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Iranian Ground Forces | News and Equipment

so our iranian brother start to produce ripsaw type vehicle.............:devil:
this is future tank systems that can travel at a speed of 130km/h in non-asphalt but flat grounds and 100km/h in highly off road ground... and it is a base prototype to show how the wheels will look like

Last week, the Iranian Defense Industry has unveild a new wheeled unmanned ground vehicle (UGV), called Nazeer or Nazir which can be armed with missile or light machine gun. Iran's modern defense industrial base was developed during the period of the Shah by an import substitution strategy, in which Iran would learn to produce, assemble, repair and maintain military equipment.

Iran is one of a few nations that is trying to achieve a totally self-sufficient armaments capability. With this new UGV, Iran shows one more time is ability to design and manufacture latest innovations and technologies of military equipment.

The new Nazeer UGV is based on a 4x4 chassis and is fully autonomous.

According to our first analysis, the Nazeer can be run tanks to solar panels mounted on the top of the vehicle.

The Nazeer is able to carry two MANPADS (Man-portable air-defense systems) missile and a maximum load of 600 kg. It can perform reconnaissance and combat missions to a maximum range of 2 km. The vehicle can be also fitted with a remote weapon station armed with a 7.62mm machine gun.

The weapon systems can be lowered inside the vehicle in road position, and when it's necessary the weapons are erected on the top to be ready to fire in a short time.

The front of the Nazeer is equipped with a sensor mounted at the front to operate the vehicle through a remote control system.

Three small grenade dischargers are mounted on each side of the vehicle.

Iranian defense industry unveils Nazir Nazeer UGV Unmanned Ground Vehicle armed with missile | weapons defence industry military technology UK | analyse focus army defence military industry army

Last week, the Iranian Defense Industry has unveild a new wheeled unmanned ground vehicle (UGV), called Nazeer or Nazir which can be armed with missile or light machine gun. Iran's modern defense industrial base was developed during the period of the Shah by an import substitution strategy, in which Iran would learn to produce, assemble, repair and maintain military equipment.

Iran is one of a few nations that is trying to achieve a totally self-sufficient armaments capability. With this new UGV, Iran shows one more time is ability to design and manufacture latest innovations and technologies of military equipment.

The new Nazeer UGV is based on a 4x4 chassis and is fully autonomous.

According to our first analysis, the Nazeer can be run tanks to solar panels mounted on the top of the vehicle.

The Nazeer is able to carry two MANPADS (Man-portable air-defense systems) missile and a maximum load of 600 kg. It can perform reconnaissance and combat missions to a maximum range of 2 km. The vehicle can be also fitted with a remote weapon station armed with a 7.62mm machine gun.

The weapon systems can be lowered inside the vehicle in road position, and when it's necessary the weapons are erected on the top to be ready to fire in a short time.

The front of the Nazeer is equipped with a sensor mounted at the front to operate the vehicle through a remote control system.

Three small grenade dischargers are mounted on each side of the vehicle.

Iranian defense industry unveils Nazir Nazeer UGV Unmanned Ground Vehicle armed with missile | weapons defence industry military technology UK | analyse focus army defence military industry army
very practical.

They thought this one out, has a v shaped hull, solar panels, smoke launchers, and can be used for many different missions.

Iran Army ground forces documentary : brigadier General Ahmad Reza Pourdastan

sorry but aghareb, the other vehicles, and the so called indigenous planes (Saeqeh - Qaher 313 etc.)are like jokes...
تک‌ تیرانداز «بی‌‌ ام‌ جی ۲» رونمایی شد

فرمانده نیروی زمینی ارتش از رونمایی از سلاح تک تیرانداز ۷.۶۲ میلیمتری «بی‌ ام‌ جی ۲» در رزمایش بیت‌ المقدس ۲۷ خبر داد.
به گزارش پایگاه اطلاع رسانی شبکه خبر، سلاح تک تیرانداز جدید با نام «بی ام جی 2» امروز در «رزمایش بیت المقدس 27» ارتش جمهوری اسلامی ایران در منطقه عمومی نصرآباد اصفهان به کارگرفته شد.

فرمانده نیروی زمینی ارتش جمهوری اسلامی در این رزمایش گفت: این سلاح 7 و 66 میلی متری با قابلیت درگیری 800 متر و قدرت تخریب افراد و تجهیزات سبک دشمن به همت مهندسان سازمان جهاد خودکفایی ارتش ساخته شده است.

امیرسرتیپ احمدرضا پوردستان افزود: در مرحله نهایی این رزمایش سلاح ها و تجهیزات جدید دیگری از جمله «شش لول اخگر»، «سلاح شاهر» و «لانچرهای ضدبالگرد» نیز آزمایش شد.

مرحله نخست این رزمایش پنجشنبه 31 اردیبهشت در غرب کشور و مرحله دوم آن شنبه دوم خرداد با شلیک موشک های دفاعی نیروی زمینی ارتش جمهوری اسلامی در منطقه مرنجاب آران و بیدگل و مرحله نهایی آن امروز در نصرآباد اصفهان برگزار شد.

تک‌ تیرانداز «بی‌‌ ام‌ جی ۲» رونمایی شد
This is a good looking turret out of Command & Conquer game. Looks cool. I think it just needs protecting gear. May be Kevlar skin or something like that.

actually Siavash was only a prototype developed by an individual.on the other hand, Fateh is serious project and it will result in mass production in the current Persian year.
There was Siavash Assault rifle! Where is it! I will fund it! ... It was stopped because the name was non Arabic! I have to wait till "Neshane Khoda" Rostam becomes leader! Then we will see Siavash rifle!

This UGV is a very practical system, think how many lives would have been saved if there was such system covering between two defence lines taking ammunition and firing anti tank or manpad during the 8 year war. Just want to know what were they thinking when designing "Aghareb wheeled tank". It is sure practical but it is ugly! I mean something beyond ugly!
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