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Iranian Diplomats in Canada expelled

Whenever I have discussions with these people, I think of the Ferdowsi quote from Shahnameh:

ze shire shotor khordano soosmar
arab ra be jaei residast kar
ke takhte kiani konad arezoo
tofoo bar to ey charkhe gardoon tofoo

damet garm
bazi mogheha delam mikhast to Iran bozorg shode boodam ke bishtar etela dashtam dar morede tarikho, shahnamevo...

To Iran bozorg shodi ya biroon?

Manzoore shero fahmidam, vali "takhte kiani" chiye?
He gave you the quote...

I will give it to you now for the second time on the same page:

"Iraqi hopes of an uprising by the ethnic Arabs of Khuzestan failed to materialise; most of the ethnic Arabs—who were Shia—remained loyal to Iran"

are you blind? I gave you a quote from the book!!!

And I was raised fine. I just have an allergy against wahabis.

You need to wipe that wahabi from your face, hit your head against the wall and hope your brain gets back onto its place and learn to stop being a secterian suicide bomber.

az in bashar shasgool tar peyda nemishe!!

show me where it says the arabs in Ahwaz fought against Iraq during the war. Abii hope you learn from Shahin how to hold the handgrip when you are in a discussion.

Whenever I have discussions with these people, I think of the Ferdowsi quote from Shahnameh:

ze shire shotor khordano soosmar
arab ra be jaei residast kar
ke takhte kiani konad arezoo
tofoo bar to ey charkhe gardoon tofoo

Oops!! taking back my words. my Iranian friend just translated to me what have you wrote..... didn't I say that I hope to find an intellectual Iranian to talk with.... Couldn't find:rolleyes:
damet garm
bazi mogheha delam mikhast to Iran bozorg shode boodam ke bishtar etela dashtam dar morede tarikho, shahnamevo...

To Iran bozorg shodi ya biroon?

Manzoore shero fahmidam, vali "takhte kiani" chiye?

Man khodam dar landan bozorg shodam. Vali tagriban har tabestoon bar migardam Iran.

takhte kiani = Persian throne

But in most cases I think it is written taje kiani... either way :)

show me where it says the arabs in Ahwaz fought against Iraq during the war. Abii hope you learn from Shahin how to hold the handgrip when you are in a discussion.

Oops!! taking back my words. my Iranian friend just translated to me what have you wrote..... didn't I say that I hope to find an intellectual Iranian to talk with.... Couldn't find:rolleyes:

Aren't you the same guy that has opened separatist threads against Iran? Cheered deaths of Iranians in Iraq war. Shown your support for Saddams attack and so on? Then you shouldn't expect any respect from us.

P.S. I see you have taken to calling Google Translate as your "Iranian Friend" :lol:
show me where it says the arabs in Ahwaz fought against Iraq during the war. Abii hope you learn from Shahin how to hold the handgrip when you are in a discussion.

Efraim Karsh (25 April 2002). The Iran–Iraq War: 1980–1988. Osprey Publishing. pp. 1-8,12-16,19-82. ISBN 978-1841763712.

Here you go. The pages are also listed there.

I'm not sure why we're even arguing about this single one book. There are tens of sources I can give you.

Here's another one (note: page numbres are listed). Don't go all wahabi on me again.

Saddam Hussein and the Baath party were convinced that as their tanks rolled into Khuzestan, they would be greeted as liberators by the Iranian Arabs. This may partly explain why the Iraqis may have miscalculated in the first few days of their invasion of Khuzestan province by not allowing more infantry to accompany their rapid-moving armor (see Iran at War: 1500-1988, 2001, pp.344-355). Instead of being hailed as liberators, Saddam Hussein’s forces were greeted with bitter opposition by the Iranian Arabs whose dogged resistance assisted the overall Iranian effort at slowing down the Iraqi advance


[Click photo to Enlarge] Iranian-Arabs being trained in the use of rocket launcher by an Iranian commando. Iranian Arabs were to later provide assistance to the Iranian army in the ejection of Saddam Hussein’s troops from Khuzestan in 1982.

Man khodam dar landan bozorg shodam. Vali tagriban har tabestoon bar migardam Iran.

takhte kiani = Persian throne

But in most cases I think it is written taje kiani... either way :)

Aren't you the same guy that has opened separatist threads against Iran? Cheered deaths of Iranians in Iraq war. Shown your support for Saddams attack and so on? Then you shouldn't expect any respect from us.

P.S. I see you have taken to calling Google Translate as your "Iranian Friend" :lol:

man to 12 sale ghabl faghad ye bar raftam Iran :cry:
Daram pool jam mikonam ke 30 salegi bargardam oon tarafa (6-7 sale dige). Inja to Alberta hesabi mishe pool paroo kard (daran tolide nafto az 1 million boshke mibaran 4-5 million ta 2020). Ye 5-6 sal oonja kar mikonam badesh Iran :azn:
Efraim Karsh (25 April 2002). The Iran–Iraq War: 1980–1988. Osprey Publishing. pp. 1-8,12-16,19-82. ISBN 978-1841763712.

Here you go. The pages are also listed there.

I'm not sure why we're even arguing about this single one book. There are tens of sources I can give you.

Here's another one (note: page numbres are listed). Don't go all wahabi on me again.


man to 12 sale ghabl faghad ye bar raftam Iran :cry:
Daram pool jam mikonam ke 30 salegi bargardam oon tarafa (6-7 sale dige). Inja to Alberta hesabi mishe pool paroo kard (daran tolide nafto az 1 million boshke mibaran 4-5 million ta 2020). Ye 5-6 sal oonja kar mikonam badesh Iran :azn:

trash talk wont help sorry but more than 5000 thousands of the liberation movement fought against you although your previous regime had thrown some arabs in the front lines :hitwall:

try to bring unbiased source nxt time
Man khodam dar landan bozorg shodam. Vali tagriban har tabestoon bar migardam Iran.

takhte kiani = Persian throne

But in most cases I think it is written taje kiani... either way :)

Aren't you the same guy that has opened separatist threads against Iran? Cheered deaths of Iranians in Iraq war. Shown your support for Saddams attack and so on? Then you shouldn't expect any respect from us.

P.S. I see you have taken to calling Google Translate as your "Iranian Friend" :lol:

nop i dont support any killing of innocent people even it was my enemy. P.S google doesn't help with Persian Lang written by english keys
Look like NAM's summit in Iran hurt westerns very badly .... and they haven't any choice except react it ... and they react .....

Every body knew Canada is England's Queen's territory and a Zionist base ....

well , another spies house get close .... very good ....
Don't watch Fox.

False. That's just an empty meme that is sent around the Arab and Muslim world to justify slaying infidels. Why don't you consider your inviolable duty to discover this truth before condemning an entire people to death?

It's only an article of faith by YOU that the book is a distortion. And Israel's recorded history goes back thousands of years - Jews didn't just spring up from dragon's teeth sowed in the ground.

Zionism is an acknowledgement that sympathy is insufficient and Jews need their own state.

Now you're just blind.

Is that a threat?

Appears that you do ...

What is false ? Haven't IAF conducted air raids almost daily on Gaza and West Bank ? :azn: ... Nobody justifies killing non-Muslims by that action , they merely support the killing of those killing unarmed Palestinians ... Who condemned your entire race to death ?

Ok , it does ... But creating an state based on some 1000's years old claim ? :azn:

Nah , Zionism is an acknowledgement to hide your disgusting acts and manipulations in the world by using the victim card ...

Really ? So Iran is not progressing scientifically or economically ?

No , its not a threat ... Its just a reminder of how tolerant Iranian Mullahs really are :azn:

where is Canada?

In a land far far away about to get a divorce from Quebec :rofl:
What really disgusts me is the pro-Zionists Iranians here in Canada, who literally encourage Canada to ban all relations with the Iranian regime, and do not support even a peaceful Iranian nuclear program.

That's not just disgusting, but pathetic. Encouraging such things about your own country in order to please the country your living in. And many of whom who support such things are liberal Iranians.

What really disgusts me is that people like you are citizens of Canada. People who support terrorist and oppressive regimes that blatantly suppress human rights, like Iran, while you enjoy the rights afforded to you by liberal Canada.

Iranians who've fled from Iran into Canada know better than you what the Ayatollah regime is capable off and know that they must never be allowed to develop nuclear weapons(Which only a fool would think they were not trying to).
What really disgusts me is that people like you are citizens of Canada. People who support terrorist and oppressive regimes that blatantly suppress human rights, like Iran, while you enjoy the rights afforded to you by liberal Canada.

Iranians who've fled from Iran into Canada know better than you what the Ayatollah regime is capable off and know that they must never be allowed to develop nuclear weapons(Which only a fool would think they were not trying to).

I blame religion. Imagine a secular middle east
I blame religion. Imagine a secular middle east

Many of the Islamic practices were Arab in origin. So even before Islam, Arabs were Arabs and will remain Arabs. Better to imagine a Middle East where the culture of hatred is no more.

Turkey is the prime example for any Muslim nation to advance.
Look like NAM's summit in Iran hurt westerns very badly .... and they haven't any choice except react it ... and they react .....

Every body knew Canada is England's Queen's territory and a Zionist base ....

well , another spies house get close .... very good ....

yeah the mistranslation of Morsi speech hurt the west what an analysis :no:
Many of the Islamic practices were Arab in origin. So even before Islam, Arabs were Arabs and will remain Arabs.

Underlined part reads as: Muslims were Arabs and will remain Arabs. OR Muslims were morons and will remain retarded.... :angry:

Dude, be a bit sensitive and don't play with words. I can come up with a dozen derogatory remarks for Jews/Israelites, how would you like me then? Don't try to insinuate that Islam has something wrong to begin with, there is nothing wrong with our religion! :frown:

Go into a counter-offensive against individuals with whom you don't agree with, however, don't stereotype religions!
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