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Iranian Chill Thread

i think a lot to speak here or not im right now feel very bad honestly im upset i didn't expect this i wish that guy 1 day come to turkmen sahar and see it by his eyes if you want my opinion persian usually cannot understand differences between turks and turkmens here i wish i could upload some photo from my pc but idk how to use the panel ty to informing me with out your alert i wouldn't know about all this it's change my opinion about kurdish people i thought we were friends since in iran we both are sunni we are in the same side btw i have better time in turkish Thread they treat me well than my country men i dont speak here if you have question about turkmens ask me in turkish Thread

well ... obviously you never cared about Iran in first place .... so no big loss ... bye bye
i think a lot to speak here or not im right now feel very bad honestly im upset i didn't expect this i wish that guy 1 day come to turkmen sahar and see it by his eyes if you want my opinion persian usually cannot understand differences between turks and turkmens here i wish i could upload some photo from my pc but idk how to use the panel ty to informing me with out your alert i wouldn't know about all this it's change my opinion about kurdish people i thought we were friends since in iran we both are sunni we are in the same side btw i have better time in turkish Thread they treat me well than my country men i dont speak here if you have question about turkmens ask me in turkish Thread
I fully understand what you feel brother. That's why I do not post in Iran section like before unless there is something against azeris and those douche are crossing the red line. Hoenestly, I prefer to post in Turkish, Europe, Americas, and technology sections than here.
you dont know whom your talking to you wouldn't say this if you know me
do not care about this suicide troll. he is a famous pan-fars ex-troll. his account would be banned if mods find out that he is @Falon. ignore him brother ;)
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do not care about this suicide troll. he is a famous pan-fars ex-troll. his account would be banned if mods find out that he is Falon. ignore him brother ;)
Ehh ? hala intoriye ? hehehe.. jam kon kase koozato.

also was mosaddegh a pan turk? in what life? i dont know why you have his pic. just come out and admit you are pan turk. no need to be sneaky about it.
@rmi5.... chera soale man ro javab nadadi ? !!

Where is your Iran flag if you cared?
just know this im from a family which served iran in kermanshah during iran-iraq war and fight in mersad your name is telling me a lot about your opinion about me lets not talk it's better for us
just know this im from a family which served iran in kermanshah during iran-iraq war and fight in mersad your name is telling me a lot about your opinion about me lets not talk it's better for us

So if your family fought for Iran during operation Mersad against MKO then why are you not proudly carrying a Iranian flag ? behem begoo dardet chiye, shayad darket konam.
My name... is just a username on a forum, so leave that issue and answer me honestly.
I have to buy a BBQ now that I live on my own. I am so lazy to cook that I just go hungry a lot of the time. :hitwall:

What do you recommend gas or charcoal?
First thing I bought when I moved out was a TV (was sitting on a box for a month b/c I was too lazy to buy a stand), then a chair and then a BBQ lool

It's a life saver. In the summer I never once used the stove. I was using the BBQ every day. Even in the winter I've been using it.

Get a gas. Charcoal is great, but you have to be a retired pensioner. Getting that damn thing started and keeping it going is a full time job. It defeats the purpose. Just go out and buy a half descent BBQ, nothing fancy and a big 8 kg propane. The propane is like 50 something dollars and it's prefilled. I haven't run out since I bought mine last summer.

btw, just grilled some chicken and made zereshk polo.

You guys shouldn't take internet forums to be based on reality. Forums attract extreme peoples of all kinds.
First thing I bought when I moved out was a TV (was sitting on a box for a month b/c I was too lazy to buy a stand), then a chair and then a BBQ lool

It's a life saver. In the summer I never once used the stove. I was using the BBQ every day. Even in the winter I've been using it.

Get a gas. Charcoal is great, but you have to be a retired pensioner. Getting that damn thing started and keeping it going is a full time job. It defeats the purpose. Just go out and buy a half descent BBQ, nothing fancy and a big 8 kg propane. The propane is like 50 something dollars and it's prefilled. I haven't run out since I bought mine last summer.

btw, just grilled some chicken and made zereshk polo.


Looks nice dude. Did your mom teach you to cook?
I think, @Abii uses the electrical version, the same as me. gas is too dangerous to work with, and coal is not suitable for home at all, since you would need to only use it outside. But, I am not sure, since I guess, he said that he does BBQ outside.
No I use a propane BBQ.

Don't like grilling anything on those electric ones, it's just not the same. Plus you have to clean it every time. It's a pain. On a proper BBQ you just turn it on max for 10 mins and everything just evaporates lol
No I use a propane BBQ.
Don't like grilling anything on those electric ones, it's just not the same. Plus you have to clean it every time. It's a pain. On a proper BBQ you just turn it on max for 10 mins and everything just evaporates lol

:-) fekr konam enghadr tamiz nemikoni ke khodesh khoshk beshe biyofteh?!!! :lol:
You guys shouldn't take internet forums to be based on reality. Forums attract extreme peoples of all kinds.

Looks nice dude. Did your mom teach you to cook?
no, hunger and losing interest in fast food.

When I moved out I didn't have rice for like 2-3 months and was losing my shit. I found an Afghan store and bought some Basmati and went to work. This isn't cooking btw. I just throw 3 cups of rice in the rice cooker (it's an Iranian one so it makes Tah Dig lol), some olive oil and salt and let it do its thing. The zereshk is easy too. Just throw a shit ton in the pan, put some olive oil or margarine and also some sugar, and heat it up on medium for a minute or two and you have zereshk (any longer than that or if you have it on high heat and you'll burn the zereshk almost instantly).

I can cook a lot of khoreshts as well.

My specialty is abgoosht though. 2 cans of pre-cooked "hobobat," one package of stew meat, 2 potatoes and 1-2 hours worth of simmering on medium heat and you have abgoosht.
@rmi5 koon nashoor, bejaye in cherto perta biya javabe mano bede. Deh nadari javab dige, agar midashti ke midadi.
Khak bar oon saret ke to ham adam shodi.
You guys shouldn't take internet forums to be based on reality. Forums attract extreme peoples of all kinds.

@ghara ghan
He is right. All people are not a$$holes like those trolls. every where has its own share of good and bad people. Although we need to be aware of a$$holes, but, mostly we not needto even consider them, let alone bothering about them ;)
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