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Iranian military engine development news and updates

yes, a local version of J79, 30-40 even 50 years late, would consume more fuel than a modern engine, would also make more smoke, but would be produced locally, therefore without the risk of remaining without spare parts coming from abroad.
However around one or two of these "owj" J79 it would always be possible to make a high performance fighter.

No J79 is not suitable for any modern day fighter. A kowsar like fighter sure, but that is merely a 1970’s fighter with some modern avionics systems. It’s smoke and exhaust would give it away to modern infrared military anti air systems.

J79 is merely a stepping stone. According to Iran, the RQ-170 engine advanced Iran’s knowledge 20-30 years. J79 development is pre RQ-170. So Iran is likely ahead here, by how much is anyone’s guess.

The next step will be to see what engine Iran is working on currently maybe something along the lines of AL-31 or it might decide to reverse engineer F-14 engines if it wants a heavy interceptor fighter.

Iran has sought the blueprints of F-35 engines, so the desire is there for a advanced modern homegrown engine. The issue is getting it’s hands on such technology is not easy.
one thing is to desire, another is to have in the short term an engine made in Iran, tried, reliable, known by its technicians and powerful enough for, as I wrote, to sew a new dress around.
In the meantime, continue the work for a new engine, but the Chinese teach that to build a modern engine and make it reliable and operational, they were not enough for 10 years, despite huge economic capacity dedicated to research and purchases of modern Russian aircraft equipped of equally efficient and modern propulsors from which to obtain important information to be transferred to national projects.
Therefore it is better to have a smoky "updated" OWJ J-79 today than a "probable but certainly not" new operational project in 10-15 years or maybe more.
one thing is to desire, another is to have in the short term an engine made in Iran, tried, reliable, known by its technicians and powerful enough for, as I wrote, to sew a new dress around.
In the meantime, continue the work for a new engine, but the Chinese teach that to build a modern engine and make it reliable and operational, they were not enough for 10 years, despite huge economic capacity dedicated to research and purchases of modern Russian aircraft equipped of equally efficient and modern propulsors from which to obtain important information to be transferred to national projects.
Therefore it is better to have a smoky "updated" OWJ J-79 today than a "probable but certainly not" new operational project in 10-15 years or maybe more.
has there been statements about iranian j-79 or expectation that it will be announced soon or something?
Thx Winter could you tell us more about this engine ? Engine of what ? RD-33 ? RD-93 ? Iranian version of the F110-GE-400 ?
No,this is just a small "disposable" turbojet,the Toloue 4/Toloo 4,thats used for cruise missiles and in a modified extended lifespan version for drones.It was originally based on the french microturbo 60,tho whether its a licensed design or a reverse/reengineered version I dont know.
Thx guys. If you do have any news about iranian new heavy jet engine please communicate. In my view, contrary to what West said, or say, North Korea is developing and increasing their fleet of Mig-29. They are far to be barely 40, in fact NK's Mig-29's fleet must be around 60 if not 70, to not say more. It means NK might succeed in reverse engineering some parts of the Mig-29 including the RD-33. However I don't have any clues about that. Furthermore, NK and Iran are close allies. The missile of one is the missile of the other. The tank of one is the tank of the other etc. NK and Iran have been working together for while. If Iran reveals a new RD-33, it means NK succeeded too. Notice I don't care by any western declaration, they are near all lies, speculations, and propaganda. The only clues for me me about NK is to see Iran's progress, and prowess.
Pakistan should work hard to produce get engine and avionics in PAC. Iran is also a threat for the security of Pakistan besides India and Afghanistan. Iran's hostility can reach to whole new level against pakistan in times of great distress and war.
Nonsense!.......Iran does not consider Pakistan an enemy. Our problem with Pakistan is the drug smuggling and gun running, and recently the U.S. and sawdi funded terror groups based in the hills of balochistan inside Pakistan.

No other issues. Your president is on notice to bring these foreign funded terror groups to justice. We want them handed over and prosecuted for the crimes they commit as outlaws. Trying to spoil relations between the two countries:


Pakistan should work hard to produce get engine and avionics in PAC. Iran is also a threat for the security of Pakistan besides India and Afghanistan. Iran's hostility can reach to whole new level against pakistan in times of great distress and war.
Pakistan should work hard to produce get engine and avionics in PAC. Iran is also a threat for the security of Pakistan besides India and Afghanistan. Iran's hostility can reach to whole new level against pakistan in times of great distress and war.

Since the independance, and hence the birth of Pakistan Iran has never been the ennemy of Pakistan. On contrary, because the two were close US allies, and as neighbors they have been sharing the same interrests. Until now in spite of the tumults in Pakistan's politic scene Iran used to do all its possible to keep a good relations with Pakistan. Only Zionists and Israelis think that Pak and Iran are ennemies. However, they are wrong. The next step could be a devlopment of close relations between the two countries, that could lead for example the creation from scratch of new jet engines. The two countries have the human potential, scientific and technical, but there are lack political of will, nevertheless in the next future there is ineluctable

PS- Iam not pakistanis, neither arab, nor iranian etc...but french.
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