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Iranian Chill Thread

I am also Azeri. So why do you act like you are speaking for our entire population, your opinion is only just that —YOURS.

Just look during last outbreak, you will see protests erupted on border because Armenia and Russian military trucks were allowed to transit via Iran. Now suddenly everyone will be happy Iran is entering war to save Armenia from losing more land?

If Iran aids Armenia, the Iranian Azeri population is not gonna be happy. Any notion of seizing major parts of Azeribajian is fantasy. We are not going to annex another country nor would the world allow that.

Those "ethnicists" are a minority among Azari-speaking Iranians and they are counter-revolutionaries for the most part, alongside a handful of nofuzis. They are furthermore hugely outnumbered by loyalists. Not to mention that most Iranians, Azaris included are of mixed linguistic backgrounds. These citizens by definition won't determine their political positioning based on "ethnic" affiliation. An Iranian with an Azari-speaking father and Kurdish-speaking mother for instance, will be shielded from such deviant tendencies. This is in addition to the huge mass of religious, Hezbollahi Azari-speakers to whom Islam and the Revolution come first.

So those who will demonstrate will be a marginal group even among Azari-speaking Iranians, let alone at the national level. I agree that a knee jerk reaction by Iran wouldn't be productive, but don't worry about Azari Iranians, even if enemy propaganda will unduly try to magnify the slightest dissent expressed by the pan-Turkist fringe amongst them.
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They will know, and they will keep pushing the envelope. I promise you that.

The correct strike package would simply consist of precision strikes on their positions inside occupied Armenia. Even if you want to address the thoughts of the hypocrites in the west, they will have no way to turn this into a UN security council issue vis-a-vis Iranian aggression when it comes to supporting Armenia's territorial integrity. If a strike would occur inside Azerbaijan proper, then they can use it as an opportunity.

Also, they are not ethno-centric as one might think, their are many minorities in the country.

It’s Azerbaijani rhetoric that leads me to believe they have strong ethnocentric notions that exists amongst their current/historical zeitgeist.

But I amended what I said as you’re correct. They cannot all be that way lol.
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Getting this clown out is the first step

🇦🇲🗞 Armenian Channel, Infocom on Telegram:

"Karin Tonoyan (MP from Armenian Opposition) announced in front of the National Assembly.

— "I appeal to the Armenian army. We will need the support of the army. I appeal to all those officers who are even now conscripted to declare now that they support this movement and are with us.""

Armenian opposition is attempting an impeachment, we shall see how this goes. Azerbaijani military activity will likely cease until the results are clear. Suffice to say, we can assume they will be very mad if he is impeached.

This is a good source if you are looking to follow
I am from your so called Azeri population. Why would you think that we have problem with returning Azerbaijan to where it actually belongs?

I was merely pointing to a possible coordinated action between Russia and Iran. Caucaus is too sensitive to be ignored. Israel is looking for making trouble in that area, this threat could turn into a potential chance.
I fully hear you brother.

Russia has to leash the AZ dog, or else Iran will have to take that task over and work AZ until its denazified and demilitarized.

Could one argue that Azerbaijan is a lost cause for Iran in terms of finding a healthy normal and that conducting limited kinetic operations is the only realistic option left?
this is a good question, and i hope Iran doesnt have to find this out the hard way. AZ behavior towards Iran is veeery similar to UKraine behavior towards Russia, in a general situational context.
Iran is undoubtedly heading on a collision with Azerbaijan if major diplomatic overtures fail (which they seem to be) in the near to midterm.
then lets talk war business- you know the 1st ,main thing Iran will completely destroy in Azerbaijan? their oil and gas installations. No money first - poof!

I favor sending significant arms to Armenia under a plausible deniability regime in order to minimize potential political fallout with Turkey and help restore Armenian territorial integrity to some appreciable degree. But Azerbaijan, knowing full well who is sending Armenia these major arms. Would be more emboldened to keep pushing Iran until some redline is crossed.

Game of chicken really...

IRGC would need to gauge the correct strike package that can accomplish mission goals without leading into a significant regional war. To be completely honest, any Iranian lead operation against Azerbaijan will open the flood gates and that'll be that.

I don't see how a highly militantly radical ethnocentric(somewhat) state like Pan-Turkish Azerbaijan is going to say "well, Iran is hitting us now. Better stop what we're doing".
excellent points......
If anything, Israel/NATO/America will use this as an opportunity to form a new front against Tehran, this time right at home.
...until right here.

NATO and US, fortunately or unfortunately, are too stretched and distracted by the Ukraine war. This is US of 2022, not US of 2005, no country opposing Russia in Ukraine can fight Russia in Ukraine AND support anti-iran operations in the middle east at the same time- you'd need an army the size of the Soviet Union to do that, because remember, tht army would need 200K- 500K soldiers ARMED, CLOSE AND READY, but how is that possible today when these same Bad-at-war NATO countries have already drained national ammunition stocks to fight for freedom in stupid Ukraine?

NATO forces today do not have combat readiness, i'm ready to bet money on that. after the hasty and loser exit from Afghanistan and into difficult Ukraine war?? GIMMME A BREAAK.

Her shey ki rahbarimiza vabastadi. Har ish ki o desa olajakh.

What did i say?

So because I do not have proficiency in tongue I cannot be Azeri? Lol. Tell me where did Rahabar say they are taking back North Azerbaijan?

Making sure Armenia’s territorial integrity stays the same is not the same as annexing any territory. In the history of the republic it has never annexed territory. It’s philosophy has always been borders should not change. That is what Rahbar reiterated.

I do not see how Iran’s own Azeri population can support protecting Armenia’s territorial integrity. North Azerbaijan being assimilated back into Iran may be supported, but that doesn’t mean thru war and conflict.

Since when do we craft policy based on protests? Since never. If that was the case, we'd be in a very different Islamic Republic.

Is that why when Azeribajian took back territory clerics in the North and Iranian officials were quick to show soldiarity to “Azeri land”?

Now this same Iran is going to invade Azeri land? Under what pretense? Protecting Armenia? Taking back historical land? We might as well invade Armenia as well because we owned Armenia as well back in the day.

There is a difference between protecting borders and making sure territorial integrity stays the same (what Rahbar said) and unleashing hell on Azeribajian.

The conflict is less than 48 hours old. Let’s not predict massive war when Armenia itself is trying to negotiate.
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I Would actully love to see Iran open a front with Azerbaijan.. Within 24 hours War will be declared in Istanbul. The Turks will enter in a hasty fashion..

It will lead to quite a large regional war which I prefer it to happen but I don't think Iran will pursue it not atleast for decades from now...

But yes I welcome Azerbaijan, Turkey and Iran war.. This could also open a window and opportunity to disarm Iran once and for all. Iran soil will be invaded in this scenario atleast for a 20-25% of it.

I know some Iranians will think oh well we are hercules and superman we have never experienced yada yada but on the contrary Iran has been the highway of Empires every single empire has gone thru it and conquered it taking at one point.. Perhaps the highway will be reopen again business as usual.. On average it happened every 3rd century
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Iran invading Azerbaijan is a great way to unite the western world behind Aliyev's regime. Iran doesn't even have a nuclear deterrent to discourage direct involvement by NATO. The western propaganda apparatus is too strong, no one cares about Armenia here.

It would be a mistake.
Turks in Turkey will hate Iran if Iran invades Azerbaijan. Possible that thousands of volunteers from Anatolia goes to Azerbaijan.

No not just Volunteers but the Turkish armed forces will deploy.. They have a defense treaty the shusha-declaration
I Would actully love to see Iran open a front with Azerbaijan.. Within 24 hours War will be declared in Istanbul. The Turks will enter in a hasty fashion..

It will lead to quite a large regional war which I prefer it to happen but I don't think Iran will pursue it not atleast for decades upon decades from now...

But yes I welcome Azerbaijan, Turkey and Iran war.. This could also open a window and opportunity to disarm Iran once and for all. Iran soil will be invaded in this scenario atleast for a 20-25% of it.

I know some Iranians will think oh well we are hercules and superman we have never experienced yada yada but on the contrary Iran has been the highway of Empires every single empire has gone thru it and conquered it taking at one point.. Perhaps the highway will be reopen again business as usual.. On average it happened every 3rd century
if you are man enough come yourself and disarm Iran not sit at your home and daydream others do the disarming , if you man you yourself come and annex Iran land not daydream of others do that.
Iran invading Azerbaijan is a great way to unite the western world behind Aliyev's regime. Iran doesn't even have a nuclear deterrent to discourage direct involvement by NATO. The western propaganda apparatus is too strong, no one cares about Armenia here.

It would be a mistake.

Turks in Turkey will hate Iran if Iran invades Azerbaijan. Possible that thousands of volunteers from Anatolia goes to Azerbaijan.
its wondrous how after 45 year some people didn't understand how Iran operate . attack Azerbaijan ? what for when we can give Armenia the equipment to do so, and if turkey enter in support of Azerbaijan that gave us the reason to enter in support of Armenia. by the way you guys really think in west they come to aid of Azerbaijan if we attack Azerbaijan forces inside Armenia .
by the sadly for you they made a ceasefire

No not just Volunteers but the Turkish armed forces will deploy.. They have a defense treaty the shusha-declaration
and that defense treaty say if Azerbaijan attack others they come to help them, well let inform you of something , that's offence treaty not defense treaty
you guys really think in west they come to aid of Azerbaijan if we attack Azerbaijan forces inside Armenia .
They're looking for an excuse to attack Iran, and supporting freedom-loving Azerbaijan against Putler-allied Armenia and devil incarnate Iran is a good one. If they don't attack Iran directly they at the very least will send massive amounts of equipment like they did in Ukraine.

Pashinyan is the Gorbachev of Armenia, the sooner he is removed the better off the Armenian people will be.
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I Would actully love to see Iran open a front with Azerbaijan.. Within 24 hours War will be declared in Istanbul. The Turks will enter in a hasty fashion..

It will lead to quite a large regional war which I prefer it to happen but I don't think Iran will pursue it not atleast for decades from now...

But yes I welcome Azerbaijan, Turkey and Iran war.. This could also open a window and opportunity to disarm Iran once and for all. Iran soil will be invaded in this scenario atleast for a 20-25% of it.

I know some Iranians will think oh well we are hercules and superman we have never experienced yada yada but on the contrary Iran has been the highway of Empires every single empire has gone thru it and conquered it taking at one point.. Perhaps the highway will be reopen again business as usual.. On average it happened every 3rd century
The only person who thinks a certain people are Hercules and superman is you vis-a-vis Turks. Your obsession with people who look down on you in their country is very weird, You can lick their ba**s all day but they will never see you as equal. Just go to Turkey and find out.

Cut the shit now, no one cares about your fantasies, their will be no war between Turkey and Iran. It is impossible and costly for both sides.

Iran invading Azerbaijan is a great way to unite the western world behind Aliyev's regime. Iran doesn't even have a nuclear deterrent to discourage direct involvement by NATO. The western propaganda apparatus is too strong, no one cares about Armenia here.

It would be a mistake.
Just donate weapons to Armenia, but first the clown in charge would have to go.

Then we can dump weapons for free to them. Their PM is currently the reason for no defense ties.

They're looking for an excuse to attack Iran, and supporting freedom-loving Azerbaijan against Putler-allied Armenia and devil incarnate Iran is a good one. If they don't attack Iran directly they at the very least will send massive amounts of equipment like they did in Ukraine.
They don't need excuses. They've been arming the whole region with weapons, look at our neighbors with their 4+ gen aircraft and weapons, sending some shit to Azerbaijan won't even compare with other nations. It's like dealing with a fly compared to Saudi Arabia or UEA who have real airpower.

Attacking Azerbaijan troops inside territory of Armenia is not going to do anything. They've exceeded their bounds. Attacking Azerbaijan proper is a whole other issue, that is aggression and disproportional.

if you are man enough come yourself and disarm Iran not sit at your home and daydream others do the disarming , if you man you yourself come and annex Iran land not daydream of others do that.
This clown thinks a country can launch an invasion against a country who can build nuclear warheads in 1 week.
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@Sardar330 @Daylamite Warrior
Brothers, instead of bashing @Hack-Hook, you need to keep an eye people like @TheImmortal

An American flagship in our subforum claims of being an Azeri and he didn't understand any of my Azeri words except rahbar which i am sure many people out there know what it means.

برداران عزیز، این همون دلیلیه که اصرار میکنم به فضای مجازی اعتماد نکنید. ادعا نمیکنم که بین آذری ها هیچ ضد ایرانی وجود ندارد

بین فارسی زبان ها هم این قضیه صادقه. نه هر فارس زبانی وطن پرسته.

نمونه هایی مثل این یارو که با لوکیشن آمریکا 24 ساعته در بخش فروم ایران مشغول زر زدنه رو میشه در سایت های مختلف و بیشتر پروپاگاندیست ضد ایرانی دید که از زبان آذری ها به اقوام دیگر ایرانی فحش و ناسزا می گویند.

مشکل اصلی اینه که فضای مجازی اساسا اختراع و میدان بازی امپراطوری رسانه ای غربی هاست. پس ما اینجا بدون اتحاد محکوم به شکستیم

@Stryker1982 @QWECXZ and others
Iran invading Azerbaijan is a great way to unite the western world behind Aliyev's regime. Iran doesn't even have a nuclear deterrent to discourage direct involvement by NATO. The western propaganda apparatus is too strong, no one cares about Armenia here.

It would be a mistake.

A sensical response on this board.

For Iran to invade Azeri it would have to use one of two justifications

1) Temporary operation in defense of Armenia to kick Azeri troops out and keep Iranian transit route open.

2) Regain “lost” ancestral lands

I do not see how everyone here is saying option 2 is the right approach. When in Iran’s last 200 year history have we invaded another country? Much less a country that didn’t attack us first?

The West is trying to drive Iran into a war using Azeribajian as a proxy to drain Iranian coffers and cause social unrest.

Our situation is not the same as NATO build up in Ukraine that forced Russia to react (very late).

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