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Iranian Chill Thread

The money used to buy all that blown up ammo could have been used to buy some cold weather protection and weapons for Iranian border guards . I suppose defending Arab lands is more important than defending Iranian land for the Arab worshipping mullahs of Iran..
Remember how vicious of an enemy Iran is fighting

They murder and starve babies for fun to punish Palestinians. They dropped 4.6 million cluster bombs in south Lebanon in the last 72 hours of the 2006 war after they knew a ceasefire was imminent. Their snipers use Palestinian children as target practice with live ammunition and brag about who can make more Palestinans children disabled. There is no low to which they will not stoop. We must act accordingly to defend our country and our people.

Iran invariably announces its martyrs, anonymous US "defence officials" make reference to "Iranian proxy fighters" or "Iran-led proxy fighters" as a way of avoiding having to admit that they murdered Iraqis/Syrians resisting the US' illegal military occupation of their territory
Yes, the narrative has to be "these people couldn't possibly want to resist us, it's those Iranians that are up to no good!"

Is this an Uragan MRLS?

Reportedly this is what was used on US base in Syria
Thousands of Iranian soldiers will be killed in matter of days. It just depends on Iran and what their plans are especially with Israel.
Ok, and what about US troops in Irak, Saudi Arabia and Qatar?.
But you know... even Pentagon knows that most of their ballistic missile program are underground and well distributed. When doing anything like this US would never station any other soldier in a 3.000 km around Yazd more than 10 meters over the surface earth.
Sometimes I think warmongers count other casualties happily.
Remember how vicious of an enemy Iran is fighting

They murder and starve babies for fun to punish Palestinians. They dropped 4.6 million cluster bombs in south Lebanon in the last 72 hours of the 2006 war after they knew a ceasefire was imminent. Their snipers use Palestinian children as target practice with live ammunition and brag about who can make more Palestinans children disabled. There is no low to which they will not stoop. We must act accordingly to defend our country and our people.

All of this is the story of "chicken and egg"...Yes every moral human being can see the savagery and blood lust of Israelis and I do not give a rats *** about them I only care about Iran.

But the fact is Mullahs of Iran at the start of revolution (I was there with my eyes wide open) CHOSE to have Israel as enemy of Iran.. they CHOSE to declare the destruction of Israel as Iran's state policy. Now 44 years later we are talking about reasons why Iran has to spend all the $$$ on Arabs to guard against Israel attack on Iran..what did the stupid mullahs expect ..may be they expected Israel to give us flowers in return!!!

I assume @SalarHack and yourself are young enough not to remember the start of Iranian Revolution..well I was in Tehran the morning of the day when Monarchy collapsed and Islamic republic was borne... Guess on that day who were the people on Tehran's intersections guiding the traffic in that chaotic day..,,,none other than Palestinian dressed individuals speaking Arabic...Mullahs (not Iran) had a debt to pay and we are paying that debt for the past 44 years with money, weapons and reputation . We entered someone else's conflict and made it our own and that is why Iran today is economically devastated her people sanctioned and we could be nuked by the savages of this world at any time and no one would feel sorry for us if that happened.. mullahs do not even have the courage to give Iran the only weapon that ensures survival...We spent over $100 billion dollars on nuclear Tech and we do not even have a nuclear deterrence!!!..WTF
All of this is the story of "chicken and egg"...Yes every moral human being can see the savagery and blood lust of Israelis and I do not give a rats *** about them I only care about Iran.

But the fact is Mullahs of Iran at the start of revolution (I was there with my eyes wide open) CHOSE to have Israel as enemy of Iran.. they CHOSE to declare the destruction of Israel as Iran's state policy. Now 44 years later we are talking about reasons why Iran has to spend all the $$$ on Arabs to guard against Israel attack on Iran..what did the stupid mullahs expect ..may be they expected Israel to give us flowers in return!!!

I assume @SalarHack and yourself are young enough not to remember the start of Iranian Revolution..well I was in Tehran the morning of the day when Monarchy collapsed and Islamic republic was borne... Guess on that day who were the people on Tehran's intersections guiding the traffic in that chaotic day..,,,none other than Palestinian dressed individuals speaking Arabic...Mullahs (not Iran) had a debt to pay and we are paying that debt for the past 44 years with money, weapons and reputation . We entered someone else's conflict and made it our own and that is why Iran today is economically devastated her people sanctioned and we could be nuked by the savages of this world at any time and no one would feel sorry for us if that happened.. mullahs do not even have the courage to give Iran the only weapon that ensures survival...We spent over $100 billion dollars on nuclear Tech and we do not even have a nuclear deterrence!!!..WTF

I have heard this argument before, of why Jomhoori Eslaami decided to pick a fight with Isra"el". Here's the reason why. Iran is under threat from the United States. Iran knows it cannot hope to win a war with the United States, but what it can do is to make Isra"el" pay the price, knowing that Zionists control the U.S. government. This is like being in a fight with a giant, who is holding you by the throat, and in defense holding a needle to his eye. Should he try to kill you, you can blind him. It deters attack. This is primarily one of the reasons why the U.S. sought a containment policy with Iran, and did not do to Iran what they did to Saddam's Iraq, which is still suffering from endless instability.

It is true Isra"el" was an ally of Iran during the era of the Shah. But don't be certain that the Shah actually liked them or even wanted to continue being friends with them. The Shah partook in the oil embargo of the 1970's. The Shah went on public interview with Mike Wallace and put the Jews on blast for running America. The Shah by then wanted Iran to be a regional power and was not afraid to balance the U.S. off against the Soviet Union to further Iranian interests. He realized this late in his reign, and likely foreign elements decided to empower revolutionaries to oust him. I know for certain the Carter government sought good relations with Khomeini at first, to realize they made a huge mistake and Khomeini would not entertain any kind of relationship with the U.S.

Another thing to consider. If Jomhoori Eslaami didn't pick a fight with Isra"el", it is highly likely that Isra"el", the U.S. largest military base in West Asia, would have begun sabotaging Iran at the behest of the U.S. and perhaps even partaking in a war against Iran. You saw how the U.S. greenlighted Saddam's invasion of Iran and provided him with intelligence and chemical weapons. Don't think Isra"el" would shy away from that citing Cyrus' supposed rescue of the Jews from Babylon. They would have gladly partaken if it meant more aid money from the U.S.

It may seem that Iran picked a nonsensical fight, but it did not. It found the perfect deterrent. As you can see now, the U.S. is on the precipice of another Middle East invasion, and it is trillions in debt with a fragile, non-manufacturing economy, and less of an ability to project power than 20 years ago. Furthermore, Palestine is a cause that Iran promotes. As time goes on, it is evident to everyone that the Arab governments are too cowardly and have forgotten about their fellow Arabs that are being genocided. Iran supporting Palestine, giving them means by which to resist their death at the hand of racial exterminists comparable to the Nazis, ruins their soft power and credibility among normal Arabs while boosting Iran's influence. There are several reasons why Iran decided on its Isra"el" policy and they all make sense from a realist standpoint.
All of this is the story of "chicken and egg"...Yes every moral human being can see the savagery and blood lust of Israelis and I do not give a rats *** about them I only care about Iran.

But the fact is Mullahs of Iran at the start of revolution (I was there with my eyes wide open) CHOSE to have Israel as enemy of Iran.. they CHOSE to declare the destruction of Israel as Iran's state policy. Now 44 years later we are talking about reasons why Iran has to spend all the $$$ on Arabs to guard against Israel attack on Iran..what did the stupid mullahs expect ..may be they expected Israel to give us flowers in return!!!

I assume @SalarHack and yourself are young enough not to remember the start of Iranian Revolution..well I was in Tehran the morning of the day when Monarchy collapsed and Islamic republic was borne... Guess on that day who were the people on Tehran's intersections guiding the traffic in that chaotic day..,,,none other than Palestinian dressed individuals speaking Arabic...Mullahs (not Iran) had a debt to pay and we are paying that debt for the past 44 years with money, weapons and reputation . We entered someone else's conflict and made it our own and that is why Iran today is economically devastated her people sanctioned and we could be nuked by the savages of this world at any time and no one would feel sorry for us if that happened.. mullahs do not even have the courage to give Iran the only weapon that ensures survival...We spent over $100 billion dollars on nuclear Tech and we do not even have a nuclear deterrence!!!..WTF
CHOSE to declare the destruction of Israel as Iran's state policy
Choosing or not choosing, peace cannot be achieved if Israel exists, this state is fueled by war if Israel wasn't existing right now, even a govt change could happen peacefully inside Iran, but with Israel you will see your country torn apart by whites and neocon zionists that will slice Iran in 8 parts

If Israel keep existing, peace in the region can never happen. They would have backstabbed Pahlavi if he was still in power, a war fueled state can not exist and let peace achieve in the region thus the necessary purification of Israel is needed.

I have heard this argument before, of why Jomhoori Eslaami decided to pick a fight with Isra"el". Here's the reason why. Iran is under threat from the United States. Iran knows it cannot hope to win a war with the United States, but what it can do is to make Isra"el" pay the price, knowing that Zionists control the U.S. government. This is like being in a fight with a giant, who is holding you by the throat, and in defense holding a needle to his eye. Should he try to kill you, you can blind him. It deters attack. This is primarily one of the reasons why the U.S. sought a containment policy with Iran, and did not do to Iran what they did to Saddam's Iraq, which is still suffering from endless instability.

It is true Isra"el" was an ally of Iran during the era of the Shah. But don't be certain that the Shah actually liked them or even wanted to continue being friends with them. The Shah partook in the oil embargo of the 1970's. The Shah went on public interview with Mike Wallace and put the Jews on blast for running America. The Shah by then wanted Iran to be a regional power and was not afraid to balance the U.S. off against the Soviet Union to further Iranian interests. He realized this late in his reign, and likely foreign elements decided to empower revolutionaries to oust him. I know for certain the Carter government sought good relations with Khomeini at first, to realize they made a huge mistake and Khomeini would not entertain any kind of relationship with the U.S.

Another thing to consider. If Jomhoori Eslaami didn't pick a fight with Isra"el", it is highly likely that Isra"el", the U.S. largest military base in West Asia, would have begun sabotaging Iran at the behest of the U.S. and perhaps even partaking in a war against Iran. You saw how the U.S. greenlighted Saddam's invasion of Iran and provided him with intelligence and chemical weapons. Don't think Isra"el" would shy away from that citing Cyrus' supposed rescue of the Jews from Babylon. They would have gladly partaken if it meant more aid money from the U.S.

It may seem that Iran picked a nonsensical fight, but it did not. It found the perfect deterrent. As you can see now, the U.S. is on the precipice of another Middle East invasion, and it is trillions in debt with a fragile, non-manufacturing economy, and less of an ability to project power than 20 years ago. Furthermore, Palestine is a cause that Iran promotes. As time goes on, it is evident to everyone that the Arab governments are too cowardly and have forgotten about their fellow Arabs that are being genocided. Iran supporting Palestine, giving them means by which to resist their death at the hand of racial exterminists comparable to the Nazis, ruins their soft power and credibility among normal Arabs while boosting Iran's influence. There are several reasons why Iran decided on its Isra"el" policy and they all make sense from a realist standpoint.
It is true Isra"el" was an ally of Iran during the era of the Shah
From the POV of who? Pahlavi? Israel scammed Iran multiple times during his reign, sending discount oil to Israel in exchange of promised modern weapons at the time. Israel gave the rests of the Kippur war that was purchasable by anyone in the world.

What an ally Israel was.
Lol, the seeker have better resolution than FLIR on Su-35 probably because it use an Imaging sensor
Kinda bothers me they never released this kind of footage when it was used in Yemen. I suppose they were told by IRGC staff to not publish anything about it.
A big difference can be noticed by anyone.

Before 7/23, Israelis were acting as "1 Israeli death = 100 arab deaths", today Hezbollah neutralizes zionist at a daily basis, there isn't even 100 HZ deaths yet

Way back ago this was "1 Israeli death = 10 bombs dropped on Iran" and "US should intercept Iranian ballistic missile tests from PG"

The difference is noticeable, Israel should be mauled and lynched into a counter-holocaust if it dares touching Lebanon
Israel compensate that in Gaza front

US claiming 6-7 Iranians killed in recent strikes
do I see funeral for them ? no
USA and co. always claim Iranian died when they kill Arabs , they consider all Iran proxies as Iranians

Kinda bothers me they never released this kind of footage when it was used in Yemen. I suppose they were told by IRGC staff to not publish anything about it.
probably or perhaps there is two type of ground control unit for the missile and the older one could not records the seeker video
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