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Iranian Chill Thread

Assad says, he trusts Russian leadership regarding a possible Iranian-Israeli clash, do you trust that miserable
Assad is meets Putin, that photo...
IRI getting kicked out of Syria soon... No need for IRI any more. The useful idiots can now pack and go home.
Sure..and Putin will send 80.000 Russian soldiers to replace Iranian backed troops thus it will also replace Iranian 20$ billions per year that goes to Syria...Syria and Iran are much closer than Russia and Syria...Syria was with Iran even when SSSR backed Iraq..and back than Syria was much closer with SSSR than now with Russia....You made very dumb conclusions....Syrian Arab Army brake apart...major sunni population will not go in SAA and Asad can't populate SAA..at one point they were literary out of mens..expecually officers..who you think are force on the ground...well sure not Russians troops.. .who is giving grants in Syria budget to feed it's people..in war time there is no economy..taxes..Iran was in Syria long before this and they will stay long after this..ofcourse at some point they will have to withraw these ground troops..at the end it is costly to maintain such huge presence on the ground.
Main goal for Iran in Syria is to save Syria and Asad...Iran doesn't need another Hezbollah in Syrian because unlike Liban Syria has own Armed Force who will not drink tea with enemy in the middle of occupation...
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who has the power and leverage to kick iri out of syria?im just being realistic.truth is no one.
You only have to listen to what Putin said today about the need for all foreign forces to leave Syria. Russia is the real master here; they saved Assad and his regime; they have the upper hand here. IRI was the 'useful idiot' that paid for the regime's financial obligations using Iranian people's treasure.
At the end of the day Assad cares more about his own skin than IRI's "hurt feelings". Also, you need to take into consideration the restraint that Israel has shown out of an "understanding" with Russia - we don't bomb Assad's core military assets in return for IRI's eventual exit. Russia doesn't care about IRI or her "grand" plans. Russia cares about her own geopolitical gains, and right now they are standing tall for saving Assad's skin.

Sure..and Putin will send 80.000 Russian soldiers to replace Iranian backed troops thus it will also replace Iranian 20$ billions per year that goes to Syria...Syria and Iran are much closer than Russia and Syria...Syria was with Iran even when SSSR backed Iraq..and back than Syria was much closer with SSSR than now with Russia....You made very dumb conclusions....Syrian Arab Army brake apart...major sunni population will not go in SAA and Asad can't populate SAA..at one point they were literary out of mens..expecually officers..who you think are force on the ground...well sure not Russians troops.. .who is giving grants in Syria budget to feed it's people..in war time there is no economy..taxes..Iran was in Syria long before this and they will stay long after this..ofcourse at some point they will have to withraw these ground troops..at the end it is costly to maintain such huge presence on the ground.
Main goal for Iran in Syria is to save Syria and Asad...Iran doesn't need another Hezbollah in Syrian because unlike Liban Syria has own Armed Force who will not drink tea with enemy in the middle of occupation...

"and Putin will send 80.000 Russian soldiers to replace Iranian backed troops thus it will also replace Iranian 20$ billions per year that goes to Syria"
Russia doesn't need to send in 80,000 troops. She had the 'idiots' do that. IRI was useful till now, paying for Assad's financial obligations, and sending IRGC to help with ground operations. Assad and his military have the upper hand vis-a-vis the rebels who have seen their financial backings evaporate.
And you are right: Iranian people paid for Assad's survival. It wasn't mullahs' money, it was Iranian people's money. But, as the mullahs say: the hell with Iranians, they can die and go to hell.

"Syria and Iran are much closer than Russia and Syria"
Assad is closer to his goals than to IRI: he wants to survive. Assad lives next to Israel, a country with unhindered access and capability to hit anywhere in Syria. Do you think Assad wants a hot war with Israel? I don't think so. What will end up happening is a Russian brokered cold war between Assad and Israel. Just as it was before the start of civil war in Syria.

"You made very dumb conclusions....Syrian Arab Army brake apart...major sunni population will not go in SAA and Asad can't populate SAA..at one point they were literary out of mens..expecually officers.."
And your conclusion is smart? Are you suggesting that it's only IRI's troops that are fighting in Syria? There's still a SAA, not as big, but more experienced.

"Main goal for Iran in Syria is to save Syria and Asad"
Yes, and Assad was saved with the help of Russians and IRI.

"Iran doesn't need another Hezbollah in Syrian because unlike Liban Syria has own Armed Force..."
You just contradicted your prior statement. Which is it? Does Syria have an army or not?

My point was now that Assad has essentially overcome her domestic opposition she will have no need for IRI's presence. She will retake the remaining lands, will settle into a cold-war with Israel, brokered by the Russians, with the condition that IRI and IRGC p*gs leave Syria, reduces her footprint in Lebanon, and will negotiate a gradual "exit" of the Turks where they will be given broad powers when it comes to Kurds (including incursions into Syrian Kurdish areas whenever they please or see fit). Now if you disagree I respect that, after all you are also entitled to your opinion.
Dude you have to much hate in your heart. Everyday you're here talking shit.
Does it show?! Well TBH, I only have it for IRI, the mullahs, aghazadehs, and IRGC. They have ruined Iran to the bone. I just came back recently and people are getting poorer by the day, all the while these dogs rub and embezzle the Iranian people.
IRGC p*gs leave Syria

You are disgraceful. IRGC does many things wrong but tens (or even hundreds) of thousands of Sepahis have died for this country. You should be ashamed of yourself. You're just as bad as a Saudi or Israeli. "Iranian American"... You have no Iranian left in you.

The rest of your post is crystal ball BS.
Does it show?! Well TBH, I only have it for IRI, the mullahs, aghazadehs, and IRGC. They have ruined Iran to the bone. I just came back recently and people are getting poorer by the day, all the while these dogs rub and embezzle the Iranian people.
Go kiss that gay pahlavis balls pls. enough is enough. you need pahlavi balls in all your orifices

and what is that?
Seeker ? :D
You only have to listen to what Putin said today about the need for all foreign forces to leave Syria.

It's clearly was said about the US and its allies. For those who do not understand, today press secretary of Putin explained that territory of Syria must leave the troops of those countries that there illegally, without the invitation of the legitimate government of Syria.
https://ria.ru/syria/20180518/1520829840.html (in Russian)
You are disgraceful. IRGC does many things wrong but tens (or even hundreds) of thousands of Sepahis have died for this country. You should be ashamed of yourself. You're just as bad as a Saudi or Israeli. "Iranian American"... You have no Iranian left in you.

The rest of your post is crystal ball BS.
I am "disgraceful" because I am against IRI? Only an IRI lackey would conclude that. You people can't stand an opposing view, just like your grand master and his regime. I am an Iranian-American. You got that right. I am NOT an IRI-American. IRGC has done good? You got to be kidding. They are rubbing Iranians dry and killing innocent Iranians. Only a person of low caliber like yourself would call another a "Saudi" or "Israeli" as though that is an insult. I got plenty Iranian left in me. It seems that you and your kind are the ones that have none since you equate IRI and Iran. Your little signature says all there's to be said about you... pathetic, judgmental, know-it-all arrogant little pr*ck.

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