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Iranian Chill Thread

Coming from another false flag loser.

What's up with you mullah shills carrying foreign Western flags? Do not even bother to use the Iranian flag anymore?

This is how i see it (i do not even know why i respond to a false flag troll but have some time off so here we go lol) : If there is a true unified opposition that can represent the values of the Iranian people and their struggle for freedom then i welcome anyone supporting them in fighting the mullah regime.

Those supporting the illegitimate mullah regime against the Iranian people are enemies of the Iranian nation.

Now you can go and copy paste some pics of fat old chadori women at some unimportant uga buga rally to make your ''point''.

This is your situation as of now, even little girls are pissing at your fked up mindset. Pay attention : these are the ones that have been growing up under your oh so powerful ''leadership'' :lol:

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Please stop fighting our patriotic people.

If you have any sort of logical critics of Mullahs, internal policies etc then please share them with us. We may find an answer for them or just say, yes bro, you were right and we fked up in this sector. No government in the world is without mistakes.

These propaganda posts and insults, i must tell you, i am hearing them on daily basis from Aliev supporting pricks. And that's because me is an Iranian Azeri. Now i don't know whether to laugh or cry after reading your posts. They basically accuse Mullahs of enabling Persian superiority in Iran, i know that is bullshit but think about it. They are complaining why should our national language be Persian? Why should we stay with Iran? etc. You can guess the rest, they are few in numbers but are countered by people like us. The ones that you called IRGC affiliated terrorists :lol:.

I don't take the credit of Iran's territorial integrity for myself, it was thanks to our martyrs. We are just trying hard to keep their legacy alive. And we do that voluntarily, without any financial benefits or other kinds of bribes. We neither live in a dictatorship, we are volunteers. We maybe Pakistanis, Iraqis, Afghans, Azeris, Arabs, point is, we are dedicated to Iran and its values, history and national interests.

You need to ask yourself, who are you and where you stand?
Look at these morons

The remnant of a foreign bastard


A cheap whore and The one that is ready to sell the whole Iran for a bunch of dollars

Other a**holes of the first pictures are asking for a foreign invasion on Iran.
There are 4 categories of Iranians on PDF:

Cat 1: Traitors...those who want regime change in Iran with the help from enemies of Iran.

Cat 2: Patriots...those who want policy changes in the current system but no regime change

Cat 3: Islamist:....those who love Iran but see no or littel fault in how things are run now

Cat 4: Islamic zealots ...those who think it is ok to sacrifice Iranian treasures and values for the sake of greater Islamic world.

So what Category are you!!!!
I'm Islamic Zealot Traitor

This is your situation as of now, even little girls are pissing at your fked up mindset. Pay attention : these are the ones that have been growing up under your oh so powerful ''leadership'' :lol:

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some one who believe in what he preach , not all of them are so
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Please stop fighting our patriotic people.

If you have any sort of logical critics of Mullahs, internal policies etc then please share them with us. We may find an answer for them or just say, yes bro, you were right and we fked up in this sector. No government in the world is without mistakes.

These propaganda posts and insults, i must tell you, i am hearing them on daily basis from Aliev supporting pricks. And that's because me is an Iranian Azeri. Now i don't know whether to laugh or cry after reading your posts. They basically accuse Mullahs of enabling Persian superiority in Iran, i know that is bullshit but think about it. They are complaining why should our national language be Persian? Why should we stay with Iran? etc. You can guess the rest, they are few in numbers but are countered by people like us. The ones that you called IRGC affiliated terrorists :lol:.

I don't take the credit of Iran's territorial integrity for myself, it was thanks to our martyrs. We are just trying hard to keep their legacy alive. And we do that voluntarily, without any financial benefits or other kinds of bribes. We neither live in a dictatorship, we are volunteers. We maybe Pakistanis, Iraqis, Afghans, Azeris, Arabs, point is, we are dedicated to Iran and its values, history and national interests.

You need to ask yourself, who are you and where you stand?
Look at these morons
View attachment 924947

The remnant of a foreign bastard

View attachment 924948

A cheap whore and The one that is ready to sell the whole Iran for a bunch of dollars
View attachment 924949

Other a**holes of the first pictures are asking for a foreign invasion on Iran.
Yes mohammad yes. We gone through this before. However the issue with you and your alikes in Iran is (talking about Iranians) that your history starts from 1979. You will sacrifice our culture and civilization for your 4-decades cult.

Remember Iran has been around thousands of years and your cult just around 4 decades. Iran was around even before your religion came into existance.

So a bit of respect is required from you folks. You can be a Shia muslim, great, but do not drag and force others to comply with you or you will face the kind of resistance you see nowadays within the country. (feel free to portray them as insignificant or whatever).
Yes mohammad yes. We gone through this before. However the issue with you and your alikes in Iran is (talking about Iranians) that your history starts from 1979. You will sacrifice our culture and civilization for your 4-decades cult.

Remember Iran has been around thousands of years and your cult just around 4 decades. Iran was around even before your religion came into existance.

So a bit of respect is required from you folks. You can be a Shia muslim, great, but do not drag and force others to comply with you or you will face the kind of resistance you see nowadays within the country. (feel free to portray them as insignificant or whatever).

I enjoy your posts. Traitor chickens, like you, running around without their heads and blindly running into things while their disconnected beaks screech, are enormously funny. Just take care not kick your head around. We’ll do that for you. Many thanks for the show. 😆
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I enjoy your posts. Traitor chickens, like you, running around without their heads and blinding running into things while their disconnected beaks screech, are enormously funny. Just take care not kick your head around. We’ll do that for you. Many thanks for the show. 😆
Another false flagger coward. Are forum rules being enforced here? @waz @WebMaster I thought it is against the forum rules using false flags? This person is for sure NOT Anquilian nor residing in Anguillia.

For now you are being beaten by little girls left and right :lol: Enjoy the show.
“Mullahs” don’t control Iran. Anyone with a brain that does any business in that country will tell you the power is in the hands of powerful technocrats and IRGC affiliated factions.

The fact is there are factions that make ALOT of money via the sanctions regime being in place. I know people who have trouble importing into Iran because of customs purposely banning so many products so factions themselves can bring it in on the backend and take over a market.

If you think magically removing hijab will solve the economic problems you are naive. It will just give more freedom to people to breath. At best Iran will then become more like Syria society, secular society with nightclubs and alcohol, but crippling government issues and corruption. Economic languish due to lack of economic reform and factions fighting over control of the pie.

The problem goes way way beyond “mullahs”. With an estimate 30-40% of Iranian economy in hands of IRGC and its technocrats and its economic umbrella of companies…the Mullahs are the least problem in the overall picture.
Typical New york post and Washington times nonsense.

Last time i checked the guardian council were ruled by the mullahs same goes to the tens of other bodies out there. Clerics (mullahs) are supervisors of the armed organizations. Every division within artesh/sepah has a clerical overseer (hidden under terms like spirituality-spiritual guidance)

The notion that IRGC is running things behind the scene is laughable. IRGC exists thanks to the clerics.
Having prophet mohammad in your signature and talking like this? Another proof that mullah shills are not muslim.

You think this is mullah country where you can silence opponents?

Be a man badbakht. Talk and face issues like a real man instead hiding like a girl. Come on guys, don't be so boring. Atleast make the effort and write some arguments like @Muhammed45 (at least he tried). Make your points on why you think the mullah regime is good for Iran and the wider world... and what the mullah regime should do if they lost their legitimacy in the eyes of the nation?

Guess this corner of the forum is not even worth the time anymore. Boring.
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Having prophet mohammad in your signature and talking like this? Another proof that mullah shills are not muslim.

You think this is mullah country where you can silence opponents?

Be a man badbakht. Talk and face issues like a real man instead hiding like a girl. Come on guys, don't be so boring. Atleast make the effort and write some arguments like @Muhammed45 (at least he tried). Make your points on why you think the mullah regime is good for Iran and the wider world... and what the mullah regime should do if they lost their legitimacy in the eyes of the nation?

Guess this corner of the forum is not even worth the time anymore. Boring.

Because they've defended IRanian empire in Zombie Land and of middle east for 40 years

Btw don't drink too much Alcohol

Don't insult our members in this forum be it European Iranian or any nationality
Coming from another false flag loser.

What's up with you mullah shills carrying foreign Western flags? Do not even bother to use the Iranian flag anymore?

This is how i see it (i do not even know why i respond to a false flag troll but have some time off so here we go lol) : If there is a true unified opposition that can represent the values of the Iranian people and their struggle for freedom then i welcome anyone supporting them in fighting the mullah regime.

Those supporting the illegitimate mullah regime against the Iranian people are enemies of the Iranian nation.

Now you can go and copy paste some pics of fat old chadori women at some unimportant uga buga rally to make your ''point''.

This is your situation as of now, even little girls are pissing at your fked up mindset. Pay attention : these are the ones that have been growing up under your oh so powerful ''leadership'' :lol:

View attachment 924929
I'm not Iranian nor Shia you smooth brained conspiracy theorist. I'm actually in my country - your ilk are usually not.
You flee here because "mullah oppression" and then once settled you immediately start demanding my country and the EU for intervention in the country you left.

Listening to your kind in Sweden one would believe that all of Iran is a backward hell hole, where ISIS style executions are common, poor women are imprisoned at home, they can't study or work, forced to wear burkas, and no infrastructure type of society.

Disliking your government is fine, but advocating for western intervention by spreading misinformation and demonising a country is considered treasonous where I'm from.

The failed riots in Iran I led me to this forum and I'm glad to find some more nuanced news about Iran considering all other mainstream outlets are infested with propaganda and lies by people like you.

Next year me and some friends are planning to visit Iran and see for ourselves.
You'd be surprised to know that many non Iranians support Iran in its fight for multipolarity and its fight against IS.

I'm not Iranian nor Shia you smooth brained conspiracy theorist. I'm actually in my country - your ilk are usually not.
You flee here because "mullah oppression" and then once settled you immediately start demanding my country and the EU for intervention in the country you left.

Listening to your kind in Sweden one would believe that all of Iran is a backward hell hole, where ISIS style executions are common, poor women are imprisoned at home, they can't study or work, forced to wear burkas, and no infrastructure type of society.

Disliking your government is fine, but advocating for western intervention by spreading misinformation and demonising a country is considered treasonous where I'm from.

The failed riots in Iran I led me to this forum and I'm glad to find some more nuanced news about Iran considering all other mainstream outlets are infested with propaganda and lies by people like you.

Next year me and some friends are planning to visit Iran and see for ourselves.
You'd be surprised to know that many non Iranians support Iran in its fight for multipolarity and its fight against IS.

LOL and you are supposed to be the most intelligent out of you lot here?

So a false flagger with Swedish flags is going to convince this forum that he is really from Sweden and the oh so evil news about the clerical regime is only propaganda?

You can't make this %hit up

Even if we assume that you are from Sweden, are you going to tell me, an Iranian, which news to believe regarding my own country? :rofl:

The most funniest thing is that you said you only come to this corner of the internet to get your super duper credible news :rofl:

Man, i consider it even an insult against myself by talking with you guys. Freaking laughable. Poor other members must be shocked here when they take a look in the Iranian chill thread.

@all... this is not the IQ of the average Iranian. What you are seeing here is a pathetic funny attempt at whitewashing mullah crimes.

Because they've defended IRanian empire in Zombie Land and of middle east for 40 years

Btw don't drink too much Alcohol

Don't insult our members in this forum be it European Iranian or any nationality
Don't drink too much alcohol? omg

From which village in Iran or Lebanon,Somalia, Syria are you typing these things?
I'm not Iranian nor Shia you smooth brained conspiracy theorist. I'm actually in my country - your ilk are usually not.
You flee here because "mullah oppression" and then once settled you immediately start demanding my country and the EU for intervention in the country you left.

Listening to your kind in Sweden one would believe that all of Iran is a backward hell hole, where ISIS style executions are common, poor women are imprisoned at home, they can't study or work, forced to wear burkas, and no infrastructure type of society.

Disliking your government is fine, but advocating for western intervention by spreading misinformation and demonising a country is considered treasonous where I'm from.

The failed riots in Iran I led me to this forum and I'm glad to find some more nuanced news about Iran considering all other mainstream outlets are infested with propaganda and lies by people like you.

Next year me and some friends are planning to visit Iran and see for ourselves.
You'd be surprised to know that many non Iranians support Iran in its fight for multipolarity and its fight against IS.


Typical New york post and Washington times nonsense.

Last time i checked the guardian council were ruled by the mullahs same goes to the tens of other bodies out there. Clerics (mullahs) are supervisors of the armed organizations. Every division within artesh/sepah has a clerical overseer (hidden under terms like spirituality-spiritual guidance)

The notion that IRGC is running things behind the scene is laughable. IRGC exists thanks to the clerics.

Once you actually hold property in Iran and do business in Iran come talk. Your post reads like you google’d the Islamic Republic’s governance structure from Wikipedia.

Tired of ex-pats with little economic ties to Iran lecturing us on how ‘things work’ in the country.

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