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Iranian Chill Thread

The problem with this is that we have a stable and working relationship with Turkey, not the best but still Iran and Turkey are benefitting from each other. Iran's relationship with Azerbaijan is at a lower level compared to the one with Turkey but still no open enmity.
I do not think making enemies out of Turkey and Azarbaijan is a good idea especially with the Zionist scum waiting for the opportunity. Direct all the energy towards the Zionists, they are safe sitting and stoking tensions waiting for us to fight each other.

Do not fall for their trap.
Our problem with Israel should not make us overlook security threats right next to us.
Israel does not share a border with us.
The problem with this is that we have a stable and working relationship with Turkey, not the best but still Iran and Turkey are benefitting from each other. Iran's relationship with Azerbaijan is at a lower level compared to the one with Turkey but still no open enmity.
I do not think making enemies out of Turkey and Azarbaijan is a good idea especially with the Zionist scum waiting for the opportunity. Direct all the energy towards the Zionists, they are safe sitting and stoking tensions waiting for us to fight each other.

Do not fall for their trap.

This doesn't make any sense.

Turn it around, why would Turkey risk its stable relationship with Iran by actively trying to change the region's geopolitical landscape at the outspoken detriment of Iranian interests?

This by far exceeds any threat Israel poses to Iran. Former Iranian empires had a centuries-old tradition of going to war with the Romans for changes happening on Armenia's plateau - with a reason.
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Our problem with Israel should not make us overlook security threats right next to us.
Israel does not share a border with us.
And the only entity that is a serious threat to our national security and territorial integrity is Israel, not Azarbaijan.

I do not need to talk about the countless operations that Israel carried out against Iran without recieving an effective reply. Azarbaijan has done no harm to Iran at all, at least not yet. The fact even we are in this situation and our money became toilet paper is because of Israels countless efforts to throw us into the background.

There is no reason to make Azarbaijan and Turkey an enemy as long they do not threaten our borders. If they did, well, Hajizadeh himself alone can wreak havoc on the tiny republic.
And the only entity that is a serious threat to our national security and territorial integrity is Israel, not Azarbaijan.

I do not need to talk about the countless operations that Israel carried out against Iran without recieving an effective reply. Azarbaijan has done no harm to Iran at all, at least not yet. The fact even we are in this situation and our money became toilet paper is because of Israels countless efforts to throw us into the background.

There is no reason to make Azarbaijan and Turkey an enemy as long they do not threaten our borders. If they did, well, Hajizadeh himself alone can wreak havoc on the tiny republic.
LOL. The only entity that is a serious threat to our national security and territorial integrity is the United States.

Are you kidding? Republic of Azerbaijan and Iraqi Kurdistan are the two places where Israeli operations are coordinated inside Iran. They constantly talk about annexation of Iranian Azerbaijan and call it South Azerbaijan. They plan to disconnect Iran from the Caucasus by annexing Armenia-Iran borders and they intend to replace Iran in the energy market. Are you high? What the **** are you talking about?

Honestly, I don't give a **** about making Turkey an enemy. Making Turkey an enemy will not be worse than turning Saudi Arabia into an enemy. In fact, Saudi Arabia has a much stronger influence in the region than Turkey. Turkey should not try to make Iran an enemy, not the other way around.
And the only entity that is a serious threat to our national security and territorial integrity is Israel, not Azarbaijan.

I do not need to talk about the countless operations that Israel carried out against Iran without recieving an effective reply. Azarbaijan has done no harm to Iran at all, at least not yet. The fact even we are in this situation and our money became toilet paper is because of Israels countless efforts to throw us into the background.

There is no reason to make Azarbaijan and Turkey an enemy as long they do not threaten our borders. If they did, well, Hajizadeh himself alone can wreak havoc on the tiny republic.
They are acting under the waterline. What do you mena by "Azerbaijan is not harming Iran" exactly ?
Harming someone is not focussed on Psysical alone. @QWECXZ already mentioned lot of points already how Azerbaijan Gouverment is harming Iran in a lot of different direct and indirect ways. I want to add the Zionist drone wich flew into Iran from the Caspian Sea few years ago wich was launched in Azerbaijan and shoot down near Natanz.
Azerbaijan is acting like a fagot. They are acting against Iran underwater and hiding behind other countries like turkey or Israel. by the way Kurds are acting in the same way. Hiding behind bigger ones and stabbing knife from the back.
Honestly, I don't give a **** about making Turkey an enemy. Making Turkey an enemy will not be worse than turning Saudi Arabia into an enemy.

This is why you aren’t making the decisions.

Turkey is a major sanctions busting country for Iran and trading partner. Despite being apart of NATO and Western sphere it constantly rebukes the West and does what it wants and the West allows it because Turkey has too much leverage on the West (supplies the largest amount of troops to NATO).

No other country has stood up to Western pressure and still did continued trade with Iran not even China considering that the only thing China really buys from Iran is oil.

Saudi Arabia is a puppet and Iranian trade with Saudi Arabia was next to nothing. Making a enemy with Saudi Arabia was easy since we had nothing to lose in that relationship.

Losing a friendly relationship with Turkey means all of our spy assets would start getting targeted on Turkish soil, all of our sanctions busting schemes (to the tune of billions of dollars) would get shut down, Airspace would get shutdown from Iranian flights (military and civilian), list goes on etc.

Too much emotions on this board right now.
LOL. The only entity that is a serious threat to our national security and territorial integrity is the United States.

Are you kidding? Republic of Azerbaijan and Iraqi Kurdistan are the two places where Israeli operations are coordinated inside Iran. They constantly talk about annexation of Iranian Azerbaijan and call it South Azerbaijan. They plan to disconnect Iran from the Caucasus by annexing Armenia-Iran borders and they intend to replace Iran in the energy market. Are you high? What the **** are you talking about?

Honestly, I don't give a **** about making Turkey an enemy. Making Turkey an enemy will not be worse than turning Saudi Arabia into an enemy. In fact, Saudi Arabia has a much stronger influence in the region than Turkey. Turkey should not try to make Iran an enemy, not the other way around.
Are you joking? Who is behind the United States? Who drives anti Iran policies by the Western-Arab bloc in the region? Is that Israel or the US?

You talk about scenarios that have not happened and will not happen. Let's stay realistic shall we? This is not battlefield or some other computer game. Baku republic knows what awaits them if they make such a move so why they should take the risk?

Too much Pantork twitter propaganda altered you guys worldview. The world does not revolve around Turkey or Azarbaijan, it revolves around Israel and the US. And the former has wreaked havoc on Iran in a way that it will take 5,6 decades to fix those issues.

Stay focused.

This is why you aren’t making the decisions.

Turkey is a major sanctions busting country for Iran and trading partner. Despite being apart of NATO and Western sphere it constantly rebukes the West and does what it wants and the West allows it.

Saudi Arabia is a puppet and Iranian trade with Saudi Arabia was next to nothing. Losing a friendly relationship with Turkey means all of our spy assets would start getting targeted on Turkish soil, all of our sanctions busting schemes (to the tune of billions of dollars) would get shut down, etc. etc.

Too much emotions on this board right now.
It is the Twitter generation.

Iran needs Turkey and vice verca. Turkey is a great backdoor for Iran to get its hand on various products and also a great ''stabilizer''. Through Turkey Iran can make good propaganda and of course form a balance against the Pan Arab menace that is nowadays coming out of several Arab states.

Iran can manage pantork propaganda much better than panarab propaganda. The former is just some social media hype with some real life crowds but that is it. The latter costed around 1 milion Iranian casualties.

And we know which side the Israelis are on more.
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Are you joking? Who is behind the United States? Who drives anti Iran policies by the Western-Arab bloc in the region? Is that Israel or the US?

You talk about scenarios that have not happened and will not happen. Let's stay realistic shall we? This is not battlefield or some other computer game. Baku republic knows what awaits them if they make such a move so why they should take the risk?

Too much Pantork twitter propaganda altered you guys worldview. The world does not revolve around Turkey or Azarbaijan, it revolves around Israel and the US. And the former has wreaked havoc on Iran in a way that it will take 5,6 decades to fix those issues.

Stay focused.
Have you forgotten the idiots that climbed up the US embassy, took their diplomats hostage and then chanted "Down with the USA" and kept them for 444 days just to prove a point? Did Israel do that?

Too much IRGC propaganda has altered your worldview. The world does not revolve around Israel or the United States. It revolves around your neighboring countries for the most part as they are the ones that usually go into an all-out conflict, proven throughout history times and times again. And in case you have forgotten, some of our deadliest wars in modern history were with the Ottoman Empire and the Republic of Azerbaijan has territorial claims over our northwestern regions and is currently going against our warnings, warnings issued at the highest level (Supreme Leader).
This is why you aren’t making the decisions.

Turkey is a major sanctions busting country for Iran and trading partner. Despite being apart of NATO and Western sphere it constantly rebukes the West and does what it wants and the West allows it.

Saudi Arabia is a puppet and Iranian trade with Saudi Arabia was next to nothing. Losing a friendly relationship with Turkey means all of our spy assets would start getting targeted on Turkish soil, all of our sanctions busting schemes (to the tune of billions of dollars) would get shut down, etc. etc.

Too much emotions on this board right now.

Turkey was also sanction busting country for ISIS. So in Buisness they do it with everyone. ;)

Iran and Turkey are both big nation states. Interests are very diverse and in some points there are kind of rivals and in other points they are friends.
Of course in Syria, Iraq and so on - there is a gap in both interests, but in Buisness and political questions there are also lot of common points. Iran should not get enemy with everyone. Turkey is part of NATO but want to do own thing too. Time will answear if this will be sucessful or not.
Turkey was also sanction busting country for ISIS. So in Buisness they do it with everyone. ;)

Iran and Turkey are both big nation states. Interests are very diverse and in some points there are kind of rivals and in other points they are friends.
Of course in Syria, Iraq and so on - there is a gap in both interests, but in Buisness and political questions there are also lot of common points. Iran should not get enemy with everyone. Turkey is part of NATO but want to do own thing too. Time will answear if this will be sucessful or not.
Turkey and UAE would be considered important cooperative states that are important for sanctions evasion, Iraq less so but maybe their importance would grow. I don't know much about Qatar, but I know they have good relations. Everyone else no.
I Would actully love to see Iran open a front with Azerbaijan.. Within 24 hours War will be declared in Istanbul. The Turks will enter in a hasty fashion..

It will lead to quite a large regional war which I prefer it to happen but I don't think Iran will pursue it not atleast for decades from now...

But yes I welcome Azerbaijan, Turkey and Iran war.. This could also open a window and opportunity to disarm Iran once and for all. Iran soil will be invaded in this scenario atleast for a 20-25% of it.

I know some Iranians will think oh well we are hercules and superman we have never experienced yada yada but on the contrary Iran has been the highway of Empires every single empire has gone thru it and conquered it taking at one point.. Perhaps the highway will be reopen again business as usual.. On average it happened every 3rd century
War against Iran will not be 1 front war. Enemy ships and energy supply will be hit in both Hormuz and Bab-al-mandab straight. Then there is also Syria and Iraq border where resistance front soldiers will invade/attack the enemy from and their interests in that region.

War needs continious oil and gas supply as well to support the war machine. Some enemies of Iran lack energy and are dependent on imports and have their supply lines near Iran and even from Iran. Turkey imports 75% of its energy, Iran 0%. War means end of its economy (including tourism), but for Iran war compensates some damages because of energy price increase.
For example the war between Ukraine and Russia is positive for our economy, Inshallah it will become a 50 year stalemate war.

Nowadays extremely heavy sanctioned Iran has a trade surplus with non-sactioned Turkey which has ties with Israel, US, Russia and whoever you name.

With joining SCO, EAEU, BRICS Iranian economy and position in geopolitics will only grow and with that its power as well (already counted as a powerfull regional power/player). Other countries who act as western puppets or spies will gain not much by joining these blocs because allying themselves with east will negatively impact their ties to west. For Iran, the recent developments are defenitely beneficial.
War needs continious oil and gas supply as well to support the war machine. Some enemies of Iran lack energy and are dependent on imports and have their supply lines near Iran and even from Iran. Turkey imports 75% of its energy, Iran 0%. War means end of its economy (including tourism), but for Iran war compensates some damages because of energy price increase.
I didn't want to keep encouraging his silly antics, but Turkey also imports gas from Iran.
Have you forgotten the idiots that climbed up the US embassy, took their diplomats hostage and then chanted "Down with the USA" and kept them for 444 days just to prove a point? Did Israel do that?

Too much IRGC propaganda has altered your worldview. The world does not revolve around Israel or the United States. It revolves around your neighboring countries for the most part as they are the ones that usually go into an all-out conflict, proven throughout history times and times again. And in case you have forgotten, some of our deadliest wars in modern history were with the Ottoman Empire and the Republic of Azerbaijan has territorial claims over our northwestern regions and is currently going against our warnings, warnings issued at the highest level (Supreme Leader).
It has nothing to do with IRGC. Even a blind man will tell you who the real enemies of Iran are. The most serious and deadly one is the Zionist-US conspiracy against Iran, its people and its identity. If Baku republic is eyeing Azeri areas of Iran, then you should know that Israel is eyeing whole of Iran, all of Iran must come under the control of Israel (US).

Israel does not give a f, it will even murder your entire nation if you go against them some day.

Turkey-Azarbaijan are nowhere near this danger level AT ALL.
This is why you aren’t making the decisions.

Turkey is a major sanctions busting country for Iran and trading partner. Despite being apart of NATO and Western sphere it constantly rebukes the West and does what it wants and the West allows it because Turkey has too much leverage on the West (supplies the largest amount of troops to NATO).

No other country has stood up to Western pressure and still did continued trade with Iran not even China considering that the only thing China really buys from Iran is oil.

Saudi Arabia is a puppet and Iranian trade with Saudi Arabia was next to nothing. Making a enemy with Saudi Arabia was easy since we had nothing to lose in that relationship.

Losing a friendly relationship with Turkey means all of our spy assets would start getting targeted on Turkish soil, all of our sanctions busting schemes (to the tune of billions of dollars) would get shut down, Airspace would get shutdown from Iranian flights (military and civilian), list goes on etc.

Too much emotions on this board right now.
Yeah, apparently you are making the decisions. lol

So was the United Arab Emirates. The UAE used to be Iran's largest economic hub for connecting to the rest of the world. A role that has been shifted to Turkey in recent years after our relations with the Emirates went sour.

The West does not need Turkey. If they needed Turkey, they would've allowed Turkey in the European Union, something that Turkey has been asking them nicely for decades and yet they have refused it every time. The West isn't really confrontational as long as you don't clearly stand against their interests.

Turkey is benefitting hugely from its trade with Iran. We're talking about billions of dollars of investments in real estate, tourism, etc. The UAE used to do the same for us. What people are doing in Turkey today is nothing new. They used to do it in Dubai.

Saudi Arabia is the leader of the Muslim world for basically every non-Shiite person. Also, Saudi Arabia is one of the three countries that can greatly influence oil market price. It is also the leader of most Arab countries in the world. The short period of amicable ties between Tehran and Riyadh during the 70s flourished the economies of nearly all Middle Eastern countries by regulating oil prices to the benefit of the people in the region. Even today, amicable ties between Iran and Saudi Arabia can completely change the Middle East for the better and hugely benefit the lives of Iranians and Saudis.

That doesn't sound really bad compared to what we have lost by picking the US as our enemy. If you want to talk about logic, then the IRGC and Khamenei himself should put American balls in their mouths and lick them every way they could because the US unilaterally has sanctioned our economy into the corner.

This was the best decision ever made. And it was unconventional.
Yeah, it was the best decision to ruin Iran. 8 years of a deadly pointless war with Iraq, over 2 trillion dollars of damage to our economy in the war, and more trillions of damage after that. Great decision.

It has nothing to do with IRGC. Even a blind man will tell you who the real enemies of Iran are. The most serious and deadly one is the Zionist-US conspiracy against Iran, its people and its identity. If Baku republic is eyeing Azeri areas of Iran, then you should know that Israel is eyeing whole of Iran, all of Iran must come under the control of Israel (US).

Israel does not give a f, it will even murder your entire nation if you go against them some day.

Turkey-Azarbaijan are nowhere near this danger level AT ALL.
LOL. Israel has done nothing against Iran without the help of our neighbors. Name one direct attack on Iran from Israel that did not come from our neighboring countries and did not involve them. I dare you.

That's true about any ultranationalist country. You probably don't know about the Armenian genocide. Do you?

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