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Iranian Chill Thread

Count motivation and hard work and not just money.

Motivation and hard work doesn’t pay the bills.

At the end of the day, high tech end products (semi conductors, LNG, deep sea oil drilling, gas turbines, jet engines, etc) require massive capital spending to reach scale and profitability….and yes an intellectual workforce.
Motivation and hard work doesn’t pay the bills.

At the end of the day, high tech end products (semi conductors, LNG, deep sea oil drilling, gas turbines, jet engines, etc) require massive capital spending to reach scale and profitability….and yes an intellectual workforce.

Remember, you are McNamara fallacy example.

McNamara said (in Vietnam war) that keep counting the dead bodies and the ships and planes and money. That shows we are the winners. If you cannot count something (motivation, etc), it is not important.

Same thing happened in Afghanistan.
Having a "sane" pro-Iran foreign policy does not mean Iran should become a vassal state (and you are all intelligent enough to know that).

China has a sane foreign policy..she is independent but trades with the west ...does not want to destroy Israel (very important point..lol)

Iran's "Insane foreign policy as it stands today:
  • Remove Israel from Middle east
  • Kick US out of West Asia
  • Fund using Iranian $$$,oil and weapons all oppressed freedom seeking people of the world
Note: none of the above three items benefits Iran directly So why no one questions this insanity within the Iranian establishment. Are they all become "Yes" man.where is the debate on this .
Being pro_iran is not the same as being Slave to the west.Iranian system does not have "real" opposition and just like any other system will go off the rail without error correction (engineers know what I am talking about..lol)..Too bad Inside Iran's clerical establishment no one dares to question this policy without being labelled " Pro West liberal dog, zionist blah blah blah" so I am questioning this on this PDF forum and before going to walk my dog!:coffee:
Having a "sane" pro-Iran foreign policy does not mean Iran should become a vassal state (and you are all intelligent enough to know that).

China has a sane foreign policy..she is independent but trades with the west ...does not want to destroy Israel (very important point..lol)


It’s either we need to be North Korea or we need to be South Korea in peoples minds on here. Two extremists positions.

Protests went from once a decade to once every other year now. Last time some government officials broke rank with the main government position. Next time it will be worse. And the time after that. And after that.

This current path is a path to destruction, not salvation.

Iran has put all its eggs in the China superpower basket. That China will lead the new world order and that the dollar will become a shell of its former self.

That is one risky bet to make.

So, i stumbled on a nice video.

So, 35 years ago Iranians were no different. Attacking civilians as they do now. When conforted by a real army, they got their asses kicked.

I should thank god everyday for borning Turkish. I don't know how could i live if i had been an Iranian (god forbid).

On a second though, i think i wouldn't be ashamed if i had been born an Iranian because i would know no shame.
isn't it about time you cvnts just accept the reality of the Juice state and say.. ok. kubool !

So, i stumbled on a nice video.

So, 35 years ago Iranians were no different. Attacking civilians as they do now. When conforted by a real army, they got their asses kicked.

I should thank god everyday for borning Turkish. I don't know how could i live if i had been an Iranian (god forbid).

On a second though, i think i wouldn't be ashamed if i had been born an Iranian because i would know no shame.
I think your time would be better spent watching videos learning how to make apartment buildings that do not collapse at the first shaking...leave Iranian affairs to more intelligent individuals.
I don't know how could i live if i had been an Iranian (god forbid).

On a second though, i think i wouldn't be ashamed if i had been born an Iranian because i would know no shame.
isn't it about time you cvnts just accept the reality
The stink of these Torks and Indians is making my stomach turn.

@waz @PakSword @AgNoStiC MuSliM can someone deter these trolls from infecting the Iranian section with their pollution?
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