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Iranian diplomat dies after being shot in Yemen capital

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An attack carried out by Al Qaeda which is a multi nations organisation which happen to have Saudi members as well as other members from all over the world against "Big Satan", your point is ?

No need to change history. 11 Saudis flew a plane into American buildings. Most of them were Saudis, roaming out of your useless deserts.
Your terrorist Iranian a$$ is like a parrot repeating the same fake articles and links over and over, Your country being a hellhole that sponsor terrorism is something you can't hid no matter how hard you try.

You can't name one Iranian suicide bomber, period. I can name you dozens of Saudis. Most of the terrorist attacks in the Middle East, Southeast Asia and North Africa have been committed by Saudis or Saudi-influenced ideologies, like Wahhabism.
No we're not hated, Saudi Arabia don't send terrorists and spies all over the world. Meanwhile no country is safe from Iranian aggression, even countries with no enmity with Iran whatsoever.

Iran sending Terrorists and spies to Iraq
Mahdi Army - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Iran sending Terrorists and spies to Turkey

Iran sending Terrorists and spies to Yemen
Iranian spy cell arrested in Yemen - Yemen Post English Newspaper Online

Iran sending Terrorists and spies to Egypt
BBC News - Egypt deports Iran diplomat accused of spying

Iran sending Terrorists and spies to Syria
Iran's Revolutionary Guards commander says its troops in Syria| Reuters

Iran sending Terrorists and spies to Lebanon
Hezbollah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Iran sending Terrorists and spies to Kuwait
Kuwait to oust 3 Iranian diplomats in spy row

Iran sending Terrorists and spies to Bahrain
Bahrain sentences three Iranian spies to 10 years in jail, says newspaper | The National

Iran sending Terrorists and spies to Saudi Arabia
Iran and Saudi Arabia tensions threaten to erupt after Saudi authorities execute four Iranians for drug trafficking - Middle East - World - The Independent

Iran sending terrorists and spies to Bosnia
Bosnia tells Iranian spies to leave …. to no avail | The XX Committee

Also notice all of them are fellow Muslim countries.

Iran does it through the government, Saudi Arabia does it through non gov people, private organizations and some Islamic scholars.

Saudi Arabia has many people with al qaeda ideology, they’ve released such people in the 80’s to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan and imprisoned those that returned since they are a threat to the Saudi rule as well.

I see the same scenario repeating it self.
Theres no war in Saudi, no escape of such terrorists, they were being released to go to Syria, however of course that is stopping now since ISIL is fighting the other opposition.

Saudi who fought in Iraq now in Syria
( Captured by Iraqi forces, returned to Saudi Arabia now in Syria ).
Saudi Gazette - Saudi who fought in Iraq now in Syria

Your terrorist Iranian a$$ is like a parrot repeating the same fake articles and links over and over, Your country being a hellhole that sponsor terrorism is something you can't hid no matter how hard you try.

"The pot calling the kettle black". Considering your country of origin, you should be the last to use such remarks. That is just sad and laughable.

My Saudi classmates are always following news with worry, because they're afraid if some enthusiast like yourself want to visit the virgins ahead of their time and with "Vest Express" they have to face the consequences.

when you finish hopefully you will have a pair of digit on your IQ instead of one.

Why don't you take your own advice? You, yourself are showing intellectual capacity of a Plankton :D
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So a diplomat working for the Mullah's and for a country that actively supports terrorism died in Yemen? Sad indeed.

It's nothing. Satan, too, thought that fight for justice when organized revolt against the Creator.

Had it not been for us Semitic people you would still be worshipping trees and making human sacrifices. Don't forget that the 3 Abrahamic religions are native to our lands and people. You are following a foreign religion. Like most of the world since the 3 Abrahamic religions have been the most influential religions in human history.
i think you should remove the first one.i did it for you.
you are welcome
My regime and country is responsible for all the terrorism that happen in the Middle East.

when you finish hopefully i will have a pair of digit on my IQ instead of one.
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So a diplomat working for the Mullah's and for a country that actively supports terrorism died in Yemen? Sad indeed.

Had it not been for us Semitic people you would still be worshipping trees and making human sacrifices. Don't forget that the 3 Abrahamic religions are native to our lands and people. You are following a foreign religion. Like most of the world since the 3 Abrahamic religions have been the most influential religions in human history.
First build a rocket and fly into space. And then you will have right not to teach us, and just be quiet beside.
First build a rocket and fly into space. And then you will have right not to teach us, and just be quiet beside.

LOL. Not my problem that your history just began 1200 years ago. You Slavic people have been more or less useless when it comes to history. No civilization whatsoever. The only thing you had was your failed and short-lived Soviet Union that lasted 50 years and that killed 30 million + of their own people and caused misery in dozens of countries.

Anyway since you are so glad talking about religion should you not return to your own religion of tree worshipping and human sacrifice?

Anyway what the hell is a Russian anyway? You are mongrels. Ruled by Mongols for centuries, Turkic people and 90% of the land you sit on just became Russian land in the last 300 years, LOL.

Without capturing German scientists nothing would have been done by you like under the Tsar who btw was an German immigrant.:lol:

Your royal house was not even Russian. LMAO.
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