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Iranian Guards vow to hit any country that Stages Attack

lol. From the very beginning is a joke. Hamas is a Sunni militant group. and also, It was only Iran that stood by the Palestinian people during the Gaza raids. Saudi Arabia only condemned Israel, while Iran publicly supported Hamas. Here's the map:

[video]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/92/International_reaction_to_the_2008%E2%80%932009_Is rael%E2%80%93Gaza_conflict.png[/video]

It might be in Saudi Arabian mind set to give up and surrender, but Iran thinks differently, we fight and resist for our cause. And as far as I know, Hizbullah did pretty well in 2006 war, but Saudi Arabia condemned Hizbullah. Saudi Arabia is a betrayer to our region, no need to discuss it any further.

I wonder if it will ever get through your heads. There are more than one side in our region. In our region we have Israel in one side, Saudi Arabia on another and Iran on another one. They are not two sides as you are brainwashed to believe. Watching the Iranian extension that is Hezboullah damaged by Israel and Israel damaged by Hezboullah was a good thing to look at strategically. And besides in that war most people who died were Sunnis due to Israeli bombings on sunni civilian neighborhoods, Saudi Arabia built the entire infrastructure of Lebanon to only have Israel destroy it. So stop the BS of both you and your regime.
Yeah sure laugh at the Quran this seems to be your favorite pass time for you lot.
IRAQ Sunnis call for UN intervention after massacre in Baghdad - Asia News
NEWS: Moqtada al-Sadr returns to Iraq after four years
Shiite gunmen in Baghdad massacre 41 Sunnis - Africa & Middle East - International Herald Tribune - The New York Times
Shia massacre revives fears of civil war | World news | The Guardian

Okay since Bin Laden is supposed to represent all Saudis in your eyes then Hekmati represents all Iranians right?? The terrorist Muqtada Al-Sader too since he is home grown in Iran. (Like most Iraqi "Politicians" as you called it. Funny Iraq was given to Iran in a silver platter by the US, I love the Iranians argument on this one "Because it was a free election" yeah right so America given free elections when it suits you and it doesn't when it does not huh?). Oh so Hugo Chevaz is protected by Iran? And also Ghadaffi? Fidel Castro runs to Iran for protection as well?? Hahahaha don't make me laugh, it is true Iranian ego knows no bounds. They made a couple of refurbished Scuds and now they think they are a super power.

I didn't make fun of the Quran. I made fun of your argument. Then it means you support people like Husni Mobarak, Ben Ali and Saleh. So you can't disagree with Assad either, because at the end he'll do tawba as you suggested.

Who is Hekmati?

and none of those things about Muqtada Sadr can be verified independently unfortunately. Another failure. But about the genocide the Taliban did to Hazaras in Afghanistan and about other monthly bombings in Iraq or about the uknown gun men attacking buses carrying Shi3a tourists any one can independently verify those news.

Do we need to protect someone to show we support them? We have invested a huge amount of money in Cuba and Venezuela and Ahmadinejad and Hugo Chavez visit each other so often.

All I hear from you is whining because you know that Iran is projecting its power in the region independently why you go and hide behind the USA to have their support. We've seen how the 'Arab Lion' (Saddam) who used to be worshiped like God by Arabs and praised in your media for his anti-Iranian anti-Jewish speeches was caught like a rat hidden in a rat hole. The USA uses countries like you and when your date is expired they'll throw you away. It's just as simple as that.

---------- Post added at 07:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:14 PM ----------

I wonder if it will ever get through your heads. There are more than one side in our region. In our region we have Israel in one side, Saudi Arabia on another and Iran on another one. They are not two sides as you are brainwashed to believe. Watching the Iranian extension that is Hezboullah damaged by Israel and Israel damaged by Hezboullah was a good thing to look at strategically. And besides in that war most people who died were Sunnis due to Israeli bombings on sunni civilian neighborhoods, Saudi Arabia built the entire infrastructure of Lebanon to only have Israel destroy it. So stop the BS of both you and your regime.

The side that Saudi Arabia is taking is the side that the USA is taking and that's the side of Israel. There are two sides. And the entire infrastructure of Lebanon, especially south Lebanon, was built by Iran, not Saudi Arabia.

You condemned Hizbullah in 2006, You only condemned Israel in 2008 during the Gaza war and didn't support Hamas. Iran supported Hizbullah in 2006 and supported Hamas in 2008. Everyone with a functioning brain can differentiate who is siding with who.
I wonder if it will ever get through your heads. There are more than one side in our region. In our region we have Israel in one side, Saudi Arabia on another and Iran on another one. They are not two sides as you are brainwashed to believe. Watching the Iranian extension that is Hezboullah damaged by Israel and Israel damaged by Hezboullah was a good thing to look at strategically. And besides in that war most people who died were Sunnis due to Israeli bombings on sunni civilian neighborhoods, Saudi Arabia built the entire infrastructure of Lebanon to only have Israel destroy it. So stop the BS of both you and your regime.
Mosamania , You Saudi Arabia , Israel , Bahrain , Qatar in one side & Iran , Syria , Hezbollah in other side . Who killed Harriri ? You blamed Hezbollah , but how they will be benefited by killing Hariri ? You delete Mosad from your list cz you get aside .
I didn't make fun of the Quran. I made fun of your argument. Then it means you support people like Husni Mobarak, Ben Ali and Saleh. So you can't disagree with Assad either, because at the end he'll do tawba as you suggested.

Who is Hekmati?

and none of those things about Muqtada Sadr can be verified independently unfortunately. Another failure. But about the genocide the Taliban did to Hazaras in Afghanistan and about other monthly bombings in Iraq or about the uknown gun men attacking buses carrying Shi3a tourists any one can independently verify those news.

Do we need to protect someone to show we support them? We have invested a huge amount of money in Cuba and Venezuela and Ahmadinejad and Hugo Chavez visit each other so often.

All I hear from you is whining because you know that Iran is projecting its power in the region independently why you go and hide behind the USA to have their support. We've seen how the 'Arab Lion' (Saddam) who used to be worshiped like God by Arabs and praised in your media for his anti-Iranian anti-Jewish speeches was caught like a rat hidden in a rat hole. The USA uses countries like you and when your date is expired they'll throw you away. It's just as simple as that.

---------- Post added at 07:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:14 PM ----------

The side that Saudi Arabia is taking is the side that the USA is taking and that's the side of Israel. There are two sides. And the entire infrastructure of Lebanon, especially south Lebanon, was built by Iran, not Saudi Arabia.

You condemned Hizbullah in 2006, You only condemned Israel in 2008 during the Gaza war and didn't support Hamas. Iran supported Hizbullah in 2006 and supported Hamas in 2008. Everyone with a functioning brain can differentiate who is siding with who.

So you only take what you want from the Media and leave the rest?? Oh I don't believe this thus this is not true.Is this how they do things over there??

Oh and we cut off our blind alliance with the US the moment King Abdullah came to power something someone like you can't understand. This is what King Abdullah Said to then President Geroge, W Bush: "A time comes when peoples and nations part. We are at a crossroads. It is time for the United States and Saudi Arabia to look at their separate interests. Those governments that don't feel the pulse of their people and respond to it will suffer the fate of the Shah of Iran." Feel free to google the quote.

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So you only take what you want from the Media and leave the rest?? Oh I don't believe this thus this is not true.Is this how they do things over there??
Of course no. But there is a difference between accusations from the media that have a long history of Iran bashing and evidences and documents that have been proved to be valid.

Oh and we cut off our blind alliance with the US the moment King Abdullah came to power something someone like you can't understand. This is what King Abdullah Said to then President Geroge, W Bush: "A time comes when peoples and nations part. We are at a crossroads. It is time for the United States and Saudi Arabia to look at their separate interests. Those governments that don't feel the pulse of their people and respond to it will suffer the fate of the Shah of Iran." Feel free to google the quote.


You're right that people like me can't understand people like you. You're absolutely right about that my dear. I understand these things much better:

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