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Iranian diplomat dies after being shot in Yemen capital

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Wasn't Jesus who started abrahamic religions not Jewish anyway?
Nobody forces you to read my posts. What I wrote is correct anyway.

Only replying to well-known trolls the hard way.

Anyway is that not what you people think about Arabs anyway? At least that and other criticism is something we hear all the time.:lol:

Have I ever bad mouthed you Arabs? No I have not and besides I don't see how you can blame him for trolling when your fellow Saudi called him a vodka addict terrorist for no reason. Also while semetic civilization may have indeed been great and no one argues otherwise (which kind of makes your bringing it up redundant since 90% of the time you bring it up it has nothing to do with the topic) the most well known of said civilization is the Mesopotamian civilization and even said civilizations impact on the modern world is minimal compared to other ancient civilizations such as Ancient China, Ancient Greece, Ancient Persia, Ancient India, and even Ancient Rome. So idk why every time you get into an argument you try and put semetic civilization on a pedestal as attempt to demean others. Also of those three Abrahamic religions only one is inclusive while the rest are universal in their message so Russians adopting Christianity does not mean it is "foreign" for them especially if you go into the historical account of how and why they adopted said religion.

You are not aware of the fact that I had a discussion with that well-known Russian troll earlier. He started the discussion.

I am not talking about you but some of your compatriots here. That clown Janbaaz being one of them. I suggest looking at his user history. Then tell me if we should not reply in a similar fashion? I never said anything about being better or that such a behavior makes me any different. But I always reply to trolls in their fashion. Never hidden that. You know this.

It is. They are following a foreign religion. Noting wrong with this. Most people do it anyway. That is has been slightly modified to fit them is not going to change this. That happens with all religions.
No it is not. By that logic all ethnic groups are that. It is not correct. Semitic people by large are related (genetic tests proof this), share a similar culture, similar languages, religions, geographic proximity and most importantly history etc. This is undeniable.
No it is not. By that logic all ethnic groups are that. It is not correct. Semitic people by large are related (genetic tests proof this), share a similar culture, similar languages, religions, geographic proximity and most importantly history etc. This is undeniable.
Jews and Palestinians share same blood because local Jews were arabified. Afro Arab (true Arab) and Jews don't share same blood lines. Also levant Arabs were Christians who became Muslim. I met several Lebanese and they reject Arab identity.

You are a well-known troll so historical facts is not something you accelerate in.

Arabs were never Afro-Arabs. Arabs are Semitic people and there are ancient illustrations of Semitic people made by non-Semites and they are all described as Caucasian people. Always where and even racial theorists from Germany described them as such. Afro-Arabs make up a tiny part of all Arabs. Less than 4%. It is due to the Arab slavery. Read about it a little. Your people were used in this. All people of the region were. Arabs as well.

Arab slave trade - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jews are not a people. You are talking about the Israelites and Palestinains are not part of them. Modern Palestinians are a mixture of Arabs and Canaanites and Phoenicians. All Semitic people.
BTW, did you know that genetic tests have proven that most Turks have no or very little genetic relation to the real Turkic people in Central Asia?

You are not aware of the fact that I had a discussion with that well-known Russian troll earlier. He started the discussion.

I am not talking about you but some of your compatriots here. That clown Janbaaz being one of them. I suggest looking at his user history. Then tell me if we should not reply in a similar fashion? I never said anything about being better or that such a behavior makes me any different. But I always reply to trolls in their fashion. Never hidden that. You know this.

It is. They are following a foreign religion. Noting wrong with this. Most people do it anyway. That is has been slightly modified to fit them is not going to change this. That happens with all religions.

I disagree and I think you need to restudy the Christian and Muslim faiths, take Islam for example why did Prophet Muhammad PBUH take Salman al Farsi in as a Sahaba if he was preaching a semetic religion? Why did he allow him to start translating the Quran to Persian? Not only that but he also went as far as saying Salman was a part of his own household.. Does that sound like an exclusive faith? Even Christianity of today has come to represent Greco-Roman civilization despite its semetic roots.

Anyway I was not in that last thread so idk what was said and by whom but is it necessary to bring prior grievances to new threads that have nothing to do with the last thread? I am not saying he did not troll you he may very well have but gosh this is the internet and holding grudges against people you will probably never see in real is just childish. As for jaanbaaz you have some Pakistanis against and some in favor of Saudis and the ones in favor probably outnumber the ones who are not. I don't need to look at his post history I have also argued with him over things. Anyway forum rules are clear that we should not reply in similar fashion but granted sometimes things get out of hand that being said when you go all semetic on threads don't be shocked when someone calls you on it.


You are a well-known troll so historical facts is not something you accelerate in.

Arabs were never Afro-Arabs. Arabs are Semitic people and there are ancient illustrations of Semitic people made by non-Semites and they are all described as Caucasian people. Always where and even racial theorists from Germany described them as such. Afro-Arabs make up a tiny part of all Arabs. Less than 4%. It is due to the Arab slavery. Read about it a little. Your people were used in this. All people of the region were. Arabs as well.

Arab slave trade - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jews are not a people. You are talking about the Israelites and Palestinains are not part of them. Modern Palestinians are a mixture of Arabs and Canaanites and Phoenicians. All Semitic people.
BTW, did you know that genetic tests have proven that most Turks have no or very little genetic relation to the real Turkic people in Central Asia?

Modern day Turks are a mixture of Armenians, Greeks, Kurds, Persians, Arabs. The mongol/Central Asian part has been very diluted.
In fact, entire ME is very mixed. Iranians are also mixed.
Iran does it through the government, Saudi Arabia does it through non gov people, private organizations and some Islamic scholars.

Saudi Arabia has many people with al qaeda ideology, they’ve released such people in the 80’s to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan and imprisoned those that returned since they are a threat to the Saudi rule as well.

I see the same scenario repeating it self.
Theres no war in Saudi, no escape of such terrorists, they were being released to go to Syria, however of course that is stopping now since ISIL is fighting the other opposition.
Saudi who fought in Iraq now in Syria
( Captured by Iraqi forces, returned to Saudi Arabia now in Syria ).
Saudi Arabia does it thought government petrodollars, state-funded Islamic scholars, state-funded television channels and state-funded ''private organizations''. Wahhabi ideology was born from alliance between al-Saud and the 1st Wahhabi clergy Abdul-Wahhab.

Wahhabism is Hanbalism, the most strict form of Islam. Followers of Hanbali madhab are almost entirely Wahhabis. Hanbalism is the dominant madhab in KSA. Same thing with Qataris, most Qataris practice Wahhabism according to Reuters

Qatar's modern future rubs up against conservative traditions

Though led by a ruling family viewed as highly progressive by Gulf standards, the fact remains that most Qataris are very conservative. Most practice Wahhabism, the austere form of Islam also practiced in Saudi Arabia.

Rising power Qatar stirs unease among some Mideast neighbors

Of the 1.9 million people who live there, only some 250,000 are ethnic Qataris, most of whom practice Wahhabism, the austere form of Islam also practiced in Saudi Arabia.
Saudi Arabia does it thought government petrodollars, state-funded Islamic scholars, state-funded television channels and state-funded ''private organizations''. Wahhabi ideology was born from alliance between al-Saud and the 1st Wahhabi clergy Abdul-Wahhab.

Wahhabism is Hanbalism, the most strict form of Islam. Followers of Hanbali madhab are almost entirely Wahhabis. Hanbalism is the dominant madhab in KSA. Same thing with Qataris, most Qataris practice Wahhabism according to Reuters

So state funded through private organizations. That’s what I meant.
Like this Arour who’s probably 1 of the less extreme speaking about putting Alawites in meat grinders.
So state funded through private organizations. That’s what I meant.
Like this Arour who’s probably 1 of the less extreme speaking about putting Alawites in meat grinders.
The state openly funds terrorism using government organizations. Saudi Arabia government financially backed extremist rebels from the beginning in 2011. That didn't change even now.

KSA does it all out in the open, nothing to hide. Abdullah al Saud owes his power to the Wahhabi ideology. al Saud rule would lose legitimacy if Wahhabism wasnt openly state-sponsored.
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