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Iranian Chill Thread

Treatment of Christ PBUH at the hands of Jews must be highlighted in the West to counter Jewish hold over Christian psyche. Cut the Western aid at source. At the same time respect and recognition of Christ by Islam should be highlighted to bring them near.

Theyre trying to put pressure on world powers to end the clashes by claiming Iran is behind everything. Its true, but still a desperate attempt. It means they are scared, or at least very nervous.
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@mohsen is probably crying tears of joy right now...
well as far as I understand Mohsen wont support him as president any more. and honnestly I doubt guardian council approve him . let just say he is too controversial

Looks like a big hole in Iron Dome has been exposed and that is low altitude rockets.

The rockets hitting Ashkelon are fired at a lower more direct trajectory than ones fired elsewhere and it seems Iron dome has a difficult time intercepting these ones as potentially it is difficult for radar to predict landing spot and that the missile does not have enough altitude to move around as trying to attack from bottom up (it’s preferred kill method) is very difficult if the rocket is flying slightly above buildings.

If I was Quds force engineer staff, I would seek to transport or transfer technology of a simple unguided delta wing suicide drone that can travel up to 75KM with a 25kg warhead but very low altitude (less than 100 feet) after all Gaza doesn’t have any true tall buildings so once it clears Gaza whatever it hits in Israel will be considered a success.
Looks like a big hole in Iron Dome has been exposed and that is low altitude rockets.

The rockets hitting Ashkelon are fired at a lower more direct trajectory than ones fired elsewhere and it seems Iron dome has a difficult time intercepting these ones as potentially it is difficult for radar to predict landing spot and that the missile does not have enough altitude to move around as trying to attack from bottom up (it’s preferred kill method) is very difficult if the rocket is flying slightly above buildings.

If I was Quds force engineer staff, I would seek to transport or transfer technology of a simple unguided delta wing suicide drone that can travel up to 75KM with a 25kg warhead but very low altitude (less than 100 feet) after all Gaza doesn’t have any true tall buildings so once it clears Gaza whatever it hits in Israel will be considered a success.
That would be wise for the future. It's a strong possibility this will come to a close soon.
Looks like a big hole in Iron Dome has been exposed and that is low altitude rockets.

The rockets hitting Ashkelon are fired at a lower more direct trajectory than ones fired elsewhere and it seems Iron dome has a difficult time intercepting these ones as potentially it is difficult for radar to predict landing spot and that the missile does not have enough altitude to move around as trying to attack from bottom up (it’s preferred kill method) is very difficult if the rocket is flying slightly above buildings.

If I was Quds force engineer staff, I would seek to transport or transfer technology of a simple unguided delta wing suicide drone that can travel up to 75KM with a 25kg warhead but very low altitude (less than 100 feet) after all Gaza doesn’t have any true tall buildings so once it clears Gaza whatever it hits in Israel will be considered a success.

Actually, Iron Dome is more of a Placebo; according to this analysis less than 5% of all intercepts actually manage to destroy the warhead of the targeted rocket. The reason that there are usually few Israeli casualties is simply because the Palestinian rockets are small with accordingly weak warheads and imprecise.

Actually, Iron Dome is more of a Placebo; according to this analysis less than 5% of all intercepts actually manage to destroy the warhead of the targeted rocket. The reason that there are usually few Israeli casualties is simply because the Palestinian rockets are small with accordingly weak warheads and imprecise.

This is a miscondtruction of the facts. Iron dome is a relatively successful system with low cost of intercept.

Intercepting the warhead is the ideal scenario in a fragmentation interceptor. But splitting the Rocket in half (even if warhead stays in tact) is still a success as most of the rockets will then fall into open fields.

The issue with a low trajectory rocket (ones that hit Ashkelon) in urban environment is the buildings protect the rocket from the interceptor and there is less room to operate vs a low trajectory passing over a battery in a wide open terrain. Compare that to the rockets that fired straight up into the air and a parabolic trajectory those are relatively easy to intercept as speed and trajectory is easily able to be determine.
Purpose of this is:

(1) political to silence the Arab vote in the Knesset from forming a unity government
(2) silence the apartheid opposition in Human rights groups in the West, that the zionists are the "victims" of Palestinian rockets
(3) Draw Iran into this or other players. To defeat the chances of a JCPOA and Iran accepted the the world community. If hardliners won the elections in Iran, after 8 years of moderates, those hardliners could get a few nukes and not get attacked and be liked by everybody, except crazy zionists. Isreal is trying to change that scenario.
Isreal is afraid of this and wants a regional conflict that the assassination of Soleimani did not start. The moderates were restraint in the reply and Iran if the hardliners get in, are going to be legitimate to the world community because of 8 years of moderates legitimizing Iran to the world as moderate and even-tempered. This scares the zionists. After years of Palestinians not getting involved in a war with the zionists, Palestine became acceptable to everybody to support the human rights and freedom for Palestinians.
Zionists want Iran or Syria or Hezbollah drawn in. Zionists are fighting for their lives. The world community was calling Isreal for what it was - a racist state. Netanyahu was on the out.

If Isreal is trying to draw in Hezbollah and Iran into this, this means Iran don't get involved directly.

My main strategy is everybody on their own, everybody fights alone. You can arm your allies, however, Iran should not get into a war with the Saudis in Yemen, send arms. Iranian allies are on their own, Assad should get missiles and ADS from Iran and other equipment. However in a war against Isreal, Isreal and Washington want a world war, then a horrible peace like the Versailles treaty.

If everybody gets into a war and everybody loses. Germany lost the First World War because the Bulgarian Front collapsed and Bulgaria, Turkey and Austria-Hungary quickly sued for peace. Forcing the Germans to sue for peace.

If Iran and Lebanon Resistance and Syria and Hamas and Palestinians fight Isreal. What if Gaza is occupied, Syria knocked out and sues for peace. And one by one your allies are crying for a Versailles Treaty with Iran occupied by the USA.

That is close to the disaster that happened to Germany.

Getting Iran to defend the Palestinians kills two birds with one stone. The Palestinians lose and Iran loses too. Better to have the Palestinian outcry to be against the Saudis and other zionist boot lickers. Have this be a human rights issue, not a war.
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The kikes thought after killing of soleimani and fakhrizade plus the cyber attacks on many Iranian sites that Iran is fragile but now we see they are even more fragile then Iran kikes thought they will get away with natanz and fakhrizadeh. The kikes said they have nothing to do with soleimani assassination but recent information shows that they had a hand in it they also wanted Iran to retaliated against USA and not against this shows how much the kikes love their allly the USA by making them fight Iran on their behalf. I think after the kike hand in soleimani killing Iran should prepare something big for the kikes now kikestan is burning.
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