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Iranian Islamic Jihad terrorist group spokesman says Jews love Jerusalem more than 'palestinians'

Saddam, Qaddafi, Hafiz Al Asad were on this boat before and told everybody that their bad relations with the West was for Palestine.
Those writers you are mentioning are considered a minority compare to many other Iranian writers whom are writing in favor of Arabs. What kinda Logic is that? and you didn't answer my question, about how can a racist nation have so much respect toward some Arab individuals?
And for those ones you mentioned like Saddam and Qaddafi, you know better than anyone else that they never had bad relations with west, they were used and when their time came up they were dumped like a used tissue. Google that Qaddafi and see his dance with US and France president.
Does not matter.

Jews originated in and around Israel.

Their travels there after are of no concern or importance as their origins are clear.
They intermixed with European populations and diluted most of their middle astern DNA a long time ago. They are just mongrels now.
They intermixed with European populations and diluted most of their middle astern DNA a long time ago. They are just mongrels now.

The Sephardic Jews are not from Spain originally but the ME. Genetics test prove their connection to the ME despite living many years outside of the ME. Askhenazis are more mixed with Europeans but that's about it. Even among them there are clear signs of ME ancestry. All people are mixed anyway.

Genetic studies on Jews - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You are not from the ME either but probably just some South Asian that thinks ME is his backyard because he is a Muslim. Which I even doubt that you are. At least it has long been established that you are not an American.
The Sephardic Jews are not from Spain originally but the ME. Genetics test prove their connection to the ME despite living many years outside of the ME. Askhenazis are more mixed with Europeans but that's about it. Even among them there are clear signs of ME ancestry. All people are mixed anyway.

Genetic studies on Jews - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You are not from the ME either but probably just some South Asian that thinks ME is his backyard because he is a Muslim. Which I even doubt that you are. At least it has long been established that you are not an American.
Funny how you defend these people When here in America the Jews portray you in the media as terrorist backwards sandmonkeys.

The Jews do not see you as brothers, they steal Arab land and kill Arabs, yet you kiss the feet of those who spit on your Arab Palestinian brethren. That's why you Arabs always lose..cowards.
Funny how you defend these people When here in America the Jews portray you in the media as terrorist backwards sandmonkeys.

Which is a outright lie. That's the opinion of a few ignorants that do not know about the greatness of Islam, Arabs or the ancient Semitic civilizations that are located in the cradle of civilization (ME) that we are native to and live in. They have an even worse or at least similar opinion about Africans, South Asians and all Muslims in general etc. Because they are radicals that hate anyone that is not from Northern Europe. They are racist towards Italians and Southern Europeans as well.

Ordinary Jews are good people that believe in the same God as we do and whose religion is very similar and they are fellow Semitic people who believe in an Abrahamic religion.

I do not hate Jews as a people but disagree with Zionism and the conduct of the state of Israel and certain areas.
Besides I ama partially European. Just so you know and I have lived in Europe for half my life and do right now besides I have relatives all across Europe.

Yet you are neither an American but probably an South Asian that wants to attach himself to the ME region just because he is Muslim although I doubt this.
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Funny how you defend these people When here in America the Jews portray you in the media as terrorist backwards sandmonkeys.

What is this nonsense?

KSA is America's strongest Arab ally.

Do you think if the Jewish influence in America was anti-KSA, that there would be a strong relationship between the KSA & US?
Those writers you are mentioning are considered a minority compare to many other Iranian writers whom are writing in favor of Arabs. What kinda Logic is that? and you didn't answer my question, about how can a racist nation have so much respect toward some Arab individuals?
And for those ones you mentioned like Saddam and Qaddafi, you know better than anyone else that they never had bad relations with west, they were used and when their time came up they were dumped like a used tissue. Google that Qaddafi and see his dance with US and France president.

Long story short, Iranian Mullahs need legitimacy bridge for expanding their regional influence. Shia'sim or Persian nationalism as expansion ideology won't work. Riding the Palestinian horse does work. All the ME regimes know, very well, that harassing Israel seriously means a direct conflict with the U.S in which they can't win.

Anti-Arabism is not a minority trend. It is absolutely rampant at all cultural levels. It gets more obvious as you go up into the education ladder. Check what Dr. Sadek Zibakalam has said about Iranians' institutionalized racism towards Arabs to get what I mean. Modern poets like Mohammad Reza Ali Payam, and Mostafa Badkoobei have written very anti-arab poems and
bluntly read them in public with huge applause from the Iranian audience (available on YouTube).

Respecting Ahl Al Bayt comes after centuries of massive religious indoctrination, and state ideology started with the Safavids. Often, the respect comes with overlooking their racial roots.
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What do some religious people in Australia, South Africa or Argentina have to do with the holy city of Mecca?

LOL Judaism claims to be passed from birth mother to children unlike Islam, you guys claim being Jewish is akin to being Israeli so you make it both a nationality and a religion, some even say it is a race in of itself. That is the difference.
For Jews Jerusalem is the most sacred site. They face Jerusalem when they pray to Allah (Yahweh) and for Muslims its the 3rd sacred site after Makkah and Madina.
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