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in fact iran so called reverse engineered F-5 are better than Mig-29 we have and i don't answer anymore on why we don't need Su-35 to a salesperson of Sukhoi .as we explained why flanker is useless against modern aircrafts many times if you were able to shake your slave mentality you would have understood it.
you guys are so hard trying to sell outdated sukhoi to iran because you knew the only thing held iran back from producing its own aircraft is the engine and that will be solved in next 5 year if something extraordinary don't happen.

That is the point. If engine show up in 5 years ( i hope so), then additional 3-5 years are needed for present the first fighters with this engine. But in these 8-10 years most of the air fleet of Iran is crumbling cause of age or spare parts ect.. So having some "modern" fighters till own "modern" fighters can take off could be important.
That is the point. If engine show up in 5 years ( i hope so), then additional 3-5 years are needed for present the first fighters with this engine. But in these 8-10 years most of the air fleet of Iran is crumbling cause of age or spare parts ect.. So having some "modern" fighters till own "modern" fighters can take off could be important.

Thank you 🥲
That is not data from a real time scenario. Its just theory. Like I said wake me up when you get it!
why not post spactacular dataof s-300 and s-400
Again no evidence that S-500 is like bavar. This is crazy talk and would require some sort of evidence to back this up. In fairness there isnt a whole lot of data about S-500 so I dont why you were so quick to agree to us buying this, seems you get erections over Russian equipment as well! What a hypocrite!
no its not it rely on PESA for detecting target
Again we need data that a modded F-5 is any better than a modded Mig-29! Where is your dog fighting data? Surely these two fought during the Iran-Iraq war, no? There hasnt been any combat between equivalent western jets and Su-35, so we can't say for sure they will be a failure. Your prejudices is causing you to have a knee-jerk reaction. An Su-35 is definitely a step up from an F-5 or Mig-29!
thats easy , there is no moded mig-29 and i previously made a post on what is inside iran mig-29 in the name of radar and it virtually have zero e-warfare caoability
It is the best we can get and would help us improve our own R+D! Otherwise we will have to wait 100 years till we make our own 4th Gen plane, by which time it may be the Day of Judgement already! Be practical!
kowsar already is 4th generation mr. 100 year
Where is your dog fighting data? Surely these two fought during the Iran-Iraq war, no?
no they didn't have dogfight and more importantly today nobody do dogfight everything is BVR . but F-5 managed to shootdown Mig-25 with its cannon during iran-Iraq war and incidentally its one of the rare case its recorded on F-5 Camera.
Its not just engine, it is radar as well as airframe agility. That guy who is banned now had a point in that Su-35 is very agile and has only been shot down twice in Ukraine, whilst having air superiority. Dont be so quick to dismiss this. You cant win a war with air defence and radars alone.
again you talk of agility ,but agility worth very little in modern air warfare , the radar and electronic in the aircraft talk the first and last word . by the way ukrain air force is not exactly a modern airforce.
Then stop bringing up western products everytime Iran wants to purchase something. You're shooting yourself in the foot if Iran wants to shut the doors to any kind of foreign procurement especially in its current condition. This is why I say you are setting Iran for failure and you have an agenda. Your desire for Iran to be 100% self reliant in such a threatening time is fake and contrived!
each time i brought a western product i also brought up an eastern one and more importantly in non of those cases i implied we must buy western product , unlike you that left and right talk about buying russian products
First of all you cant lecture me about "clean vocabulary" as though you're saint when you question my manhood and make false slanderous accusations. This is why I say youre a hypocrite and should not throw stones from glass houses.
i can lecture you on that as my vocabulary is clean . and i question anybody be a real man if he deny what he said .
by the way funny part is you think when we say you are not man we mean you don't have a genotype of 46XY. really you don't knew much about persian language
Show me a single post where I say "Iran doesn't have intelligence to make anything"! If youre a believing person you either show the evidence, or retract what you just said, and if you dont lets do mubahala to Allah to curse the person who is lying! Do you agree?
in last thre day at least 5 time you said that and i qouted them thats why I say you are not man enough to stand by your word
Has China offered her jets to Iran, or anyone for that matter. Use some logic please. The rumours about J-10 are nonesense since Iran would be mad to turn these down, so I dont believe this. Money and time we dont have?! Are you khar na'she again? And you have compared western jets as though we have the choice. Please pay attention!
a good question has russia offered its JET to iran ?
It can be argued that shia clerics have also said things that are not only limited but also straight up kufr when you go back to the scriptures. I love how you then speak about what Allah and his Messenger says, yet reject all the Sunnah which the majority of Muslims adhere to, ignore the parts about Allah hating homosexuality, the part in the Quran which talks about Satan wanting to change creation, and Muhammad hating effeminate men and masculine women!
i dare you to show me a single verse that said its a sin to go under the sex reassignment surgery
Who cares what your leaders say. I come with qala Allah qala Rasoolullah, youre
again where God and Holy prophet said such thing . why you so reluctant to show us that ?
This is also another lie! You have been slanderous to me when I said it is okay to buy Russian goods and you said I am their agent! So I replied to you in kind. Youre not innocent here and you tone has been far from polite.
bring that post up
The Quran also doesnt speak about cocaine or fossil feul pollution!
good , point but is Cocaine or Fossile fuel pollution Haram ?
However the ijtihad is clear that changing the creation from man to women through surgery because you feel different so that you can sleep with same gender is totally haraam!
but Ijtihad say its Halal , why your Mojtahid is right buut mine wrong. also you again don't get it and mistaked a transgender with a homosexual while they are totally different . a transgender can be homosexual , he/she can be bisexual and he/she can be hetrosexual. just like any man or woman

That is the point. If engine show up in 5 years ( i hope so), then additional 3-5 years are needed for present the first fighters with this engine. But in these 8-10 years most of the air fleet of Iran is crumbling cause of age or spare parts ect.. So having some "modern" fighters till own "modern" fighters can take off could be important.
the point is the money is limited and if it get spent on su-35 , then there won't be any indigenous fighter in next 15- 20 years and again su-35 is out dated compared to modern aircrafts , its only is agile and can fly for a long time , they might were important 20-30 years ago . not today
the point is the money is limited and if it get spent on su-35 , then there won't be any indigenous fighter in next 15- 20 years and again su-35 is out dated compared to modern aircrafts , its only is agile and can fly for a long time , they might were important 20-30 years ago . not today
Thank you! 4th gen fighters are outdated, no point replacing obsolete with slightly less obsolete. Su-35 has not performed well in trials and supermaneuverability is a meme, if you can't detect your enemy before they hit you with a missile it's only good for airshows.

Either spend the money on a 5th gen fighter (of which none are currently available anyways) or invest it in domestic programs.
. .
why not post spactacular dataof s-300 and s-400

no its not it rely on PESA for detecting target

thats easy , there is no moded mig-29 and i previously made a post on what is inside iran mig-29 in the name of radar and it virtually have zero e-warfare caoability

kowsar already is 4th generation mr. 100 year

no they didn't have dogfight and more importantly today nobody do dogfight everything is BVR . but F-5 managed to shootdown Mig-25 with its cannon during iran-Iraq war and incidentally its one of the rare case its recorded on F-5 Camera.

again you talk of agility ,but agility worth very little in modern air warfare , the radar and electronic in the aircraft talk the first and last word . by the way ukrain air force is not exactly a modern airforce.

each time i brought a western product i also brought up an eastern one and more importantly in non of those cases i implied we must buy western product , unlike you that left and right talk about buying russian products

i can lecture you on that as my vocabulary is clean . and i question anybody be a real man if he deny what he said .
by the way funny part is you think when we say you are not man we mean you don't have a genotype of 46XY. really you don't knew much about persian language

in last thre day at least 5 time you said that and i qouted them thats why I say you are not man enough to stand by your word

a good question has russia offered its JET to iran ?

i dare you to show me a single verse that said its a sin to go under the sex reassignment surgery

again where God and Holy prophet said such thing . why you so reluctant to show us that ?

bring that post up

good , point but is Cocaine or Fossile fuel pollution Haram ?

but Ijtihad say its Halal , why your Mojtahid is right buut mine wrong. also you again don't get it and mistaked a transgender with a homosexual while they are totally different . a transgender can be homosexual , he/she can be bisexual and he/she can be hetrosexual. just like any man or woman

the point is the money is limited and if it get spent on su-35 , then there won't be any indigenous fighter in next 15- 20 years and again su-35 is out dated compared to modern aircrafts , its only is agile and can fly for a long time , they might were important 20-30 years ago . not today

Well at least we have data of s300 and S400, but we have absolute sod all for Bavar, so my point still stands that nobody can make claims until the data is available. Premature just like everything else you say.

Again your S-500 claim is purely theoretical and you have no data to make such claims. Just prejudices and assumptions. So I'll just let you flap like a fish out of water.

You still have no data for the two in a dog fight. Claim rejected until you do. See how this works, its data based evidence!

Same with Kowsar, it hasnt even been tested yet and you claim it's 4th generation. 4th gen avionics does not make the plane 4th generation. Thats like saying a Mini is a Ferrari because the Dashboard has some features of a Ferrari! LOL grow up

Okay so you have no data of F-5 vs mig-29. I didnt ask for Mig-25! Fail!

Ukraine is armed to the teeth with modern AD and radar thanks to the West as well as with Su-27, so it is fairly close to what Russia has been throwing at it. But I agree there has been no test of su-35 with western jets, so you shouldn't be making such claims that one is better than the other.

No you didnt, once you brought up chinese, the rest of the time youre slurping western kool-aid! Everyone is saying Iran should buy some Russian jets, we're not all wrong and you the odd one out is correct?! Dont be so arrogant!

Bring your sister/mother here and I can show you if I have the Genotype or not! Keep questioning my manhood and I will speak to you like this. Slandering people is not clean vacubulary, dojens baz!

Okay so I will make duah in my prayer for Allah to curse the liar between me and you. You have failed to show me a single post were I say "Iranians dont have intelligence to do anything" and now you're sticking by it like a jahil! Go and burn some espand or pray to your blue evil eye or whatever you do!

Hypothetically thats what we are closest too. Until then we have to make our own, and I never said we shouldn't. However if the rumours are true we should consider purchasing!

It doesnt work like that ahmagh! You have scholars who make ijtihad and the vast majority of scholars say that it is haram based on the evidence I showed you. Show me a verse where it says having sex with goat is haram! Lol

Homosexuality goes against the fitrah and anything that does that is a perversion of what Allah intended! So why did Allah destroy the People of Lut? Because they were good people or was it because they desired something other than Luts daughters (11:78-79).

Here are more verses about clear prohibition of homosexuality in Quran (cant believe I have to do this!):





The verse where satan, like you and your sheikhs, want to change creation:


And 4:16 covers the illegal sexual intercourse between two people, doesnt specify man and woman, therefore gays are included in this punishment

Punishment for homosexual in authentic Sunnah:

Musnad Ahmad 1878;
Tirmidhi 1456, 1457;
ibn Maajah 2561, 2563;
Abu Dawood 4462

Authentic hadeeth on Prophet hating effeminate men and masculine women:

Bukhari 5885, 5887
Abu Dawood 4098

Now please show me your evidences from scripture where homosexuality is halal, transgenderism is halal and the Prophet loved effeminate men! Be a man and show your evidence, mubtadee!

Here is one post where you say that Russia is my master:

I knew Iran must buy from master Russia

Anything that causes harm and makes you lose khushoo in prayer is haram. Here is a link for you to go read:

Too much fossil fuel which causes harm is haram but in principle it is pure and necessary for modern travel. Why did Allah make it in the first place?

All Sunni scholars, as well as a good handful of Shia scholars agree that it is haram. The prohibition goes across the sects. Your mujtahid is of a minority view and pandering to liberals. Anyone who has male or female gentials at birth can not change what Allah has given them based on a feeling? If its just a feeling then has to be a perversion and from Shaytan. So transgenderism is haram just like homosexuality. Their rulings are the same.

Su-35 would be better than what we have and would help our R+D. It would be a step up from modded jets from 1950s. Iran is going to get some extra funds soon with the joining of SCO. I know you hate this and wish Iran could join NATO, your true masters.

Thank you! 4th gen fighters are outdated, no point replacing obsolete with slightly less obsolete. Su-35 has not performed well in trials and supermaneuverability is a meme, if you can't detect your enemy before they hit you with a missile it's only good for airshows.

Either spend the money on a 5th gen fighter (of which none are currently available anyways) or invest it in domestic programs.

So you admit Su-35 is an improvement? Lol so why dont you want Iran to improve? And who is selling Iran 5th Gen jets and where is this money for it? 🤡
So you admit Su-35 is an improvement? Lol so why dont you want Iran to improve? And who is selling Iran 5th Gen jets and where is this money for it? 🤡
It's a waste of money, it will not make IRIAF any more capable of fighting a major western or western-backed adversary than their current fleet. Better to spend it on domestic engine development.
You will have noticed in the post you quoted I already said there are no 5th gen fighters available currently, but the money will certainly not be there when they are if you waste it on Su-35S.
It's a waste of money, it will not make IRIAF any more capable of fighting a major western or western-backed adversary than their current fleet. Better to spend it on domestic engine development.
You will have noticed in the post you quoted I already said there are no 5th gen fighters available currently, but the money will certainly not be there when they are if you waste it on Su-35S.

So you said something and then refuted yourself?! Okay. Iran's current fleet does not instill any fear in Iran's adversaries, they arent even used against rebels and terrorists at our borders. Instead of arguing with yourself, do you expect Iran to remain weak for God knows how long until maybe we make something we can use? If these rumours are true then it shows that Iran has the money to buy these jets contrary to your lowly impression of Iran's finances. The fact that Iran is stuck with an F-5 design that hasnt progessed in ages is because we have hit a wall, or writers block, on how to move forward. We need technology so our R+D improves. Wouldnt it be better to have at least a few squadrons of something a damn sight more modern than a few modded F-5s? Even you admit Su-35 is an improvement or did you forget to refute yourself there as well? 🤔
So you said something and then refuted yourself?! 🤔
I did no such no thing.
Iran's current fleet does not instill any fear in Iran's adversaries, they arent even used against rebels and terrorists at our borders.
A handful of Su-35S will not instill fear in our adversaries when our neighbors have 200+ F-15s, 200+ F-16s, Eurofighters, F-35s, etc. That's not even including the US or it's other european vassal states. Even Iraq is going to buy Rafales which dominated the Su-35 in trials. Are you implying we should buy Su-35 to bomb BLA?
Instead of arguing with yourself, do you expect Iran to remain weak for God knows how long until maybe we make something we can use?
Again, use for what? They would serve no purpose.
Wouldnt it be better to have at least a few squadrons of something a damn sight more modern than a few modded F-5s? Even you admit Su-35 is an improvement or did you forget to refute yourself there as well? 🤔
Buying Su-35s so you can go on PDF and brag about how modern the IRIAF is pointless when in reality they make no practical difference to their capabilities. Yes the Su-35 is more advanced than the F-5 but still obsolete compared to F-35, F-22, and new generation european fighters.
Well at least we have data of s300 and S400, but we have absolute sod all for Bavar, so my point still stands that nobody can make claims until the data is available. Premature just like everything else you say.

Again your S-500 claim is purely theoretical and you have no data to make such claims. Just prejudices and assumptions. So I'll just let you flap like a fish out of water.

You still have no data for the two in a dog fight. Claim rejected until you do. See how this works, its data based evidence!

Same with Kowsar, it hasnt even been tested yet and you claim it's 4th generation. 4th gen avionics does not make the plane 4th generation. Thats like saying a Mini is a Ferrari because the Dashboard has some features of a Ferrari! LOL grow up

Okay so you have no data of F-5 vs mig-29. I didnt ask for Mig-25! Fail!
hope you are aware by your logic also you can't prove what you advertise is better than what we build.the radar on kowsar is well known also the radar on our mig -29 is well known
also the radars on S-300 and S-400 is well known and the radar on Bavar also is known . the capability , weakness and strength of those type of radars also is known .
also if you go back enough in IRIAF thread then you will find a post of me that in detail i explained the capabilities of the radar on our mig-29 also i put a link to the brochure of the radar in that link . also i don't need to prove anything its well known that our mig-29 are the first export version their radar is weaker than the one that was on the prototype and they literally have zero E-Warfare capability . you can compare that with the radar of kowsar which is equal to Grifo-E
Ukraine is armed to the teeth with modern AD and radar thanks to the West as well as with Su-27, so it is fairly close to what Russia has been throwing at it. But I agree there has been no test of su-35 with western jets, so you shouldn't be making such claims that one is better than the other.
not modern at least study them , the modern system are manpads , the large airdefence systems are from 1979-1985
No you didnt, once you brought up chinese, the rest of the time youre slurping western kool-aid! Everyone is saying Iran should buy some Russian jets, we're not all wrong and you the odd one out is correct?! Dont be so arrogant!
you can go and bring the posts you think i promoted the western equipment and link them here so every one can see what a Gharb-Zadeh I am and prove yourself right , otherwise you only talk BS
Okay so I will make duah in my prayer for Allah to curse the liar between me and you. You have failed to show me a single post were I say "Iranians dont have intelligence to do anything" and now you're sticking by it like a jahil! Go and burn some espand or pray to your blue evil eye or whatever you do!
i said when and where you said that , i pray God show the right path to the liar .
Well seeing as Iran never made such innovations before then by power of deductive reasoning it had to have come from a foreign Russian idea.
So shut your mouth when Iran is trying to purchase something that it will never dream of making in a century or two! Your persistant dismissal of Iran buying these jets is proof enough, and you say that Iran has better than it in its inventory! Everyone is a witness to what you say!
Your tiny brain doesn't realise that Iran doesnt have the money nor the manpower nor the time nor the technology to do anything you mentioned. Iran has been under sanctions, and despite its steller efforts at being self sufficient it doesnt mean they dont need some help! Surely your tiny brain would have figured out that if Iran could have done it they surely would have done it. But you seem to think Iran can pull out a 4th Gen aircraft out of it's arse like magic trick! Your zionist masters have really drained your brain here like a zombie NPC!
I stop quoted them because some other members asked me not to quote them but when you want me to quote them what i can do .
Now please show me your evidences from scripture where homosexuality is halal, transgenderism is halal and the Prophet loved effeminate men! Be a man and show your evidence, mubtadee!
where i said homosexuality is allowed , can you show me that ? all you brought up is about homosexuality . not Sexual dysphoria or Sexual identity disorder . i never talked about homosexuals but Transgender people , I said a man after sexual reassignment surgery will be considered a woman ,and if she have intercourse with another woman she is homosexual , if she do that with a man then she is heterosexual . i also said Sexual identity disorder is completely different from homosexuality or bisexuality . a transgender can be homosexual and he/she can be heterosexual , they are separate matter. so instead of bringing hadith about homosexuality , bring hadith and verses about sexual identity disorder
I did no such no thing.

A handful of Su-35S will not instill fear in our adversaries when our neighbors have 200+ F-15s, 200+ F-16s, Eurofighters, F-35s, etc. That's not even including the US or it's other european vassal states. Even Iraq is going to buy Rafales which dominated the Su-35 in trials. Are you implying we should buy Su-35 to bomb BLA?

Again, use for what? They would serve no purpose.

Buying Su-35s so you can go on PDF and brag about how modern the IRIAF is pointless when in reality they make no practical difference to their capabilities. Yes the Su-35 is more advanced than the F-5 but still obsolete compared to F-35, F-22, and new generation european fighters.

Yes you did, you said Iran should get 5 gen and then refuted yourself by saying none are available! Thats arguing with one's self...

Stop bringing up western jets like Iran has these options! However having a good number of Su-35 will definitely make Americans and allied planners think a bit more than if we have modded F-5s lol! And these Su-35s would not be acting alone, they will be assisted with drones, our older jets, radar and AD systems! If you mean Balochi Liberation Army? If they are killing our guards and breeding terror at our borders, absolutely we should he taking these criminals out! Pakistan should be pulling their finger out and cooperating!

"Use for what"? Are you feeling okay bro? Youre saying Iran should build its own jets, so I assume to defend its borders and national security whatever that may be. A few squadrons of Su-35 will definitely help as opposed your arse over head, shot in the dark proposal to make their own modded F-5s!

Youre acting childish, obviously we would be bragging if that happened, but that is short seighted and pathetic of you to think that Iranian military planners would make such decisions based on what PDF think! Grow up!

Taking out terrorists on our borders would be a good start, and flying them to patrol our borders instead of F-4s would ease my worries a bit more! Doesnt matter if F-35 and F-22 make our fleet obsolete, this same problem is faced by the entire world that doesnf have F-35 and F-22s in their own fleets. Besides, Russia and Chinas 5th gen programs are still in their infancy in comparison! So another half-baked moot point!
these Su-35s would not be acting alone, they will be assisted with drones, our older jets, radar and AD systems!
su-35 data-link is propriety it even cant share data with other rusian jets only with Su-35, our kowsar have the capability to share data with our drones .
and no they are not afraid of Su-35 as its shown by russia advertisement of the airplane it can only track a 15m rcs target at 100km and even that is done when there was no E-Warfare . in case of enemy fighter use electronic warfare the range will be a lot less. they will be picked out of sky with Meteor , AIM-120 and PL-15 before they knew what happened to them .
Yes you did, you said Iran should get 5 gen and then refuted yourself by saying none are available! Thats arguing with one's self...
Iran should go for 5th generation fighters like the J-35 or Su-75 (though I personally doubt this one will ever see completion given sanctions) when they become available. It should not waste money on 4th generation jets in the mean time.
Stop bringing up western jets like Iran has these options! However having a good number of Su-35 will definitely make Americans and allied planners think a bit more than if we have modded F-5s lol! And these Su-35s would not be acting alone, they will be assisted with drones, our older jets, radar and AD systems! If you mean Balochi Liberation Army? If they are killing our guards and breeding terror at our borders, absolutely we should he taking these criminals out! Pakistan should be pulling their finger out and cooperating!
Spending 100s of millions of dollars to make the "allied planners think a bit more" before their F-22s and F-35s pick the Su-35s out of the sky is a stupid decision. My whole point which you missed was that buying expensive (to buy, maintain, and operate) air superiority fighters when we have cheap drones to fight insurgents is also a stupid decision.
"Use for what"? Are you feeling okay bro? Youre saying Iran should build its own jets, so I assume to defend its borders and national security whatever that may be. A few squadrons of Su-35 will definitely help as opposed your arse over head, shot in the dark proposal to make their own modded F-5s!
You seem to be the one obsessed with the F-5 here, I said the money should be spent on developing engine tech to power a new more powerful platform.
Doesnt matter if F-35 and F-22 make our fleet obsolete, this same problem is faced by the entire world that doesnf have F-35 and F-22s in their own fleets.
The rest of the world isn't facing the same potential adversaries Iran is, they don't need to build a force capable of fighting 5th gen US fighters.
hope you are aware by your logic also you can't prove what you advertise is better than what we build.the radar on kowsar is well known also the radar on our mig -29 is well known
also the radars on S-300 and S-400 is well known and the radar on Bavar also is known . the capability , weakness and strength of those type of radars also is known .
also if you go back enough in IRIAF thread then you will find a post of me that in detail i explained the capabilities of the radar on our mig-29 also i put a link to the brochure of the radar in that link . also i don't need to prove anything its well known that our mig-29 are the first export version their radar is weaker than the one that was on the prototype and they literally have zero E-Warfare capability . you can compare that with the radar of kowsar which is equal to Grifo-E

not modern at least study them , the modern system are manpads , the large airdefence systems are from 1979-1985

you can go and bring the posts you think i promoted the western equipment and link them here so every one can see what a Gharb-Zadeh I am and prove yourself right , otherwise you only talk BS

i said when and where you said that , i pray God show the right path to the liar .

I stop quoted them because some other members asked me not to quote them but when you want me to quote them what i can do .

where i said homosexuality is allowed , can you show me that ? all you brought up is about homosexuality . not Sexual dysphoria or Sexual identity disorder . i never talked about homosexuals but Transgender people , I said a man after sexual reassignment surgery will be considered a woman ,and if she have intercourse with another woman she is homosexual , if she do that with a man then she is heterosexual . i also said Sexual identity disorder is completely different from homosexuality or bisexuality . a transgender can be homosexual and he/she can be heterosexual , they are separate matter. so instead of bringing hadith about homosexuality , bring hadith and verses about sexual identity disorder

Lol yea I can, there is combat data on Su-35, and there is none for Kowsar! Game over! The best the Radar can do is avoid soviet jets lol western jets will eat it for lunch!

Doesn't matter what the strengths and weeknesses are! Youre talking purely theoretical which is a very limited way of looking things. The fact is I won't for a second put Iranian AESA radars on par with American ones until I see field testes data from Iranian radar. S-300 and S-400 have been used in wars but Bavar is nowhere to be seen! So I will reserve judgement that Bavar is better than S400 until I see the practical evidence.

Stop bringing up mig-29! I asked for F-5 vs Mig-29 tests and you have no evidence. You keep flip flopping like a coward by focussing only on the radar! Do you have mig-29 vs Kowsar one on one data or are you going do a monkey dance for this as well?!

Get this into your head! Ukraine has modern AD AND, yes AND, RADAR systems! Do you get it?! America is there giving these Ukrainians the best Radar data with their satellites and Awacs!

Stop denying it, you bring up western jets in the past when we suggest buying Russian. Here is one very embarrassing example of your gharbzade position:

no flanker is no solution at all , as its radar and electronic suits is outdated and cant compete with the radars and internal system of the fighters of the countries around us . also the philosophy that flankers are built upon are also dated and passed its time.

do you have evidence for that ? let me answer you no there is no evidence for that , and it's not the first time such rumors are made.

Su-30 even worse than Su-35, even latest models of Su-27 are better than su-30s , heck even JF-17 block III is better

yes Iran needs buy aircraft from Russia but iran have no business at all design and produce its own fighter jets and here people mock PGCC countries for buying weapon from USA which actually are a lot better than these air planes i hear they want Iran buy.

Here is what you claimed:

you made you said iran dont have intelligence to build anything and you said it many time ,

Nowhere in those quotes you have shown do I make the general statement that "Iran does not have the intelligence to build anything"! These were about specific things like making and mass producing fighter jet to rival our enemies! But I have always said Iran has intelligence to make AESA, drones and AD! Big difference! So you are a liar and Alhamdulillah has answered my prayers and exposed you.

Honestly man, we've derailed this thread enough. Ive given my evidence from scripture and you have provided nothing therewith. So made my mubahala dua for your slander against me and asked Allah to guide the wrong person between me and you regarding transgenderism. If you truly believe and have tawakkul with Allah, this matter is in his hands!

su-35 data-link is propriety it even cant share data with other rusian jets only with Su-35, our kowsar have the capability to share data with our drones .
and no they are not afraid of Su-35 as its shown by russia advertisement of the airplane it can only track a 15m rcs target at 100km and even that is done when there was no E-Warfare . in case of enemy fighter use electronic warfare the range will be a lot less. they will be picked out of sky with Meteor , AIM-120 and PL-15 before they knew what happened to them .

Well then our squadrons of Su-35s would act independently to our F5s and F4s, big deal!

Oh and our F-5s and Kowsars will fair better? Instead of talking from theory, why not go and get data to back your claims about Kowsar? If you just have theory then this conversation has ended!
su-35 data-link is propriety it even cant share data with other rusian jets only with Su-35, our kowsar have the capability to share data with our drones .
and no they are not afraid of Su-35 as its shown by russia advertisement of the airplane it can only track a 15m rcs target at 100km and even that is done when there was no E-Warfare . in case of enemy fighter use electronic warfare the range will be a lot less. they will be picked out of sky with Meteor , AIM-120 and PL-15 before they knew what happened to them .

One big elephant in the room is the Flanker airframe's own RCS of 10-15 m2 as well. This is the biggest reason there was no Flanker derivative post 1990s and the last one to get into production SU-27SM=SU-35S flew in 1988 ! The Sukhoi OKB had to redesign the airframe to reach low observable SU-57 as their own patent says its not fully stealth and is just bit below Rafale in terms of Stealthiness with its 0.1 m2 RCS. Compare that to F-22 or F-35.
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