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Iranian Diplomats in Canada expelled

dude, it means money.
as you said you can earn more money and it's easier. when you earn more mony you can make a better life.
No, dude :)

Not just money, it's much easier to conduct business in the US of A in a relatively stress-free, honest way!

Don't tell me about Russia today, I know how business is conducted there. It is not very pleasant, sometimes outright outrageous.
USSR is not Russia. USSR was merely trying to defend the world against western imperialism, if we believe their words, and the demise of the USSR has exposed the world to the vagaries of Western mindless barbarism on more occasions than one all too well to ignore it.

Russia and Slavic peoples have always been considered part of the west.

Mate, you are in a distinct minority amongst minorities in this case. Most immigrants - from Latin America - that go to USA move there for economic reasons, the same reasons that most South Asians that go to the GCC go there, and the same reason that CIS citizens go to Russia.


Not true. Most Western nations have high education and financial requirements. I know a lot of Chinese who came here from wealthy backgrounds. There are a lot of Koreans and European immigrants in North America as well.

You are confusing refugees with legal immigrants. A lot of rich people would rather live and enjoy their wealth in a place that offers security and quality as opposed to someplace that does not.

Also see:

Report: Half of China
If Lots of people wanna immigrate to america, That's not because of they Like american foreign policy or their soldier's crime in Afghanistan or Iraq, It's MONEY! NOT they LOVE George W. Bush and Militant's USA.

Russia never invaded to a country with a fake reason.
who created and supported alqueda and Taliban? who has done a lots of terror in many countries?
whatever Russia is, they are not hypocritical as Israel and USA are. Israel is not a party to the NPT and has some nuclear bombs but they blame Iran for peaceful nuclear program!
and Russia never bombardment innocent people in Gaza or Lebanon or attack to a civil ship in International waters because they are carrying medicine for some innocent and injured people.

Who are you kidding? There is no one in the world Eastern Europeans hate more than Russia for all Russia has done to them. The USSR was Russia, as was the Russian Empire. There are few bigger hypocrites than Russia.
Let's not even dwell all the atrocities committed by the Tsar Kingdoms, Russian Empire and the USSR or even modern Russia because there are too many.

Yeah, they don't love Bush but who loves Putin? Or Medvedev? The corruption and hypocrisy in Russia is nothing to be proud of. They love America because of the American Dream, not foreign policy because most people do not care about foreign policy.
Banglar Lathial said:
That was the Soviet Union, which has been dismantled since then................

It was always Russia, which for a while held on to several adjacent states to make up the USSR, and was defeated in the Cold War. It is just Russia now, but the same Russia.
I know many Iranian Canadians and many of them are very arrogant.

This will certainly make them humble.
not foreign policy because most people do not care about foreign policy.

LOL.... Ok let's not get carried away with the bolded part above. Foreign policy does itch a little bit! :P
LOL.... Ok let's not get carried away with the bolded part above. Foreign policy does itch a little bit! :P

Only those that foreign policy interests or affects them. You, i and others like us, we live in a world where foreign policy is very important. But to most of the world it is not.
Most of the world cares for putting food on the table and paying for tuition, not which country supports which for whatever reason..
Only those that foreign policy interests or affects them. You, i and others like us, we live in a world where foreign policy is very important. But to most of the world it is not.
Most of the world cares for putting food on the table and paying for tuition, not which country supports which for whatever reason..
Nah, you overestimate my love of foreign policy, doesn't affect me that much! I just want to gauge the general direction of things and make a difference by succeeding in life. Nothing more, nothing less. :whistle:
Nah, you overestimate my love of foreign policy, doesn't affect me that much! I just want to gauge the general direction of things and make a difference by succeeding in life. Nothing more, nothing less. :whistle:

It's a good thing to strive for.
It's a good thing to strive for.
PteX, at the moment everyone is busy fighting each other for limited resources, in the next 200 years human kind maybe mining other planets and asteroids for resources, thank god space is infinite, there wouldn't be much need to kill each other, we could just go the other way! :rofl:
PteX, at the moment everyone is busy fighting each other for limited resources, in the next 200 years human kind maybe mining other planets and asteroids for resources, thank god space is infinite, there wouldn't be much need to kill each other, we could just go the other way! :rofl:

Trust me, we will still be killing each other till we end ourselves or find something else to destroy.

It is human nature to be both evil and good. And if by some bizarre chance, there is extra-terrestrial life out there, we will be thinking of ways of how to kill them.
Harsh language, patriot. I don't have a problem with Muslims, i've said it before. I however have a problem with Arabized Muslims like you, pretending to be Arab while you are 3rd rate trash for actual Arabs.
Time for you to realize that the only ones the Arabs value are the ones with the white skin and Western culture. No amount of sucking on your part will change that.

Although, I usually don't respond to comments not directed at me, I will say that you made yet another false accusation here. And for the bold, there are plenty of Pakistanis who are not just light in skin color, but who have a western European complexion. My family being one of them.

Yes, but one is the truth and the other is a lie. I stand by what i said, people who do not support the fight against terrorism do not deserve to live in such a liberal and free country like Canada.

In my whole last post I told you not to make assumptions of which you have no knowledge. What is terrorism? What is war against terrorism? What does it mean to fight an ideology as such as terror? Why was the war against this ideology intitated in the first place?

The best example for a Muslim majority country is the modern day Turkey otherwise you have laws like the Blasphemy law.

You have clerics stashing burnt Koran pages into bags and handing it to a mentally challenged Christian girl and mobs gathering demanding death for a 14 year old mentally challenged girl.

Once again, no. If you say that because you think secularism is the way. We Muslims do not believe that, neither do we support laws as such as the blasphemy law.

Those are Arabized Muslim Pakistanis who keep bombing other Pakistanis. Those are the ones who desecrate Islam.

Those who do such things follow a certain ideology of terrorism from Saudi Arabia, and some may say that they have the a motive behind doing what they are. I do support self-defense if a person or people think that they have been wronged against, but there's a way to do things as time evolves.
Russia and Slavic peoples have always been considered part of the west.

Soviet Union promoted this ideal to the third world about fighting Western imperialism. Blame them if you want.

Not true. Most Western nations have high education and financial requirements. I know a lot of Chinese who came here from wealthy backgrounds. There are a lot of Koreans and European immigrants in North America as well.

You are confusing refugees with legal immigrants. A lot of rich people would rather live and enjoy their wealth in a place that offers security and quality as opposed to someplace that does not.

Also see:

Report: Half of China

Why is that not true? Aren't Latin Americans the largest migrant groups in USA? Whether they are granted legal status or not, they moved to USA for economic reasons, same as most other migrants from elsewhere.

It was always Russia, which for a while held on to several adjacent states to make up the USSR, and was defeated in the Cold War. It is just Russia now, but the same Russia.

What was that? You need to sober up, I guess.
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