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Iranian Chill Thread

It wont be good for any parties involved.

Also Iran receives threats of total war nearly at a weekly/monthly basis from the same states, Ukraine is just a new one. This is an habit since the end of the 8 year war.
Ukraine has bunch of countries helping them. There will be nobody helping Iran. Russia is broke. And China is too afraid to stick their dick out for Iran. They don’t want to mess up their own economy which would open a can of worms which they won’t be able to shut.
Ukraine has bunch of countries helping them. There will be nobody helping Iran. Russia is broke. And China is too afraid to stick their dick out for Iran. They don’t want to mess up their own economy which would open a can of worms which they won’t be able to shut.
We don't need help of other countries.
We help other countries
Ukraine has bunch of countries helping them. There will be nobody helping Iran. Russia is broke. And China is too afraid to stick their dick out for Iran. They don’t want to mess up their own economy which would open a can of worms which they won’t be able to shut.
This doesn't change anything i mentioned, everyone here and long time users can tell you the number of these so called "airstrike in Iran" claims and threats there has been, i would say at least 50-150 threats from US/Israel speeches and "anonymous sources" since 2011, this is habitual and normal news for everyone here. This is habitual and people even make memes of it.

I also invite you to look at the timeline of "Iran nuke" prediction affiliated with threats from 1984 to 2013, be warned as it can take a whole day to read. https://www.wideasleepinamerica.com/2010/12/phantom-menace-fantasies-falsehoods-and.html
It must be. But in any case i have doubt you want to stay in Afganistan, so this question is absurd to begin with.
no its not , nothing is one sided . i say we must deal with illegal afghan as Taliban will deal with illegal Iranian
Brother, please summarize in a few words or paragraph. Thanks.

If you can address the first paragraph (four lines) that will suffice. The rest is conditioned upon having time, and being interested in pondering the topic more in depth. "Twitter"-style one liners are precisely part of the problem of why thinking tends to have become shallow. This is exactly what we should endeavor to counter instead of mimicking it on mere grounds that the rules of capitalism of seduction (Clouscard) call for it (this is the actual reason behind recent transformations of the media landscape).
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This doesn't change anything i mentioned, everyone here and long time users can tell you the number of these so called "airstrike in Iran" claims and threats there has been, i would say at least 50-150 threats from US/Israel speeches and "anonymous sources" since 2011, this is habitual and normal news for everyone here. This is habitual and people even make memes of it.

I also invite you to look at the timeline of "Iran nuke" prediction affiliated with threats from 1984 to 2013, be warned as it can take a whole day to read. https://www.wideasleepinamerica.com/2010/12/phantom-menace-fantasies-falsehoods-and.html
Until one day you will wake up and see all critical infrastructure in Iran being blasted and Iranian officials suing for peace. It is really in Iran’s hand. I don’t think Iran is untouchable. If Iran’s regime use their smarts conflict can be avoided.
Until one day you will wake up and see all critical infrastructure in Iran being blasted and Iranian officials suing for peace. It is really in Iran’s hand. I don’t think Iran is untouchable. If Iran’s regime use their smarts conflict can be avoided.
Great, why didn't you posted this on your first post? Iran keeps enriching uranium, send drones, missiles to Russia that use it to a great extent against the western-backed Ukrainian forces, still to this day Iran hasn't faced anything that damaged it on the long term, no matter how much you want to think this is propaganda.

Iran is shaking in front of a west that is stuck in the mud doing a proxy war in Ukraine, that faces inflation, that prints money, gets their latest weapons compromised and send free ammunition for their proxies, to the point that they are short on ammunition for their own.

Sure, everyone is afraid just like the recent "revolution", Iran would get blasted in case of war and surrender even before anything happens, the regime is already shaking just by thinking of invincible F-35s bombing Iran not being capable of even retaliating and will surrender in less than a month, the regime is doomed to disappear the next two years and become a puppet of the west.

Even with trillions of fundings and propaganda, nothing happened, any object that crossed the airspace got brutalized on video cameras, keep daydreaming and hoping, this is the best thing ostriches can do.

In order to be able to gauge this hypothesis, I would need a breakdown of your reasoning with regards to the concrete example at hand. What are the precise characteristics of Iran's messaging on enemy sabotage / terrorism and on the success of security forces in neutralizing sabotage / terrorism? …

The sky is blue. I’m not going to prove that. Given IRI’s history of terribly poor messaging, the burden is on you to come up with ‘precise characteristics of Iran’s messaging’ that you believe is correct.

I didn’t want to say this but now I’m forced to. The very nature of your lengthy response belies the nature of poor messaging.

Clear messaging is an art. It’s powerful. It’s cheap to learn and create. It’s awfully expensive to ignore.

Until one day you will wake up and see all critical infrastructure in Iran being blasted and Iranian officials suing for peace. It is really in Iran’s hand. I don’t think Iran is untouchable. If Iran’s regime use their smarts conflict can be avoided.
‘Regime’? That’s oh so last century Zionist.😀

And Iran *is* untouchable son.
Great, why didn't you posted this on your first post? Iran keeps enriching uranium, send drones, missiles to Russia that use it to a great extent against the western-backed Ukrainian forces, still to this day Iran hasn't faced anything that damaged it on the long term, no matter how much you want to think this is propaganda.

Iran is shaking in front of a west that is stuck in the mud doing a proxy war in Ukraine, that faces inflation, that prints money, gets their latest weapons compromised and send free ammunition for their proxies, to the point that they are short on ammunition for their own.

Sure, everyone is afraid just like the recent "revolution", Iran would get blasted in case of war and surrender even before anything happens, the regime is already shaking just by thinking of invincible F-35s bombing Iran not being capable of even retaliating and will surrender in less than a month, the regime is doomed to disappear the next two years and become a puppet of the west.

Even with trillions of fundings and propaganda, nothing happened, any object that crossed the airspace got brutalized on video cameras, keep daydreaming and hoping, this is the best thing ostriches can do.

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Everything has a time. Armenians thought the same thing until it was time to roast the chicken.
The sky is blue. I’m not going to prove that. Given IRI’s history of terribly poor messaging, the burden is on you to come up with ‘precise characteristics of Iran’s messaging’ that you believe is correct.

The burden's on you since you're in fact the one who made that claim.

More importantly - and you left this out, you need to show how poor messaging (assuming it is the case) causes Iranian forum users to experience fatigue, and how fatigue can supposedly make one blind to Iran's record in confronting the enemy's sabotage / terrorist operations. There's nothing obvious nor intuitive about these cognitive leaps.

Until then what you posted comes across as hazy and improbable to be honest.

I didn’t want to say this but now I’m forced to. The very nature of your lengthy response belies the nature of poor messaging.

Clear messaging is an art. It’s powerful. It’s cheap to learn and create. It’s awfully expensive to ignore.

Managing to pack this much confusion into a two-liner may be considered an art as well. Clarity has nothing to do with brevity.

Also your reply to me referred to a vast and complex topic (that of soft power and information warfare), discussion of which cannot be summarized in a few words. I'm not a salesman, I think and reason to reach an understanding of societal issues and they have many layers and aspects to them.

There's a reason the empire has been promoting abridged formats of communication in contexts like these, and not because it loves artistry or intends to empower people. Quite the opposite is actually the case.
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No, the burden's on you since it's you're the one making a claim, not me.

More importantly, you need to show how "poor messaging" causes Iranian forum users to experience "fatigue", and how "fatigue" supposedly makes one blind to Iran's record in confronting the enemy's sabotage / terrorist operations. There's nothing obvious nor intuitive about these causal leaps.

Until then what you posted does not make much sense to be perfectly honest.

Packing this much confusion into a two-liner is an art as well.

Clarity has nothing to do with brevity.

Also your imprecise reply to me referred to a vast and complex topic, one which cannot be summarized in a few words. There's a reason the empire has been promoting abridged formats of communication in contexts like these, and not because it loves artistry or intends to empower people. Quite the opposite is actually the case.
Iran is almost 3 times the size of Turkiyeh. 80 millions only is ridiculous. Look europe needs people and iran is like France + britain + germany, they are about 200 millions.

Worse than the absolute population number is Iran's below generational replacement fertility rate of only 1,7. This means the Iranian population is ageing at a terrible pace. Other things being equal Iran is set to experience a cruel lack of young people, which economically speaking is an absolute recipe for disaster.

Problem is in modern times, no country has managed to redress sustained demographic slump other than through mass immigration. South Korea spent over 200 billion USD to no avail. Trying its best, Sweden briefly managed to boost fertility in the 1980's only to see it plummet again a few years later.


In Iran this is a result of extreme denatalist policies conducted by western-apologetic liberal (moderate / reformist) administrations. Which reportedly included covert sterilization of male rural populations. Interestingly, those same liberals - who generally exhibit disdain for patriotic narratives and are in fact staunch globalists, have paradoxically gone into overdrive crying about Afghan immigration. Their reaction is likely motivated by four factors:

1) To score cheap brownie points with voters against the current principlist administration.

2) A desire to foment and reap benefits from manufactured social antagonism around the "native versus migrant" fault line.

3) Frustration at how their efforts to ruin fertility are backfiring. Indeed, immigrants compensating the demographic deficit are themselves as close as it gets to Iranian citizens - ethnically, culturally, religiously. Like their European role models however, liberals were aiming to fill the generational gap with foreigners from faraway regions more alien to Iranian civilization. Because the globalist agenda calls for diluting national identity into a universal mishmash for a unified one-world regime to become feasible.

4) Arriving Afghans are more religious than the average urban middle- and upper-class Iranian. Decades of cultural aggression by the enemy and its liberal in-house footmen risks being neutralized (hopefully it will) and Iranian society is set to become more religious and less culturally westernized. Hence why reformists and moderates are desperate and mad at the situation.

This is indeed very good news for Iran.
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‘Regime’? That’s oh so last century Zionist.😀

And Iran *is* untouchable son.
people are so touchy about the word regime , wonder why . its exactly equal to the word نظام (Nezam) and nobody care about that . it's really funny

Worse than the absolute population number is Iran's below generational replacement fertility rate of only 1,7. This means the Iranian population is ageing at a terrible pace. Other things being equal Iran is set to experience a cruel lack of young people, which economically speaking is an absolute recipe for disaster.
and as it said its for bad economic situation and people have low hope for future

and by the way Iran fertility rate is around 2.1 not 1.7
Problem is in modern times, no country has managed to redress sustained demographic slump other than through mass immigration. South Korea spent over 200 billion USD to no avail. Trying its best, Sweden briefly managed to boost fertility in the 1980's only to see it plummet again a few years later.

nobody solve low fertility rate by accepting illegal immigrant .
they vet immigrant for their capabilities and accept the one who benefit them. not opening the door and tell every criminal to come
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