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Iranian Chill Thread

Every field has its own exam, like civil engineering, or electronics, mechanics aerospace etc. Nano is also a separate field, I thought other countries have it too.don't you have nano as an engineering field in Turkey?
Nano technology ? what kind of entrance exam is that :D
We have, but I'm confused, aren't we talking about exams of entering university ? if you didn't entered that field yet, why are you have to take exams of it :what:

In Turkey we are entering same exam(except language, I took language exam), but the result you get changes depends on your choice, for example if you want to be a literature teacher, or a math teacher your point is calculated differently, parts of exam that is related to that field of your choice gives bonus point.

Edit: sorry I'm mistaken, we are not entering same exam, only first exam is same, second and most important is divided 5 different exams, each concentrated on different fields, I have took language exam, you can take whichever you want, may be all five.
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We have, but I'm confused, aren't we talking about exams of entering university ? if you didn't entered that field yet, why are you have to take exams of it :what:

In Turkey we are entering same exam(except language, I took language exam), but the result you get changes depends on your choice, for example if you want to be a literature teacher, or a math teacher your point is calculated differently, parts of exam that is related to that field of your choice gives bonus point.

Edit: sorry I'm mistaken, we are not entering same exam, only first exam is same, second and most important is divided 5 different exams, each concentrated on different fields, I have took language exam, you can take whichever you want, may be all five.

I think the confusing point is that you are talking about the entrance exam for bachelor degree in universities, while @Serpentine is talking about the entrance exam for masters degree ;)
We have, but I'm confused, aren't we talking about exams of entering university ? if you didn't entered that field yet, why are you have to take exams of it :what:

In Turkey we are entering same exam(except language, I took language exam), but the result you get changes depends on your choice, for example if you want to be a literature teacher, or a math teacher your point is calculated differently, parts of exam that is related to that field of your choice gives bonus point.

Edit: sorry I'm mistaken, we are not entering same exam, only first exam is same, second and most important is divided 5 different exams, each concentrated on different fields, I have took language exam, you can take whichever you want, may be all five.

Now I see the problem. :D
As @rmi5 said, I'm taking the exams for master degree, while you are talking about bachelor. :)
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, and all other dear members whom I can't remember right now.
Respectfully, I am curious to know, If you were supposed to recommend one and just one book, what would it be?
I mean that kinda book that if a person is supposed to die in less than a week you would recommend him to read.
Are you going to die?:undecided::sarcastic:
If that's the case, I would suggest you to enjoy rest of your life and have fun instead of reading books :lol:

@Islam shall be the winner

It is "Lord of the Rings" triology for me. I enjoyed the book more than the film itself.

Also the "Improbable" by Adam Fawer was very good.
I have only read 2 pages of this trilogy and have seen half of one of the films.:undecided:
It is "Lord of the Rings" triology for me. I enjoyed the book more than the film itself.
Since I have seen the whole series, would you recommend me to read the books either?
@rmi5 @Ostad @Serpentine @Abii @spiderkiller @mohsen @S00R3NA @Ayush @xenon54 @Irajgholi @SinaG @Surenas @ResurgentIran @Sinan , and all other dear members whom I can't remember right now.
Respectfully, I am curious to know, If you were supposed to recommend one and just one book, what would it be?
I mean that kinda book that if a person is supposed to die in less than a week you would recommend him to read.

It's really hard to choose only one. But I would recommend 1. 100 years of solitude.
2.Her Eyes (chashmhaiash) from Bozorg Alavi.

There are some others, but since you only asked for one...
I'm more of a novel fan so i recommend two novels i think everyone should read them atleast once.
1. Le comte de monte cristo
2.the Silence of the lambs
Two pure piece of art
Are you going to die?
If that's the case, I would suggest you to enjoy rest of your life and have fun instead of reading books
LOL, no, bite your tongue dude,
Just wanted to narrow the options.
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