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Iranian Chill Thread

What they can do? US is standing right there in MS.

What is a useless aircraft carrier going to do?

A) it can’t fly to Iran

B) is redundant since IAF is already going to be heavily involved in the war. So I don’t think HZ would care if they are being bombed by USAF or IAF, net result is the same.

Sending an AC was the typical Brain dead American move. They think countries get scared of a giant hunk of metal. They do not.

Every such consideration has been thought through. Iran has opted for the most fruitful strategy for about four and a half decades and will continue to do so.

I’m not sure they expected a full [permanent] occupation of Gaza, this will be different than 2014 Gaza ground war. That was mostly in the border regions to destroy tunnels.
What is a useless aircraft carrier going to do?

A) it can’t fly to Iran

B) is redundant since IAF is already going to be heavily involved in the war. So I don’t think HZ would care if they are being bombed by USAF or IAF, net result is the same.

Sending an AC was the typical Brain dead American move. They think countries get scared of a giant hunk of metal. They do not.

I’m not sure they expected a full [permanent] occupation of Gaza, this will be different than 2014 Gaza ground war. That was mostly in the border regions to destroy tunnels.

Whatever happens I just hope that Iran doesn't leave Gaza and Hezbollah to fight Israel all alone with the Americans looming right overhead. Sentiments can change if all this amounts to a popcorn fart and a bunch of dead civilians to show for it.

Granted this war has only initiated so it's still quite too soon to say what exactly will happen but I have my reservations.

https://www.timesofisrael.com /mortars-fired-from-lebanon-infiltrators-killed-as-6-israelis-hurt-in-gunfight/

These three casualties in northern Occupied Palestine were inflicted by PIJ, which among Palestinian Resistance groups has perhaps the closest working relationship with HezbAllah.

IDF is tip-toeing around Hezbollah it seems.
Whatever happens I just hope that Iran doesn't leave Gaza and Hezbollah to fight Israel all alone with the Americans looming right overhead. Sentiments can change if all this amounts to a popcorn fart and a bunch of dead civilians to show for it.

The murder of festival goers was huge mistake. The house to house murder of settlers another one.

If they stuck to military and government targets they would have had a lot better “Image”. Instead the news is filled with festival girls murdered by Hamas.

Not sure I understand that strategy.

Granted this war has only initiated so it's still quite too soon to say what exactly will happen but I have my reservations.

Hamas is back inside Gaza and IDF has taken the border regions. They did okay for staying outside as long as they could given the realities of military capabilities between the two countries. Dumb parts - naval invasion was again a dumb move and they got picked off like last time. It doesn’t work when civilians aren’t allow to use boats in the waters, so any boat coming from Gaza waters is automatically likely Hamas . Saw Apache helicopter footage where a bunch of people got picked off in the open in various parts. Not sure why you travel thru open terrain with little cover when enemy has air superiority and you have zero assets to counter.

Unlike Ukraine, Hamas was sorely missing reliable manpads to keep helicopters at bay. Only saw one clip of a manpad being used.

IDF is tip-toeing around Hezbollah it seems.

They lost at least 3 soldiers and killed at least 2 Pal fighters and 3-7 HZ

They aren’t tip toeing. In the beginning they were afraid it was a multi front war so they were treading cautiously to not give HZ the excuse of self defense for invading. Now that they know HZ isn’t invading they can go back to their regular scheduled programming of bombing Iran and HZ.

There was a strike in Syria at the Iraqi border bases. Care to guess who this unknown entity likely was?
The murder of festival goers was huge mistake. The house to house murder of settlers another one.

If they stuck to military and government targets they would have had a lot better “Image”. Instead the news is filled with festival girls murdered by Hamas.

Not sure I understand that strategy.

Hamas is back inside Gaza and IDF has taken the border regions. They did okay for staying outside as long as they could given the realities of military capabilities between the two countries. Dumb parts - naval invasion was again a dumb move and they got picked off like last time. It doesn’t work when civilians aren’t allow to use boats in the waters, so any boat coming from Gaza waters is automatically likely Hamas . Saw Apache helicopter footage where a bunch of people got picked off in the open in various parts. Not sure why you travel thru open terrain with little cover when enemy has air superiority and you have zero assets to counter.

Unlike Ukraine, Hamas was sorely missing reliable manpads to keep helicopters at bay. Only saw one clip of a manpad being used.

They lost at least 3 soldiers and killed at least 2 Pal fighters and 3-7 HZ

They aren’t tip toeing. In the beginning they were afraid it was a multi front war so they were treading cautiously to not give HZ the excuse of self defense for invading. Now that they know HZ isn’t invading they can go back to their regular scheduled programming of bombing Iran and HZ.

There was a strike in Syria at the Iraqi border bases. Care to guess who this unknown entity likely was?

Any possibility Iran might be trying to assess options for intervention?

By tip-toeing I meant they don't wanna overdue their reactions in the North but you're correct.
IDF is tip-toeing around Hezbollah it seems.

So far they haven't gone beyond the non-game changing, ineffectual and isolated strikes we've been witnessing for years, albeit they targeted Lebanon this time which hasn't been part of their habits as of late. In return several of their bases / outposts were hit (equipped with fairly large electronic equipment), vehicles smashed and three troops including a high-ranking commander eliminated. On HezbAllah's side three martyrs seem to have been confirmed.

Various future scenarii are conceivable at this point, depending on continuation or not of zionist shelling against Lebanon, as well as on the nature and results of upcoming zionist operations against Gaza. The Supreme Leader's address today will also be interesting to follow.
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You realize if they say Iran was behind it and gave the green light then it becomes Obama’s infamous “red line”? It means they have to go to war. Don’t forget American citizens also died in this attack (at least 11).

Example: If Israel gave PKK green light, training, weapons, and planning and they invaded Kurdistan and killed 1000 Iranians, kidnapped 100+, and inflicted hundreds of millions of dollars in damages, you think Iran could just sit by and do nothing?

By saying Iran’s support is only material and Iran didn’t have a major involvement they can keep Iran (and the axis) out of the war.

So I don’t expect USA to come say it was Iran, they have every incentive to downplay Iran’s involvement to avoid a regional war with a 50/50 chance of it becoming WW3 with Russia in Ukraine, Iran vs Israel, and China vs Taiwan.
Whatever happens I just hope that Iran doesn't leave Gaza and Hezbollah to fight Israel all alone with the Americans looming right overhead. Sentiments can change if all this amounts to a popcorn fart and a bunch of dead civilians to show for it.

Granted this war has only initiated so it's still quite too soon to say what exactly will happen but I have my reservations.

IDF is tip-toeing around Hezbollah it seems.

The Resistance doesn’t work that way. You seem to already have forgotten the magnitude of events in favor of Hamas and the great detriment of Zionia.

The ‘bombing’, is typical of Zionist baby killers and of little to no strategic value. Keep your eyes on the ball. Wars can’t be fought emotionally. The ball rolls in favor of The Resistance and her allies need do nothing.

Again, I’m still waiting for a meaningful response from Zionia. If it comes, and determined as truly effective (I cannot see how it can ever possibly be), then yes other will get involved.

At the end, you need to flip your thinking hat. If others are not involved that means they do not need to. And that is a significant signal that events are unfolding per plan.
Khamenei: "Those who link Iran to the Hamas attack are mistaken"

A denial of involvement at the highest level (in addition to the Iranian Mission to the UN's total denial also).

Continuing to take credit for this and attribute it to Iran is quite pathetic now.
Khamenei: "Those who link Iran to the Hamas attack are mistaken"

A denial of involvement at the highest level (in addition to the Iranian Mission to the UN's total denial also).

Continuing to take credit for this and attribute it to Iran is quite pathetic now.
Incorrect! Again lack of basic understanding of the nature of things. Rahbar is of course correct while you are incorrect!
Any possibility Iran might be trying to assess options for intervention?

SL just gave a speech. He said Iran wasn’t involved and he laid down zero “red lines”.It doesn’t appear Iran or HZ want to intervene.

So unless Israel decides to kill a bunch of Iranians in Syria or assassinate Nasrallah, seems difficult to imagine either party coming in.

Again, I’m still waiting for a meaningful response from Zionia. If it comes, and determined as truly effective (I cannot see how it can ever possibly be), then yes other will get involved..

For Gaza’s sake, I hope you’re right. It appears after SL speech, Iran is distancing themselves from direct involvement, preferring to take credit for material support and as an ally. If war was on the horizon, SL himself would give more indication maybe by taking some credit for the operation or asserting Irans involvement. (We all know the truth, but for the world public’s sake)

Israel is trying to get Palestinians to go be a refugee in Sinai. Then they will occupy Gaza for years and annex it under some [insert BS reason] when the political climate is more amicable. That is typically what Israel does unless it gets pushed out like they did from Lebanon back in the day.

Rarely does Israel give back land they took during a war (Golan, 1967 borders, etc etc).

Given how the typical Israeli is racist and supremist in their thinking, the chance that Israel will ever negotiate peace with the 2nd class Palestinians is effectively close to 0%

Which brings the question, where is this all headed? The Arabs are normalizing relations with Israel. Iran/Hamas may have temporarily stopped Saudi Arabia from reconciling with Israel. But we all know MBS doesn’t care about Palestine and is focused on making his country become some Uber Luxury version of Dubai for the West. Sooner rather than later Saudi Arabia will normalize and it will only be Iran and the axis + Venezuela and Cuba as the anti Zionist coalition. That leaves Iran as the only one with funds to prop up the cause.

So realistically the status quo in Israel will continue with zero statehood for Palestine. Unless, magically one day Israel collapses Soviet Union style and breaks apart into tiny hamlets. The only other way is for Israel to lose a war against the axis and offer Golan back to Syria and 1967 borders as an agreement to ending the war.

Both outcomes are nonsensical at the moment.

Who cares about "image" if your kids will have no future cause they are living in an Israeli KZ...

Well they certainly won’t have a future now. No Israeli will agree to a 2 state solution so it’s either going to be forced assimilation and annexation (basically last 60 years) or somehow via divine intervention/war Israel will have to collapse/give in.

Granted there was really never a chance at peace in the first place. Israel was never going to allow Palestine statehood or give them any land back.

Israelis are like Turks, arrogant, supremist and Uber nationalistic.

If Raisi is Khamenei's planned successor then the IR really is doomed.
SL just gave a speech. He said Iran wasn’t involved and he laid down zero “red lines”.It doesn’t appear Iran or HZ want to intervene.

So unless Israel decides to kill a bunch of Iranians in Syria or assassinate Nasrallah, seems difficult to imagine either party coming in.

For Gaza’s sake, I hope you’re right. It appears after SL speech, Iran is distancing themselves from direct involvement, preferring to take credit for material support and as an ally. If war was on the horizon, SL himself would give more indication maybe by taking some credit for the operation or asserting Irans involvement. (We all know the truth, but for the world public’s sake)

Israel is trying to get Palestinians to go be a refugee in Sinai. Then they will occupy Gaza for years and annex it under some [insert BS reason] when the political climate is more amicable. That is typically what Israel does unless it gets pushed out like they did from Lebanon back in the day.

Rarely does Israel give back land they took during a war (Golan, 1967 borders, etc etc).

Given how the typical Israeli is racist and supremist in their thinking, the chance that Israel will ever negotiate peace with the 2nd class Palestinians is effectively close to 0%

Which brings the question, where is this all headed? The Arabs are normalizing relations with Israel. Iran/Hamas may have temporarily stopped Saudi Arabia from reconciling with Israel. But we all know MBS doesn’t care about Palestine and is focused on making his country become some Uber Luxury version of Dubai for the West. Sooner rather than later Saudi Arabia will normalize and it will only be Iran and the axis + Venezuela and Cuba as the anti Zionist coalition. That leaves Iran as the only one with funds to prop up the cause.

So realistically the status quo in Israel will continue with zero statehood for Palestine. Unless, magically one day Israel collapses Soviet Union style and breaks apart into tiny hamlets. The only other way is for Israel to lose a war against the axis and offer Golan back to Syria and 1967 borders as an agreement to ending the war.

Both outcomes are nonsensical at the moment.

Well they certainly won’t have a future now. No Israeli will agree to a 2 state solution so it’s either going to be forced assimilation and annexation (basically last 60 years) or somehow via divine intervention/war Israel will have to collapse/give in.

Granted there was really never a chance at peace in the first place. Israel was never going to allow Palestine statehood or give them any land back.

Israelis are like Turks, arrogant, supremist and Uber nationalistic.
Oh ye of little faith, Israel is doomed , remember patience is a virtue
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