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Iranian Chill Thread

google brasil.PNG

Small world huh ?:disagree:
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what part of the video?

Claims that all Russian military electronics are western in origin, S-300 used in SSM roles, washing machine chips, Ukie AD missile failures as Russian attacks, assertion that Iran has to manufacture BMs for Russia and not sell them from existing stockpiles, taking the statements of ukrop and westoid sources at face value etc.
attack was on dormitories not home , the student were at university , they had no time going home get
indoctrinated and then come back to start protest after the closure of Salam Newspaper

They were not born in the dormitories nor had they spent their entire lives there. The satellite broadcasts' direct or indirect impact on segments of the Iranian population at that period in time was very real already, and liberal pro-reformist students were one of the groups most exposed.

This is without taking into account that the reformist front in Iran had been spreading the exact same liberal ideas and heavily influencing those students.

if that make you sleep better . basij and police clothes are not the same

Functions can overlap. And uniforms can look similar from afar. Also Iranian forces in general are not known for perfect garment uniformization.

Last but not least, every firearm in service with Iranian law enforcement, including shotguns, can use non-lethal munitions.

let me tell you an established fact.

Facts are facts. And I referenced a series of concrete ones.

your facts are as accurate as the fact of Pastafarianism

Not really, they are corroborated and documented as solidly as possible.

and also press TV , its a well known fact that the news agency lies

NATO regimes and their media lie systematically.

by my logic something fish does not mean killed by NATO .

It implies that it's a plausible hypothesis which must seriously be looked at.

maybe press tv did saw she is leaving them and don't want to work for them , then said let kill her and say NATO did it , by doing so we can have some propaganda against NATO . after all its just some hitman , its cheap.

There's no precedent for Press TV killing anyone. But countless cases of NATO intelligence services murdering opponents.

get real if you have something present facts , if you don't have facts , then dont spread

I presented a plausible explanation grounded in hard facts, whose rationale is spotless.

The NATO version you're endorsing however, entirely based as it is on two sets of unverified claims by Turkey's police and judicial authorities, is as questionable as it gets.

there is her writing , and there is something called persecutory delusion

No evidence in support of such an accusation.

In light of available facts, all this shows is an apparent preference on your part for the narratives peddled by NATO regimes over the declarations of Iranian state media and their journalists.
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There are NO Nazis in Ukraine no neo-Nazis. Don't you know that's just Russian propaganda ?

BBC and CNN won't show this to the world

Why a nuclear war is a threat to the entire human race.

One Tsar Bomba or Poseidan nuclear bomb could wipe out Britain. Russia's Satan II nuclear bomb has a warhead which is 13x more powerful than the Poseidan. It can effectively annihilate entire nations and continents. Can you even imagine such a thing ? That would be an extinction level event. The sheer amount of destruction is inconceivable. I don't think human's should even have access to such weapons.

PS: Did you know that the RS-28 Sarmat (Satan II) nuclear bomb is named after the Sarmatians ? The Sarmatians were an ancient Iranian, equestrian, nomadic people.

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From the outset, Iran’s Embassy in Seoul has been following up the situation of its nationals and the staff are present in hospitals or medical centers to assess the situation after the incident occurred in the South Korean capital .

In a statement, Iran’s Embassy expressed sympathy with the families of the dead.

Korea’s Police have released the names of the dead Iranians as follows:

Afaq Raast-manesh, Ali Parakand, Reyhaneh Sadat Atashi and Somayyeh Moqimi-nejad

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It's really sad to see more than 150 people die trying to imitate a meaningless ritual from the other side of the world. It's also sad to see 4 Iranians die trying to imitate their imitation.
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