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Iranian Chill Thread

Unfortunately, the content of this report is consistent and reliable from multiple sources in various countries.
Iran's IRNA and other sources report similar content.
The only difference is one point regarding Iranian funds transferred to a Qatari government account in a Swiss bank, and whether the use of the funds is restricted.
The U.S. government has declared at a press conference that the funds will be kept under strict surveillance.
Swiss Bank, which is under strong U.S. influence, and the Qatari account.
It is hard to believe that Iran will be able to freely use these accounts, and the statement can only be seen as an attempt to muffle criticism from the public.
Iran's return for its acquiescence will no doubt come in the form of tougher sanctions and airstrikes in the future.
Analysis by totally radioactive webscraping reporter Fukume Morenmoro of ‘Yomiori Shimbun’.

BTW, this person is moving from irrelevant to early shades of yellow alert.


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Heres a close-up of this amazing piece of footage,an unarmed individual chasing down and tackling a terrorist armed with an assault rifle.
Horrible that an unarmed civilian had to deal with the terrorist, where was security? There was another terrorist attack at this exact same site only last year, you would think they would have 24/7 security presence

Even Jewish schools in London have constant security patrols, let alone major religious sites...
Horrible that an unarmed civilian had to deal with the terrorist, where was security? There was another terrorist attack at this exact same site only last year, you would think they would have 24/7 security presence

Even Jewish schools in London have constant security patrols, let alone major religious sites...
Considering that on the last occasion you had 40 people shot with 13 being killed,while on this occasion you only had 4 shot and of those only 1 killed,I`d say that things were rather different this time.
Ultimately tho its very difficult to stop lone wolf attacks of this type,not to mention that the shrine itself is a very large complex,quite a lot larger in fact than any "jewish school".
The message confirms exactly the goal of this, discrediting the current administration and sow discord between them and people while also adding the upteenth "Iran bowing down getting scammed by the US" schrodinger narrative that is attached to "Iran dangerous nuke in two weeks"

Correct. This propaganda technique runs parallel to and echoes the tactic of simultaneous investing of all political camps, a,other zionist specialty. In polities where zionist agents of influence have access to and can manipulate the entire spectrum of relevant forces, they make sure to place their men in top positions. These zionist politicians will then clash in the framework of liberal "demo"cracy's theatrics of bogus "pluralism" and "free speech", while in reality all these actors share in common their staunch alignment on zionist interests. In France for instance they place Trostyists and zionist Antifa factions to the left, Zemmour to the right, while every centrist party starting from Macron's is of course subservient to zionism. This way they make sure that whoever is possibly in power, will be totally beholden to Tel Aviv.

A second objective of the fake news published by USA media about the prisoner exchange with Iran, is related to domestic politics: the Biden regime, like every USA regime in recent decades, finds itself in a more than dire situation as masses of homeless people and zombified addicts spread throughout American cities, as Washington is failing to keep Ukraine intact, as China's rise goes on unabated. Therefore supporters of zionist Democrats are now trying to sell the clauses of the prisoner exchange and of the release of Iranian funds as unfavorable to the Islamic Republic, so as to fend off the inevitable verbal attacks from zionist Republicans and Trumpists accusing Biden of "empowering the moolahs".

And no need to take in account Marandi claims as they are not sourced but at least is close to the government

Dr. Marandi is a primary source in this matter: he officially works as an advisor to Iran's nuclear negotiation team on relations with foreign media (a function he fulfilled under the Rohani administration already, by invitation of Javad Zaraf who had even offered him to be part of the negotiation team itself, which Marandi declinded).

So his statement carries far more weight than those of anonymous sources cited by enemy media, or those of American NGO employees who lack access to inside information.

Considering that on the last occasion you had 40 people shot with 13 being killed,while on this occasion you only had 4 shot and of those only 1 killed,I`d say that things were rather different this time.
Ultimately tho its very difficult to stop lone wolf attacks of this type,not to mention that the shrine itself is a very large complex,quite a lot larger in fact than any "jewish school".

Within their borders, major western countries aren't really suffering fewer terrorist attacks than Iran. Several European countries have had more of their citizens killed by terrorism over the past two to three decades than Iran, their regimes blatantly failing to prevent these events.

Moreover, just in recent weeks several arrests of terrorist teams were announced by Islamic Iran. In fact Iranian security forces have a higher success rate than even western regimes in neutralizing terrorists beforehand, considering more terrorist plots are hatched against Iran. And, terrorists taking aim at Iran are generally backed and handled by the most resourceful intelligence services worldwide (CIA, Mossad etc), which further underscores the impressive aptitude of Iranian counter-terrorism services.
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Considering that on the last occasion you had 40 people shot with 13 being killed,while on this occasion you only had 4 shot and of those only 1 killed,I`d say that things were rather different this time.
Ultimately tho its very difficult to stop lone wolf attacks of this type,not to mention that the shrine itself is a very large complex,quite a lot larger in fact than any "jewish school".
This time was only one terrorist who only shot 11 bullets for some reason, the videos show him being around others but not shooting randomly, so that was lucky. He could easily have been part of a group of 3-5 people who did shoot to kill people randomly, then the story would be very different.

The point isn't totally preventing lone wolf attacks but improving the security response time. Many minutes after this guy started his attack it was still a random unarmed civilian who had to attack him himself, no security team to be seen

Exclusive: Qatar to host Iran-US prisoner exchange, foot bill for asset conversion​

After more than a year of indirect talks, Iran and the United States have agreed on a new prisoner swap. The deal entails Iran’s release of five Iranian-Americans held on security-related charges in exchange for the freeing of four Iranians detained by the US. Washington has also committed to allowing approximately 6B USD worth of Iranian assets held in South Korean banks to be made accessible to Tehran.

Informed sources have told Amwaj.media that the Iranian-Americans have been taken to a hotel, where they will remain in house arrest until the swap. The exchange is expected to take place next month. The detainees are staying in separate rooms on a secured floor and can be visited by immediate family. They have also been given mobile phones with Internet access, with the ability to follow the news. Of note, the lawyer of Iranian-American business consultant Siamak Namazi—the prisoner who has been held the longest in Tehran—has stated that “at least four” of the five detainees will stay at the hotel.

The details of the arrangement

Speaking on condition of anonymity, senior diplomatic and government sources in the region have described the Iran-US deal as the outcome of tough negotiations involving a “mediation process” that took more than a year.

Amwaj.media has learned that Iran’s assets in South Korea will be transferred to Switzerland, where around 8T KRW will be converted to euros. It is unclear whether the money will first need to be exchanged into US dollars prior to being converted to euros. The euros will subsequently be sent to two designated accounts in two Qatari banks, with Iran being granted full access to the financial resources for specific non-sanctionable transactions. The latter includes humanitarian trade and medical imports.

Detailing the mechanism that has been agreed, informed high-ranking sources in the region explained that the money will be moved out of South Korea, exchanged in Switzerland, and then transferred to Qatar in multiple tranches. The currency conversion and money transfer process is slated to take four to six weeks to complete. Subsequently, Tehran and Washington will release the respective groups of detainees.

Unlike past Iran-US swaps—where detainees were either flown to Oman, Switzerland or the United Arab Emirates (UAE)—the prisoner exchange will this time take place in Doha. Notably, Qatar’s role in facilitating the swap also entails footing the bill for costs associated with converting the South Korean wons to euros.

The amount that Doha has committed to fund the currency conversion is unclear. But the tab is expected to be significant—likely running into millions of dollars. This element to the equation, along with Qatar’s existing banking infrastructure and expertise necessary to oversee Iranian spending, contributed to Qatar’s centrality in the implementation of the swap arrangement.

Bickering over wons in Tehran

The deal carries no financial cost for the US as the released assets belong to Iran, and third countries will fund the logistics of moving the money. However, even prior to the implementation of the swap, rival factions in Tehran are bickering over the exercise.

Central Bank Governor Mohammad Reza Farzin, who was appointed to his position amid the crash of the Iranian rial last December, on Aug. 12 congratulated the “foreign exchange diplomacy team” for securing the asset release. However, he also found it “necessary to emphasize” that Iran’s assets in South Korea—previously amounting to “nearly 7B USD”—in recent years lost some 1B USD in value in dollar terms.

Farzin stated that since the money was held in the South Korean national currency, Iran has lost out on the won’s depreciation against the greenback. He further pointed out that no interest has been earned while the money has been frozen in South Korea. In this vein, Farzin underscored that whatever financial resources in Qatar that “six Iranian banks” may not use for non-sanctionable trade will accrue interest. Of further note, the Central Bank of Iran (CBI) governor without going into detail charged that other Iranian assets abroad will also be released.

Farzin’s comments were promptly picked by government-run media. Outlets controlled by the Ebrahim Raisi administration blamed the previous Hassan Rouhani administration for not converting the assets in South Korea to stronger currencies when it supposedly had the chance. In particular, Abdolreza Hemmati—Rouhani’s CBI governor and the sole moderate candidate in the 2021 presidential elections—has been singled out as a target of criticism.

Pro-reform Jamaran daily hit back at the sniping by government media, saying that revenues from oil exports to South Korea were accumulated due to conditions set by former US president Donald Trump (2017-21) prior to his May 2018 withdrawal from the 2015 Iran nuclear deal. At that point in time, the outlet argued, Iran could either stop making use of the remaining “half-open window” to sell oil, or maintain exports—noting that the Rouhani government opted for the latter. Jamaran further charged that restrictions imposed by Washington made it impossible to convert the money to other currencies as “Korean wons in large amounts must first be converted to dollars.” When Trump withdrew from the nuclear deal, the money—held in wons—was frozen.

Hemmati himself also entered the fray, lambasting the Raisi administration for “depriving the country of 72B USD of oil revenues in two years by delaying the implementation of the [deal to revive the nuclear] agreement.” After taking office in Jan. 2021, the Joe Biden administration pursued talks with Iran to revive the Barack Obama-era nuclear deal. However, the outlines of an accord were not ready until Aug. 2022, when Tehran is said to have walked away from the table. In the aftermath of Iran’s deadly crackdown on anti-establishment protests which erupted in Sept. 2022 and rising military cooperation with Russia, Washington stated that it was no longer interested in returning to the nuclear deal. Against this backdrop, Hemmati added that the 1B USD depreciation of Iran’s assets in South Korea took place under the incumbent government, concluding that the Raisi administration’s actions have cost Iran a total of 73B USD.

Good insight into the Iran-USA prisoner swap deal.

Exclusive: Qatar to host Iran-US prisoner exchange, foot bill for asset conversion​

After more than a year of indirect talks, Iran and the United States have agreed on a new prisoner swap. The deal entails Iran’s release of five Iranian-Americans held on security-related charges in exchange for the freeing of four Iranians detained by the US. Washington has also committed to allowing approximately 6B USD worth of Iranian assets held in South Korean banks to be made accessible to Tehran.

Informed sources have told Amwaj.media that the Iranian-Americans have been taken to a hotel, where they will remain in house arrest until the swap. The exchange is expected to take place next month. The detainees are staying in separate rooms on a secured floor and can be visited by immediate family. They have also been given mobile phones with Internet access, with the ability to follow the news. Of note, the lawyer of Iranian-American business consultant Siamak Namazi—the prisoner who has been held the longest in Tehran—has stated that “at least four” of the five detainees will stay at the hotel.

The details of the arrangement

Speaking on condition of anonymity, senior diplomatic and government sources in the region have described the Iran-US deal as the outcome of tough negotiations involving a “mediation process” that took more than a year.

Amwaj.media has learned that Iran’s assets in South Korea will be transferred to Switzerland, where around 8T KRW will be converted to euros. It is unclear whether the money will first need to be exchanged into US dollars prior to being converted to euros. The euros will subsequently be sent to two designated accounts in two Qatari banks, with Iran being granted full access to the financial resources for specific non-sanctionable transactions. The latter includes humanitarian trade and medical imports.

Detailing the mechanism that has been agreed, informed high-ranking sources in the region explained that the money will be moved out of South Korea, exchanged in Switzerland, and then transferred to Qatar in multiple tranches. The currency conversion and money transfer process is slated to take four to six weeks to complete. Subsequently, Tehran and Washington will release the respective groups of detainees.

Unlike past Iran-US swaps—where detainees were either flown to Oman, Switzerland or the United Arab Emirates (UAE)—the prisoner exchange will this time take place in Doha. Notably, Qatar’s role in facilitating the swap also entails footing the bill for costs associated with converting the South Korean wons to euros.

The amount that Doha has committed to fund the currency conversion is unclear. But the tab is expected to be significant—likely running into millions of dollars. This element to the equation, along with Qatar’s existing banking infrastructure and expertise necessary to oversee Iranian spending, contributed to Qatar’s centrality in the implementation of the swap arrangement.

Bickering over wons in Tehran

The deal carries no financial cost for the US as the released assets belong to Iran, and third countries will fund the logistics of moving the money. However, even prior to the implementation of the swap, rival factions in Tehran are bickering over the exercise.

Central Bank Governor Mohammad Reza Farzin, who was appointed to his position amid the crash of the Iranian rial last December, on Aug. 12 congratulated the “foreign exchange diplomacy team” for securing the asset release. However, he also found it “necessary to emphasize” that Iran’s assets in South Korea—previously amounting to “nearly 7B USD”—in recent years lost some 1B USD in value in dollar terms.

Farzin stated that since the money was held in the South Korean national currency, Iran has lost out on the won’s depreciation against the greenback. He further pointed out that no interest has been earned while the money has been frozen in South Korea. In this vein, Farzin underscored that whatever financial resources in Qatar that “six Iranian banks” may not use for non-sanctionable trade will accrue interest. Of further note, the Central Bank of Iran (CBI) governor without going into detail charged that other Iranian assets abroad will also be released.

Farzin’s comments were promptly picked by government-run media. Outlets controlled by the Ebrahim Raisi administration blamed the previous Hassan Rouhani administration for not converting the assets in South Korea to stronger currencies when it supposedly had the chance. In particular, Abdolreza Hemmati—Rouhani’s CBI governor and the sole moderate candidate in the 2021 presidential elections—has been singled out as a target of criticism.

Pro-reform Jamaran daily hit back at the sniping by government media, saying that revenues from oil exports to South Korea were accumulated due to conditions set by former US president Donald Trump (2017-21) prior to his May 2018 withdrawal from the 2015 Iran nuclear deal. At that point in time, the outlet argued, Iran could either stop making use of the remaining “half-open window” to sell oil, or maintain exports—noting that the Rouhani government opted for the latter. Jamaran further charged that restrictions imposed by Washington made it impossible to convert the money to other currencies as “Korean wons in large amounts must first be converted to dollars.” When Trump withdrew from the nuclear deal, the money—held in wons—was frozen.

Hemmati himself also entered the fray, lambasting the Raisi administration for “depriving the country of 72B USD of oil revenues in two years by delaying the implementation of the [deal to revive the nuclear] agreement.” After taking office in Jan. 2021, the Joe Biden administration pursued talks with Iran to revive the Barack Obama-era nuclear deal. However, the outlines of an accord were not ready until Aug. 2022, when Tehran is said to have walked away from the table. In the aftermath of Iran’s deadly crackdown on anti-establishment protests which erupted in Sept. 2022 and rising military cooperation with Russia, Washington stated that it was no longer interested in returning to the nuclear deal. Against this backdrop, Hemmati added that the 1B USD depreciation of Iran’s assets in South Korea took place under the incumbent government, concluding that the Raisi administration’s actions have cost Iran a total of 73B USD.

Good insight into the Iran-USA prisoner swap deal.
We all know that Rouhani government was incompetent with Rouhani himself most likely an MI-6 agent (you are in england..his photo of "most effective agent of the year" may be in the corridors of MI-6 building..:azn:).

Rouhani blamed everything on Ahmadinejad..Raisi blames everything on Rouhani and the blame game just keeps on rolling..pass the buck and hope people will not notice.

What is common in all this is the "ISLAMIC REPUBLIC" system..A system that no one knew at the time what it is but voted for it 43 years ago (the other choice allowed was monarchy!). But now we know this system has ruined Iran's economy, Iranian Currency, Iranian reputation, Iranian culture and language..all we see black wearing crowds vailing and chanting day and nite worshipping Arab dressed figures while every other country around us is progressing rapidly .

We had some bright spots during this time period . Iran industrialized out of necessity did some amazing progress in Military and space and nuclear domain but as we all witness in this forum :

In military: We are still doing well but we are falling behind even North korea so future does not look good

In space : Totally dead (thank you Rouhani+ Raisi waiting for Afghanistan space program to catch up with us)

In nuclear: Stand still..after spending $100 billion dollars on this industry we have few kilos of enriched Uranium of various grades and a Russian built nuclear reactor ..sorry we also have a very large hotel bills for all the negotiations we have done!.

In Oil: we are still crude sellers but the difference is that we do not usually get paid. We have to spend more hotel room bills to negotiate how to get back our money or some of it if we buy fruits and pills only !

In propaganda: in learning mode ..call any Iranian that criticize IR a zionist, liberal, West corrupted, CIA ,mossad, LGBT *sshole, and while you are at it hire non Iranians that can communicate in English to beat up on these IR critics..and give them citizenships so they feel to be part of the tribe..(note: hiring criteria is that you should be able see a zionist under your bed at all times !):undecided:
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