iran's efforts to reassure the international community of the exclusively peaceful nature of its nuclear program, in return for the lifting of harsh sanctions imposed under the pretext of the nuclear program. Unfortunately, not only the Islamic Republic of Iran did not enjoy the economic benefits of the JCPOA sanction lifting, but once again the opponents of the JCPOA actively try to re-open the closed file in order to fully destroy the achievements of the JCPOA.

The Islamic Republic of Iran has so far had a constructive and extensive cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency, the statistics on the number and volume of inspections and verifications carried out in the Islamic Republic of Iran attest this fact. Any attempt to misuse the IAEA to put pressure on the Islamic Republic of Iran is inconsistent with the provisions of the JCPOA, and in addition to tarnishing the IAEA's credibility as the only credible international technical body to monitor States' nuclear activities; it can have negative impacts on existing safeguards cooperation. Furthermore, any companionship of some remaining participants of the JCPOA with US conspiracies against the agreement, particularly to destruct and undermine of the very text of the UNSCR 2231, inter alia, lifting of arms restrictions in the fifth year of adoption of the JCPOA in October 2020, is matter of grave concern, and as has been repeatedly emphasized, the renegotiation of the provisions of JCPOA and amending of the sanctions lifting regime will not be tolerated under any circumstances, and the response of the Islamic Republic of Iran will be firm and decisive. The comprehensiveness and finality of this agreement, which has been achieved with difficulty and after two years of intensive negotiations at the highest levels, with all the details and with a precise time frame, should not be compromised in any way. There is no alternative to this agreement, therefore, if there is a political will of the international community, especially the remaining participants of the JCPOA, to preserve this agreement, it shall be concentrated on ensuring the balanced implementation of the agreement in good faith.

The Islamic Republic of Iran appreciates the People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation for their constructive actions and positions which have been exercised in good faith at the Security Council, the Board of Governors and the Joint Commission for the preservation and implementation of the JCPOA. Efforts should be made to provide the necessary ground for the full implementation of JCPOA.

Finally, while reiterating its readiness to preserve and fully implement the provisions of the JCPOA by all participants to this agreement, in particular, the need for Iran to fully benefit from the economic effects of the lifting of sanctions regime, as envisaged in the JCPOA, the Islamic Republic of Iran is determined to take decisive action against any exaggeration and irresponsible behavior, and strongly urges the E3 to adhere to their commitments, and to preserve and fully implement the UN Security Council instead of moving in the direction of the US maximum pressure policy.

CHRIST!,This is quite literally on the same level of retardedness as if neville chamberlain had tried reminding the nazis about the obligations that they agreed to at munich......after they`ve already begun the invasion of poland.:tsk:
CHRIST!,This is quite literally on the same level of retardedness as if neville chamberlain had tried reminding the nazis about the obligations that they agreed to at munich......after they`ve already begun the invasion of poland.:tsk:

The way this would make sense is if this overt Iranian program is just for negotiation tactics and the main program is being developed in a covert way. People like you and I will never be privy to what is truly happening behind the scenes so we form opinions based on our limited information. Although I would not put anything past the everyday reformists, I believe the main power structures in Iran understand the western nature well enough to not truly believe in the sort of words you see coming out of the west and Iran itself.
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