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Iranian Chill Thread

You think both Rouhani and Zarif knew that this deal most likely wouldn’t work out in the long run and they were simply trying to get sanctions relief for as much as they could?
Sadly no.Unfortunately they were both,to put it very mildly,rather naive politicians,who genuinely seemed to believe that a win-win deal with the west was possible,and that as a result,hopefully,iranian-western economic relations could be restored to what they had been back in the 2000-2010 period.They also no doubt hoped that this could be the beginning of something far larger,something that could lead to iranian-western discussions on a far wider range of issues.
I genuinely wish rouhani had been a "cynical arsehole" type politician,someone for whom the jcpoa was merely a way to get him a second term in office,and that if the west tore it up the day after that,who gives a fvck?,it served its purpose.Sadly tho that clearly wasnt the case.
You think both Rouhani and Zarif knew that this deal most likely wouldn’t work out in the long run and they were simply trying to get sanctions relief for as much as they could?
What I remember..

All republican candidate in 2016 primaries (including Trump) had promised to cancel any nuclear deal with Iran if Obama went through with it..

So both Rohanni and Zarif knew about that..They bet on democrats winning and (Trust me they can not cancel it words of US negotiators)...Problem is they tied the future of Iran with a foreign country's internal politics..I am not a diplomat but that is pure stupidity..

Iran should stop hoping for US,Europe, China and Russia goodwills..International politics is not "friendship" as Iran views that but "self interest" some thing that is not well understood by the current IR leadership ..they still get hurt and shocked !!! in their feelings..lol..like Kids in school yard !:undecided:
نهنگ آن به که در دریا ستیزد

Gotta ask this question from you. That's an honest question and out of curiosity. Are you a Bahayi?

Not intended to accuse you of something, just curious.
مرگ یزدگرد

آری،اینک داوران اصلی از راه می رسند. شما را که درفش سپید بود این بود داوری، تا رای درفش سیاه آنان چه باشد
آنچه شما اکنون می کنید نه دادگری است نه چیزی دیگر. آنچه شما اکنون می کنید یکسره بیداد است
پادشاهی که وحشت پرچم اوست. و سپاهش تنهائی است
دشمن تو این سپاه نیست پادشاه ، دشمن را تو خود پرورده ای. دشمن تو پریشانی مردم است
پندنامه بفرست ای موبد، اما اندکی نان نیز بر آن بیفزای. ما مردمان از پند سیر امده ایم و بر نان گرسنه ایم​
مرگ یزدگرد

آری،اینک داوران اصلی از راه می رسند. شما را که درفش سپید بود این بود داوری، تا رای درفش سیاه آنان چه باشد
آنچه شما اکنون می کنید نه دادگری است نه چیزی دیگر. آنچه شما اکنون می کنید یکسره بیداد است
پادشاهی که وحشت پرچم اوست. و سپاهش تنهائی است
دشمن تو این سپاه نیست پادشاه ، دشمن را تو خود پرورده ای. دشمن تو پریشانی مردم است
پندنامه بفرست ای موبد، اما اندکی نان نیز بر آن بیفزای. ما مردمان از پند سیر امده ایم و بر نان گرسنه ایم​
این چیزی که ما میبینیم که قیام شکم سیرهای بالاشهری علیه فقرای پایین شهری هست.
Sadly no.Unfortunately they were both,to put it very mildly,rather naive politicians,who genuinely seemed to believe that a win-win deal with the west was possible,and that as a result,hopefully,iranian-western economic relations could be restored to what they had been back in the 2000-2010 period.They also no doubt hoped that this could be the beginning of something far larger,something that could lead to iranian-western discussions on a far wider range of issues.
I genuinely wish rouhani had been a "cynical arsehole" type politician,someone for whom the jcpoa was merely a way to get him a second term in office,and that if the west tore it up the day after that,who gives a fvck?,it served its purpose.Sadly tho that clearly wasnt the case.

Naïveté is one thing. Abject stupidity is another. I have no idea how these numb nuts were able to carry this that far.
This is what our enemies are afraid of. It’s not a bunch of dudes beating their chests. It’s discipline. It’s belief in the abstract. It’s the very definition of power and insurmountability:

Hijab is lost. My friends tell me many no longer follow Hijab and you can even seen women walking around with tank tops and stomachs exposed.

Government has thrown in the towel. With the sacred holidays over, it’s is doubtful that the genie will be put back into the lamp.

A new era has begun. Much like the late 90’s and early 00’s.
neither . the type of argument you used and where it was driving to.i don't care if anyone call me anything as i was called by many names far worse

quiet revisionist version of history
"far worse"

That makes me a bit hopeful.
neither . the type of argument you used and where it was driving to.i don't care if anyone call me anything as i was called by many names far worse​

quiet revisionist version of history
"far worse"

That makes me a bit hopeful
این چیزی که ما میبینیم که قیام شکم سیرهای بالاشهری علیه فقرای پایین شهری هست.
قیام بی غیرت ها در برابر ایثارگران و از جان گذشتگان
قیام سگ بازان علیه مومنان
قیام زناکاران علیه عابدان
قیام شکم سیرها علیه بی نوایان
قیام نامشروع علیه مشروع
قیام جهل و نادانی در برابر عقل و مقاومت
قیام شیطان در برابر انسان
قیام نفهمی در برابر فهمیدن
قیام کوته نظران در برابر دور اندیشان
قیام بی حجابان در برابر مردم عفیف

خلاصه قیام برخاسته از
BBC و VOA و IranIntl
علیه حکومتی که با خون صدها هزار شهید به ثبات رسیده
مرگ یزدگرد

آری،اینک داوران اصلی از راه می رسند. شما را که درفش سپید بود این بود داوری، تا رای درفش سیاه آنان چه باشد
آنچه شما اکنون می کنید نه دادگری است نه چیزی دیگر. آنچه شما اکنون می کنید یکسره بیداد است
پادشاهی که وحشت پرچم اوست. و سپاهش تنهائی است
دشمن تو این سپاه نیست پادشاه ، دشمن را تو خود پرورده ای. دشمن تو پریشانی مردم است
پندنامه بفرست ای موبد، اما اندکی نان نیز بر آن بیفزای. ما مردمان از پند سیر امده ایم و بر نان گرسنه ایم​
در این مقام فرح‌بخش و جای روحفزای
بخواه باده و بر دل در طرب بگشای

به عیش کوش و حیات دو روزه فرصت دان
چو برق میگذرد عمر، کاهلی منمای

به دستگیری ساغر خلاص شاید یافت
ز جور وهم زمین گرد آسمان پیمای

به پایمردی گلگونه میتوان رستن
ز دست حادثهٔ روزگار محنت زای

طریق زهد نه راهست گرد هرزه مگرد
حدیث توبه نه کار است زان سخن بازآی

شراب خوار، به بزم خدایگان جهان
به کام عیش و طرب راه عمر میپیمای

جهان فیض و کرم رکن دین عمیدالمللک
که باد تا به ابد در پناه لطف خدای

فروغ رایش چون آفتاب عالمگیر
اساس جاهش مانند قطب پا بر جای

همکاری ایران و اندونزی در حوزه‌های واکسن، اصلاح مولکولی و آبزی پروری

خشت اول چون نهد معمار کج تا ثریا می‌رود دیوار کج‏

Naïveté is one thing. Abject stupidity is another. I have no idea how these numb nuts were able to carry this that far.
One [cynical] way to look at it was that khamenei was perfectly willing to give these people,the pro western,neo liberal,reformists,all the rope that they would ever need to hang themselves with several times over.
And they certainly did do just that.....:suicide:
Countries that owe money to Iran but refuse to pay. Bahrain info was new to me but the amount is not known.:undecided:..how can Iran force these countries to pay for what they received or breached their contracts.

Iraq:....................... $10 billion dollars
South Korea:...........$7 billion dollars (probably $10 by now)
Israel:.................... $1.2 billion dollars (probably $ 2.4 by now)
Bahrain:..................$ (amount not known to me)
Pakistan: ................$ 18 billion dollars (breach of contract)

Iranian Vice President for Legal Affairs Mohammad Dehqan says the Islamic Republic is also pursuing the recovery of payments owed by Bahrain besides those of South Korea.

In 2016, a Swiss court determined that Israel owed Iran $1.2 billion (NIS 4.18 billion) in compensation for oil .Israel had claimed that compensation had been calculated incorrectly but that claim was rejected. Israel was also ordered to pay Iran $208,000 (some NIS 723,700) for legal fees.

Pakistani media report that Tehran has warned Islamabad to construct its portion of the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline until March 2024 or pay a penalty of $18 billion.
Countries that owe money to Iran but refuse to pay. Bahrain info was new to me but the amount is not known.:undecided:..how can Iran force these countries to pay for what they received or breached their contracts.

Iraq:....................... $10 billion dollars
South Korea:...........$7 billion dollars (probably $10 by now)
Israel:.................... $1.2 billion dollars (probably $ 2.4 by now)
Bahrain:..................$ (amount not known to me)
Pakistan: ................$ 18 billion dollars (breach of contract)

Iranian Vice President for Legal Affairs Mohammad Dehqan says the Islamic Republic is also pursuing the recovery of payments owed by Bahrain besides those of South Korea.

In 2016, a Swiss court determined that Israel owed Iran $1.2 billion (NIS 4.18 billion) in compensation for oil .Israel had claimed that compensation had been calculated incorrectly but that claim was rejected. Israel was also ordered to pay Iran $208,000 (some NIS 723,700) for legal fees.

Pakistani media report that Tehran has warned Islamabad to construct its portion of the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline until March 2024 or pay a penalty of $18 billion.
- Japan as well, they owe Iran about $9-10 billion
- And I think there are two lawsuits against Israel, that $1.2 billion one is the smaller one, the larger one is still ongoing
- And the UK owes Iran £400m which they paid through Oman, but now Iran says the funds are locked in Oman and they still didn't receive it
- Also Iran has two claims against the USA at the ICJ. In one of them the ICJ found in favour of Iran and ordered USA and Iran to negotiate about how much damages the USA should pay Iran, and if they can't agree within some months (I think 18-24 months), the ICJ will decide

Pakistan cannot pay even $100m so pursuing damages against them is a waste of time

For the others, there are lots of stories (and claims by Iranian officials) about how the US gave these vassal states permission to release those funds to Iran, but only to be used to buy medical goods or food (like Saddam oil for food program), but we never hear details about it, so it's not clear what is happening

Iran, Pakistan Foreign Ministers Discuss Expanding Cooperation​

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