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Iranian Diplomats in Canada expelled

NAM is 120 countries, or 2/3 of UN, and they unanimously (100%) voted their support for Iran's nuclear program.............

Yes, but the UN does not work exactly like a democracy, does it?
This is really a sad state of affairs.

What does Canada have to do with the tensions between Iran and Israel?

What does South Korea have to do with the tensions between Iran and Israel?

Yet these countries will willingly and blindly follow whatever America says. Even though it hurts their own interests.
You sir, are a shameless cheerleader for imperialism. .......

No Sir, I merely described the reality of how the UN works, that is all.

This is really a sad state of affairs.

What does Canada have to do with the tensions between Iran and Israel?

What does South Korea have to do with the tensions between Iran and Israel?

Yet these countries will willingly and blindly follow whatever America says. Even though it hurts their own interests.

No. They support the US because doing so helps their own national interests, overall.
for slaves like you there is no difference between major powers and international community.we have 55% of the world population's and 2/3 of the nation's supports.

پس خدا اونجا رو براچي افريده؟
به اونجام:lol:

where ??? :what:

Iran need to come out of image it's 2 leaders, Ayatullah Khomeini and Ahmedijinad. Their reputation does not go well with "Few" states. Secondly, They need to get support of Sunni states as well they are actually one of the biggest reason of such screwing up.

For me, I am with Iran because I feel what they are doing is doing for betterment of their country. I support them.
Their loss.

My family came here with a total net worth of only 90 thousand dollars a decade ago. Now we have more than a million dollars in asset. I'm educated and so is my brother who's gonna go to med school in a few years. My grandparents came here with half a million, now they have millions (if you add their home value as well).

We're seeing a lot of discrimination here. I see no reason to have a future here. I was thinking of miving out of the country totally by 2016, and now I'm certain that I will do exactly that. All my family will probably take their assets back with them.

Collectively Iranians in Canada are worth billions of dollars and we're the most secular minority in the country. We're even more secular than Indians. First TD decided to close the bank accounts of Iranians who send money back to Iran, now this. I honestly don't feel safe here anymore and it's sad b/c I've live more than a decade of my life here. The people here are the most peaceful people on earth, but the govt is even more in bed with the zionists than the Americans. The laws being passed here are insane. When Israel was bombing Gaza, Canada was the ONLY country that supported Israel in the UN. Event he US abstained from voting. Canada is one of the only 6 nations that considers hezbollah a terrorist organization. They passed this law that if anyone even questions the legitimacy of this, they can be prosecuted and sent to jail. The country has a law that you cannot question whether or not a group is actually a terrorist organization!!! Honestly a dictatorship is safer these days.

Iran need to come out of image it's 2 leaders, Ayatullah Khomeini and Ahmedijinad. Their reputation does not go well with "Few" states. Secondly, They need to get support of Sunni states as well they are actually one of the biggest reason of such screwing up.

For me, I am with Iran because I feel what they are doing is doing for betterment of their country. I support them.

I see what you're saying, but they want Iran. Mullahs or no mullahs, they want Iran. **** em.
Canada just wants to stay neutral in these huge international affairs, and concentrate on its own economy, since the American and European ones are collapsing.
So anyone can speculate what he wants about the politics behind this move, but the truth is neutrality which is very dear to Canada.
Canada just wants to stay neutral in these huge international affairs, and concentrate on its own economy, since the American and European ones are collapsing.
So anyone can speculate what he wants about the politics behind this move, but the truth is neutrality which is very dear to Canada.

That's a huge load of hairy balls. The average Canadian has less knowledge about international politics and the world than even an avg American. You guys just tell yourselves that.

Where was this neutrality when Canada supported Israel in the UN when they were bombing Gaza?? Canada was the LONE nation on earth to support israel. The Americans abstained from voting. lol at "neutrality."

Iranians are losing their bank accounts here because they send money back to their families.

There is a law that you cannot question Hezbollah's designation as a terrorist organization even though Canada is one of only 6 ******* countries to consider them a terrorist organization.

Everything in Canada is about Israel, everything. Canada is neutral about everything and everyone, even the country's own rights and future, cept when it comes to Israel. Where is the fight against the aggression of foreign nations in the Canadian arctic??? How come nobody is questioning the right of foreign oil companies to destroy Alberta, take out the oil and run with 100 percent of the money???

Canada is a ***** nation. **** this country. Only a few more years before I have things in order and I'll move out of this **** hole back to my own country.
Canada?? which Canada the one that is still under the British, or one of those states for the U.S.A........ :disagree:

Canada just wants to stay neutral in these huge international affairs, and concentrate on its own economy, since the American and European ones are collapsing.
So anyone can speculate what he wants about the politics behind this move, but the truth is neutrality which is very dear to Canada.

I dont see neutrality when you side with one side, neutral means you are with both, correct?
Except that this claim is false in two ways: one, you don't see such things on a daily basis, and two, the context is what matters in judging any act, not the act itself. The Israelis do their best to preserve life, property, and civil rights under difficult circumstances; the mullahs' Iran is working to advance the cause of religious hatred and genocide.

And you, Secur, are all for that, aren't you?

Except you watch a little too much of Fox news or else you would have seen the daily air raids on Gaza to target some rag tag freedom fighters :azn: ... The context here is that Israel has been doing it since decades and yet not a word of protest from the Canadian Govt ! But they feel obliged to expel Iranian ambassador just because of their alleged involvement in " Syrian " case ...

The Israelis are a nation founded on some promised land written in a distorted book thousands of years ago and mentions this in its very constitutions ... As for the victim card , the Zionists have always found that convenient to get out of difficult situations and earn themselves some sympathy ... The Iranian Mullahs are leading Tehran towards economic prosperity and scientific research , what religious hatred are you referring to ? Do I need to remind you , how many Jews still prefer to live in Iran ? :azn:
Canada?? which Canada the one that is still under the British, or one of those states for the U.S.A........ :disagree:

I dont see neutrality when you side with one side, neutral means you are with both, correct?

Canada wants to avoid the American pressures and criticism by all means, including cutting off diplomatic relations with Iran; Just remember George Bush's remarks (Law) to the whole world's community : " You're either with us or against us ", that is black or white, there is no place for grey matter in these feeble minds.

Now think about the geostrategic position of Canada vis a vis the US and its Pro-Israeli lobby , and the possibility of the US hurting Canada "somehow" if it does not abide by this law.

I hope this time you'll have a glimpse on north American politics, and their complexities.
Their loss.

My family came here with a total net worth of only 90 thousand dollars a decade ago. Now we have more than a million dollars in asset. I'm educated and so is my brother who's gonna go to med school in a few years. My grandparents came here with half a million, now they have millions (if you add their home value as well).

We're seeing a lot of discrimination here. I see no reason to have a future here. I was thinking of miving out of the country totally by 2016, and now I'm certain that I will do exactly that. All my family will probably take their assets back with them.

Collectively Iranians in Canada are worth billions of dollars and we're the most secular minority in the country. We're even more secular than Indians. First TD decided to close the bank accounts of Iranians who send money back to Iran, now this. I honestly don't feel safe here anymore and it's sad b/c I've live more than a decade of my life here. The people here are the most peaceful people on earth, but the govt is even more in bed with the zionists than the Americans. The laws being passed here are insane. When Israel was bombing Gaza, Canada was the ONLY country that supported Israel in the UN. Event he US abstained from voting. Canada is one of the only 6 nations that considers hezbollah a terrorist organization. They passed this law that if anyone even questions the legitimacy of this, they can be prosecuted and sent to jail. The country has a law that you cannot question whether or not a group is actually a terrorist organization!!! Honestly a dictatorship is safer these days.

I see what you're saying, but they want Iran. Mullahs or no mullahs, they want Iran. **** em.

Bon voyage, then i shall move to Canada.
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