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Iranian Chill Thread

How I see this (and I have seen a lot!):

1- No one can remove US/Israel from middle east by force (wet dreams of mullahs but just a dream)..Even if force removal was possible US and Israel will ensure Iran is destroyed before they leave.

2- Palestine will be another footnote of history taught to students in history books.

3-Gaza defenders will be remembered as the most brave Arabs..PG Arabs the most coward

3- Destruction of Iran is now on the US/Israel "to do list" so hello..is any mullahs listening ..the more firecrackers you guys throw at US forces the easier that decision is made . $ 250 dollar oil will not stop them

4- The ultimate treason of mullahs to Iranian nation is to keep Iranian nation without proper weapon to defend themselves..Iranians inside Iran take note..it is your life your house your country.

5- Mullahs of Iran will be remembered as the most deceitful creatures eternally in a fight against their own country and culture they were borne into.
You're beginning to make some sense, gentleman. I might add that those mullahs are not Iranian, they're azari turks not Persian, many of whom don't even speak Iranian language. From what I have heard and read, khomanie himself was half hindu, That figurtes!

So, what on hell's creation is going on in Iran, really?

Who is pushing these azari traitors, arebs, and hindus into Iran government and politics? Why is only Iran and Shias standing up for sunnie Palistenians? How about their own sunnie brothers? Why aren't they helping Gazans?

Oh, I get it. Their sunnie brothers are too busy cuttling up to Israel/US, and blaming Iran for Joo-DF wholesale killing of Gazans.

This is interesting here. Few days ago, you azari women-beating mullahs were posting shiitload of comments here bragging about increase in your proxy attacks on US forces in ME even though non inflicted any casualties of any kind. Probably just fired some weapons into deserts for public consumption.

In just last week, US lunch a retaliatory attack on Iranian compound in Syria, that killed at least 6 Iranian IRGC soldiers, however, everyone here is so quiet about that like a scary mouse.

What happened, you women-beating azari mullahs lost your nerve already? Why don't you fart another islamic flavored fatwa at US and the rest of the world to make you feel safer. But don't you worry, you can always take your azari frustration out on Iranian young girls and beat them to death for not wearing headscarf, and claim you islamic victory over Iran.

Azaris are very tough and lethal when it comes to Iranian women, but don't have the balls to make the bomb or a spine to stand up to Taliban or US.

Awesome picture.
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I do not shy away from legitimate criticism of Iran's government and military, but you are decidedly incorrect here, as well as all Iranians who complain that money is "going to Arabs" and not home.

For the preliminary basics:

- Iran is surrounded by U.S. military bases
- Azerbaijan is a Mossad operations base
- Iran has been under attack by Western proxies
- Iran suffered 500,000 deaths in the war with Iraq. Mass rape, chemical weapons, bombing of civilians, and torture were part of this.
- Iran's cities are all targeted by Isra"el"i nuclear weapons which remain ready for launch.

As such, Iranian leadership has realized that Iran must defend itself outside of its borders. This is very similar to the Ben-Gurion doctrine of the Lie-DF. The point is to fight threats away from Iran's borders, such that Iran itself is not invaded or destabilized. And it's ideal. Iran creates fifth columns in every Arab state in the region to this end, and in order to respond to provocations from said countries. If Iran did not create proxies around Isra"el", the United States and Isra"el" would have attacked Iran during the "GWOT" days and/or have fomented ethnic civil war. Keeping your enemies off your back is smart policy. This is why HezbAllah, for instance, is better at fighting and has better equipment than the Artesh or even most of the Sepah's units. They are the first line of defense and a node of influence.

You probably do not care for Arabs, but look at what is happening in Gaza, and soon Lebanon. The Isra"el"is are genocidal, and have always been. Have you seen videos of the babies who could not be incubated due to deliberate cutting of power by the "I"-DF? Imagine if those babies were your children, or your friends, or your nieces or nephews. No population deserves this level of satanic cruelty, and yet this is normal for Isra"el". it's just another Tuesday for them. This is what the West has wanted to visit on Iran for 40 years. The cruelty of Saddam does not compare with what Isra"el" deliberately and flippantly does. Iran is under constant threat from these racial supremacists and exterminists. It's not enough for them to do a regime change, it's their goal to destroy Iran as an entity. This became a goal the moment that the Shah said he wanted Iran to be like France, developed, literate, militarily strong, and a regional power. And simply because the Islamic Republic pursues its agenda and does not care to please or serve the hegemon, it is being targeted. In their calculation, Iran has shown an independent streak, and reverting to a puppet regime is not an option anymore. Once independent, and Iran will always have the potential to go independent again. It is simply too resource-rich, human capital-rich, and strategically located to not be addressed. Remember the infants without incubators, who are most likely breathing their last breaths right now, as life leaves their fragile bodies. Then never complain about the measures Iran takes to defend itself.

Let that sink in and inform your decisions moving on. A bunch of border guards on Iranian territory will not make the genocidal entity think twice about harming Iran.

Dude, quit fooling around, build the damn bomb, no one would dare to mess with you like this anymore. And, No regime change.
Who cares if your neighbors would want them too. It will take decades of R&D, and tones of money to say the least. Besides, they're all puppet governments anyway. Their puppet masters won't allow them to have nukes.

So, stop farting anti-nuke fatwa, and start making them with ICBM (Nukezilla flowers). Let thousands of these beautiful flower blooms. with name of every major city on the planet printed on their "petals". Don't disappoint your prophet mohammed.

One more thing, instead of wasting money and time on junks like russina tanks, helis, SUs, Joker130 and such, spend that dough on building yourselves an industrial Titanium Oven so you can produce enough high grade titanium to build medium to large jet fighter frames. blades, and inlets in numbers to remove that bottle neck there.
You can't rely on russia for anything serious anyway. Russia has already green lighted US attacks on Iranians in Syria anyway. Dont confuse sheep in wolf clothing with sheep.
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In the documentary published today:

Hajizadeh said to Surovkin,

"You help us in space & we will help you in UAVs"

Hajizadeh also hinted their are other models of UCAVs for AA engagements that the public is no aware of.
Hasn't Iran build drone factory in Russia(of course, russia already thanked Iran by letting US bombing Iranian directly in Syria).
What are they waiting for?

I read somewhere that, the worst thing you can do in this day and age is defend the Nazis. If you do, you're no worse than those defending Isra"el". Therefore, it stands to reason that conversation with you may not bear fruit as much as even conversation with that nincompoop ignoramus @tsunset.

But should you decide to listen in earnest:

- The Soviet Union was economically declining and the internal politics were unstable according to biased Western historians. This may be true to an extent, but it was well underway with respect to industrialization before the war initiated.
- The United States was on an upward trajectory since the late 19th century; the New Deal programs pulled it out of a depression and irrespective of war, the United States was already established as the world's premier economic great power.
- The Nazis attempted to unify Europe under their yoke while expanding and settling ex-Slavic lands (this sounds familiar because it's exactly what the Zionists did and who they learned from). Even if they had won, they would have needed to take the Caucasus, and later, West Asia (specifically Iran and Iraq) to have a chance to compete with the United States.

Therefore no, Nazi Germany did not create the U.S. and U.S.S.R. as world powers. It delayed it to some extent, but both were on their way to great power sta

- First, the axis description of Axles is no better than the Israeli description of Palestinian. So if you believe that, then you are no better than a Shin bet.

- Second, if Nazi had won the war, Iran would have been Israel of Germany today doing as it wished not being DONE TO.

- Third, the nazis hated jews, Therefore comparing them to Israel is just propaganda.

- Forth, Germany lost because it started the war too early, and Hitler mismanaged
Germany resources at every step till its defeat, perhaps due to his dependence on ruthchild jew bankers for finances. Every war needs a financier.
He should have waited at least until 1943 when ME262 became operational or preferably until 1945 when Germany made the two bombs that US dropped on Japan to end the war, plus H229, and H18, Horton flying wings became in full production.

- Fifth, USSR economy was already tanking when it attacked Afghanistan in an attempt to reach warm waters, but ended up burying itself there.

- Six. The New Deal didn't take US out of depression, WWII did. Without the hedge benefit of the world war II, US would not have been able to finance the New Deal. So, I am afraid, you got that in reverse.

Finally, yes, Germany did gave rise to those two big fat boobs. They got all the spoils of the war:
-Nuclear bomb, and reactor (all that stuff about Oppenheimer is just doodle squat, not facts. He was a businessman not scientist.)
-Jet engine
-Rocket/missile engine
- Von Braun and his mentor, and many German scientists who helped build US technological core
- H229 that lead to development of B1, B2, B21
-Fuel injection technology
- Remote control weapon with TV camera guiding system, but never got to use them, because in short, Hitler was an idiot.
- 150 SS agents in Eastern front were brought in to help turn OSS to CIA.

This is just a small list. Nearly everything US and USSR developed was with the help of Germany and the tech they stole. After Braun's death, US could not develop much in space. Those Saturn boosters Von Braun invented are not easy to re-make.
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Take your valium pills with your weed bought in the street and let us alone

The proverbial fist of tiktok army surrounding Gaza and killing all Hamas officials? This will never happen as Israel has yet to show any single sign of victory and is poorly performing and ready besides what zionist neocuck think tanks and channel wants to show to people

Where is the Jewish infantry beside those being instantly blown up or sniped? They are invading using exclusively vehicles and carpet bombing to advance into a pile of debris?

They will sign a ceasefire just like in 2006 and claim victory by carpet bombing and disrupting Gaza on short term. Iran will have the long awaited opportunity to showcase nuclear devices and proceed to a modern WMD/bacteriological program aimed at hitting only certain persons. Israel is rotting from the inside, at least 500k people left it since the 7th, respectively to Poland, Germany, France.
So let's see here, you went from "drink your Johnny Walker" to "take your valium pills" LOLOL.
What exactly do you do to yourself at home, when you are not beating women and young girls for not wearing headscarf?
I bet you take the said pills, then wash them down with few shots of your JW. Then you reply as such.
So let's see here, you went from "drink your Johnny Walker" to "take your valium pills" LOLOL.
What exactly do you do to yourself at home, when you are not beating women and young girls for not wearing headscarf?
I bet you take the said pills, then wash them down with few shots of your JW. Then you reply as such.
Another proof that you are under pills influence, i never told you that you are drinking "Johnny Walker"

Typical trouble of memory side effect
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