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Iranian Guards vow to hit any country that Stages Attack

We never tried to make nuclear weapons.Do you really think we couldn't build one if we wanted to?I assure you,if Iran wanted to make weapons,we would build it before Pakistan discovers what nuclear weapons are.We don't need nuclear weapons,because unlike some 'other' countries,we don't think it makes us any stronger.


Who are you trying to fool? :rofl:
Iran to kick off World War Three - English pravda.ru

Iran to kick off World War Three

Iran to kick off World War Three. 46337.jpegThe world is perhaps standing on the brink of another major war, which may kick off in Iran. Sources close to special services of different countries even come up with dates when the war may begin. The Southern Caucasus borders on Iran. Russia's borders are near the country too. GeorgiaTimes and a scientist of politics of the Tbilisi State University (Georgia) tried to predict what consequences the armed conflict may lead to for separate countries of the region.

The war may begin when Israel strikes "nuclear" objects in Iran. The United States will support the attack. If it happens, the new large-scale war will become inevitable. Iran is not Libya, and not even Iraq. In addition, anti-Iranian enemies have failed to build the "axis of hatred" around Iran. Therefore, many countries in the region will support Iran either directly or by implication. In particular, it goes about China. Chinese President Hu Jintao stated that if the USA or any other country attacked Iran, China would take responsive measures immediately. As for Moscow, sources at Russia's Defense Ministry said that the forces in the region had already been mobilized in case of a possible war.

Many Iranians come to Armenia, a republic of the former Soviet Union, for weekends. Women feel more liberated there, whereas men can drink cognac freely. The times, when Iran was separated from the Caucasus with the iron curtain of the Soviet Union, have become a thing of the past. Nowadays, for many residents of Armenia and Azerbaijan, Iran is not an exotic state at all.

Armenia and Azerbaijan only border on Iran; the countries can only careless about the problems of their neighbor. However, it only seems so. The war with Iran, if it ever happens, is not going to be a regional conflict.

Georgian scientist of politics, Solomon Lebanoidze, is pessimistic about the future of the region. As he said in an interview with GeorgiaTimes, the war in Iran is very likely to happen. "It may happen that this war may grow into World War III. No one is going to stay aside. There are many nuances here that will not give any country of the Caucasus an opportunity to remain a serene harbor," the expert said.

Russia will obviously stand up against the war with Iran. It will not be possible for Russia not to be involved in the conflict. Russia may come into a military alliance with China in case of the conflict. The alliance may gradually develop into the anti-Western coalition of forces against Israel and the USA, if they get involved in the war too.

"If the war begins, the Russian army base in Armenia will find itself isolated. If it happens, Russia may try to take measures to make a corridor via Georgia, the expert believes. "Georgia and Iran have pragmatic and friendly relations. I believe that Georgia will try to play a passive role in the process," the scientist of politics said.

According to the Nezavisimaya Gazeta newspaper, Russia is already concerned about the security of its army base in Armenia. Servicemen's families have left the base, whereas the personnel have moved to another area, closer to the borders with Turkey.

The isolation of the Russian base in Armenia may push Azerbaijan towards another war for Nagorny Karabakh. "Azerbaijan may use Russia's weakening position in Armenia and launch the war for the liberation of Karabakh. The way how the war develops depends on larger participants, such as the United States and Turkey. I do not think that the States will be passive in this situation," the scientist of politics said.

For the Southern Caucasus, the war with Iran may resemble the time in the beginning of the 1990s, when the region was "depressurized" from its common condition. Many conflicts and wars sparked because of them, and many of them are still unsolved.

WW 3!!The Pravda's lunacy hasn't ended yet.
This reminds me of another courageous speaker.! long live such great words for the sake of history :D

This is funny as fook..Only the army spokesperson and country gonna change.Rest everything will remain same.
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I never knew IRGC was as powerful as the Iranian military itself. They seem to have a huge political clout compared to the standard Army, Navy and Air force.
I never knew IRGC was as powerful as the Iranian military itself. They seem to have a huge political clout compared to the standard Army, Navy and Air force.
IRGC are the people you should look at if you are trying to learn assymetrical warfare. Hezbollahis are military student of them, and look what they done to the Israelis in 2006
^^ not sure if you are trolling. But Iranians are known to die for their motherland, even if they have to step on mines, so that is why the US would have tough time to fight this time. You cant fight people who are determined to die for their cause.
On a serious note: Why do these countries have such propensity to talk so big when 90% of their soldiers shake off their uniforms and run away whenever we come to the fight?

How many of the Iranians here are headed back to protect their motherland? I notice that many who talk tall tales here, do so from the comfort of Judeo-Christian, white, western countries.

Actually the ones who shake off their uniforms and piss in their pants when they encounter the other side were the US diplomats who had been taken hostage in the siege of the US "espionage nest" (you probably call it the US embassy though) and the British soldiers that had been taken into custody of the Iranian forces. The films exist, and they tell you everything you need to know about who is afraid of who.
Iran also wants to double it's military budget is it true ?
So that means invading Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Afghanistan, etc. If you want to prevent possible attacks you have to invade those countries from being attacked more. Something the Japanese regret not doing when attacking Pearl Harbor. They didn't occupy it.

Oh and also blockading the seas for many years as well, something the Japanese also forgot to do.
Iran also wants to double it's military budget is it true ?
Yes,in the budget plan for Iranian calender year of 1391,military budget has increased by 120%.

So that means invading Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Afghanistan, etc. If you want to prevent possible attacks you have to invade those countries from being attacked more. Something the Japanese regret not doing when attacking Pearl Harbor. They didn't occupy it.
Why would Iran attack Saudi Arabia,UAE or Qatar as long as they are neutral?They will not assist the western world in the war against Iran because their economy will collapse if they do.
Iran's defense spending would more than double under plans set out by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Wednesday, but critics said his overall draft budget took too little account of economic pressures posed by mounting international sanctions.

Ahmadinejad presented to parliament a budget based on a 20 per cent rise in tax revenues, but some analysts thought this unrealistic as Iran struggles with threats to key oil revenues from sanctions linked to its disputed nuclear ambitions.

The president said the public budget for 2012-13 was worth around $90 billion, with an increase of 127 per cent in the defense budget. The public budget covers items like wages, subsidies and development projects.

"The total budget is around 510 trillion tomans (around $415 billion), of which 400 trillion tomans covers state firms and entities," Ahmadinejad told lawmakers in a speech broadcast live by state radio.

Tension with the West rose last month when Washington and the European Union imposed the toughest sanctions yet in a drive to force Tehran to curb its nuclear work. The measures target the ability of OPEC's second biggest Oil producer to sell its crude.

Iran has suggested it will fight sanctions with sanctions, with the oil minister saying the Islamic state would soon stop exporting crude to "some" countries.
Iran has repeatedly said it could close the Strait of Hormuz shipping lane if sanctions prevent it from exporting crude, a move in the vital waterway which Washington said it would not tolerate
Ahmadinejad said the draft budget proposed a 5.6 percent drop in government spending. Parliament has often criticised Ahmadinejad for allowing government spending often to exceed what was initially planned

The budget is aimed at securing a growth rate of eight percent, higher than 7.3 percent growth in the current year. The budget bill for 1391 (the Iranian year starting on March 20) has been drawn up by taking into account the price of oil and the international economy," Ahmadinejad said,

without giving a figure.

Iranian media said the budget was based on an oil price of $85 a barrel, which is below international crude prices. Brent crude rose above $111 a barrel on Wednesday, gaining for a second straight session on fears that tensions between Iran and the West may escalate further.
Yes,in the budget plan for Iranian calender year of 1391,military budget has increased by 120%.

Why would Iran attack Saudi Arabia,UAE or Qatar as long as they are neutral?They will not assist the western world because their economy will collapse if they do.

Seems true.
Yes,in the budget plan for Iranian calender year of 1391,military budget has increased by 120%.

Why would Iran attack Saudi Arabia,UAE or Qatar as long as they are neutral?They will not assist the western world because their economy will collapse if they do.

Why send such a message like that in the first place unless Iran is uncertain about the Arab nations' neutrality eh? As Iran mentioned about telling the Saudis don't replace the supply of oil if Iran shuts down its oil production to the west or any parts of the world. Think about it.
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