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Iranian Chill Thread

Well Bahayi snakes always hide their true agenda. They don't choose the Bahayi option when they participate in civil sectors.

I asked a question and reminded you that i wasn't trying to make an accusation. The way you indirectly insulted hijab and advertised indifference to religious values reminds me of Bahayism in Iran.

Bahayis are hidden agents of Zionists in Iran. However, they are coming out of their rat-holes esp after 88 elections in Iran which led to a civil unrest and unimaginable insults to Shia's religious values.

Please clarify it to me, as an old friend in this forum which part bothered you?

This that i called you a Bahayi or the part that Bahayis are banned in Iranian society?
Bahayi religion made by hidden jews in Iran. Their job is working for jews.
They are just some servants, real enemy of Iran always were Zionist jews

محمد خاتمی: باید بپذیرید که بخش کثیری از جامعه، حجاب اجباری را نمی‌خواهند​



محمد خاتمی: باید بپذیرید که بخش کثیری از جامعه، حجاب اجباری را نمی‌خواهند​


کثیر از اکثریت خیلی کمتره!🙃
It is a common practice for the Western propaganda machine to attempt to downplay the accomplishments of independent states. They employ various techniques to mock, ridicule, and belittle the achievements of other countries for their own domestic audience, and yet portray them as threatening and dangerous, with the aim of selling their own weapons to gullible regimes.
The Shahed-136 is a loitering munition, and the Western media often uses negatively charged terms to categorize it, such as "suicide drone," "one-way drone," "terror drone" or "single-use drone."
The Western propaganda machine always seeks to belittle others by tying their success stories to other people. If Iranians make something, they claim---citing anonymous sources—that North Koreans were behind it. If North Koreans launch a missile they manage to spot Iranians at the launch site. Take for instance Shahed-136; depending on the days of the week they manage to find Iranian, Chinese, American, Russian, German, and Canadian parts in them and more recently they managed to discover that British universities are actually helping Iran with drone technology! One day Russians are eating Ukrainian babies, the next day Zelensky, the president of Ukraine, manages to shoot down 500 Shahed-136s, and the day after Putin, the president of Russia, is terminally ill and Russia is on the verge of a bloody coup d'état!
کثیر از اکثریت خیلی کمتره!🙃

توی این ۱-۲ هفته اخیر با به سطح اومدن اول اون فساد دانشگاه تهران و بعد هم

فیلم برداری کردن از پلیس
لایحه منتشر شده حجاب
و به خصوص با اضافه شدن نکاتی‌ که به هیچ عنوان سنخیتی با موضوع حجاب نداره مثل موضوع فرد گرایی به این لایحه (تبدیل شدن موضوع‌های فکری و اجتماعی به موضوع امنیتی )

حتما نظرم راجع به دولت تغییر کرده

این متن منتشر شده از آقای خاتمی فقط یه تشکر از دولت کم داره​
تنش روسیه با آمریکا در شرق سوریه در زمان انتخابات امریکا خیلی مهمه

ما نباید الکی درگیر تنشی بشیم که هدفش اوکزاین یا انتخابات آمریکاست

محمد خاتمی: باید بپذیرید که بخش کثیری از جامعه، حجاب اجباری را نمی‌خواهند​


هنوز این مرتیکه مزدور اجنبی نظر از خودش تولید میکنه؟
برو دنبال همون برجام و چطور نوکر بودن برای کدخدا را تئوریزه کن
هنوز این مرتیکه مزدور اجنبی نظر از خودش تولید میکنه؟
برو دنبال همون برجام و چطور نوکر بودن برای کدخدا را تئوریزه کن
الان فکر کنم ۴-۵ سالی‌ می‌شه که برجام وجود خارجی‌ نداره

حالا این نبود برجام زندگی‌ شمارو بهتر کرده توی این مدت ؟ زندگی‌ عموم مردم بهتر که نشده هیچ فکر کنم بدتر هم شده باشه

من که با نبود برجام نه افزایش تاثیر گذار تو صنعت هسته‌ای دیدم به طوری که چیزی تولید بشه که یا به درد امنیت ملت بخوره یا به درد استفاده برای رفاه و جیب مردم
و نه اقدام دیپلماتیک برای درست کردن راه جایگزین برجام داشتیم

وجود برجام باعث اومدن آقای شی جی پینگ به ایران و قرار داد معروف ۴۰۰ میلیاردی ایران‌-چین شد
نبود برجام باعث قرار داد ۳-۴ برابری اعراب با چین شد

این فقط اثر جانبی و شرقی‌ اونه
الان فکر کنم ۴-۵ سالی‌ می‌شه که برجام وجود خارجی‌ نداره

حالا این نبود برجام زندگی‌ شمارو بهتر کرده توی این مدت ؟ زندگی‌ عموم مردم بهتر که نشده هیچ فکر کنم بدتر هم شده باشه

من که با نبود برجام نه افزایش تاثیر گذار تو صنعت هسته‌ای دیدم به طوری که چیزی تولید بشه که یا به درد امنیت ملت بخوره یا به درد استفاده برای رفاه و جیب مردم
و نه اقدام دیپلماتیک برای درست کردن راه جایگزین برجام داشتیم

وجود برجام باعث اومدن آقای شی جی پینگ به ایران و قرار داد معروف ۴۰۰ میلیاردی ایران‌-چین شد
نبود برجام باعث قرار داد ۳-۴ برابری اعراب با چین شد

این فقط اثر جانبی و شرقی‌ اونه

بوی کباب مرغ به مشام میاد.

گویا این جمعیت ‘کثیر’ شکمشان اونقدر پر شده که از خطرات واقعی کور شدن و‌ دنبال لباس و حجاب و فرد گرایی و اینطور مرخرافات می‌رن.

خوشبختانه نظرات این طیف بیشتر از گوز شتر نیست.😃

خوشبختانه ایرانیان عدالت جو فرمان را به دست دارن.

جالبه این مرغ خوران هر وقت بوق رسنایه اجنبی (محرم زدایی) بپا میشه سر و‌کلشون پیدا میشه. خجالت بکشین.
بوی کباب مرغ به مشام میاد.

گویا این جمعیت ‘کثیر’ شکمشان اونقدر پر شده که از خطرات واقعی کور شدن و‌ دنبال لباس و حجاب و فرد گرایی و اینطور مرخرافات می‌رن.

خوشبختانه نظرات این طیف بیشتر از گوز شتر نیست.😃

خوشبختانه ایرانیان عدالت جو فرمان را به دست دارن.

جالبه این مرغ خوران هر وقت بوق رسنایه اجنبی (محرم زدایی) بپا میشه سر و‌کلشون پیدا میشه. خجالت بکشین.
No comment :)
الان فکر کنم ۴-۵ سالی‌ می‌شه که برجام وجود خارجی‌ نداره

حالا این نبود برجام زندگی‌ شمارو بهتر کرده توی این مدت ؟ زندگی‌ عموم مردم بهتر که نشده هیچ فکر کنم بدتر هم شده باشه

من که با نبود برجام نه افزایش تاثیر گذار تو صنعت هسته‌ای دیدم به طوری که چیزی تولید بشه که یا به درد امنیت ملت بخوره یا به درد استفاده برای رفاه و جیب مردم
و نه اقدام دیپلماتیک برای درست کردن راه جایگزین برجام داشتیم

وجود برجام باعث اومدن آقای شی جی پینگ به ایران و قرار داد معروف ۴۰۰ میلیاردی ایران‌-چین شد
نبود برجام باعث قرار داد ۳-۴ برابری اعراب با چین شد

این فقط اثر جانبی و شرقی‌ اونه
Agree with few notes:
This is how others like China,Russia, US see Iranians (True or false that is how they see current Iranian situation)

China and Chinese business groups and individuals will not invest in Iran as long as Iran is considered "unsafe country" internally and externally ....To them Iran can fall into a civil war due to a divided nation status or be invaded externally... Funny they consider Pakistan and Egypt more safe than Iran!

US/West had no intention to honor JCPOA and stupid Rohani and gullible Zarif did not read the situation properly and put everything on it. They are happy to see Iran boxed up with sanctions and with no guts to develop the bomb

China and Russia will always prefer Arabs to Persians because there are 500 million Arabs and they are business oriented..Persians (at the current historical point) are ideological oriented people and do not make good business partners.

So If we want to go it alone we must forget about these countries ..Unite Iranian under a real issue (economy) and march forward.
Agree with few notes:
This is how others like China,Russia, US see Iranians (True or false that is how they see current Iranian situation)

China and Chinese business groups and individuals will not invest in Iran as long as Iran is considered "unsafe country" internally and externally ....To them Iran can fall into a civil war due to a divided nation status or be invaded externally... Funny they consider Pakistan and Egypt more safe than Iran!

US/West had no intention to honor JCPOA and stupid Rohani and gullible Zarif did not read the situation properly and put everything on it. They are happy to see Iran boxed up with sanctions and with no guts to develop the bomb

China and Russia will always prefer Arabs to Persians because there are 500 million Arabs and they are business oriented..Persians (at the current historical point) are ideological oriented people and do not make good business partners.

So If we want to go it alone we must forget about these countries ..Unite Iranian under a real issue (economy) and march forward.

Important things and issues must not be never in hands of diplomats oriented people... the first error commited in the past is to think Iran is an average country that can thinks in economic balances and these things sourced in the west.

Iran must be capable to build an strong internal economy, that guarantes a minimun acceptable standard of life, if population can be feed then there is not going to be problems, or serious ones. Iran is a fertile country, must exploit this to survive any sanctions imposed.

Iran cannot play the way other countries play, because Iran is not accepted in equal terms. The same happens with Russia, huge sanctions are their future, no one is gonna get rid them their pariah status.

China will be the next one, when US deems necessary, probably when Russia falls, it will be China turn. That it s things works, Iran must recognize this situation and empower with weapons in a way they can force sanctions against those who sanctions Iran. I say again military is the way, strenght is the way, weak is the demise.
Agree with few notes:
This is how others like China,Russia, US see Iranians (True or false that is how they see current Iranian situation)

China and Chinese business groups and individuals will not invest in Iran as long as Iran is considered "unsafe country" internally and externally ....To them Iran can fall into a civil war due to a divided nation status or be invaded externally... Funny they consider Pakistan and Egypt more safe than Iran!

US/West had no intention to honor JCPOA and stupid Rohani and gullible Zarif did not read the situation properly and put everything on it. They are happy to see Iran boxed up with sanctions and with no guts to develop the bomb

China and Russia will always prefer Arabs to Persians because there are 500 million Arabs and they are business oriented..Persians (at the current historical point) are ideological oriented people and do not make good business partners.

So If we want to go it alone we must forget about these countries ..Unite Iranian under a real issue (economy) and march forward.

You think both Rouhani and Zarif knew that this deal most likely wouldn’t work out in the long run and they were simply trying to get sanctions relief for as long as they could?
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Please clarify it to me, as an old friend in this forum which part bothered you?

This that i called you a Bahayi or the part that Bahayis are banned in Iranian society?
neither . the type of argument you used and where it was driving to.i don't care if anyone call me anything as i was called by many names far worse
Bahayi religion made by hidden jews in Iran. Their job is working for jews.
They are just some servants, real enemy of Iran always were Zionist jews
quiet revisionist version of history

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