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Iranian Chill Thread

Ahmadinejad was a nationalist in his own right. As has been mentioned here he mixed Shiaism with Iranian nationalism. He put great emphasis on relations with other Iranian nations like Tajikistan. If you want to say his domestic policy was bad that is one thing, which I agree with btw, but that has nothing to do with his nationalism.
Ata Wolf should be thread banned. @Serpentine

He starts ethnic arguments and others will join.

Only because rmi5 invites them over here. In fact, rmi5 is a staunch supporter of atatwolf. See who has thanked his posts in this thread all along. Like I said, a traitor in disguise supporting the greatest anti-Iranian Turk on this forum. He should stay away from this section and go drink tea with his fellow Turkic friends in the Turkish section. :tup:
Well, you were asking for it, btw im the first on his list so dont worry.

I'm trying to lay low, to aviod. :)



Mate, please don't get into conversation with Surenas, on Turkic issues. You'll just waste your time and will be replied with insults.
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Only because rmi5 invites them over here. In fact, rmi5 is a staunch supporter of atatwolf. See who has thanked his posts in this thread all along. Like I said, a traitor in disguise supporting the greatest anti-Iranian Turk on this forum. He should stay away from this section and go drink tea with his fellow Turkic friends in the Turkish section. :tup:
And you are beeing racist towards us in every single comment of you... now cut the discussion, everyone is annoyed.
@atatwolf dont comment on this issue anymore pls...
Not only from this section but also from PDF...No contribution at all from his side, only picking up fights and dragging us all in
He didn't start any fights, dude. We have a trolling issue against turks in this thread since yesterday, and Atatwolf did not say anything to those trolls yesterday, but today, he could not stop himself to answer those trolls. Even at the beginning, he was respectful, but those trolls kept insulting us and he responded them with the same language.

Only because rmi5 invites them over here. In fact, rmi5 is a staunch supporter of atatwolf. See who has thanked his posts in this thread all along. Like I said, a traitor in disguise supporting the greatest anti-Iranian Turk on this forum. He should stay away from this section and go drink tea with his fellow Turkic friends in the Turkish section. :tup:
What I am doing is not your business. Go and have fun in your troll fights with arabs and do not talk about me or Azerbaijan anymore, and do not waste my time by quoting or mentioning my name or by your spamming.
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He didn't start any fights, dude. We have a trolling issue against turks in this thread since yesterday, and Atatwolf did not say anything to those trolls yesterday, but today, he could not stop himself to answer those trolls. Even at the beginning, he was respectful, but those trolls kept insulting us and he responded them with the same language.

I am talking in general bro...Didnt even read what he and surenas wrote here tonight...If you ask me those 2 deserve each other..
Ata Wolf should be thread banned. @Serpentine
He starts ethnic arguments and others will join.
It is ridiculous. Every one knows that who started this troll fight since yesterday.
BTW, Before I join this forum, there was huge fights between Iranians and turks in PDF, and since joining this forum, I tried to make these people closer to each other. But it seems that the racism is more rooted in some people's mind and it impedes any attempt like that.
Ta vaghti nezhaad parasti va zed e tork va arab va ... boudan tou zehne mardom e Iran hast, va ta zamaani ke hattaa tahsil kardeh haye in mamlekat tou khaarej, inghadr bisavaad va gaagoul hastand ke baraaye yeki mesle Ahmadinejad sout va kaf mizanan va in animal haye ghoroun e vostaayi ra nationalist midounan, va ta zamaani ke in mellat, ke taa be haal hich kaar e mofidi touye donyaa nakarde, enghadr por modde'aa hast ke engaar koun e aasemoun ra paareh kardeh, va inghadr hanouz aghlesh roshd nakarde ke ba hame chiz mesle ghabaayel e biyaabouni ye 10,000 saal pish, double standard barkhord mikone, in mamlekat tou hamin gandaabi ke hast baaghi mimouneh. Shoma ham age doust daari, mitouni az baraadar e aariyaayit(!!!) dar baraabar ma tork haye khar(be ghol e shoma ha va makhsousan in doustet Surenas) defaa' koni, vali doust e aziz, in ra bedoun ke mohem ine ke mentality ye aadam ba'd e n saal zendegi kardan tou gharb dorost baashe, va aadam ye chizi az inhaa yaad begire va gar na ghaziye aadam mishe mesle Peugeot RD ke faghat zaaheresh taghyir karde, va gar na daakhelesh hamoun Paykan baaghi mounde.
You are free to translate the persian part of my comment for your kurdish troll friend. maybe it gives him some insights.

I am talking in general bro...Didnt even read what he and surenas wrote here tonight...If you ask me those 2 deserve each other..
Are conversations closed again? :(
I wanted to reply your post in a conversation in which I saw that it is not available anymore. So, let it go please. We can talk about it later in a private conversation if you want ;)

I'm trying to lay low, to aviod. :)
Does this method work?
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Thanks for mentioning that, I also wanted to write that in my first post, but forgot it... IMO another evidence that they were too dangerous for the IR establisment
That's just a game between them to fool people and attract different casts of people with different types of slogans.
It is ridiculous. Every one knows that who started this troll fight since yesterday.
BTW, Before I join this forum, there was huge fights between Iranians and turks in PDF, and since joining this forum, I tried to make these people closer to each other. But it seems that the racism is more rooted in some people's mind and it impedes any attempt like that.
Ta vaghti nezhaad parasti va zed e tork va arab va ... boudan tou zehne mardom e Iran hast, va ta zamaani ke hattaa tahsil kardeh haye in mamlekat tou khaarej, inghadr bisavaad va gaagoul hastand ke baraaye yeki mesle Ahmadinejad sout va kaf mizanan va in animal haye ghoroun e vostaayi ra nationalist midounan, va ta zamaani ke in mellat, ke taa be haal hich kaar e mofidi touye donyaa nakarde, enghadr por modde'aa hast ke engaar koun e aasemoun ra paareh kardeh, va inghadr hanouz aghlesh roshd nakarde ke ba hame chiz mesle ghabaayel e biyaabouni ye 10,000 saal pish, double standard barkhord mikone, in mamlekat tou hamin gandaabi ke hast baaghi mimouneh. Shoma ham age doust daari, mitouni az baraadar e aariyaayit(!!!) dar baraabar ma tork haye khar(be ghol e shoma ha va makhsousan in doustet Surenas) defaa' koni, vali doust e aziz, in ra bedoun ke mohem ine ke mentality ye aadam ba'd e n saal zendegi kardan tou gharb dorost baashe, va aadam ye chizi az inhaa yaad begire va gar na ghaziye aadam mishe mesle Peugeot RD ke faghat zaaheresh taghyir karde, va gar na daakhelesh hamoun Paykan baaghi mounde.
You are free to translate the persian part of my comment for your kurdish troll friend. maybe it gives him some insights.

Are conversations closed again? :(
I wanted to reply your post in a conversation in which I saw that it is not available anymore. So, let it go please. We can talk about it later in a private conversation if you want ;)

Does this method work?
You're talking as if I'm anti-Turk.

I understand what you're saying. Our society is sick.

When did I defend him in his comments about Turks? I like the guy for personal reasons. Believe it or not, and as ridiculous as it sounds (mainly b/c he's some dude on the internet that I don't know and will never meet), he changed how I view things about the world. Because of that I respect him. I won't go into details, but that's pretty much it.

He does have a huge anti-Turk mentality. I won't lie, years ago when there were only a few Iranians here, and we fought a lot with turks, I must have probably joined Surenas in the bashing. In reality though I have no problem with Turks. I would actually support Iran becoming a bilingual country with Azeri and Parsi as the two official languages. Had my grandfather thought my dad Turkish, I'd be considering myself a Turk right now (my grandfather, who I never met, spoke a very broken Persian, but he wanted the kids to learn Persian first. He died when my dad and his siblings were very young so that was the end of that).

In any case, those are the reasons why I won't enter an argument with you and Surenas. I respect both of you here.
Haha, joke of the century. Turks have fought more wars against each other than which ethnicity whatsoever. Long before communism was invented. Even today there is not real unity between Turks. Most of your fellow Central Asian Mongoloids are still servants of the Russians.

There are hundreds of thousands of Alevis in Europe. They have been killed by your fellow Sunni Turkish rulers throughout history. In fact, they have been massacred a number of times. My parents left Iran due to political issues, like millions of Iranians. Your grandparents on the other hand left Turkey to clean toilets of Europeans. A real honorable act I must say.
you better watch it now before you start a flame war with me
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