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Iranian Chill Thread

Yeah man, I've got tons of stories like that. My union is very strong and the old timers can't stand the new guys. We're all always early and on our toes. They have an ethical issue with the whole thing. I had to tell one guy in his mid 40's to literally **** off b/c he was on my case for half the year about why I come to work 20-30 mins early. It hasn't shut him up though. One time I was bored and had nothing to do in the shop, so I started sweeping the floors and taking out the garbage. Buddy walks in and starts his usual speech and asking me why I'm doing this. As he was giving me a hard time my boss walks in and starts going at him and telling him how he's a nobody at the age of 40 and if he was like me he wouldn't be where he's at blah blah. Fucking guy was so embarrassed he wanted to cry lol

I always have to be careful not to step on toes with these union guys. The union is amazing though. Without it Canada would be USA
, but some things about it piss me off.

Pas in yaarou union iye, hesaabi rafte daresh va hersesh gerefteh!!! :lol::lol::lol:
Ba'd ghor mizanand va migan chera khaarejiyaa miyaan va job ha ra migiran va amricayi ha, candayi ha, dast be khaayeh mimounand. vaalaa ba in hame emkaanaati ke touye amrica hast, kheyli bi-orzegi mikhaad ke yek amricayi chizi nasheh. :disagree:

Dawkins ke payaambare, bayad be Darwin panah bord! :D
Khob dakhil ( دخیل ) ra ham be emaamzade va inhaa mibandan digeh :lol:
Pas in yaarou union iye, hesaabi rafte daresh va hersesh gerefteh!!! :lol::lol::lol:
Ba'd ghor mizanand va migan chera khaarejiyaa miyaan va job ha ra migiran va amricayi ha, candayi ha, dast be khaayeh mimounand. vaalaa ba in hame emkaanaati ke touye amrica hast, kheyli bi-orzegi mikhaad ke yek amricayi chizi nasheh. :disagree:
I know. I was having this discussion with someone else today. There are people in my company that have been doing the same job for 20 years without ever going up!!! They literally have to be begged to get their qualifications in order for the company to mover them up and they still don't do it. I've been taking a course these past few weeks so I can write my exams in order to become a quality control inspector. This is after only a year in NDT. Everybody else takes up to a decade before they go and get their qualifications, for no apparent reason! It's mostly a "white" problem. They have no ambition, motivation... They get jealous in a heart beat, but that's about it.

Most engineers are immigrants here and it seems like minorities move faster within the hierarchy as a whole.
@Abii How's life? :D
Boring and stressful at the same time. Going back to work for the first time after two weeks tomorrow. Feels like the first day of school in Iran.

I half wanna quit cold turkey and go to South Asia for 2 months, come back and get a new job, but can't say no to 3000/week pay checks lol

South Asia seems fun though.
Boring and stressful at the same time. Going back to work for the first time after two weeks tomorrow. Feels like the first day of school in Iran.

I half wanna quit cold turkey and go to South Asia for 2 months, come back and get a new job, but can't say no to 3000/week pay checks lol

South Asia seems fun though.

Don't leave your job man, its not easy getting job these days. You make 12000 a month?! That's great man!

Go to India, you'll have fun there. If you plan to go to South East Asia definitely give Singapore a visit.

Most engineers are immigrants here and it seems like minorities move faster within the hierarchy as a whole.

Because we usually work harder.
Don't leave your job man, its not easy getting job these days. You make 12000 a month?! That's great man!
No 10K. Believe it or not I'm bottom of the barrel, the bottom feeder...
My boss makes 250 lol

Here it's easy. Where I am, there are more jobs than people. I think the unemployment rate is around 3%. That's why the salaries are so ridiculous. My buddy quit our company, started sub contracting and he was making 9500/week. I didn't believe him till he showed me his paper work. Welders here charge 150 an hour!!!! That's for sub contracting though. As regular employees they make close to 50 an hour within 4 years and they can get 65 an hour if they do fitting as well. This is their base. They have fat company paid pensions and benefits too.
No 10K. Believe it or not I'm bottom of the barrel, the bottom feeder...
My boss makes 250 lol

Here it's easy. Where I am, there are more jobs than people. I think the unemployment rate is around 3%. That's why the salaries are so ridiculous. My buddy quit our company, started sub contracting and he was making 9500/week. I didn't believe him till he showed me his paper work. Welders here charge 150 an hour!!!! That's for sub contracting though. As regular employees they make close to 50 an hour within 4 years and they can get 65 an hour if they do fitting as well. This is their base. They have fat company paid pensions and benefits too.

Maybe I should move to Canada then!
In US IT makes more money than that, but I don't, I make about $110k + $35k benefits.
The thing here is that if you're hovering around the 100's, you're starting out. By the time you put in 5-10 years, you're knocking on the 200's. Keep in mind that these salaries don't require 4 year college degrees either. That's what makes them great.

What you make is fantastic considering that your job is more civilized. The oil industry is like the Wild West. You're an engineer right? Keep Canada in the back of your mind. Maybe see what offers you can get if you ever decide to move somewhere else.

What a motivating video
I've watched this 10 times today. It's starting to get weird lol
The thing here is that if you're hovering around the 100's, you're starting out. By the time you put in 5-10 years, you're knocking on the 200's. Keep in mind that these salaries don't require 4 year college degrees either.

What you make is fantastic considering that your job is more civilized. The oil industry is like the Wild West. You're an engineer right? Keep Canada in the back of your mind. Maybe see what offers you can get if you ever decide to mover somewhere else.

Yes. I'm a Computer Engineer, its more into hardware, but the job that I'm having is software-related. Let's see what's going on, because I received some mixed signals at the management meeting today, if I couldn't work with them anymore I'll certainly have Canada in mind. They say that you could move to Canada with Greencard?

I've watched this 10 times today. It's starting to get weird lol

Be careful, travelling to Asia, especially South-East Asia could be quite dangerous, consider going with a tour, there are many things that could kill you out there.
Yes. I'm a Computer Engineer, its more into hardware, but the job that I'm having is software-related. Let's see what's going on, because I received some mixed signals at the management meeting today, if I couldn't work with them anymore I'll certainly have Canada in mind. They say that you could move to Canada with Greencard?
All I know is that it's much easier to come to Canada as a European than it is as an American. Americans have a much tougher time, but I see LOTS of American plates here. They're mostly oil field guys with company trucks. I've seen Texas plates, lots of Oregon, Pennsylvania etc...

EU has a deal with Canada where a certain number per country can apply for work visas and they can come straight over with work lined up or not. There are TONS of Germans and Irish people here who have came over with work visas. A lot of them apply for perm residency after the two years and depending on their skills lots get approved.

They make it much harder for Americans for some reason.
Boring and stressful at the same time. Going back to work for the first time after two weeks tomorrow. Feels like the first day of school in Iran.

I half wanna quit cold turkey and go to South Asia for 2 months, come back and get a new job, but can't say no to 3000/week pay checks lol

South Asia seems fun though.

That is South East Asia mate, here I thought you were headed to Pakistan. :sarcastic:
All I know is that it's much easier to come to Canada as a European than it is as an American. Americans have a much tougher time, but I see LOTS of American plates here. They're mostly oil field guys with company trucks. I've seen Texas plates, lots of Oregon, Pennsylvania etc...

EU has a deal with Canada where a certain number per country can apply for work visas and they can come straight over with work lined up or not. There are TONS of Germans and Irish people here who have came over with work visas. A lot of them apply for perm residency after the two years and depending on their skills lots get approved.

They make it much harder for Americans for some reason.

Jealousy and envy because the party is down stairs and they are not invited. :p:
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