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Iranian Chill Thread

Also, wouldn't this be the perfect time for Iran to conduct retaliation operations against Israel for the sabotage and assassinations? Given all the commotion and what not.
You make a great point.....but Iran also cant be seen as formally and governmentally starting "hostilities" with Israel....Iran is probably begging Israel to do something bold against Iran now..lol...good excuse to jump in.

Fyi, i dont believe rest of Lebanon's opinion deters HEzbollah...cuz why should it? if they didnt intimidate Hezb on the battlefield why would Hezb give a sht about them on the streets in lebanon? Hezb can take over Lebanon now....and IRan can send NDF and more Syrian hezb to comanage Lebanon with HEzb...so i dont buy that crap that @TheImmortal said that Hezbollah is deterred by threat to stat internal civil war in Lebanon..Hezb would beat all parties, so thats not effective deterrence.
Is this Iran's payback to Israel for one of multiple "charges" Iran is billing Israel for???? wow.
Wow, i guess those "attacks" on US military related personnel in Iraq was causing too many problems for some..
Israel thought it could move with impunity and arrogantly establish absolute dominance on the entire region, fuelled by their self-perceived military invincibility as a result of some outdated victories in the past against incompetent conventional armies.

Not any more. They will either wake to the new reality or will be forced to accept the relevant state of play in the Middle East.

This round of conflict will be earth-shattering for their morale and strategic outlook. It's the era of Iranian hegemony now.
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the question is, was this pipeline really hit by a rocket (very big luck), or maybe it was a precicion strike (drone)
hitting a pipeline with an unguided rocket? big big luck...i suspect something with precision...

Syria has not this "luxus of freedom"..they cant efford opening a new front...not yet...
but they retaliated already directly at Dimona
Didn't حماس get their hand on some fajr_5 rocket? If I'm not wrong the new variant of that rocket have a basic terminal guidance upgrade.

@mohsen is probably crying tears of joy right now...

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