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Iranian Chill Thread


world cup or Halloween?
For brazils enemy.....Halloween!

By the way.......anybody knows what happened to IMF? Will IMFcome back?
Nothing mate, in chand vaghte khub miay site shomam emtehan memtehan dari?

Baleh, motesefaneh, faghat haftey yek bar mitoonian biyam inja degh! vaghat nadaram ziyad! vali in chand rooz tonistam kar nadashtam! Shoma ghablan inja member boded? choon inghar tazeh member shodid...
look sinan i never ever gave any negative cm in any thread about turkey however i really don't care about turkey threads. but unfortunately i see some turk guys who really put too much time and energy to say negative things about iran or iranians that's obvious jealously. some can't stop that and involve trolling.some even open threads to troll let me don't call any name or give example. and this thread is simply about people not politics or whatever. we respect your people and expect respect from you.. and sure i consider you as friend i don't judge all by some trolls. ;)

I moved our convesation as we derailed that thread enough.

Okay, i agree with you on some points but you are seriously misinterpreting this "Jealousy " thing.....

As i observed, our members look down upon other countries which is caused by nationalism. There are lots threads in our section where you can see this behaviour and this is not just limited with only Iran... so if you guys say like "We are equals or we are better than you in this subject"... they just react as they can't bear the thought.

Also, i admit that we are a bit aggressive bunch.
Hey dear @Emmie ,

Since when advising people is against rules ?

You should deal with the fact that truth can be bitter too .
Hey dear @Emmie ,

Since when advising people is against rules ?

You should deal with the fact that truth can be bitter too .

You should also deal with the fact that trolling and demeaning members here is not allowed.. If you have anything to say further you better open a thread in GHQ section, this thread isn't a place to lament.

I watched a video where A Turkish Hoca was slammin on ISIS saying "these are the dogs of hell, these are hariciler, these people have killed HZ Ali efendi"

Also he said "The common trait of hariciler is they brand everyone as Kuffar. By saying Kuffar they see them right to kill people and can take their wives and daughters as spoils of the war"

I looked up hariciler in wiki, which means "Khawarij" but there was not enough information...

Do you know who are these guys ?

The video i have watched....

I watched a video where A Turkish Hoca was slammin on ISIS saying "these are the dogs of hell, these are hariciler, these people have killed HZ Ali efendi"

Also he said "The common trait of hariciler is they brand everyone as Kuffar. By saying Kuffar they see them right to kill people and can take their wives and daughters as spoils of the war"

I looked up hariciler in wiki, which means "Khawarij" but there was not enough information...

Do you know who are these guys ?

The video i have watched....

Khawarij were an extreme group in days of Calpih Ali ibn Abi Talib who rejected his caliphate and started to develop extreme mentalities and perceptions of Islam, which takfirs (declares as heretics/infidels) any group doing anything out of their beliefs. They call ISIS as Khawarij because they are also acting like their early Islamic brethren, being at odds with all Shias, many Sunnis, Christians and even AQ members. These violate much are even more savage compared to those bastards who lived 1400 years ago.

Ironically, some idiots consider ISIS as 'true sound of oppressed Sunnis'. Why? Simply because they are thirsty for Shias' blood. I should also mention that the same people were cursing ISIS for massacre of many Syrian rebels and even Nusra-AQ scumbags before all this Iraqi mess started.

English Wiki:

Kharijites (Arabic: خوارج‎ Khawārij, literally "those who went out";[1] singular, Khārijī ) is a general term describing various Muslims who, while initially supporting the authority of the final Rashidun Caliph Ali ibn Abi Talib, the son-in-law and cousin of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, then later rejected his leadership. They first emerged in the late 7th century, concentrated in today's southern Iraq, and are distinct from Sunni Muslims and Shiʿa Muslims. With the passing of time the Kharijite groups fell greatly in their numbers and their beliefs did not continue to gain any traction in future generations.

From their essentially political position, the Kharijites developed extreme doctrines that further set them apart from both mainstream Sunni and Shiʿa Muslims. The Kharijites were particularly noted for adopting a radical approach to Takfir, whereby they declared other Muslims to be unbelievers and therefore deemed them worthy of death.
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Hi @Nihonjin1051 ,

Sorry for mentioning you here .

I've been looking for a Japanese movie about Kamikazes for years but haven't found it .

Do you know any name ? or any movie about them ?

I'll appreciate it if you help me here since you're the first Japanese I've seen so far .
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