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Iranian Chill Thread

Thanks for the link! I like Moshiri and enjoy his frank talk. But I'm not his mental slave. If it hadn't been for extremist and unwise Sassanid policies, Iran would have never been weak enough to be invaded by a bunch of Arabian nomads and later on by Mongols. So the responsibility still falls on our shoulders. A rational and even tempered person/nation will always be stronger than one that isn't. Because they have more mental resources at their disposal, therefore more choices of action are available to them.

Our problem is an old one. It didn't start with the Mollahs. And it wouldn't end, if they leave tomorrow...
I hope you could have been able to watch the video.
What I am trying to tell you is that the non-sense scholastic discussions(and scholasticism) are a poison in the mentality of many of Iranians. specially in the mentality of the people with no nomad background, like the central and southern regions. This is the mentality which ruined the Europe in the middle ages, and then got transfer to some islamic regions including persian regions and ruined them and is still dominant in your thoughts and is ruining the current day Iran. If you want to know why your people were and still are numbs about what happens in their country, you can trace its roots here. There is only one way to get out from this trap, and it is what Europeans did, which was putting aside those abstract non-sense thoughts, putting aside reading non-sense poems, and do a real job in your world.
I hope that 9 decades of living under dictatorships have been enough time for you to finally understand what you want. Now, tell me that what do you want to do to implement your thoughts? sitting in your chair, smoking hookah, and drink coffee and talk and write bunch of useless words?!!!

BTW, Descartes quote has nothing to do with our discussion neither researching in Physics. We are talking about the stuff that are related to the society not some abstract thoughts in physics or mathematics. There is a clear difference if you have not noticed it.

The Magna Carta which is widely considered at the basis of the British democracy was signed in 1215. It took them the better part of 7 centuries with ebbs and flows and civil wars and rebellions to get where they are today. So 9 decades for such an ancient and profoundly entrenched culture such as ours is not much to go by. I will simply not put any time limit on it.

And yes, sitting around and talking about it is the exact thing we need to do. Imagine if the vast majority of Iranians were closely on the same page regarding what they want to do. There wouldn't really be much left to do, would it? All they would need to do is to step on the street for a few days and it'll be over. They wouldn't even have to do much. Just be there... and stand your ground. They can't kill the whole nation.

I would first start talking about the meaning of freedom! You'd be surprised how wildly different ideas people have about it....

I hope you could have been able to watch the video.
What I am trying to tell you is that the non-sense scholastic discussions(and scholasticism) are a poison in the mentality of many of Iranians. specially in the mentality of the people with no nomad background, like the central and southern regions. This is the mentality which ruined the Europe in the middle ages, and then got transfer to some islamic regions including persian regions and ruined them and is still dominant in your thoughts and is ruining the current day Iran. If you want to know why your people were and still are numbs about what happens in their country, you can trace its roots here. There is only one way to get out from this trap, and it is what Europeans did, which was putting aside those abstract non-sense thoughts, putting aside reading non-sense poems, and do a real job in your world.

Yeah, abstract thoughts like enlightenment, freedom of thought, freedom of expression, humanism, representative governance, etc... destroyed Europe and that's how they came to dominate the rest of hte world!!!!!!!

You make sense...
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The Magna Carta which is widely considered at the basis of the British democracy was signed in 1215. It took them the better part of 7 centuries with ebbs and flows and civil wars and rebellions to get where they are today. So 9 decades for such an ancient and profoundly entrenched culture such as ours is not much to go by. I will simply not put any time limit on it.

And yes, sitting around and talking about it is the exact thing we need to do. Imagine if the vast majority of Iranians were closely on the same page regarding what they want to do. There wouldn't really be much left to do, would it? All they would need to do is to step on the street for a few days and it'll be over. They wouldn't even have to do much. Just be there... and stand your ground. They can't kill the whole nation.

I would first start talking about the meaning of freedom! You'd be surprised how wildly different ideas people have about it....
I think now you get what I am trying to say.
BTW, What's the point in these discussions about the meaning of freedom, when you have no means in using your definition in the real world? It is like fantasizing in your mind. Sorry mate, but my life is much shorter than engaging in useless scholastic debates. ;)

Yeah, abstract thoughts like enlightenment, freedom of thought, freedom of expression, humanism, representative governance, etc... destroyed Europe and that's how they came to dominate the rest of hte world!!!!!!!

You make sense...

You are trying to go over scholastic debates over again. you need to look for the meaning of each word in its context. abstract in my quote means detached from the society(and not going to be implemented in it), and not what you interpreted.
I think now you get what I am trying to say.
BTW, What's the point in these discussions about the meaning of freedom, when you have no means in using your definition in the real world? It is like fantasizing in your mind. Sorry mate, but my life is much shorter than engaging in useless scholastic debates. ;)

The point is if you don't know what you want, you will never get it. So you first have to think about, imagine it, analyze it... you don't need to be a scholar of any sort to understand that. It's basic sense.

And so our lives are short! So what are we gonna do? Walk around like brain dead zombies?

You are trying to go over scholastic debates over again. you need to look for the meaning of each word in its context. abstract in my quote means detached from the society(and not going to be implemented in it), and not what you interpreted.

Well all those thoughts were detached from society at some point. And then they became the norm. In general, that's how change takes place. Somebody comes up with an improvement over existing processes. It gets reviewed. It gets resisted/rejected. Then it gets cautiously tried out. Then it becomes more widespread. And then at some point it becomes the norm to the extent that it becomes difficult to imagine the world before it.

What I'm surprised at is you rejecting this process by dismissing the initial thought as 'abstract'. Well duh! It wouldn't be abstract if everybody was already using it....


good night everybody

I never saw any thing anti turk from you.

I say you guys open an iran politics thread in the m.e section and if anyone talks politics in this thread just thread ban them. This way any iranian mod isn't responsible for any political opinions posted in this section and this thread stays clean. Also @Serpentine has less work to do. :D


good idea.. @Serpentine what do you think about it?
politics is not that chill ... specially here .. is it?
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به گزارش جهان نیوز، خلبان شهید عباس بابایی، فرمانده عملیاتنیروی هوایی ارتش جمهوری اسلامی، در 15 مرداد 1366، هنگام یک عملیات هوایی، هدف آتش دشمن قرار گرفت و به شهادت رسید. "عباس بابایی" علی رغم آن که یک افسر ارشد نیروی هوایی بود، علاقه فراوانی به بسیجیان داشت و ارادت و عشقش به رزمندگان داوطلب بسیجی، در میان دوستانش زبانزد شده بود. در هر فرصتی که می توانست در مناطق عملیاتی حاضر شود، سعی می کرد به هر بهانه ای، لباس خاکی بسیجیان را بپوشد و پس از جلسات فرماندهان، خود را به هر طور شده به جمع بسیجیان برساند و مدتی از وقت خود را با آنان بگذراند. حکایت این که او آب گل آلودی را که در مناطق عملیاتی در گودالی کوچک جمع شده بود، به سر و رویش می زد و می گفت «این آب، زیر پای بسیجیان بوده و متبرک است» حقیقتا تکان دهنده است. کسانی که با خلبانان نیروی هوایی حشر و نشر داشته اند و با روحیه حاکم در میان غالب آنان آشنا هستند، به خوبی درک می کنند که چنین روحیاتی برای یک ژنرال نیروی هوایی چقدر غیر معمول است. خدایش متعالی بدارد که در روز عید قربان، به بسیجیان شهید پیوست و مراد دل خویش را از معبودش گرفت.
عکسی که می بینید، شهید عباس بابایی را در میان گروهی از بسیجیان نشان می دهد که برای اعزام در محلی گرد آمده اند. ایشان به محض مشاهده جمعی از بسیجیان، خود را به آنان می رساند و سعی می کرد حتی مدتی کوتاه به نحوی با آنان همکلام و دمخور شود.


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