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Iranian economist: 'China is the worst business partner Iran ever had'

Iran is like Palestinians: under siege and never helped by the other "muslims"

Just like Iraq when it went under embargo from 1991 to 2003 and bombed daily
The problems mentioned in the article are the common problems that every country trading with China is facing.

Give me a break, we aren't forcing anyone to do business with us.

As if India is bankrupting herself with a record Current account deficit just to be friendly to China!

Indian business and Indian consumers choose the most competitively priced product to get the most value.

Nobody deals with China to do us a favour. They do it because we offer the most competitive deal for them, they CHOOSE to deal with us.
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Give me a break, we aren't forcing anyone to do business with us.

As if India is bankrupting herself with a record Current account deficit just to be friendly to China!

Indian business and Indian consumers choose the most competitively priced product to get the most value.

Nobody deals with China to do us a favour. They do it because we offer the most competitive deal for them, they CHOOSE to deal with us.

There is so much wrong with this post that I don't even know where to begin.

Just read the first post again you will get what China is doing wrong if you read with an unbiased mind.

Similar storis can be heard from many other countries like Indian and African countries as well. I have even heard many PAkistanis complain about it on their Urdu news channels.
There is so much wrong with this post that I don't even know where to begin.

Just read the first post again you will get what China is doing wrong if you read with an unbiased mind.

Similar storis can be heard from many other countries like Indian and African countries as well. I have even heard many PAkistanis complain about it on their Urdu news channels.

You say my post is wrong but you are unable to explain why?

We don't force anyone to trade with us. You are doing that of your own free will, and being whiny b*tches at the same time.

If you really thought it was a bad deal, you would find another deal with someone else.

Instead of crying and weeping while paying us your hard earned money out of your own pocket.
Give me a break, we aren't forcing anyone to do business with us.

As if India is bankrupting herself with a record Current account deficit just to be friendly to China!

Indian business and Indian consumers choose the most competitively priced product to get the most value.

Nobody deals with China to do us a favour. They do it because we offer the most competitive deal for them, they CHOOSE to deal with us.

Give some teach to your Chinese govt........you burning a$$
You say my post is wrong but you are unable to explain why?

We don't force anyone to trade with us. You are doing that of your own free will, and being whiny b*tches at the same time.

If you really thought it was a bad deal, you would find another deal with someone else.

Instead of crying and weeping while paying us your hard earned money out of your own pocket.

My friend your government is following anti-competitive trade practices.

You are dumping cheap goods in countries at extremely low and subsidised rates which kills local production in countries. This all against international trade law and spirit of the GATT .
My friend your government is following anti-competitive trade practices.

You are dumping cheap goods in countries at extremely low and subsidised rates which kills local production in countries. This all against international trade law and spirit of the GATT .

Then stop buying it?

WTF, how hard is that?

Stop buying it, then start a case against us in the WTO. Easy.

Instead of opening your wallet while crying and weeping. Handing over your hard earned money soaked in tears.
We are the ones with a massive surplus.

Low IQ Indians are the ones with the massive deficit.

So teach your own 82 @ss. :lol:

Why do you keep buying our goods and bankrupting your own country, idiot?

Why are you getting so angry my friend ? and what's up with these insults and verbal diarrhea ?

Just because Iranians too feel the same way about your policies and products like Indians and others does not mean you need to be racist like this.

Control your anger Master Shifu.
Why are you getting so angry my friend ? and what's up with these insults and verbal diarrhea ?

Just because Iranians too feel the same way about your policies and products like Indians and others does not mean you need to be racist like this.

Control your anger Master Shifu.

Firstly, you guys had no problem flaming my country on our National Day, so I see no need to respect you or your country either.

Secondly, one Iranian economist does not equal Iran.

Anyone with an IQ high enough to be considered normal can see that if people don't like a business deal, they won't take it.
This is a troll thread. The article is mainly about the effect of western sanctions but the thread headline is all about China. But having said that, it is simply true that there are unscrupulous people in China that are taking advantage of Iran's current situation. The main reason for the misery of the Iranian people are the sanctions that the West has imposed on them for a nuclear weapons program that doesn't exist.
wait.. so this guy blames china the whole country because his own nation is under heavy sanctions and unable to produce apparently, these basic goods, meaning no reputable Chinese companies is going to do business with him, meaning only the shady ones will. and he is complaining that the shady ones....are shady? i mean what exactly was he expecting?

Did you even bother to read the article? The problems with Chinese companies go much further than the problems with sanctions. Sanctions have nothing to do with Chinese energy companies screwing up oil/gas projects, low-quality Chinese products, unreliable Chinese companies, etc.
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