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Iranian Chill Thread

- Japan as well, they owe Iran about $9-10 billion
- And I think there are two lawsuits against Israel, that $1.2 billion one is the smaller one, the larger one is still ongoing
- And the UK owes Iran £400m which they paid through Oman, but now Iran says the funds are locked in Oman and they still didn't receive it
- Also Iran has two claims against the USA at the ICJ. In one of them the ICJ found in favour of Iran and ordered USA and Iran to negotiate about how much damages the USA should pay Iran, and if they can't agree within some months (I think 18-24 months), the ICJ will decide

Pakistan cannot pay even $100m so pursuing damages against them is a waste of time

For the others, there are lots of stories (and claims by Iranian officials) about how the US gave these vassal states permission to release those funds to Iran, but only to be used to buy medical goods or food (like Saddam oil for food program), but we never hear details about it, so it's not clear what is happening

The debt of Iraq is complicated as is the prior debt of UK.

اگر چه جورایی پرداخت شده احترام و عزت در پرداخت نبوده

گاز و برق بدی بعد دنبال پولت بدوی؟
خوب گاز رو بیتکوین کن
Randoms :


US F-35s stationed in Persian Gulf
F-35 inpersian gulf.jpg

Iranian inflation

The last photo by a Russian drone before hitting target

Section 2 of Tehran shomal freeway when fully done

Iranian Islands in the Persian Gulf


The debt of Iraq is complicated as is the prior debt of UK.

اگر چه جورایی پرداخت شده احترام و عزت در پرداخت نبوده

گاز و برق بدی بعد دنبال پولت بدوی؟
خوب گاز رو بیتکوین کن​
زمانی که عراق در حال پرداخت خسارت‌های جنگش با کویت بود بدهی این کشور روز به روز به ایران بیشتر می شد مسئولین ما جوری رفتار کردند که انگار این ایران بوده که کویت صدمه زده و الان در حال جبران کردن اونه

توی همین سال‌ها سهم ایران توی اپک کمتر می شد وهم زمان با کمتر شدن تولید نفت ایران اضافه شدن تولید نفت عراق رو دیدیم
باز هم جالبه که برای افزایش تولید نفت توی بعضی از چاه‌ها لازمه که یا با آب شیرین و یا تزریق گاز انجام بشه !

نکته بعدی که شما هم اشاره کردید با گاز و انرژی توی خود کشور می‌شه صنعت رو گسترش داد
می شه با اون ماهی و مرغ تولید کرد
می‌شه به کشاورزی صنعتی پرداخت

پیش نیاز اصلی تمامی این موارد می‌تونه گاز باشه

زمانی که عراق در حال پرداخت خسارت‌های جنگش با کویت بود بدهی این کشور روز به روز به ایران بیشتر می شد مسئولین ما جوری رفتار کردند که انگار این ایران بوده که کویت صدمه زده و الان در حال جبران کردن اونه

توی همین سال‌ها سهم ایران توی اپک کمتر می شد وهم زمان با کمتر شدن تولید نفت ایران اضافه شدن تولید نفت عراق رو دیدیم
باز هم جالبه که برای افزایش تولید نفت توی بعضی از چاه‌ها لازمه که یا با آب شیرین و یا تزریق گاز انجام بشه !

نکته بعدی که شما هم اشاره کردید با گاز و انرژی توی خود کشور می‌شه صنعت رو گسترش داد
می شه با اون ماهی و مرغ تولید کرد
می‌شه به کشاورزی صنعتی پرداخت

پیش نیاز اصلی تمامی این موارد می‌تونه گاز باشه

The Arab worshippers never asked Iraq to pay compensation for the invasion of Iran..they just said "forgive" them ..lol.. but kuwait extracted every penny of damage from them and they are fellow arabs....Mullahs even fixed Iraqi war planes and returned them to Iraq for free..of course Iraqis get used to kind of " entitelment" from Iran and now refuse to pay their bills.

I am afraid they may do the same for our three islands..give them to Arabs because we mullahs "love" them..!!! WTF.

PS:if you think I am joking think again...they gave an "arabic" name to Iran's crown jewel of weapons the hyper sonic missile...that should tell you where loyalties are.
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The Arab worshippers never asked Iraq to pay compensation for the invasion of Iran..they just said "forgive" them ..lol.. but kuwait extracted every penny of damage from them and they are fellow arabs....Mullahs even fixed Iraqi war planes and returned them to Iraq for free..of course Iraqis get used to kind of " entitelment" from Iran and now refuse to pay their bills.

I am afraid they may do the same for our three islands..give them to Arabs because we mullahs "love" them..!!! WTF.
Go play snow instead of posting your fantasy stories here

And i prefer being a pig than a shorn sheep like you
Naturally our "resident" south east Asian brown boy employed by the mullahs comes again to defend the akhonds ..making a buck from Iran!! Lol
You are more than 30yr old, you don't have a wife/kids or friends to spend time with instead of unleashing your hatred of non-whites on internet?

You are living in Canada, there are plenty of activities to do such as building snowmen or hunting deers

I am afraid they may do the same for our three islands..give them to Arabs because we mullahs "love" them..!!! WTF.
Iran reiterated like 10000 times that there is no discussion or diplomacy concerning the islands, UAE, USA, any country in the world can claim it, that doesn't change anything, Iran can also claim that UAE is the property of Iran, it doesn't change anything. If UAE wants sovereignty over the island, their only method of achieving this is to take and settle them using force, something which they will never do. You are living in a fantasy world just like all the other bounty bars like you
The Arab worshippers never asked Iraq to pay compensation for the invasion of Iran..they just said "forgive" them ..lol.. but kuwait extracted every penny of damage from them and they are fellow arabs
The famous "ceasefire" made by Saddam in 1982 was literally asking that Iran pays "reparations" to Iraq even Iraq invaded and not Iran, and people like you are worshipping that ceasefire saying that Iran should have accepted this to stop the war, if Iran signed this, Iran would have had to pay "compensations" for Iraq invading Iran and also give them a part of Iran, and you are talking of arab worshippers?
Iraq got bombed into oblivion by white invaders, it is still not a sovereign country, they asked US multiple times to leave the country, they didn't, now US controls every single trade and does everything so that either Iran doesn't get paid or gets paid with goods instead of liquidity, and you are thinking that it is Iraq taking such decision

You are a white worshipper
این مسایل مثل حجاب جدید نیستند و نباید برای ما باعث جر و بحث تو‌فروم بشه

من ‌۳ سال اینجا در مورد حجاب و شکاف حجاب به فارسی نوشتم
و آنچه نباید میشد شد

در مورد نفت
واقعیت اینه ما میزان فروش نفت ایران و دریافت پولش رو نمیدونیم. وقتی آمار نداری باید با سورس های مثلا رویترز تحلیل کنی
The Arab worshippers never asked Iraq to pay compensation for the invasion of Iran..they just said "forgive" them ..lol.. but kuwait extracted every penny of damage from them and they are fellow arabs....Mullahs even fixed Iraqi war planes and returned them to Iraq for free..of course Iraqis get used to kind of " entitelment" from Iran and now refuse to pay their bills.
At least they dont give free cash handouts on annual basis just like the zionist worshippers are doing to zionist regime.
At least they dont give free cash handouts on annual basis just like the zionist worshippers are doing to zionist regime.
Actually they do give free cash handouts..lots and lots of it...3 weeks ago having heared that Iran has increased her oil production a large delegation of Palestinians came to Tehran to collect their share of the cash..after usual Arab praises of IR and blah blah blah..they left Iran with suitcases full of cash and smiles on their face...

Hint: At the same time news came out that there is no money for Iranian regional jet development..not to mention complete shutdown of Iran's space activities...connect the dots if you may..
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Iranian FM Pays Tribute to Founder of Pakistan​

Iran FM meets Pakistan prime minister Shehbaz Sharif to boost trade with Pakistan​

Iranian FM’s Visit to Japan Not Confirmed, dismisses Japan's TV anonymous source story that the Japanese officials have asked Iran to stop the alleged exports of arms to Russia​

Did Raisi cut the fuel and energy subsidies or just empty talks? (Burning billions of subsidies go to neighbouring countries through waste and smuggling)

Or are they occupied with strategic issues such as hijab?
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در این مقام فرح‌بخش و جای روحفزای
بخواه باده و بر دل در طرب بگشای

به عیش کوش و حیات دو روزه فرصت دان
چو برق میگذرد عمر، کاهلی منمای

به دستگیری ساغر خلاص شاید یافت
ز جور وهم زمین گرد آسمان پیمای

به پایمردی گلگونه میتوان رستن
ز دست حادثهٔ روزگار محنت زای

طریق زهد نه راهست گرد هرزه مگرد
حدیث توبه نه کار است زان سخن بازآی

شراب خوار، به بزم خدایگان جهان
به کام عیش و طرب راه عمر میپیمای

جهان فیض و کرم رکن دین عمیدالمللک
که باد تا به ابد در پناه لطف خدای

فروغ رایش چون آفتاب عالمگیر
اساس جاهش مانند قطب پا بر جای
How long and when it is gonna happen??43 years and still they make the same mistale over and over ... can you restore water resources? time that has lost to invest on infrastructure? people trust that is gone?
خانه از پای‌بست ویران است/ خواجه در بند نقش ایوان است

این چیزی که ما میبینیم که قیام شکم سیرهای بالاشهری علیه فقرای پایین شهری هست.
First last year protests was first of its own in many ways .. unlike 98 that only poor people and suberb were involved in 01 all classes of society almost in all cities were involved and the reaction of people showed how they have become frustrated ...
Even Qalibaf the head of parliament got the point last year:
رئیس مجلس گفت: در پایان ابراز امیدواری می‌کنم که هرچه زودتر امنیت در کشور بصورت کامل تثبیت شود تا تغییرات مشروع و لازم به سمت حکمرانی نو در عرصه‌های اقتصادی، اجتماعی و سیاسی، در چارچوب نظام سیاسی جمهوری اسلامی آغاز شود.​

Has it happened? if it was just a bunch of rich people then why he said this?
You can wait and see it in upcoming election that it is what you said or what I said ...
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