Do you dispute that Sunnis commit the greatest % of terrorist attacks among Muslims? Look at Pakistan alone, how many Shiites have died due Sunni’s blowing up mosques or schools full of children?
What about Sunnis supporting the rise of ISIS in Syria and Iraq? How many Sunni tribal leaders in Iraq cheered ISIS as they murdered Shiites?
Can you show me a Shiite blowing up a mosque? Can you show me a Shiite blowing up a school full of Sunni children?
Right, Iran told Hamas to go to music festival and kill civilians. Sure, do you ever take accountability for your fellow Muslims or do you always come up with excuses?
I bet you were one of those cheering when ISIS rose up and said it was because “Sunni’s were being oppressed”
Get out of your with your bag of excuses. Now you’re trying to blame Palestinians fighters actions on Iran. Pathetic
What he is implying, as always with hypocrites, that Shias brainwash "terrorists", west successfully put into mind that Shias are a threat, the Shiaphobia on every of their bullshit
In reality terrorist attacks are done by a very big majority of Wahhabi and Salafi Sunnis, like 99% of all terrorist attack across the globe, this is not Iran that brainwash them, but the house of Saud
Look at the state of Pakistan, Sauds finance them schools and madrasas, mosques that teach youth and people Salafism, but they still find a way to blame it on Shias
Lol you so called pious Shias support and brain-wash them but when they commit war crimes, suddenly it has to do something about Sunni Sect.
You hypocrites!
You Shia short sighted leaders planned this operation for hamas so obviously it was all a part of plan.
You are the biggest hypocrite here, Shias brainwash Sunnis? Palestine would never have done this if Iran never existed? This is 100% in the interests of Iran? Palestinians loves being treated as subhumans and doesn't want at all to respond to IDF animals?
Your biggest brainwasher of Sunnis is the house of Saud, look at the state of your own country, loans from Sauds, they build mosques teaching salafism and you still find a way to blame it on Iran? lol 99,9% of worldwide terror attacks using suicide vest, 9/11 etc have Salafist ties, 100% of terror attack in your country are done by Saud teached Salafis that are currently destroying a lot of countries in the region (Afghanistan, Pakistan etc)
And i saw your nonsense post about "Iranians feast on every Israeli dead"
Israeli channel posts a picture of 5 dead Palestinian babies. Look at their reactions.
Fucking animals