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Iranian missiles land within 20 miles of ship, 100 miles from Nimitz strike group in Indian Ocean: officials

Yes any country that houses hostile U.S forces in case of an open war will be targeted as they should. You have a problem with that?

war is war. You exterminate your enemies no matter where they are. US didn't play by those rules in Vietnam. Left safe zones for enemy combatants.
I don't know. The USAF seems to have an awful lot of heavy payload very long range bombers. Think they found planes like that really useful when they decided to bomb the crap out of Germany and Japan.
There's no doubt that the US Army has an impressive firepower. I never meant to undermine them, but you specifically mentioned the USN and the USN will not be able to do much damage to Iran if they choose to pull back and stay afar about 2,000 kilometers from our coast near the Indian Ocean. Most targets of value in Iran will then be at least 5,000 kilometers away from them, sometimes close to 6,000 kilometers away. If they choose to get close, then they will have casualties.
At the end of the day, it's about costs versus gains. If they want to gain anything meaningful, like bombing our hardened nuclear facilities such as Fordow, they will have to pay a heavy price for that and that's called deterrence.
At the end of the day, it's about costs versus gains.

haha, I was going to write the same thing. Risk vs Reward. What is there to gain. I look at Rome and the Celts. The Romans would goad the Celts to rebellion so they could be slaughtered for profit. Celts were brave and their code of honor made them easy to provoke into an unwinnable conflict. Some fights you can't win and trying to keep your people alive is more important than pride, wealth or even having a life.
Perhaps someday those who are the aggressors (or the manipulators behind them) of today will change their minds and ways.
Are you kidding me?
If you were an engineer then saw the video of Salman engine then you wouldn't have said such thing.

If you were an engineer you could probably read. Hell a McDonald’s worker could read my post when I said no “KNOWN” Iranian missile meaning actively developed missile.

Salman is not a missile, has yet to be converted to military applications, and thus does not count.

Iran's Khorramshahr missile has a range of around 2000km with a 1800kg warhead. Those that are familiar with the history of this system know that it is capable of reaching estimated ranges up to 4000km. This is one of the reasons why Iran's Khorramshahr has such a large warhead, this was to reduce its range to the claimed 2000km, which is Iran's openly claimed range limit.

There is another view point that is jumping for people to notice. Do people actually believe that Iran's missile are indeed restricted to 2000km? To believe that you must think Iran does not resort to smoke and mirrors and it is indeed being open about the range of its systems. No sane nation would do this. There is no doubt in my mind that the true range of Iran's longer range systems are bigger than openly claimed.

Moving Khorramshahr to 4000KM would require reducing warhead payload below <500kg maybe even as low as 250kg.

Would be a waste of a missile that can deliver 1800kg to more important targets like Centcom and US naval fleet in Qatar or Israeli airbases and critical high value targets.

Better to fire CMs at that point.
Where is your calculation to back this claim?

Using computer simulations, maximum-range trajectories were calculated, as a function of the payload mass. The results are shown in Figure 7. The claimed 2,000km range is possible with a 550kg payload (including the heatshield). With a 1,800 kg payload, the range drops to about 900 km. Obviously, a larger dead-weight mass fraction than 12 percent (associated with a heavier structure or more unused propellant) would also be possible, but only at the expense of the payload at a given range. That would shift the graph left by however much the dead-weight mass is increased.

I’m giving Iran a huge benefit of the doubt and saying that with 250kg-350kg warhead it can match a 4,000 KM range.

There is no proof that the 1,800 kg = 2,000 KM range. Iran has simply stated that the max range is 2,000 Km and Carry UP TO 1,800kg warheads.

The North Korean version is estimated at 2,500 KM with a 500-1000kg warhead yet somehow Iran is 2,000 with 1,800? I don’t believe it. 800kg would have a huge impact on total distance.
Using computer simulations, maximum-range trajectories were calculated, as a function of the payload mass. The results are shown in Figure 7. The claimed 2,000km range is possible with a 550kg payload (including the heatshield). With a 1,800 kg payload, the range drops to about 900 km. Obviously, a larger dead-weight mass fraction than 12 percent (associated with a heavier structure or more unused propellant) would also be possible, but only at the expense of the payload at a given range. That would shift the graph left by however much the dead-weight mass is increased.

I’m giving Iran a huge benefit of the doubt and saying that with 250kg-350kg warhead it can match a 4,000 KM range.

There is no proof that the 1,800 kg = 2,000 KM range. Iran has simply stated that the max range is 2,000 Km and Carry UP TO 1,800kg warheads.

The North Korean version is estimated at 2,500 KM with a 500-1000kg warhead yet somehow Iran is 2,000 with 1,800? I don’t believe it. 800kg would have a huge impact on total distance.

"Irans new missile a tweak, not a breakthrough" regarding the Khoramshahr missile.

Are these guys serious?
I would disregard the sensationalism of totally repudiated Fox news, which is a Zionist Rupert Murdoch mouthpiece of disinformation and jingoism. However, the reality is that Iran has amply displayed its capability and punch. Hopefully, the next US administration ismore mature and will lift the illegal and counter productive sanctions and improve ties. Iran is a rich educated nation of 84 million and a lucrative market for US goods at time US economy is crumbling and China is on the rise.

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I would disregard the sensationalism of totally repudiated Fox news, which is a Zionist Rupert Murdoch mouthpiece of disinformation and jingoism. However, the reality is that Iran has amply displayed its capability and punch. Hopefully, the next US administration ismore mature and will lift the illegal and counter productive sanctions and improve ties. Iran is a rich educated nation of 84 million and a lucrative market for US goods at time US economy is crumbling and China is on the rise.

You're naive, war decisions are made by smart people at Pentagon and Langley, no matter who is president.

USA is trying to fool the world once again.

They dont care about if Iran or Saudi Arabia or Israel wins the war, they just want a large war and mess in Middle East, to decrease internal oil-cossumption of ME oil exporters countries.

They will try to renew the Iran Deal with Biden, but, who cares? The final target is trigger a war in ME, no matter if it's started by GCC, by Israel, or by Iran.
Using computer simulations, maximum-range trajectories were calculated, as a function of the payload mass. The results are shown in Figure 7. The claimed 2,000km range is possible with a 550kg payload (including the heatshield). With a 1,800 kg payload, the range drops to about 900 km. Obviously, a larger dead-weight mass fraction than 12 percent (associated with a heavier structure or more unused propellant) would also be possible, but only at the expense of the payload at a given range. That would shift the graph left by however much the dead-weight mass is increased.

I’m giving Iran a huge benefit of the doubt and saying that with 250kg-350kg warhead it can match a 4,000 KM range.

There is no proof that the 1,800 kg = 2,000 KM range. Iran has simply stated that the max range is 2,000 Km and Carry UP TO 1,800kg warheads.

The North Korean version is estimated at 2,500 KM with a 500-1000kg warhead yet somehow Iran is 2,000 with 1,800? I don’t believe it. 800kg would have a huge impact on total distance.
Let them underestimate us, that's the first and the worst mistake that one could make when dealing with his/her enemy.

Khorramshahr missile has 900 KM range. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Iran's accurate ballistic missiles are defining new ways that wars are fought

The vulnerability of giant, stationary air bases to precision missile
strikes was demonstrated during the January 2020 Iranian missile strike
on the US-operated Ein Assad air base in Iraq. Prior to the attack, the
US teams at that base had launched a fleet of Predator UAVs for
patrolling the base perimeter. One of the incoming Iranian missiles hit
an underground communications conduit and cut the fiber optic lines
between the UAV’s control vans and the system’s transceivers. This
caused a loss of ground control over the entire UAV fleet. It took hours
to reestablish communication via satellite and bring the UAVs back in.

Needless to say, US combat aircraft based in Iraq were powerless against
this missile strike. Simply put, Iran gained air superiority over the
air base by virtue of its precision missiles. Hezbollah intends to perfect this tactic in
any future conflict with Zionists in Occupied Palestine.
Using computer simulations, maximum-range trajectories were calculated, as a function of the payload mass. The results are shown in Figure 7. The claimed 2,000km range is possible with a 550kg payload (including the heatshield). With a 1,800 kg payload, the range drops to about 900 km. Obviously, a larger dead-weight mass fraction than 12 percent (associated with a heavier structure or more unused propellant) would also be possible, but only at the expense of the payload at a given range. That would shift the graph left by however much the dead-weight mass is increased.

I’m giving Iran a huge benefit of the doubt and saying that with 250kg-350kg warhead it can match a 4,000 KM range.

So your source is basically some random article that is clearly downplaying the missile? At least use a more reputable source:

the Khorramshahr reportedly has a range of 2,000 km with a warhead weighing 1,800 kg

There is no proof that the 1,800 kg = 2,000 KM range. Iran has simply stated that the max range is 2,000 Km and Carry UP TO 1,800kg warheads.

If Iran stated the range is around 2000km and has a 1800kg warhead, why would we assume that range does not correlate to that warhead? There is not a single source from Iran that as claimed the 1800kg warhead leads to a shorter range than 2000km.

The North Korean version is estimated at 2,500 KM with a 500-1000kg warhead yet somehow Iran is 2,000 with 1,800? I don’t believe it. 800kg would have a huge impact on total distance.

You're posting the minimum range they have estimated that missile to be. The range is from 2500 to 4000km.

The Musudan is a mobile, land-based, and liquid-fueled ballistic missile with a length of 12 meters, diameter of 1.5 meters, and a range of 2,500-4,000km.

Moreover this is not about whether you personally believe or not, that is not how it works. If you want your claims to hold any merits, you need to back them up using reliable references.
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So your source is basically some random article that is clearly downplaying the missile? At least use a more reputable source:

If Iran stated the range is around 2000km and has a 1800kg warhead, why would we assume that range does not correlate to that warhead? There is not a single source from Iran that as claimed the 1800kg warhead leads to a shorter range than 2000km.

You're posting the minimum range they have estimated that missile to be. The range is from 2500 to 4000km.

Moreover this is not about whether you personally believe or not, that is not how it works. If you want your claims to hold any merits, you need to back them up using reliable references.

You ask for evidence then when presented with evidence you call it a “useless article” when the user literally puts his calculations in the article for his assumptions. But You quote a Jane’s article as your basis of evidence that says “reportedly” in its quote of the range. Meaning what? Meaning Jane’s has not Independently verified its range.

You must not have any reading comprehension because you made yourself look like a clown.

Nearly every article you will quote will use that term. And in the case of NK missile if the range is 2,000-4,000 due to lack of evidence your immediate assumption is to pick the highest option on the outlier bell curve.

Why even debate things with people like you. You only hear what you want to hear.

If you think Khorramshahr can carry a 1,000 payload 4,000KM you are living in a fantasy.

Table 1: Estimated Khorramshahr parameters.

Usable propellant mass [kg]8,840
thrust [kN]173
dead-weight mass fraction incl. unused propellant [%]12
burnout mass [kg]1,205
Isp (sea level)

*rest of calculations found in article*

Either reliably counter these values or sit down, because you are not providing any evidence yourself besides articles that say “reportedly” or simply translate an Iranian press release article.
"Irans new missile a tweak, not a breakthrough" regarding the Khoramshahr missile.

Are these guys serious?

Iran’s new missile is based on a Soviet missile that has indeed been tweaked. Don’t read too much into the headline.

Sejill-2 was a breakthrough. Khorramshahr is not a breakthrough in missile technology. It might have been for Iran from a warhead bus standpoint, but that’s a separate arguement.
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You are clown.

These childish insults only demonstrate a lack of maturity, which is something you need if you wish to be taken seriously here.

You ask for evidence then when presented with evidence you call it a “useless article” when the user literally puts his calculations in the article for his assumptions.

Apparently you did not bother to read the very article you posted. They have told you many times throughout the article that almost all of their assertions are nothing but estimation(s). Let us momentarily ignore the fact your article contradicts every other words coming from Iran and other sources; it has made some major obvious errors in its calculations.

Just to give you one example, your website claims the missile has a diameter of only 1.25meters. The missile actually has a diameter of between 1.5-1.8 meter according to Centre for strategic and International Study:

One would have to be legally blind to think it has a diameter of 1.25:



No only that, they have also gotten the length of the missiles wrong. So why is this important? because even by the admission of the article itself, their calculations are based on these assumed dimensions, which now we know to be false. Here, this is from your own article:

The estimated size of the missile and the properties of the propellant allow us to make an estimate of the propellant mass.

Propellant mass forms a very important part of the mathematical modelling and they are greatly underestimating this when it comes to Khorramshahr which means their entire overall calculation is thus wrong.
So if you actually take the assumptions from that website seriously and do not realise where they gave gone wrong, then you demonstrate that you are simply out of your depth here.

But You quote a Jane’s article as your basis of evidence that says “reportedly” in its quote of the range. Meaning what? Meaning Jane’s has not Independently verified its range.

Your article did not independently verify anything. Like I explained above, it is all based on their own assumptions with little to back their claims and I have debunked them already given their erroneous claims. Moreover, Janes international and CSIS are a far more reputable site than this random site you found.

You must not have any reading comprehension because you made yourself look like a clown.

On the contrary, it seems you did not even bother to read your own article.

Nearly every article you will quote will use that term. And in the case of NK missile if the range is 2,000-4,000 due to lack of evidence your immediate assumption is to pick the highest option on the outlier bell curve.

You made the claim that it has a range of 2500km and I explained to you that is the minimum range it is believe to have had. My original comment was linked to the 4000km figure, hence why I reminded you of it. Moreover, there are many sources that use the 4000km range as its range, so this is not my own personal assumption. Therefore, unless you have any hard evidence to suggest it cannot reach those ranges, then refrain from questioning it.

Why even debate things with people like you. You only hear what you want to hear.

You seem to think people should just accept all the low quality comment you put forward as reliable. That is not how it works. I have already told you, if you wish for your claims to hold merit, then you need to do better than playing with words and random websites.

If you think Khorramshahr can carry a 1,000 payload 4,000KM you are living in a fantasy.

You're throwing numbers around as if you understand anything about ballistic missile science. This is further reinforced by the fact you actually think the article you posted is something reliable. If you truly believe Iran's Khorramshahr missile has a range of only 900km with its stated 1800kg warhead then this is delusory. Every single serious source now subscribes to the 1.8t payload and the stated 2000km range.

2000km range Khorramshahr heavy MRBM with submunition and MaRV warhead options. With a payload capability that is around 3-times higher than the Emad and Ghadr-H missile, this new ballistic missile with heavy warhead(s), will become available in higher numbers. In terms of cost-effect, a single Khorramshahr with a 1,8 ton submunition warhead inflicts the same damage as three Ghadr-H, which is a significant advantage.

Let them underestimate us, that's the first and the worst mistake that one could make when dealing with his/her enemy.

Khorramshahr missile has 900 KM range. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Maybe we could have taken them seriously if they at least got the missile's dimension correct, but even something so simple was above them. Having said that, these lot are the only ones that made such a momentous mess up, all the other sources are on the correct side of things regarding the specification of this system.
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